994 resultados para Família Carneiro da Cunha


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Shaping the Luso-Brazilian space in Portuguese America was through constant conflicts between different individuals and institutions. Regarding to land ownership, such conflicts were aggravated, depending on the individuals involved and their context. The captaincy of Rio Grande, there is conflict over land ownership Cidade dos Veados and Olho d' Água Azul and its stakeholders: priests of the Society of missionaries of the village Guajiru; indian mission Guajiru; and members of Carneiro da Cunha family. In 1725, the jesuit mission Guajiru requested a league of land at a place called Cidade dos Veados for the indians of his mission claiming that the land that the mission had was not sufficient for the subsistence of the same. In 1727, priest requested another league of land in place Olho d'Água Azul, stating that the mission had more than 192 couples. Both lands were properly required for the mission guajiru. however, in 1760, with the changes imposed by the indian directorate ombudsman responsible for investigating indigenous possessions realized that the indians did not occupy the two lands requested in the 1720s , due to the fact João Carneiro da Cunha has taken possession of the same. As a result, the impasse over land are ligth. This conflict over land ownership Cidade dos Veados and Olho d'Água Azul, we intend to highlight in particular the motivations and mindsets about possessory property of each party involved. We seek to understand the motivations of each group involved allowed the use of specific strategies and set out to try to take possession of the lands of the Cidade dos Veados e Olho d'Água Azul


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A dissertação tem por objeto a análise das novas formas de tratamento processual dos direitos individuais homogêneos, os quais frequentemente dão ensejo à propositura de ações repetitivas, especialmente a partir da tendência pela adoção de procedimentos de agregação de ações em alguns países. Assim, analisam-se as ações-teste estabelecidas pela Alemanha (Musterverfahren), Inglaterra (Group Litigation Order) e o incidente de resolução de demandas repetitivas previsto no Projeto de novo Código de Processo Civil brasileiro (PL 8.046/2010). Como esta espécie de direitos também pode ser tutelada por ações coletivas, o trabalho contém um estudo sobre suas principais características, como a representatividade adequada e os diferentes sistemas de extensão dos efeitos produzidos pela coisa julgada formada nestas ações. Todo este debate é precedido da análise dos princípios constitucionais da isonomia e da segurança jurídica, do movimento mundial de aproximação entre os sistemas de civil law e common law, e da crescente tendência uniformizadora da jurisprudência brasileira.


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A presente tese tem por objetivo a análise das convenções processuais entabuladas entre as partes antes ou depois de instaurada a relação jurídica processual. O enfoque da pesquisa são os limites e a eficácia dessas convenções, em respeito à ordem pública processual. São analisados ordenamentos jurídicos estrangeiros e, posteriormente, o tratamento que a legislação brasileira confere ao tema. Outro ponto da pesquisa é a influência das ideologias publicista e privatista no processo civil. Por fim, são examinados o modelo de flexibilização procedimental por calendário e o tratamento dado pelo projeto de novo Código de Processo Civil.


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O objetivo do presente trabalho é demonstrar que uma releitura dos princípios do contraditório e do dever de motivar as decisões judiciais, sob a ótica da maior participação dos jurisdicionados, tem o condão de alcançar a esperada legitimidade democrática da atuação judicial. Para tanto, antes de adentrar ao cerne da questão, buscou-se analisar ordenamentos de tradições jurídicas distintas, civil law e common law, a fim de delinear as perspectivas que referidos sistemas enxergavam o dever de motivar a decisão judicial. O estudo convergiu para o momento atual do direito, iniciado na segunda metade do séc. XX com o movimento de constitucionalização e, consequentemente, judicialização dos direitos. Uma das maiores críticas ao momento vivido é o amplo espaço interpretativo do juiz, abrindo as portas para a discricionariedade, o que foi combatido e rechaçado tendo como parâmetro as origens do instituto. Passado referido ponto, discutiu-se sobre as evoluções e novas tendências que circundam os princípios do contraditório e do dever de motivar, cuja finalidade foi demonstrar a estreita conexão entre as normas. Conclusão inexorável foi que ambos compõem a base das garantias processuais que legitimam a atuação judicial democrática. Por fim, procurou-se tecer alguns comentários sobre os equívocos cometidos na interpretação do princípio do convencimento judicial, e como essa perspectiva pode ser alterada com as diretivas presentes no projeto do novo Código de Processo Civil, haja vista que suas previsões abraçam boa parte das ideias debatidas no presente trabalho.


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A construção de um atendimento voltado exclusivamente para adolescentes não é fortuita. Infância e adolescência são invenções modernas que delimitaram faixas etárias com características próprias e modelos de intervenção específicos que se transformaram historicamente, bem como sendo atravessadas pela própria criação da noção de risco, perigo e vulnerabilidade. A partir de um estudo junto à equipe de uma instituição criada para garantir um tipo de atenção considerado total, voltado para uma clientela designada adolescentes em risco social, busco compreender o modelo de atenção adotado, privilegiando a perspectiva dos profissionais sobre o mesmo. A metodologia empregada consistiu em análise de documentos institucionais e entrevistas com informantes-chaves, terminando por mostrar a relevância de dois tripés estruturantes das práticas institucionais: tratamento da dependência química, prevenção da violência e cuidados básicos de um lado, prevenção aos fatores de risco, acolhimento do paciente e integração dos atendimentos de outro.


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Pituitary apoplexy (PA) is a rare and potentially life-threatening syndrome resulting from an acute infarction or hemorrhage of the pituitary gland. Although the pathogenesis is not fully understood, some predisposing factors such as pituitary stimulation tests, diabetes mellitus, anticoagulant or antiplatelet aggregation therapy, head trauma, and high blood pressure may play a role in its pathophysiology. Octreotide is the mainstay of medical treatment for acromegaly. The majority of reported complications of octreotide therapy are gastrointestinal. We report the case of a 51-year-old acromegalic woman who developed pituitary apoplexy within the context of high blood pressure and a single dose of long-acting octreotide. Our data suggest that the combination of hypertension and octreotide therapy enhances the risk of pituitary apoplexy.


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An evaluation of organizational performance requires studies that encompass the specificities of the object under analysis, which is valid for health organizations. However, this type of organization has little support from Administration techniques and knowledge, thus generating deficiencies in management and control. As a result, the objective of this article is to develop a model for evaluating the specific performance of philanthropic hospitals and to compare the efficiency of those organizations. A theoretical model was createdand subsequently validated by specialists. A data envelopment analysis was conducted by means ofusing the data from 70 hospitals, collected in afield research. The conclusion is that there is no great availability of managerial information in Brazilian hospitals, and elements were pointed out for increasing sample efficiency.


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In this paper we study the behavior of a semi-active suspension witch external vibrations. The mathematical model is proposed coupled to a magneto rheological (MR) damper. The goal of this work is stabilize of the external vibration that affect the comfort and durability an vehicle, to control these vibrations we propose the combination of two control strategies, the optimal linear control and the magneto rheological (MR) damper. The optimal linear control is a linear feedback control problem for nonlinear systems, under the optimal control theory viewpoint We also developed the optimal linear control design with the scope in to reducing the external vibrating of the nonlinear systems in a stable point. Here, we discuss the conditions that allow us to the linear optimal control for this kind of non-linear system.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of breed and season on semen quality parameters of zebu bulls. Data (1,632 registers) of semen production from Gir (n = 4) and Nelore (n = 15) bulls were collected between October 2005 and November 2009. The ejaculates were collected twice a week during various seasons (summer, fall, winter, and spring) and evaluated for the following semen parameters: ejaculate volume, sperm concentration, sperm motility, forward progressive motility (FPM), and sperm morphology. Factor analysis was used to determine the relationship among variables. The effect of breed (Gir and Nelore) and season and their cross effect on each parameter and extracted factor were tested using ANOVA. A negative correlation (P < 0.05) was observed between FPM and proximal droplet, as well as with abnormal loose head, abnormal small head, pouch formation, abnormal mid-peace, and strongly folded tail. Gir bull sperm showed more major defects, detached acrosome, and minor FPM (P < 0.01), whereas Nelore bulls showed a higher number of sperm with normally loose head.


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In dairy cattle, uterine infections are not life threatening and often unavoidable; however, they reduce fertility and increase the production costs of properties. The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence of subclinical endometritis from 32 to 70 days in milk (DIM) and its effects on the reproductive performance of crossbred dairy cows. Lactating cows (Holstein/Gir; n = 172), with no history of retained placenta, without clinical signs of uterine infection were used. The body condition score (BCS) was evaluated on a scale from 1 to 5. Ultrasound examination was performed to evaluate uterine lining and ovarian activity, while vaginal mucus was analyzed by gloved hand. The diagnosis of subclinical endometritis was performed by endometrial cytobrush technique. The samples were collected, stained, and examined microscopically; positive cases for subclinical endometritis were considered with the presence of a parts per thousand yen5 % of neutrophils. Later, the cows were submitted to conventional artificial insemination or timed artificial insemination. The incidence of subclinical endometritis in the herd was 26 %, and this was not affected by the season of calving, presence of corpus luteum, DIM, and parity. Cows with a BCS a parts per thousand currency sign2.50 had a higher incidence of subclinical endometritis. The conception rate to first insemination and pregnancy rate at 150 days postpartum were not influenced by the presence of subclinical endometritis in crossbred dairy cows.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Purification of collagenase produced by Penicillium aurantiogriseum URM4622 was carried using a PEG/phosphate aqueous two-phase system (ATPS). A 2(3)-full experimental design was used to investigate the influence of PEG molar mass, PEG concentration and phosphate concentration on the selected responses, namely partition coefficient, activity yield and purification factor. The ATPS was composed of PEG (molar mass of 550, 1500 and 4000 g/mol) at concentrations of 15.0, 17.5 and 20.0% (w/w) and phosphate at concentrations of 12.5, 15.0 and 17.5% (w/w). The best results of one-step extraction of collagenase from the fermentation broth (partition coefficient of 1.01, activity yield of 242% and purification factor of 23.5) were obtained at pH 6.0 using 20.0% (w/w) PEG 550 and 17.5% (w/w) phosphate. The results of this preliminary study demonstrate that the selected ATPS is satisfactorily selective for the extraction of such a collagenase. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Bromelain is an aqueous extract of pineapple that contains a complex mixture of proteases and non-protease components. These enzymes perform an important role in proteolytic modulation of the cellular matrix in numerous physiologic processes, including anti-inflammatory, anti-thrombotic and fibrinolytic functions. Due to the scale of global production of pineapple (Ananas comosus L.), and the high percentage of waste generated in their cultivation and processing, several studies have been conducted on the recovery of bromelain. The aim of this study was to purify bromelain from pineapple wastes using an easy-to-scale-up process of precipitation by ethanol. The results showed that bromelain was recovered by using ethanol at concentrations of 30% and 70%, in which a purification factor of 2.28 fold was achieved, and yielded more than 98% of the total enzymatic activity. This enzyme proved to be susceptible to denaturation after the lyophilization process. However, by using 10% (w/v) glucose as a cryoprotector, it was possible to preserve 90% of the original enzymatic activity. The efficiency of the purification process was confirmed by SDS-PAGE, and native-PAGE electrophoresis, fluorimetry, circular dichroism and FTIR analyzes, showing that this method could be used to obtain highly purified and structurally stable bromelain. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This research assumes that for changes in health practices directed to an integral care, is crucial humanization, participation and autonomy of service users. In this sense, the research had investigated the issue of humanization involving users of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) in city of Mossoró, having as objectives: to analyze the perceptions of users on humanization in the production of health care in daily of Family Health Strategy, from these perceptions, identify elements featuring humanized and non-humanized in everyday practices related to production of health care; relate perceptions of users about humanization with the notions of extended clinic and social participation present in the National Humanization Policy (NHP); identify difficulties and potentialities in the production of health care from the perspective of humanization. It was a qualitative approach to data collection and it was used the methodology of Network Analysis of Everyday Life (NAEL), which allowed the questioning of health practices through an interactive discussion involving participants subjected. The analysis of data through the technique of content thematic analysis was performed and the results were interpreted related the Extended Clinic references and the users participation, related with the Gift Theory discussed by Marcel Mauss. The results indicated senses humanization linked to affection, reciprocity and honesty, highlighting as essential to humanized practices the trust, bonding, listening, dialogue and accountability. Were also mentioned other elements related to the organization of health services such as access and good functioning of the health services. The difficulties and potentialities show structural deficiencies of the health system and changes in the labor process. The participation of users deconstructing and reconstructing concepts remainder humanization in the production of health care is a key factor for the sedimentation of what is proposed in the HNP. Using the privileged space of the FHE to create more active people and understanding their needs and demands, is possible path to build a participative management


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A presente dissertação analisa como o Partido Social Cristão (PSC), ao longo do tempo, se apropriou da identidade religiosa de seus atores políticos que na sua maioria são membros da Frente Parlamentar Evangélica, os quais defendem no espaço público a “família tradicional”, em detrimento da pluralidade de arranjos familiares na contemporaneidade. Para explicitar o objeto - “família tradicional” e PSC -, foi necessário retroceder no tempo e investigar na historiografia os primórdios da inserção dos evangélicos na política brasileira. Em vista disso, analisamos a participação dos evangélicos nos respectivos períodos do Brasil: Colônia, Império e República. A dificuldade da entrada de evangélicos na política partidária, dentre outros fatores, se deve àinfluência do catolicismo no Estado. Assim sendo, averiguamos em todas as Constituições (1824, 1891, 1934, 1937, 1946, 1967, 1969 e 1988) o que a mesma diz no que tange a proibição e a liberdade religiosa no país. Logo, verificamos entre as Eras Vargas e República Populista, que ocorreu com intensidade a transição do apoliticismo para o politicismo entre os evangélicos brasileiros, porém, eles não recebiam o apoio formal de suas igrejas. Em seguida, a participação dos evangélicos na arena política durante a ditadura militar foi investigada com destaque para o posicionamento de vanguarda da IECLB, através do Manifesto de Curitiba e, também com a presença de parlamentares evangélicos no Congresso Nacional. A politização pentecostal é ressaltada em nosso trabalho, através do pioneirismo de Manoel de Mello e, depois na Redemocratização quando as instituições evangélicas se organizaram para eleger seus candidatos à Assembleia Nacional Constituinte. E, com o fim do regime militar, o PSC surge como partido “nanico”, contudo, deixa o anonimato e ganha visibilidade midiática quando o pastor e deputado, Marco Feliciano, assume a presidência da Comissão de Direitos Humanos e Minorias, em 2013. Esse é o pano de fundo histórico que projetou o PSC e seus atores no pleito de 2014 com o mote “família tradicional”.