956 resultados para Fauna de Cerambycidae
Oitenta e quatro espécies são registradas para o Estado do Maranhão: Prioninae (uma), Disteniinae (uma), Cerambycinae (49) e Lamiinae (33). O número total de espécies assinaladas para o Estado eleva-se a 367. Nove novas espécies são descritas em Cerambycinae: Chlorida inexpectata sp. nov. (Bothriospilini); Jupoata germana sp. nov. (Cerambycini); Eburodacrys separatus sp. nov. e Eburodacrys cincora sp. nov. (Eburiini); Ectenessa affinis sp. nov. (Ectenessini); Minibidion bicolor sp. nov. (Ibidionini, Tropidiina); Compsibidion maculatum sp. nov. e Compsibidion ytu sp. nov. (Ibidionini,Ibidionina); Ideratus beatus sp. nov. (Ideratini). Três espécies são descritas em Lamiinae: Aerenea gibba sp. nov. (Compsosomatini); Mimasyngenes barbozai sp. nov. (Desmiphorini); Cacostola exilis sp. nov. (Onciderini). Uma variação no colorido de Adesmus paradiana Galileo & Martins, 2004 é observada. Corrigenda de Piruana pulchra Martins et al., 2009 para Piruauna pulchra (Desmiphorini).
Nesta segunda contribuição à fauna dos Cerambycidae do Estado do Maranhão arrolam-se 123 espécies das quais 114 constituem novos registros. Novas espécies descritas em Cerambycinae: Ophtalmoplon similis (Hexoplonini), Gorybia bispinosa (Piezocerini), Aneuthetochorus punctatus, Minibidion bicolor (Ibidionini), Piezophidion thoracicum (Elaphidionini), Temnopis rubricollis (Oemini); em Lamiinae: Anobrium minimum (Pteropliini), Cacostola bimaculata, C. parafusca, Trestonia rugosicollis (Onciderini), Eupromerella maculosa, E. picturata, Nesozineus unicolor (Acanthoderini), Piruana pulchra (Desmiphorini), Pachypeza ferruginea (Hippopsini).
Uma nova espécie de Compsibidion Thomson, 1864 é descrita do Piauí. Sydacini, nova tribo de Cerambycinae, é validada. As espécies de Cerambycidae atualmente registradas para o Piauí (118) e para o Ceará (126) são apresentadas. São acrescentados vinte e dois novos registros para o Piauí e onze para o Ceará. Duas espécies são excluídas da fauna do Ceará: Hippopsis lemniscata lemniscata (Fabricius, 1801) e Oncideres saga (Dalman, 1823).
Polyrhaphis Audinet-Serville, 1835, gênero de Lamiinae distribuído entre o México e América do Sul (excluindo o Chile e abaixo da latitude 35°S), é revisado. Três espécies novas são descritas: P. baloupae, procedente da Guiana Francesa; P. lanei, proveniente do Brasil (Amazonas e Pará); e P. peruana, do Peru. Duas espécies são sinonimizadas: P. testacea Lane, 1965 (= P. gracilis Bates, 1862) e P. paraensis [= P. papulosa (Olivier, 1795)]. É designado neótipo para P. papulosa. A autoria de P. horrida [= P. spinosa (Drury, 1773)] é discutida. Cerambyx armatus Voet (1778?) é considerado um nome inválido e Lamia armiger Schöenherr, 1817 (= Polyrhaphis armiger) o nome válido dessa espécie. Polyrhaphis spinipennis Laporte, 1840, é excluída da fauna da Colômbia. Novos registros de distribuição: P. argentina Lane, 1978, para o estado de São Paulo (Brasil); P. batesi Hovore & McCarty, 1998, para o Equador; P. belti Hovore & McCarty, 1998 para o Equador e Colômbia; P. gracilis Bates, 1862, para a guiana Francesa; e P. turnbowi Hovore & McCarty, 1998, em dúvida, para o Peru. É apresentada chave para as espécies do gênero.
New records added to the Colombian fauna: Susuacanga unicolor (Bates, 1870), Opades costipennis (Buquet, 1844), Eburodacrys havanensis Chevrolat, 1862, E. granipennis Gounelle, 1909, E. moruna Martins, 1997, E. nemorivaga Gounelle, 1909, E. pilicornis Fisher, 1944. New species described: Pantomallus martinezi, from Cundinamarca and Meta and Beraba inermis, from Cundinamarca.
New species described: Chrysoprasis pilosa from Huila. New records for Colombian Cerambycidae fauna: Tillomorphini, Euderces posticus (Pascoe, 1866); Heteropsini, Alloesia chlorophana Chevrolat, 1862; Monnecles apollinarii (Gounelle, 1913); Trachyderini, Ancylocerina, Ceralocyna variegata Monné & Napp, 1999; Trachyderini, Trachyderina, Crioprosopus cacicus Bates, 1885; Ancylosternus m. morio (Fabricius, 1787); Ozodera callidioides Dupont, 1840; Trachyderes hermani Huedepohl, 1985.
New taxa described from Colombia: Desmiphora (D.) tristis sp. nov. from Cundinamarca; Blabia longipennis sp. nov. from Nariño; Anhanga gen. nov., type species A. diabolica sp. nov. from Valle del Cauca; Exalphus vicinus sp. nov. from Santander; Necalphus maranduba sp. nov. from Amazonas; Paradesmus gen. nov., type species, P. iuba sp. nov. from Atlántico. New combination proposed: Padesmus brunneus (Aurivillius, 1923) from Adesmus. New records for nineteen species (Acanthoderini, Acanthocinini, Aerenicini, Desmiphorini, Hemilophini, Polyrhaphidini) of Colombian fauna are given.
Novas espécies de Onciderini são descritas da Bolívia, Santa Cruz, Buena Vista (Hotel Flora & Fauna): Trestoncideres albiventris sp. nov., Trestonia morrisi sp. nov. e Oncideres wappesi sp. nov.
A comprehensive revision of the Subfamily Parandrinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from the Hawaiian, Australasian, Oriental, and Japanese regions is presented. Seven (7) new genera are described: Komiyandra, Melanesiandra, Papuandra, Storeyandra, Hawaiiandra, Caledonandra, and Malukandra. All known, indigenous species from these regions are assigned to new genera resulting in the following new combinations: Komiyandra janus (Bates, 1875), K. shibatai (Hayashi, 1963), K. formosana (Miwa and Mitono, 1939), K. lanyuana (Hayashi, 1981), Melanesiandra striatifrons (Fairmaire, 1879), M. solomonensis (Arigony, 1983), Caledonandra austrocaledonica (Montrouzier, 1861), C. passandroides (Thomson, 1867), Hawaiiandra puncticeps (Sharp, 1878), Malukandra heterostyla (Lameere, 1902), Storeyandra frenchi (Blackburn, 1895), and Papuandra araucariae (Gressitt, 1959). Thirty-one (31) new species are described: Komiyandra javana, K. nayani, K. ohbayashii, K. luzonica, K. philippinensis, K. mindanao, K. mehli, K. vivesi, K. lombokia, K. sulawesiana, K. irianjayana, K. menieri, K. sangihe, K. mindoro, K. niisatoi, K. drumonti, K. cabigasi, K. koni, K. johkii, K. poggii, K. uenoi, Melanesiandra bougainvillensis, M. birai, Papuandra gressitti, P. weigeli, P. queenslandensis, P. norfolkensis, P. rothschildi, P. oberthueri, Malukandra jayawijayana and M. hornabrooki. A lectotype is designated for Parandra janus Bates, 1875. Komiyandra janus (Bates, 1875) is excluded from nearly all previously reported locations, even one location given in the original description, and is now only known from Sulawesi. A paralectotype of Parandra janus Bates, 1875, is designated as a paratype for Komiyandra menieri, new species. Komiyandra formosana is excluded from the Japanese (Ryukyu Is.) fauna. Parandra vitiensis Nonfried, 1894, is again placed in synonymy with P. striatifrons Fairmaire (now Melanesiandra striatifrons). A neotype is designated for Parandra austrocaledonica Montrouzier, 1861. A lectotype is designated for Parandra janus Bates, 1875. The lectotype of Parandra gabonica Thomson, 1858, designated by Quentin and Villiers (1975) is considered invalid. Papuandra araucariae (Gressitt, 1959) is excluded from the fauna of Norfolk Island. The African species Stenandra kolbei (Lameere, 1903) is reported for the first time from Asia (N. Vietnam). Keys are presented to separate worldwide genera of Parandrini and all species within the study regions. Illustrations are provided for all species including many special characters to differentiate genera and species.
An updated checklist of the Cerambycidae of Costa Rica is presented. This new version includes 1,071 species and subspecies in 429 genera, 69 tribes, and six subfamilies. Of these, 181 are new country records and 136 species are known only from Costa Rica. In addition, provincial distribution data are provided for each species. The checklist supports a wealth of scientific literature in many other groups of flora and fauna indicating Costa Rica has high species richness of cerambycid beetles. Se presenta una lista actualizada de los Cerambycidae de Costa Rica. Esta nueva versión incluye 1.071 especies y subespecies en 429 géneros, 69 tribus, y seis subfamilias. De estas, 181 son nuevos registros para el país y 136 especies se conocen solamente de Costa Rica. Adicionalmente, para cada especie se incluyen datos sobre su presencia en las diferentes provincias. La lista concuerda con una gran cantidad de literatura científica en muchos otros grupos de flora y fauna que muestran que Costa Rica tiene una alta riqueza de especies.
Increased tourist activity in coastal regions demands management strategies to reduce impacts on rocky shores. The highly populated coastal areas in southeastern Brazil are an example of degradation caused by development of industry and tourism. Among different shore impacts, trampling has been intensively studied, and may represent a significant source of stress for intertidal fauna. A randomised blocks design was applied to experimentally study the effects of two different trampling intensities on richness, diversity, density and biomass of the rocky shore fauna of Obuseiro beach, Guarujá, southeastern Brazil. Blocks were distributed in two portions of the intertidal zone, dominated respectively by Chthamalus bisinuatus (Cirripedia) and Isognomon bicolor (Bivalvia). Blocks were trampled over three months, simulating the vacation period in Brazil and were monitored for the following nine months. Results indicate that Chthamalus bisinuatus is vulnerable to trampling impacts. Richness, diversity and turn-over index tended to be higher in trampled plots four months after trampling ceased. In general, results agree with previous trampling studies, suggesting that even low intensities of trampling may cause some impact on intertidal communities. Management strategies should include isolation of sensitive areas, construction of boardwalks, visitor education and monitoring programmes. In Brazil, additional data obtained from experimental studies are necessary in order to achieve a better understanding of trampling impacts on rocky shore communities.
Paradrycothaea gen. nov. (Calliini, Lamiinae) é proposto para duas espécies mexicanas: P. pilosicornis sp. nov., espécie-tipo, de Quintana Roo e P. jamesi sp. nov. de Chiapas.
We investigated the influence of Pinus afforestation on the structure of leaf-litter ant communities in the southeastern Brazilian Atlantic Forest, studying an old secondary forest and a nearly 30 year-old never managed Pinus elliottii reforested area. A total of 12,826 individual ants distributed among 95 species and 32 genera were obtained from 50 1 m² samples/ habitat. Of these, 60 species were recorded in the pine plantation and 82 in the area of Atlantic forest; almost 50% of the species found in the secondary forest area were also present in the pine plantation. The number of species per sample was significantly higher in the secondary forest than in the pine plantation. Forest-adapted taxa are the most responsible for ant species richness differences between areas, and the pine plantation is richer in species classified as soil or litter omnivorous-dominants. The specialized ant predators registered in the pine plantation, as seven Dacetini, two Basiceros, two Attini and two Discothyrea, belong to widely distributed species. The NMDS (non-metric multidimensional scaling) ordination also suggested strong differences in similarity among samples of the two areas. Furthermore, this analysis indicated higher sample heterogeneity in the secondary forest, with two clusters of species, while in the pine plantation the species belong to a single cluster. We applied the ant mosaic hypothesis to explain the distribution of the leaf-litter fauna and spatial autocorrelation tests among samples. We argue that the results are likely related to differences in quality and distribution of the leaf-litter between the pine plantation and the secondary area.
Espécies novas descritas da Amazônia brasileira em Ibidionini: Compsibidion uniforme sp. nov. (Amazonas); Heterachthes rafaeli sp. nov. (Amazonas); em Apomecynini: Amphicnaeia lineolata sp. nov. (Pará); em Desmiphorini: Cotycicuiara magnifica sp. nov. (Amazonas). Novos registros e notas são apresentados para: Gnomidolon insulicola Bates, 1885 e G. lansbergei (Thomson, 1867) (Hexoplonini); Desmiphora (D.) uniformis Galileo & Martins, 2003 (Desmiphorini); Omosarotes paradoxum (Tippmann, 1955) (Cyrtinini) e Ozotroctes ogeri Tavakilian & Néouze, 2007 (Acanthoderini).