900 resultados para Fear-relevant Stimuli


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Snakes are thought as fear-relevant stimuli (biologically prepared to be associated with fear) which can lead to an enhanced attentional capture when compared fear-irrelevant stimuli. Inherent limitations related to the key-press behaviour might be bypassed with the measurement of eye movements, since they are more closely related to attentional processes than reaction times. An eye tracking technique was combined with the flicker paradigm in two studies. A sample of university students was gathered. In both studies, an instruction to detect changes between the pair of scenes was given. Attentional orienting for the changing element in the scene was analyzed, as well the role of fear of snakes as a moderator variable. The results for both studies revealed a significant shorter time to first fixation for snake stimuli when compared to control stimuli. A facilitating effect of fear of snakes was also found for snakes, presenting the highly fear participants a shorter a time to first fixation for snake stimuli when compared to low-feared participants. The results are in line with current research that supports the advantage of snakes to grab attention due their evo-biological significance.


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The current research examined valence and attentional processing of a priori fear relevant stimuli and investigated the extent to which these characteristics can be acquired by non fear relevant stimuli across an aversive learning episode. The first experiment compared pictures of snakes and spiders with pictures of birds and fish using affective priming, visual search and detection of a dot probe. Snakes and spiders were more negative than birds and fish as indexed by affective priming, and were preferentially attended to in the visual search task. The second experiment exposed the non fear relevant animal pictures, birds and fish, in an aversive learning episode involving an aversive shock US. Skin conductance responding was measured during acquisition. After acquisition, conditioned non fear relevant animal stimuli, CS1, and non conditioned, non fear relevant animal stimuli, CS, were compared across affective priming, visual search and dot probe tasks. During acquisition, skin conductance responses were larger during CS1 than during CS across all three response intervals. After acquisition, CS1 non fear relevant animal pictures were more negative than CS non fear relevant animal pictures as indexed by affective priming, and were preferentially attended to in a dot probe task. These studies provide evidence that negative valence and modified attentional processing can be acquired in a brief aversive learning episode.


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Fear-relevant stimuli, such as snakes, spiders and heights, preferentially capture attention as compared to nonfear-relevant stimuli. This is said to reflect an encapsulated mechanism whereby attention is captured by the simple perceptual features of stimuli that have evolutionary significance. Research, using pictures of snakes and spiders, has found some support for this account; however, participants may have had prior fear of snakes and spiders that influenced results. The current research compared responses of snake and spider experts who had little fear of snakes and spiders, and control participants across a series of affective priming and visual search tasks. Experts discriminated between dangerous and nondangerous snakes and spiders, and expert responses to pictures of nondangerous snakes and spiders differed from those of control participants. The current results dispute that stimulus fear relevance is based purely on perceptual features, and provides support for the role of learning and experience.


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The observation that snakes and spiders are found faster among flowers and mushrooms than vice versa and that this search advantage is independent of set size supports the notion that fear-relevant stimuli are processed preferentially in a dedicated fear module. Experiment I replicated the faster identification of snakes and spiders but also found a set size effect in a blocked, but not in a mixed-trial, sequence. Experiment 2 failed to find faster identification of snake and spider deviants relative to other animals among flowers and mushrooms and provided evidence for a search advantage for pictures of animals, irrespective of their fear relevance. These findings suggest that results from the present visual search task cannot support the notion of preferential processing of fear relevance.


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Attentional bias to fear-relevant animals was assessed in 69 participants not preselected on self-reported anxiety with the use of a dot probe task showing pictures of snakes, spiders, mushrooms, and flowers. Probes that replaced the fear-relevant stimuli (snakes and spiders) were found faster than probes that replaced the non-fear-relevant stimuli, indicating an attentional bias in the entire sample. The bias was not correlated with self-reported state or trait anxiety or with general fearfulness. Participants reporting higher levels of spider fear showed an enhanced bias to spiders, but the bias remained significant in low scorers. The bias to snake pictures was not related to snake fear and was significant in high and low scorers. These results indicate preferential processing of fear-relevant stimuli in an unselected sample.


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Previous research in visual search indicates that animal fear-relevant deviants, snakes/spiders, are found faster among non fear-relevant backgrounds, flowers/mushrooms, than vice versa. Moreover, deviant absence was indicated faster among snakes/spiders and detection time for flower/mushroom deviants, but not for snake/spider deviants, increased in larger arrays. The current research indicates that the latter 2 results do not reflect on fear-relevance, but are found only with flower/mushroom controls. These findings may reflect on factors such as background homogeneity, deviant homogeneity, or background-deviant similarity. The current research removes contradictions between previous studies that used animal and social fear-relevant stimuli and indicates that apparent search advantages for fear-relevant deviants seem likely to reflect on delayed attentional disengagement from fear-relevance on control trials.


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We investigated the effects of conditional stimulus fear-relevance and of instructed extinction on human Pavlovian conditioning as indexed by electrodermal responses and verbal ratings of conditional stimulus unpleasantness. Half of the participants (n = 64) were trained with pictures of snakes and spiders (fear-relevant) as conditional stimuli, whereas the others were trained with pictures of flowers and mushrooms (fear-irrelevant) in a differential aversive Pavlovian conditioning procedure. Half of the participants in each group were instructed after the completion of acquisition that no more unconditional stimuli were to be presented. Extinction of differential electrodermal responses required more trials after training with fear-relevant pictures. Moreover, there was some evidence that verbal instructions did not affect extinction of second interval electrodermal responses to fear-relevant pictures. However, neither fear-relevance nor instructions affected the changes in rated conditional stimulus pleasantness. This dissociation across measures is interpreted as reflecting renewal of Pavlovian learning.


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Fear relevance, the potential of a stimulus to become quickly associated with fear, is a characteristic assumed to have an evolutionary basis and to result in preferential processing. Previous research has shown that fear relevant stimuli share a number of characteristics, negative valence and preferential identification in a visual search task, for instance. The present research examined whether these two characteristics can be acquired by non-fear relevant stimuli (geometric shapes) as a result of Pavlovian fear conditioning. Two experiments employed an aversive learning paradigm with geometric shape CSs and a shock US, with stimulus ratings, affective priming and visual search performance assessed before and after acquisition and after extinction. Differential electrodermal responses, larger during CS1 than CS, were present during acquisition but not during extinction. Affective priming results suggest that the CS1 acquired negative valence during acquisition, which was lost during extinction. However, negative valence as indexed by more negative ratings for CS1 than for CS shapes seemed to survive extinction. Preferential attentional processing as indexed by faster detection of CS1 among CS shapes than vice versa on the visual search task also remained. The current research confirmed that characteristics of fear relevant stimuli can be acquired in an aversive learning episode and that they may be extinguished. This supports the proposal that fear relevance may be malleable through learning.


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Ohman and colleagues provided evidence for preferential processing of pictures depicting fear-relevant animals by showing that pictures of snakes and spiders are found faster among pictures of fiowers and mushrooms than vice versa and that the speed of detecting fear-relevant animals was not affected by set size whereas the speed of detecting fiowers/mushrooms was. Experiment 1 replicated this finding. Experiment 2, however, found similar search advantages when pictures of cats and horses or of wolves and big cats were to be found among pictures of flowers and mushrooms. Moreover, Experiment 3, in a within subject comparison, failed to find faster identification of snakes and spiders than of cats and horses among flowers and mushrooms. The present findings seem to indicate that previous reports of preferential processing of pictures of snakes and spiders in a visual search task may reflect a processing advantage for animal pictures in general rather than fear-relevance.


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Arousing stimuli, either threat-related or pleasant, may be selected for priority at different stages within the processing stream. Here we examine the pattern of processing for non-task-relevant threatening (spiders: arousing to some) and pleasant stimuli (babies or chocolate: arousing to all) by recording the gaze of a spider Fearful and Non-fearful group while they performed a simple “follow the cross” task. There was no difference in first saccade latencies. Saccade trajectories showed a general hypervigilance for all stimuli in the Fearful group. Saccade landing positions corresponded to what each group would find arousing, such that the Fearful group deviated towards both types of images whereas the Non-fearful group deviated towards pleasant images. Secondary corrective saccade latencies away from threat-related stimuli were longer for the Fearful group (difficulty in disengaging) compared with the Non-fearful group. These results suggest that attentional biases towards arousing stimuli may occur at different processing stages.


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Research investigating anxiety-related attentional bias for emotional information in anxious and nonanxious children has been equivocal with regard to whether a bias for fear-related stimuli is unique to anxious children or is common to children in general. Moreover, recent cognitive theories have proposed that an attentional bias for objectively threatening stimuli may be common to all individuals, with this effect enhanced in anxious individuals. The current study investigated whether an attentional bias toward fear-related pictures could be found in nonselected children (n = 105) and adults (n = 47) and whether a sample of clinically anxious children (n = 23) displayed an attentional bias for fear-related pictures over and above that expected for nonselected children. Participants completed a dot-probe task that employed fear-related, neutral, and pleasant pictures. As expected, both adults and children showed a stronger attentional bias toward fear-related pictures than toward pleasant pictures. Consistent with some findings in the childhood domain, the extent of the attentional bias toward fear-related pictures did not differ significantly between anxious children and nonselected children. However, compared with nonselected children, anxious children showed a stronger attentional bias overall toward affective picture stimuli. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Evidence from animal and human studies imply the amygdala as the most critical structure involved in processing of fear-relevant stimuli. In phobias, the amygdala seems to play a crucial role in the pathogenesis and maintenance of the disorder. However, the neuropathology of specific phobias remains poorly understood. In the present study, we investigated whether patients with spider phobia show altered amygdala volumes as compared to healthy control subjects.


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Cognitive-motivational theories of phobias propose that patients' behavior is characterized by a hypervigilance-avoidance pattern. This implies that phobics initially direct their attention towards fear-relevant stimuli, followed by avoidance that is thought to prevent objective evaluation and habituation. However, previous experiments with highly anxious individuals confirmed initial hypervigilance and yet failed to show subsequent avoidance. In the present study, we administered a visual task in spider phobics and controls, requiring participants to search for spiders. Analyzing eye movements during visual exploration allowed the examination of spatial as well as temporal aspects of phobic behavior. Confirming the hypervigilance-avoidance hypothesis as a whole, our results showed that, relative to controls, phobics detected spiders faster, fixated closer to spiders during the initial search phase and fixated further from spiders subsequently.