962 resultados para Fabiano Santos


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Amanhã, quarta-feira às 17h nós da Diretoria de Análises de Políticas Públicas da Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV/DAPP) abriremos as portas para conhecer vocês! =] Faremos o primeiro debate presencial aqui no nosso escritório sobre o segundo governo da Dilma e o desafio da governabilidade no Brasil. E para iniciar o papo com a gente, convidamos o Fabiano Santos, que é professor de Ciência Política da UERJ.


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Objetiva analisar todas as leis ordinárias que entraram em vigor durante a 51ª e 52ª Legislaturas (janeiro de 1999 a janeiro de 2007) identificando a autoria e as áreas temáticas dessas leis dando assim, continuidade ao estudo realizado por Otávio Amorim Neto e Fabiano Santos no texto "O Segredo Ineficiente Revisto: O que Propõem e o que aprovam os Deputados Brasileiros", onde foi feito o levantamento das leis ordinárias entre os anos de 1985 e 1999 a partir de tipologia criada por Taylor-Robinson e Diaz que quantificou e classificou as leis de acordo com o assunto ou objeto. A metodologia empregada foi o levantamento das leis ordinárias compreendidas entre janeiro de 1999 a janeiro de 2007, a partir do banco de dados do Site da Presidência da República, do Sistema de Informações Legislativas da Câmara dos Deputados (SILEG) e do Sistema de Informações do Congresso Nacional (SICON). A análise dos dados mostra que a maior parte das Leis Ordinárias que entraram em vigor é de autoria do Poder Executivo levando, consequentemente, à baixa produção legislativa do Congresso Nacional. Além disso, o Poder Executivo, detentor do Poder de Agenda, é o autor das leis consideradas de maior relevância à sociedade.


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Este estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da forma física da ração sobre o desempenho, a utilização dos nutrientes das rações e o desenvolvimento do trato disgestório de pintos de corte na primeira semana de vida. Foram utilizados 150 pintos machos Cobb distribuídos ao acaso em três tratamentos com cinco repetições de dez aves. Os tratamentos consistiram das formas físicas farelada, triturada e peletizada de uma ração pré-inicial comercial. Com exceção da moela, os órgãos do trato digestório e a estrutura morfométrica do intestino não foram influenciados pela forma física da ração. Maior digestibilidade do N foi obtida com a ração peletizada, enquanto a ração triturada possibilitou maior digestibilidade do EE. A energia metabolizável determinada para a ração farelada foi menor que a obtida nas demais formas físicas da ração. As aves alimentadas com ração farelada tiveram menor consumo de ração e ganho de peso e pior conversão alimentar. Ingeriram ainda menos energia, apresentaram menores retenções de proteína, gordura e energia corporal e utilizaram maior proporção da energia ingerida para produção de calor. As rações pré-iniciais na forma peletizada ou triturada possibilitam maior aproveitamento dos nutrientes da ração pelos pintos e melhor desempenho.


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The lost of phase relationship between rhythms and behaviour can, and often do, undesirable consequences. The purpose os study was to ascertain the effect of circadian desynchronization in T22 about metabolism of wistar rats. The subjects consisted of 24 animals separated in two groups: control (n=12) T24 with 8 weeks of aged and experimental group (n=12) T22, also with 8 weeks of aged. Both the groups were subject to register of locomotor actitivity, body temperature, body weight and food intake in all the experiment. And more, both the groups were subject to food deprivation, running in treadmill and forced swimming. The results show rhythm of locomotor activity and body temperature desynchronized. Dont exist diference in body weight between both the groups (T24 = 386,75±40,78g e T22 380,83±44,28g) . However, the food intake was different between the phases, light and dark, in intergroup and intragroup. The body temperature was not different in food deprivation. The same ocurred for running in treadmill and forced swimming. Since similar alterations occur in shift workers, it is proposed that the experimental paradigm presented in this manuscript is a useful model of shift work. That is, alterations in activity/rest cycles and consummatory behavior can affect the health of organism


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Although sucking activity has been considered an essential behavior of early childhood to satisfy nutritive and non-nutritive needs, digit and pacifier sucking are deleterious oral habits that may interfere with child development. Furthermore, this clinical picture may be compounded by other concerning habits, such as self-mutilating behavior. This article reports 4-year follow-up of a child in whom non-nutritive sucking was associated with an unusual self-mutilating behavior; namely, the child would pull out her own hair after wrapping it around her finger every time she sucked on the pacifier. This occurred specially at bedtime, while she was watching TV, or when she was somewhat anxious, and remitted and recurred throughout the follow-up period. In an attempt to address this behavior, pacifier use was discontinued and the child’s head was shaved. Ultimately, the case was only solved through combined efforts involving the child, her family, and health professionals. Based on the parents’ reports and clinical examination and follow-up findings, we emphasize the importance of investigating the origin of the problem and considering emotional aspects and its association with other habits in such cases.


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Molar-incisor hypomineralisation is a qualitative defect of dental tissue of systemic origin affecting one or more permanent first molars and sometimes the permanent incisors as well. There are still no conclusive data on the aetiology of this hypomineralisation, however, systemic factors such as respiratory diseases and prenatal and perinatal complications are regarded as possible causes. The objective is to present three clinical cases of twins, one Monozygotic and two Dizygotic Twins with molar-incisor hypomineralisation, showing evidence of its manifestation as well as clinical the characteristics and aetiological factors involved. The clinical findings involving twins suggest that ameloblasts are specifically affected in their developmental phase, which includes a number of factors. Although prenatal and perinatal complications are not decisive in the development of molar-incisor hypomineralization, it is suggested a possible genetic susceptibility to the disease. Prospective observational studies using a population sample containing data on the last three months of gestation to the eruption of permanent teeth are needed to confirm the causeeffect relationships.


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This study aimed to evaluate the clinical and microscopic changes of MIH, and compare them to areas of healthy dental enamel. Methodology: epoxy resin replicas of healthy incisors and affected by MIH were evaluated qualitatively by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) photographs. Results: Clinically it was observed that MIH incisors showed changes in color and surface, with significant structural losses. By SEM, these had irregular surfaces and margins with structural losses. Conclusions: The teeth affected by HMI have clinical and morphological characteristics that are important for the definition of patient's treatment plan.


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The use of amoxicillin during early childhood has been associated with molar incisor hypomineralization. The objective of this study was to determine whether the use of amoxicillin interferes with enamel development, during secretion and early mineralization stages. Fifteen pregnant rats were randomly assigned to three groups that received physiological solution (sham group), 100 mg/kg/day amoxicillin (A100G), and 500 mg/kg/day amoxicillin (A500G). After birth, the pups in each group received the same treatment until post-natal day 7 or 12. The upper first molars were analyzed histomorphometrical and immunostaining with amelogenin on day 7, and MMP-20 on day 12 was performed using a semiquantitative method (H-score). At 7 days, several vacuolar structures were observed in the ameloblasts in the A100G and A500G groups. A significant reduction of the enamel thickness (P < 0.001) was found in amoxicillin-treated rats compared with the sham group. Significant differences were not observed in enamel thickness (P > 0.05) between the groups of 12-day-old rats. Moreover, significant differences were not observed in the number of amelogenin- and MMP-20-immunolabeled ameloblasts (P > 0.05) between groups. The present results suggest that amoxicillin interferes with the initial stages of amelogenesis by causing structural changes in the ameloblasts and a reduction of the enamel matrix.


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The ability of SnCl2.2H2O as catalyst to promote the Biginelli three-component condensation reaction from a diversity of aromatic aldehydes, ethyl acetoacetate and urea or thiourea is described. The reaction was carried out in acetonitrile or ethanol as solvents in neutral media and represents an improvement of the classical Biginelli protocol and an advantage in comparison with FeCl3.6H2O, NiCl2.6H2O and CoCl2.6H2O which were used with HCl as co-catalyst. The synthesis of 3,4-dihydropyrimidinones was achieved in good to excelent yields.


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The ability of SnCl2.2H2O as catalyst to promote the Biginelli three-component condensation reaction from a diversity of aromatic aldehydes, ethyl acetoacetate and urea or thiourea is described. The reaction was carried out in acetonitrile or ethanol as solvents in neutral media and represents an improvement of the classical Biginelli protocol and an advantage in comparison with FeCl3.6H2O, NiCl2.6H2O and CoCl2.6H2O which were used with HCl as co-catalyst. The synthesis of 3,4- dihydropyrimidinones was achieved in good to excelent yields.


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The Australian species of the Orthocladiinae genus Cricotopus Wulp (Diptera: Chironomidae) are revised for larval, pupal, adult male and female life stages. Eleven species, ten of which are new, are recognised and keyed, namely Cricotopus acornis Drayson & Cranston sp. nov., Cricotopus albitarsis Hergstrom sp. nov., Cricotopus annuliventris (Skuse), Cricotopus brevicornis Drayson & Cranston sp. nov., Cricotopus conicornis Drayson & Cranston sp. nov., Cricotopus hillmani Drayson & Cranston, sp. nov., Cricotopus howensis Cranston sp. nov., Cricotopus parbicinctus Hergstrom sp. nov., Cricotopus tasmania Drayson & Cranston sp. nov., Cricotopus varicornis Drayson & Cranston sp. nov. and Cricotopus wangi Cranston & Krosch sp. nov. Using data from this study, we consider the wider utility of morphological and molecular diagnostic tools in untangling species diversity in the Chironomidae. Morphological support for distinguishing Cricotopus from Paratrichocladius Santo-Abreu in larval and pupal stages appears lacking for Australian taxa and brief notes are provided concerning this matter.


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In the century since the description of the orthoclad genus Paratrichocladius Santos-Abreu (Diptera: Chironomidae), separation in any life stage from the cosmopolitan, diverse Cricotopus Wulp has been problematic. Molecular analysis reveals the presence of two species in Australia that conform in morphology to Paratrichocladius and which form a well-supported clade including Paratrichocladius micans (Kieffer) from Africa and a distinct southern African larva. This clade clusters with taxa allied with Cricotopus albitibia (Walker), in turn nested within all other sampled Australian Cricotopus. Relevant nodes strongly support Cricotopus as nonmonophyletic without inclusion of Paratrichocladius. We synonymize Paratrichocladius with Cricotopus syn.n, treating Paratrichocladius as a subgenus. Cricotopus (Paratrichocladius) australiensis Cranston sp.n. is described for Trichocladius pluriserialis Freeman from Australia, which is not the same species under that name in New Zealand. Cricotopus (Paratrichocladius) bifenestrus Cranston sp.n. from Australia is described, also in all life stages. The many new combinations, listed in an Appendix, include three replacement names for new secondary homonyms, namely: Cricotopus (Paratrichocladius) sinobicinctus Cranston & Krosch nom.n. for Paratrichocladius bicinctus Fu, Sæther & Wang, Cricotopus draysoni Cranston & Krosch nom.n. for Cricotopus brevicornis Drayson, Krosch & Cranston, and Cricotopus (Paratrichocladius) sikhotealinus Makarchenko & Makarchenko nom.n. for Cricotopus orientalis Kieffer. We conclude with comments on wider issues in the taxonomy of Paratrichocladius, especially concerning New Zealand species.