60 resultados para Fani-Kayode


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This study investigates the impact of polystyrene sodium sulfonate (PolyNaSS) grafting onto the osseo-integration of a polyethylene terephthalate artificial ligament (Ligament Advanced Reinforcement System, LARS™) used for Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL). The performance of grafted and non-grafted ligaments was assessed in vitro by culturing human osteoblasts under osteogenic induction and this demonstrated that the surface modification was capable of up-regulating the secretion of ALP and induced higher level of mineralisation as measured 6 weeks post-seeding by Micro-Computed Tomography. Grafted and non-grafted LARS™ were subsequently implanted in an ovine model for ACL reconstruction and the ligament-to-bone interface was evaluated by histology and biomechanical testings 3 and 12 months post-implantation. The grafted ligaments exhibited more frequent direct ligament-to-bone contact and bone formation in the core of the ligament at the later time point than the non-grafted specimens, the grafting also significantly reduced the fibrous encapsulation of the ligament 12 months post-implantation. However, this improved osseo-integration was not translated into a significant increase in the biomechanical pull-out loads. These results provide evidences that PolyNaSS grafting improved the osseo-integration of the artificial ligament within the bone tunnels. This might positively influence the outcome of the surgical reconstructions, as higher ligament stability is believed to limit micro-movement and therefore permits earlier and enhanced healing.


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Investigation of 31 of Roma patients with congenital lactic acidosis (CLA) from Bulgaria identified homozygosity for the R446* mutation in the PDHX gene as the most common cause of the disorder in this ethnic group. It accounted for around 60% of patients in the study and over 25% of all CLA cases referred to the National Genetic Laboratory in Bulgaria. The detection of a homozygous patient from Hungary and carriers among population controls from Romania and Slovakia suggests a wide spread of the mutation in the European Roma population. The clinical phenotype of the twenty R446* homozygotes was relatively homogeneous, with lactic acidosis crisis in the first days or months of life as the most common initial presentation (15/20 patients) and delayed psychomotor development and/or seizures in infancy as the leading manifestations in a smaller group (5/20 patients). The subsequent clinical picture was dominated by impaired physical growth and a very consistent pattern of static cerebral palsy-like encephalopathy with spasticity and severe to profound mental retardation seen in over 80% of cases. Most patients had a positive family history. We propose testing for the R446* mutation in PDHX as a rapid first screening in Roma infants with metabolic acidosis. It will facilitate and accelerate diagnosis in a large proportion of cases, allow early rehabilitation to alleviate the chronic clinical course, and prevent further affected births in high-risk families.


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Acute toxicity tests on the effects of Gramoxone and detergent (both applied as a single dose) to nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, fingerlings (mean weight 2.7~c1 g) were conducted using static bioassay. The 96-h LC sub(50) of Gramoxone and detergent applied were 0.08ml/l and 0.004 g/l, respectively. The fingerlings showed increased hyperactivities exemplified by erratic movement, loss of reflex, and hyperventilation during the period of exposure. These effects increased with increasing concentrations of Gramoxone or detergent throughout the duration of exposure. Tilapia fingerlings of the same size showed different levels of tolerance to the same concentration of both pollutants


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Mutations in ZEB1 have been reported in posterior polymorphous corneal dystrophy (PPCD3; MIM #609141) and Fuchs' endothelial corneal dystrophy (FECD6; MIM #613270). Although PPCD and keratoconus are clinically and pathologically distinct, PPCD has been associated with keratoconus, suggesting a common genetic basis. The purpose of our study was to perform mutational screening of the ZEB1 gene in patients affected with keratoconus or PPCD.


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Purpose: Current understanding of the genetic risk factors for age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is not sufficiently predictive of the clinical course. The VEGF pathway is a key therapeutic target for treatment of neovascular AMD; however, risk attributable to genetic variation within pathway genes is unclear. We sought to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with AMD within the VEGF pathway.
Methods: Using a tagSNP, direct sequencing and meta-analysis approach within four ethnically diverse cohorts, we identified genetic risk present in FLT1, though not within other VEGF pathway genes KDR, VEGFA, or VASH1. We used ChIP and ELISA in functional analysis.
Results: The FLT1 SNPs rs9943922, rs9508034, rs2281827, rs7324510, and rs9513115 were significantly associated with increased risk of neovascular AMD. Each association was more significant after meta-analysis than in any one of the four cohorts. All associations were novel, within noncoding regions of FLT1 that do not tag for coding variants in linkage disequilibrium. Analysis of soluble FLT1 demonstrated higher expression in unaffected individuals homozygous for the FLT1 risk alleles rs9943922 (P = 0.0086) and rs7324510 (P = 0.0057). In silico analysis suggests that these variants change predicted splice sites and RNA secondary structure, and have been identified in other neovascular pathologies. These data were supported further by murine chromatin immunoprecipitation demonstrating that FLT1 is a target of Nr2e3, a nuclear receptor gene implicated in regulating an AMD pathway.
Conclusions: Although exact variant functions are not known, these data demonstrate relevancy across ethnically diverse genetic backgrounds within our study and, therefore, hold potential for global efficacy.


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Contient : 1 Lettre du roi d'Angleterre « HENRY [VIII]... à tres hault et tres puissant prince... le roy tres chrestien [François Ier]... Escript à nostre manoir de Hamptoncourt, le Ve jour d'octobre, l'an mil V.C. et trente » ; 2 Lettre du roi d'Angleterre « HENRY [VIII]... à nostre tres cher et tres amé cousin le seigneur de Montmorency, grand maistre de France... Escript à nostre manoir de Hamptoncourt, le Ve jour d'octobre, l'an mil V.C. et trente » ; 3 Lettre du roi « FRANÇOYS [Ier]... au mareschal de Montmorency,... Escript à l'abbaye de Sainct Lenffranco, ce mercredy XXVIIIe jour de decembre » ; 4 Lettre de « G[ABRIEL] DE GRAMONT, evesque de Tarbe... à monseigneur... le grant maistre » ; 5 Lettre de « G[ABRIEL] DE GRAMONT, evesque de Tarbe... à monseigneur... le grant maistre et mareschal de France... A Boulongne, le XIIe jour de mars » ; 6 Lettre de « J[EAN] DU BELLAY, evesque de Bayonne... à monseigneur... le grant maistre... De Wyndesore, le VIIe de mars » ; 7 Lettre de « J[EAN] DU BELLAY, evesque de Bayonne... à monseigneur... le grant maistre et mareschal de France... De Londres, le XXVIIe jour de novembre » ; 8 Lettre, en chiffre, de « CHARLES », duc DE GUELDRES, avec une adresse en chiffre ; 9 « Instruction de la part du roy de Navarre... HENRY [D'ALBRET]... au sire d'Ysernay, gentilhomme de la chambre du roy, de ce qu'il aura à dire au duc Federic de Bavieres... Faict à Paris, le sixiesme febvrier [mil] cinq cent trente et deux » ; 10 Lettre de la reine « MARIE [D'ANGLETERRE]... à monseigneur le grant maistre de France... Escript à Norwiche, le XVme jour de janvier » ; 11 Lettre de la reine « LEONOR [D'AUTRICHE]... à mon cousin le grand maistre... De Victorie » ; 12 Lettre de « CHARLES [duc DE GUELDRES]... à monseigneur... le grant maistre... D'Arnhem, ce IIIe d'apvril, l'an XV.C.XXXVII » ; 13 Lettre de « MARGUERITE DE FRANCE,... à la royne » ; 14 Lettre de « S., cardinale DE COMO,... a monsignore... gran mestre... Rome, XX augusti M.D.XXVI » ; 15 Lettre, en italien, de « le prencepe de Melphe,... al' illustrissimo... monseigneur lo gran maestro... In Angulemme, a di 27 julii 1530 » ; 16 Lettre, en italien, de « STEFANO COLONNA,... al' illustrissimo... mons. el gran mastro... Datum Fani, XXVI martii M.V.XXVIIII » ; 17 « Double de la lettre de l'empereur... CHARLES [QUINT]... escripte de sa main au roy » François Ier ; 18 Lettre de « LOYS DE LORREINE [comte DE VAUDEMONT]... au roy » ; 19 Lettre d'« A[NTOINE DU PRAT], cardinal de Sens, legat en France et chancellier... à monseigneur... le grand maistre... A Blaie, le XII mars » ; 20 Lettre de « CLAUDE DE LORRAINNE [duc DE GUISE]... à monsieur de Danville, gouverneur et lieutenant general du roy en Languedoc... A Paris, le XXVIIIe jour de novembre 1563 » ; 21 Lettre, en italien, de « STEFANO COLONNA,... allo illustrissimo... mons. el gran mastro... Datum Rome, XXIII martii M.V.C.XXVIIII » ; 22 Lettre, en italien, de « STEFANO COLONNA,... al' illustrissimo... mons. el gran mastro... Datum Rome, XXVIIII martii M.D.XXVIIII » ; 23 Lettre, en italien, de « STEFANO COLONNA,... al' illustrissimo... mons. el gran mastro... Datum Florentie, die primo novembris M.D.XXIX » ; 24 Lettre, en italien, du « cardinale PISANI,... all' illustrissimo... signor, monsignor gran mastro... Di Roma, alli XXVII di april M.D.XXXVIe » ; 25 Lettre, en italien, d'« ANTONIO DORIA,... allo illustrissimo... monseigneur gran maestro di Francia... Di Janova, a XXX di genaro M.D.XXVII » ; 26 Lettre, en italien, adressée à François Ier. « Di Bologna, el primo de gienaro M.D.XXX » ; 27 Lettre, en italien, d'«HERCULES, cardinale DI MANTUA, all' illustrissimo... monsignore il gran mastro di Francia... Di Bologna, il II di Xbre del M.D.XXIX » ; 28 Lettre, en italien, du « cardinale CIBO,... all' illustrissimo... monsignor il gran mastro de Francia... Di Bologna, alli 12 di 7bre 1528 » ; 29 Capitulation accordée par les Génois à « Theodoro Trivultio,... Fatta a di XXVIII de ottobre M.D.XXVIII ». En italien ; 30 Lettre, en italien, de « GUIDO RANGONE » au grand maître de France. « Di Parisii, il penultimo d'ottobre 1529 » ; 31 Lettre de « THEODORO TRIVULTIO,... à monseigneur... le grant maistre... De Lyon, ce IIe d'apvril » ; 32 Copie d'une lettre de « PEDRARYAS » à « messire Baptiste,... De Cosme, ce IXe octobre [M.]V.C.XXVI » ; 33 Lettre de la duchesse de « MEDINA CELY,... au roy » ; 34 Copie d'une lettre de « PEDRARYAS » à « messire Baptiste,... Escript à Cosme, ce VIIe jour de septembre [M.]V.C.XXVI » ; 35 Lettre des « gens tenans le parlement du roy », signée : « DE BRIGNOLLES,... à nostre tres honnoré seigneur, le sire de Montmorancy, chevalier de l'ordre, grant maistre et mareschal de France... Escript à Paris en parlement, soubz le signet d'icelluy, le XXIIIIe jour d'avril » ; 36 Lettre du « princepe de Melphe,... à monsieur... le grant maistre de France... Escript à Barlette, le Vme jour de fevrier » ; 37 Lettre de « PHILIPPES DE CROY,... à monseigneur de Montmorency, grand maistre de France... D'Augsbourg, ce premier aoust, l'an [M.D.]XXX » ; 38 Lettre de « G[UILLAUME, comte] DE NASSAU,... à monseigneur de Montmorency, grand maistre de France... De Malines, le XVIme jour de septembre, l'an [M.D.]XXX » ; 39 Lettre de « GUIDO RANGONE » et de « D'ANNEBAULT,... au roy [François Ier]... Escript à Pavye, le XXIIme jour de juing M.V.C.XXIX » ; 40 Lettre au roi. « De Amptonhill, ce XXIIIe de juillet » ; 41 Extrait d'une lettre au roi au sujet de sa rançon ; 42 Lettre de « C. DODIEU [DE VELLY]... à monseigneur... le grant maistre... De Cresme, ce XXIIIe juing 1529 » ; 43 Plan de l'expédition du roi en Roussillon. « Du XVe septembre » ; 44 Copie de la « responce faicte par le roy [FRANÇOIS Ier] à monseigneur de Guise » ; 45 Lettre, en italien, de « STEFANO COLONNA,... allo illustrissimo... monsignor el gran mastro... Da Vermeezo, al' ultimo di magio M.D.XXVIIII » ; 46 Copie d'une lettre du roi FRANÇOIS Ier ; 47 Lettre, en italien, de « JOVANNE CLEMENTE STANGHA,... al' illustrissimo... monsignor... il gran mastro... Datum in Barletta, VII° februarii 1529 » ; 48 « Double de la lettre que monseigneur le marquis DE SALUCES a escripte à nostre saint pere et à la seigneurie ». En italien ; 49 Nouvelles de l'armée de FRANÇOIS Ier en Italie. « A Sainct Just lez Lyon, le XXVIIIe jour d'octobre » ; 50 Lettre de « DODIEU [DE VELLY]... au roy [François Ier]... De Cosme, ce XXVIIme juing 1529 » ; 51 « Ce sont les poinctz principaulx sur lesquelz se sont condescenduz les depputez de la part du roy » avec ceux de l'Empereur pour la restitution du Milanais ; 52 Lettre, sans signature, « à monseigneur... le connestable » ; 53 « Double des lettres escriptes touchant l'entrevue du roy et de l'Empereur »


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias de Enfermería con Enfasis en Salud Comunitaria) UANL.


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Poor adaptation to climate change is a major threat to sustainable rice production in Nigeria. Determinants of appropriate climate-change adaptation strategies used by rice farmers in Southwestern Nigeria have not been fully investigated. In this study, the determinants of climate change adaptation strategies used by rice farmers in Southwestern Nigeria were investigated. Data were obtained through Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and field survey conducted in the study areas. Data obtained were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical tools such as percentage and regression analysis. The major climate change adaptation strategies used by the respondents included; planting improved rice variety such as Federal Agricultural Research Oryza (FARO) (80.5 %), seeking early warning information (80.9 %), shifting planting date until the weather condition was favourable (99.1 %), and using chemical fertilizer on their farms in order to maintain soil fertility (20.5 %). The determinants of climate change adaptation strategies used by the farmers, included access to early warning information (β=43.04), access to fertilizer (β=5.78), farm plot size (β=–12.04) and access to regular water supply (β=–24.79). Climate change adaptation required provision of incentives to farmers, training on drought and flood control, and the use of improved technology to obtain higher yield.


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La Participación de las Empresas Militares Executive Outcomes y Sandline International en el conflicto de Sierra Leona fue una de las primeras veces en las que se vieron en escena a estos actores confluyendo en un nuevo orden internacional; y este estudio de caso busca determinar la manera de actuar de estas empresas y su incidencia en el conflicto. El caso de Sierra Leona es uno de los principales acercamientos a este nuevo fenómeno, que empezó a ejercer funciones que tradicionalmente le correspondían a los Estados y que han llevado a una privatización de la seguridad. Por medio de este estudio de caso se busca también determinar cuáles son las falencias y los retos que acarrean a las Empresas Militares Privadas en cuanto a su intervención en los conflictos internos. El caso de Sierra Leona es fundamental en tanto fue uno de los conflictos más intensos desarrollados en África en la década de los 90; y fue el momento en el cual las Empresas Militares Privadas empezaron a estar en la mira internacional a causa de estas intervenciones que generaron tanto críticas negativas como positivas.


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This paper presents the theoretical-methodological possibilities of the French philosopher and sociologist Henri Lefebvre, for the discipline of architecture and urbanism in an effort to overcome the fragmentation imposed by the institutionalization of science in general. From Du rural à l'urbain (Lefebvre, 1970) compilation, it brings the author's other works from the period between 1968 and 1974, indicating the conduits for reflection and their interrelationships with methods, types of analyses and other procedures to treat the space-time urban. The methodology involves a research on the author s 'today and yesterday' in the scientific field, a research and analysis of his procedures in highlight of philosophical, social, economic and political aspects, the historical context of his references and provides significant and possible elements for the study, research and extension in the area in question


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The present work is about the reproduction of the urban area of Nova Cruz RN, with the objective of analyzing the social and spatial implications of the relocation of the main street market in the city from 1991 on. Nowadays, the city of Nova Cruz takes over importance in the potiguar social and spatial scenario due to its condition of central city which is practiced for decades in Potiguar Agreste Microregion. Beginning with its formation process connected with traveler‟s hostel which assisted the activity of cattle transportation, further in time by the golden era of cotton production in its territory, it was noticed that its importance in relation with the nearby towns has been happening differently throughout time. From the year 1991 on, the town of Nova Cruz has gone through a territory restructuring of its urban area due to the relocation of the open market from Downtown neighborhood to São Sebastião neighborhood. Such territorial movement resulted in a reformation of the town‟s urban space, promoting in both neighborhoods urban growth and the expansion of commercial activity associated with the migration of the commercial center of the city. The transference of the commercial area has caused these processes through the new uses of the land towards the São Sebastião region, it has also caused a decrease in market value of the downtown area as a result of the breakdown of previous existing business activities, their service contribution and the citizen migration, establishing a space and socioeconomic portrait in the neighborhood. From this context, our analysis seeks to understand the social and spatial impacts occurred in Downtown neighborhood, the way in which the production and reproduction of the urban space in São Sebastião neighborhood and the implications resulted from the actions of the administrative power in restructuring of the urban space of Nova Cruz. In order to do so, a bibliographical research was used to compose our theoretic-conceptual mark, discussing the matter with authors such as Roberto Lobato Corrêa, Ana Fani, Milton Santos, Manuel Castells e Heri Lefvbre, among others, discussing on the subject of urban analysis, the concepts of urban space and the process of reproduction of the urban space. A field research was utilized in our area of study by means of primary data gathering through interviews, questionnaire and photographic register. Secondary data gathering was also obtained by means of bibliographical and documental research related to our study object. By these means, it was sought to contribute to the understanding of the urban space through its production and reproduction based upon the discovery of social and spatial practices


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This paper reports on a 4-year-old male who had dyskeratosis congenita and who acquired severe aplastic anemia. The patient developed hyperpigmentation of the face, neck and chest region, arms, shoulders and legs. In addition, he had dry skin, deformed fingernails and toenails, sparse hair and eyebrows and hyperkeratosis of the dorsum of the hands and feet. Laboratory and histological analysis revealed severe pancytopenia and dyserythropoiesis of red blood cells, hypocellularity of white blood cells and decreased megakaryocytes with dysplasia. The intraoral examination identified bleeding gums; petechiae of the palate, tongue and cheek mucosa; and an atrophic, smooth and shining dorsal surface of the tongue. There were deep carious lesions in the deciduous mandibular molars and maxillary anterior teeth; as well as mobility of mandibular left canine, which had bone loss. The treatment for oral lesions included diet changes, improved oral hygiene, and extraction of the deciduous teeth destroyed by caries.


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Purpose: The aim of this work was to evaluate the bone-repair process after implantation of homogenous demineralized dentin matrix (HDDM) slices in surgical defects created in the parietal bones of rabbits with alloxan-induced diabetes. Materials and Methods: Forty-eight rabbits were selected and divided into 4 groups of 12 rabbits: the control group, diabetic rabbits (D), diabetic rabbits with a PTFE barrier (D-PTFE), and diabetic rabbits with a PTFE barrier and with slices of homogenous demineralized dentin matrix (D-PTFE+HDDM). The diabetic animals received a single dose of alloxan monohydrate (90 mg/kg) intravenously on the marginal ear vein, and their blood glucose was verified daily. The rabbits were sacrificed after 15, 30, 60, and 90 days. The histologic findings show both better bone structure and significantly greater bone density, as determined by histomorphometric analysis, for the D-PTFE + HDDM group than for the other 3 groups (P < .01). It was also observed that the mean bone density increased gradually from 15 to 90 days (except in the D-PTFE group). Conclusion: It was concluded that the HDDM was biocompatible with the bone repair of diabetic rabbits and that HDDM slices stimulated bone tissue formation. Facilitation of bone repair with HDDM could be useful in diabetic patients.