998 resultados para Family tradition


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A fair number of Cicero's letters reveal his concern for his daughter Tullia and his son Marcus. Recent scholarship has read these letters as evidence for a ‘natural’ emotional attachment of a father to his children, in reaction to Philippe Ariès's opposite claim. This chapter considers whether Cicero's letters can be analysed only as expressions of paternal affection. The fact that the pater familias Cicero occupies a political position simultaneously in his nuclear family, his domus, and the Senate, results in a concern for his prestige within the social field of the aristocracy. And this concern is necessarily conferred upon his support of the education and the social and political career of his children. The chapter traces the gender-specific differences between Cicero's treatment of Tullia and Marcus, shows the social construction of parental affection, and contributes to a further understanding of the different functions of daughters and sons in the social force field of family memory.


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Investigación sobre las empresas mas antiguas de America, tomando en la cuenta elementos comunes y diferenciados de su gestión.


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El Ordenamiento jurídico colombiano desde sus inicios se ha enmarcado en la familia jurídica Romano Germánica, donde la Jurisprudencia ocupa un papel secundario en el momento de tomar decisiones por parte de los jueces, fungiendo como un instrumento meramente auxiliar, totalmente opacado por la ley. Sin embargo, a partir de la entrada en vigencia de la Constitución de 1991, con la creación de la Corte Constitucional junto al valor vinculante que se ha dado a sus decisiones, el tradicional sistema de fuentes ha presentado una evolución que lo aproxima al uso de instituciones, como el precedente judicial, que parecían exclusivas del Common Law. De esta manera, lo novedoso del problema de investigación es que la discusión sobre la alteración de la jerarquía de las fuentes del derecho, se aborda desde una perspectiva teórica, pero desarrolla puntualmente, mecanismos como las sentencias de unificación y la extensión de jurisprudencia, que posiblemente dan alcance al concepto de precedente judicial en el Contencioso Administrativo en la práctica.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Este trabalho discute a influência exercida pelo passado familiar na construção de representações sociais que são incorporadas a um sistema de classificação em uso num dado contexto. Para isso analisa a memória de dois grupos familiares considerados tradicionais na cidade de Belém do Pará, em virtude de uma trajetória histórica excepcional que é tornada pública. O fio condutor dessa discussão é, portanto, a memória social, com atenção especial à forma como ela é tratada nos estudos teóricos de Maurice Halbwachs. Utilizando depoimentos orais e a versão escrita da memória familiar, essa dissertação faz um percurso onde tradição, família e história são temas incorporados a uma análise descritiva que desenvolve dois aspectos: 1) Como o adjetivo tradicional foi forjado e associado a certas famílias? Utiliza-se para tanto o conceito de “tradição inventada”, e relaciona-se a construção mnemônica desses grupos familiares a processos de consagração de nomes de famílias e à legitimação de status 2) Como tem sido viabilizada a aceitação dessa imagem pela sociedade envolvente? Ressalta-se aí os aspectos ideológicos que recobrem a questão, com destaque para a ideologia do parentesco e para a ideologia histórica.


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The objective of this study is to investigate how the team of health professionals of the Family Health Strategies program and clients in Currais Novos/RN deal with the use (or not) of medicinal plants as one of the complementary and holistic practices in the Individual Health System (SUS in Portuguese). The research is carried out using a qualitative approach, applying semi-structured interviews, related to the proposed objective, as the instruments of data collection. The interviews applied to professionals and clients were based on questionnaires and were recorded, with their permission, then transcribed in a field diary. The subjects of the study were doctors, nurses, dentists and community health agents of the Family Health Strategies team, totaling 24 (twenty four) health professionals, as well as ten volunteers identified in the research as people who use medicinal plants for health care purposes. From this study, we verify the great importance that health professionals and clients attribute to the use of medicinal plants, as well as evidence that family tradition is the main vehicle for the dissemination of knowledge regarding their use. Most medicinal plants had popular indications similar of those used scientifically, however, 70% of the clients reported never having had medical health advice or encouragement to use medicinal plants in their treatments. Half of the group of professionals interviewed reported not feeling safe in prescribing medicinal plants; approximately 25% reported having received information on the subject during their undergraduate program. Expected outcomes of this study include instigating the implementation of treatment protocols by the health professionals, and broadening holistic care practices, as well as access to alternative therapeutic options, client participation, ultimately strengthening the link between primary care and Family Health Strategies


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Alvin Sallee, Angelo Giardino, and Robert Sanborn discuss the latest issue of Journal of Family Strengths, celebrating the centennial of the Children's Bureau.


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The case studies the potential partnership between a small family business, rich in tradition, that sells ice cream in the Lisbon area and a recognized Portuguese family who runs a multinational business. The aim of this study is to address students to analyze the evolution of the small company by using the Agency and Resource-Based Theories and to outline a potentially successful co-ownership structure if the agreement were to take place. The particularity of the case regards considering and identifying the main Family Business issues to keep in mind when dealing with these types of firms.


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Ce mémoire veut démontrer que le film de famille ainsi que ses conditions de réception empruntent, et ce de façon instinctive, au fonctionnement communicatif et rassembleur de la tradition orale. La parole, l’oralité, devrait être considérée comme le catalyseur de la mise en commun du souvenir que le film de famille suscite. Elle est le véhicule de l’interprétation du message du film de famille en tant que discours familial. D’ailleurs, si l’on compare l’influence des deux registres sensoriels présents dans le médium cinématographique (le visuel et l’oralité), le film de famille reprend davantage les modalités de l’oralité. Conséquemment, son contenu, sa forme et sa finalité correspondent à la définition d’un cinéma de l’oralité, un cinéma de la parole défini par Germain Lacasse. En raison d’une absence de travaux portant spécifiquement sur le sujet, l’objectif de cette recherche est de rapprocher et de définir davantage ces liens qui se sont tissés entre la tradition orale et le film de famille. Dans ce dessein, l’approche théorique développée est basée sur les théories de la tradition orale, sur la théorie de la mémoire collective de Maurice Halbwach et sur les rapports entre le cinéma et l’oralité. Ainsi, les aspects suivants sont abordés : Le rôle de l’oralité dans la constitution de la mémoire familiale, l’apport de l’oralité dans les médias stimulateurs de mémoire familiale et finalement, la forme et le contenu du film de famille en tant qu’aspects distinctifs du cinéma oral. Quatre extraits de films de famille québécois des années 20 à aujourd’hui y sont également analysés.


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Afin de se perpétuer dans le temps, la tradition recourt à des figures qui la véhiculent. Cette étude prend pour objet la figure du vampire qui, en transmettant des aspects importants de la tradition culturelle, prend la forme d’une tradition en soi, se manifestant dans une série de récits et d’œuvres littéraires et culturelles. Ces figures possèdent le plus grand pouvoir de transmission puisqu’elles ne sont pas des traditions à la base, mais elles ne peuvent rester culturellement importantes seulement qu’en devenant des traditions. C’est-à-dire que la figure du vampire possède sa propre tradition littéraire et/ou filmique, tout en offrant une vision de la transmission, de la tradition et de l’éducation. Afin de demeurer présentes à travers le temps, les traditions doivent posséder un noyau principal, tout en restant assez malléables afin que des caractéristiques secondaires de celles-ci puissent changer et évoluer. Le vampire est une figure toute aussi malléable que les traditions, faisant donc d’elle l’emblème parfait du concept. De plus, cinq nœuds de tradition réapparaissent, à différents niveaux, dans la littérature vampirique. Le choix de la victime, la morsure vampirique et l’échange de sang transformatif – et le lien de ceux-ci à une vision perverse de la sexualité, le processus d’éducation, le désir d’appartenir à une famille ou à une communauté et le besoin de comprendre ses origines, illustrent tous le lien indéniable entre la figure du vampire et le concept de la tradition. Ce mémoire explore l’impact de la figure du vampire comme emblème de la tradition à travers le roman vampirique classique – le plus traditionnel – Dracula de Bram Stoker et à travers les trois premiers tomes des Vampire Chronicles d’Anne Rice, soit Interview with the Vampire, The Vampire Lestat et Queen of the Damned, ainsi que leurs adaptations cinématographiques.


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This was a qualitative study with the purpose of designing a meta-model for the work process of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) team. It was based on the experience of six sample groups, composed of their members (physicians, professional nurses, dentists, dental assistants, licensed technical nurses and community health agents) in a city in São Paulo state, Brazil, totaling 54 subjects. Six theoretical models emerged from non-directive interviews. These were analyzed according to Grounded Theory and submitted to the meta-synthesis strategy, which produced the meta-model between the processes of strengthening and weakening of the FHS model: professional-team-community reciprocity as an intervening component. When analyzed in light of the Theory of Complexity (TC), it showed to be a work with a vertical and authoritarian tendency, which is largely hegemonic in the tradition of public health care policies.


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The reconstruction of the child protection system in the post-communist period so as to meet professional standards while responding to the needs of children is an enormous task. In order to understand the features of the current stage of the development of the Romanian child protection system and to evaluate its trends towards change, Roth-Szamoskozi analysed data from scientific literature and collected statistics to document the evolution of the child-protection structure. Empirical data collection using qualitative methods (content analysis of documents and interviews with staff) were designed to reflect the degree to which child welfare laws correspond to internationally accepted regulations and to analyse the attitudes of those working in the field at different decision-making levels. An experiment with a group of 12 students showed that there have been basic changes in the legal framework of Romanian child welfare. Students could see that the required principles exist in the new Romanian child protection law, but also identified areas which are still inadequately represented. 61 staff members working in child welfare agencies (both state and non-governmental) were also interviewed, using a systematic, circular interview. Using the criteria of competence and the existence of specific social goals, professionalism in solving social problems and respect for social-work values, the 30 non-governmental organisations were divided into three categories. The first (7 organisations) are active in the area, know the law and are fairly professional, the second (5) are motivated in their work with specific problems, but with no great competence. The 18 organisations in the third group have no competence in the social field and in issues concerning children and do only charitable work. The state agencies are still dominated by routine, but there were many staff members who were developing reform and strategic roles and were actively directing the system towards change. Many staff members in both governmental and non-governmental organisations were directing the system towards a stress on intervention in the interests of the child in the context of its family. Roth-Szamoskozi found that staff members felt the need of a more accurate evaluation system which would enable them to show their results more clearly.


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This study examined the rarely investigated interplay between religiosity, family orientation, and life satisfaction of adolescents across four countries with a Christian tradition and different religious contexts.A mediation relationship between religiosity and life satisfaction through family orientation moderated by the country context of religiosity was examined. In a sample of 1,077 adolescents from France (n = 172), Germany (n = 270), Poland (n = 348), and the United States (n = 287), we found that in all cultures, religiosity had a positive impact on adolescents’ family orientation, which was in turn related to a higher life satisfaction.This link was stronger in cultures with a high overall religiosity (Poland and the United States) as compared to one of the two cultures with the lowest importance of religion (Germany).


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The phenomenon of grandparents and other relatives raising children is a tradition rooted in the African American culture. However, a substantial increase in the number of relatives raising children has drawn attention to the child welfare system. Many of the biological parents are incarcerated for drugs or suffering from other social ills. Kinship care is an important component of family preservation and prevents court intervention based on child protection concerns and avoids formal placement of children in the child welfare system (Wilkerson, 1999). The child welfare system, however, is not conducive to this phenomenon. Placing children with grandparents and relatives allows them to live with people they know and trust; reduces the initial trauma of living with unknown persons; supports the transmission of identity, culture, and ethnicity; facilitates connections with brothers and sisters, and strengthens a family’s ability to provide the support they need.


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Female satirists have long been treated by critics as anomalies within an androcentric genre because of the reticence to acknowledge women's right to express aggression through their writing. In Pride and Prejudice (1813), A House and Its Head (1935), and The Girls of Slender Means (1963), Jane Austen (1775-1817), Ivy Compton-Burnett (1884-1969), and Muriel Spark (1918-2006) all combine elements of realism and satire within the vehicle of the domestic novel to target institutions of their patriarchal societies, including marriage and family dynamics, as well as the evolving conceptions of domesticity and femininity, with a subtle feminism. These female satirists illuminate the problems they have with society more through presentation than judgment in their satire, which places them on the fringes of a society they wish to educate, distinguishing their satire from that written by male satirists who are judging from a privileged height above the society they are attempting to correct. All three women create heroines and secondary female characters who find ways to survive, and occasionally thrive, within the confines of a polite society that has a streak of savagery running just beneath its polished surface.