The dual-beam thermal lens technique has been found to be very effective for the measurement of fluorescence quantum yields of dye solutions. The concentration-dependence of the quantum yield of rhodamine B in methanol is studied here using this technique. The observed results are in line with the conclusion that the reduction in the quantum yield in the quenching region is essentially due to the non-radiative relaxation of the absorbed energy. The thermal lens has been found to become abberated above 40 mW of pump laser power. This low value for the upper limit of pump power is due to the fact that the medium is a resonantly absorbing one.
We report absolute values for the radiative relaxation quantum yield of synthetic eumelanin as a function of excitation energy. These values were determined by correcting for pump beam attenuation and emission reabsorption in both eumelanin samples and fluorescein standards over a large range of concentrations. Our results confirm that eumelanins are capable of dissipating >99.9% of absorbed UV and visible radiation through nonradiative means. Furthermore, we have found that the radiative quantum yield of synthetic eumelanin is excitation energy dependent. This observation is supported by corrected emission spectra, which also show a clear dependence of both peak position and peak width on excitation energy. Our findings indicate that photoluminescence emission in eumelanins is derived from ensembles of small chemically distinct oligomeric units that can be selectively pumped. This hypothesis lends support to the theory that the basic structural unit of eumelanin is oligomeric rather than heteropolymeric.
Electronic absorption and fluorescence spectra based on transmission measurements of thin layers obtained from new perylene−zeolite L composites and new dye1,dye2−zeolite L sandwich composites, the latter acting as antenna systems, have been investigated and analyzed. The influence of extra- and intraparticle self-absorption on the spectral shape and fluorescence quantum yield is discussed in detail. Due to its intraparticle origin, self-absorption and re-emission can often not be avoided in organized systems such as dye−zeolite L composites where a high density of chromophores is a prerequisite for obtaining the desired photophysical properties. We show, however, that it can be avoided or at least minimized by preparing dye1,dye2−zeolite L sandwich composites where donors are present in a much larger amount than the acceptors because they act as antenna systems.
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Dual beam thermal lens tecbnique is successfully employed for the determination of absolute Fluorescence quantum yield of rhodamine 6G lnser dye in different solvents. A 532 nm radiation from a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser was used for the excitation purpose. The fluorescence quantum yield values are found to be strongly influenced by environmental effects. It has been observed that fluorescence yield is greater for rhodamine 6G in ethylene glycol system than in water or in methanol. Our results also indicate that parameters like concentration of the dye solution, aggregate formation and excited state absorption affect the absolute values of fluorescence yield significantly.
Experimental method for measuring photoacoustic(PA) signals generated by a pulsed laser beam in liquids is described. The pulsed PA technique is found to be a convenient and accurate method for determination of quantum yield in fluorescent dye solutions. Concentration dependence of quantum yield of rhodamine 6G in water is studied using the above method. The results indicate that the quantum yield decreases with increase in concentration in the quenching region in agreement with the existing reports based on radiometric measurements.
Nano structured noble metals have very important applications in diverse fields as photovoltaics, catalysis, electronic and magnetic devices, etc. Here, we report the application of dual beam thermal lens technique for the determination of the effect of silver sol on the absolute fluorescence quantum yield (FQY) of the laser dye rhodamine 6G. A 532 nm radiation from a diode pumped solid state laser was used as the excitation source. It has been observed that the presence of silver sol decreases the fluorescence quantum efficiency. This is expected to have a very important consequence in enhancing Raman scattering which is an important spectrochemical tool that provides information on molecular structures. We have also observed that the presence of silver sol can enhance the thermal lens signal which makes the detection of the signal easier at any concentration.
The fluorescence spectrum of the schiff base obtained from salicylaldehyde and 2-aminophenol is studied using an argon-ion laser as the excitation source and its fluorescence quantum yield (Qf) is determined using a thermal lens method. This is a nondestructive technique that gives the absolute value of Qf without the need for a fluorescence standard. The quantum-yield values are calculated for various concentrations of the solution in chloroform and also for various excitation wavelengths. The value of Qf is relatively high, and is concentration dependent. The maximum value of Qf obtained is nearly 0.78. The high value of the fluorescence quantum yield will render the schiff base useful as a fluorescent marker for biological applications. Photostability and gain studies will assess its suitability as a laser dye.
In this work, the use of proton nuclear magnetic resonance, (1)H NMR, was fully described as a powerful tool to follow a photoreaction and to determine accurate quantum yields, so called true quantum yields (Phi(true)), when a reactant and photoproduct absorption overlap. For this, Phi(true) for the trans-cis photoisomerization process were determined for rhenium(I) polypyridyl complexes, fac-[Re(CO)(3)(NN)(trans-L)](+) (NN = 1,10-phenanthroline, phen, or 4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline, ph(2)phen, and L = 1,2-bis(4-pyridyl) ethylene, bpe, or 4-styrylpyridine, stpy). The true values determined at 365 nm irradiation (e. g. Phi(NMR) = 0.80 for fac-[Re(CO)(3)(phen)(trans-bpe)](+)) were much higher than those determined by absorption spectral changes (Phi(UV-Vis) = 0.39 for fac-[Re(CO)(3)(phen)(trans-bpe)](+)). Phi(NMR) are more accurate in these cases due to the distinct proton signals of trans and cis-isomers, which allow the actual determination of each component concentration under given irradiation time. Nevertheless when the photoproduct or reactant contribution at the probe wavelength is negligible, one can determine Phi(true) by regular absorption spectral changes. For instance, Phi(313) nm for free ligand photoisomerization determined both by absorption and (1)H NMR variation are equal within the experimental error (bpe: Phi(UV-Vis) = 0.27, Phi(NMR) = 0.26; stpy: Phi(UV-Vis) = 0.49, Phi(NMR) = 0.49). Moreover, (1)H NMR data combined with electronic spectra allowed molar absorptivity determination of difficult to isolate cis-complexes. (C) 2009 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
We report the energy-transfer mechanisms and emission quantum yield measurements of sol-gel-derived Eu3+-based nanohybrids. The matrix of these materials, classified as diureasils and termed U(2000) and U(600), includes urea cross-links between a siliceous backbone and polyether-based segments of two molecular weights, 2000 and 600, respectively. These materials are full-color emitters in which the Eu3+ (5)Do --> F-7(0-4) lines merge with the broad green-blue emission of the nanoscopic matrix's backbone. The excitation spectra show the presence of a large broad band (similar to 27000-29000 cm(-1)) undoubtedly assigned to a ligand-to-metal charge-transfer state. Emission quantum yields range from 2% to 13.0% depending on the polymer molecular weight and Eu3+ concentration. Energy transfer between the hybrid hosts and the cations arises from two different and independent processes: the charge-transfer band and energy transfer from the hybrid's emitting centers. The activation of the latter mechanisms induces a decrease in the emission quantum yields (relative to undoped nanohybrids) and permits a fine-tuning of the emission chromaticity across the Comission Internacionalle d'Eclairage diagram, e.g., (x, y) color coordinates from (0.21, 0.24) to (0.39, 0.36). Moreover, that activation depends noticeably on the ion local coordination. For the diureasils with longer polymer chains, energy transfer occurs as the Eu3+ coordination involves the carbonyl-type oxygen atoms of the urea bridges, which are located near the hybrid's host emitting centers. on the contrary, in the U(600)-based diureasils, the Eu3+ ions are coordinated to the polymer chains, and therefore, the distance between the hybrid's emitting centers and the metal ions is large enough to allow efficient energy-transfer mechanisms.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The photodynamic properties of eight hydrophobic monocationic methyl and ruthenium polypyridine complex derivatives of free-base and zinc(II) meso-triphenyl-monopyridylporphyrin series were evaluated and compared using HeLa cells as model. The cream-like polymeric nanocapsule formulations of marine atelocollagen/xanthan gum, prepared by the coacervation method, exhibited high phototoxicity but negligible cytotoxicity in the dark. Interestingly, the formulations of a given series presented similar photodynamic activities but the methylated free-base derivatives were significantly more phototoxic than the respective ruthenated photosensitizers, reflecting the higher photoinduced singlet oxygen quantum yields of those monocationic porphyrin dyes.
The chemiluminescence of cyclic peroxides activated by oxidizable fluorescent dyes is an example of chemically initiated electron exchange luminescence (CIEEL), which has been used also to explain the efficient bioluminescence of fireflies. Diphenoyl peroxide and dimethyl-1,2-dioxetanone were used as model compounds for the development of this CIEEL mechanism. However, the chemiexcitation efficiency of diphenoyl peroxide was found to be much lower than originally described. In this work, we redetermine the chemiexcitation quantum efficiency of dimethyl-1,2-dioxetanone, a more adequate model for firefly bioluminescence, and found a singlet quantum yield (Phi(s)) of 0.1%, a value at least 2 orders of magnitude lower than previously reported. Furthermore, we synthesized two other 1,2-dioxetanone derivatives and confirm the low chemiexcitation efficiency (Phi(s) < 0.1%) of the intermolecular CIEEL-activated decomposition of this class of cyclic. peroxides. These results are compared with other chemiluminescent reactions, supporting the general trend that intermolecular CIEEL systems are much less efficient in generating singlet excited states than analogous intramolecular processes (Phi(s) approximate to 50%), with the notable exception of the peroxyoxalate reaction (Phi(s) approximate to 60%).
Phytoplankton photosynthesis links global ocean biology and climate-driven fluctuations in the physical environment. These interactions are largely expressed through changes in phytoplankton physiology, but physiological status has proven extremely challenging to characterize globally. Phytoplankton fluorescence does provide a rich source of physiological information long exploited in laboratory and field studies, and is now observed from space. Here we evaluate the physiological underpinnings of global variations in satellite-based phytoplankton chlorophyll fluorescence. The three dominant factors influencing fluorescence distributions are chlorophyll concentration, pigment packaging effects on light absorption, and light-dependent energy-quenching processes. After accounting for these three factors, resultant global distributions of quenching-corrected fluorescence quantum yields reveal a striking consistency with anticipated patterns of iron availability. High fluorescence quantum yields are typically found in low iron waters, while low quantum yields dominate regions where other environmental factors are most limiting to phytoplankton growth. Specific properties of photosynthetic membranes are discussed that provide a mechanistic view linking iron stress to satellite-detected fluorescence. Our results present satellite-based fluorescence as a valuable tool for evaluating nutrient stress predictions in ocean ecosystem models and give the first synoptic observational evidence that iron plays an important role in seasonal phytoplankton dynamics of the Indian Ocean. Satellite fluorescence may also provide a path for monitoring climate-phytoplankton physiology interactions and improving descriptions of phytoplankton light use efficiencies in ocean productivity models.
A series of new phenyl-based conjugated copolymers has been synthesized and investigated by vibrational and photoluminescence spectroscopy (PL). The materials are: poly( 1,4-phenylene-alt-3,6-pyridazine) (COP-PIR), poly(9,9-dioctylfluorene)-co-quaterphenylene (COP-PPP) and poly[(1,4-phenylene-alt-3,6-pyridazine)-co-(1,4-phenylene-alt-9,9-dioctylfluorene)] (COP-PIR-FLUOR), with 3.5% of fluorene. COP-PPP and COP-PIR-FLUOR have high fluorescence quantum yields in solution. Infrared and Raman spectra were used to check the chemical structure of the compounds. The copolymers exhibit blue emission ranging front 2.8 to 3.6 eV when excited at E(exc)=4.13 eV. Stokes-shift Values were estimated on pristine samples in their condensed state from steady-state PL-emission and PL-excitation spectra. They suggest a difference in the torsional angle between the molecular configuration of the polymer blocks at the absorption and PL transitions and also in the photoexcitation diffusion. Additionally, the time-resolved PL of these materials has been investigated by using 100 fs laser pulses at E(exc)=4.64 eV and a streak camera. Results show very fast biexponential kinetics for the two fluorene-based polymers with decay times below 300 ps indicating both intramolecular, fast radiative recombination and migration of photogenerated electron-hole pairs. By contrast, the PL of COP-PIR is less intense and longer lived, indicating that excitons are confined to the chains in this polymer. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.