976 resultados para FIBER FORMATION


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Most gram-negative pathogens express fibrous adhesive virulence organelles that mediate targeting to the sites of infection. The F1 capsular antigen from the plague pathogen Yersinia pestis consists of linear fibers of a single subunit (Caf1) and serves as a prototype for nonpilus organelles assembled via the chaperone/usher pathway. Genetic data together with high-resolution X-ray structures corresponding to snapshots of the assembly process reveal the structural basis of fiber formation. Comparison of chaperone bound Caf1 subunit with the subunit in the fiber reveals a novel type of conformational change involving the entire hydrophobic core of the protein. The observed conformational change suggests that the chaperone traps a high-energy folding intermediate of Caf1. A model is proposed in which release of the subunit allows folding to be completed, driving fiber formation.


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In this chapter, we will give an overview of our work on manipulating the micro/nano structure and macroscopic properties of SMGs. Firstly, it will cover the analysis of the thermodynamics of fiber formation in SMGs and the classification and characterization of the topological and micro/nano structures of fiber networks, followed by the analysis of the formation kinetics of these networks. The criteria of engineering of the SMGs will be summarized according to the latest understanding of the formation mechanisms of fiber networks. On the basis of this understanding, approaches that have been developed to engineer the micro/nanometer structures and macroscopic properties of typical SMGs will be presented.


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This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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We demonstrate the aptitude of supramolecular hydrogel formation using simple bile acid such as lithocholic acid in aqueous solution in the presence of various dimeric or oligomeric amines. By variation of the choice of the amines in such mixtures the gelation properties could be modulated. However, the replacement of lithocholic acid (LCA) by cholic acid or deoxycholic acid resulted in no hydrogel formation. FT-IR studies confirm that the carboxylate and ammonium residues of the two components are involved in the salt (ion-pair) formation. This promotes further assembly of the components reinforced by a continuous hydrogen bonded network leading to gelation. Electron microscopy shows the morphology of the internal organization of gels of two component systems which also depends significantly on the amine part. Variation of the amine component from the simple 1,2-ethanediamine (EDA) to oligomeric amines in such gels of lithocholic acid changes the morphology of the assembly from long one-dimensional nanotubes to three-dimensional complex structures. Single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis with one of the amine-LCA complexes suggested the motif of fiber formation where the amines interact with the carboxylate and hydroxyl moieties through electrostatic forces and hydrogen bonding. From small angle neutron scattering study, it becomes clear that the weak gel from LCA-EDA shows scattering oscillation due to the presence of non-interacting nanotubules while for gels of LCA with oligomeric amines the individual fibers come together to form complex three-dimensional organizations of higher length scale. The rheological properties of this class of two component system provide clear evidence that the flow behavior can be modulated varying the acid-amine ratio.


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Palladin is a novel actin microfilament associated protein, which together with myotilin and myopalladin forms a novel cytoskeletal IgC2 domain protein family. Whereas the expression of myotilin and myopalladin is limited mainly to striated muscle, palladin is widely expressed in both epithelial and mesenchymal tissues, including heart and the nervous system. Palladin has a complex genetic structure and it is expressed as several different sized and structured splice variants, which also display differences in their expression pattern and interactions. In muscle cells, all the family members localize to the sarcomeric Z-disc, and in non-muscle cells palladin also localizes to the stress-fiber-dense regions, lamellipodia, podosomes and focal adhesions. A common feature of this protein family is the binding to α-actinin, but other interactions are mostly unique to each member. Palladin has been shown to interact with several proteins, including VASP, profilin, Eps8, LASP-1 and LPP. Its domain structure, lack of enzymatic activity and multiple interactions define it as a molecular scaffolding protein, which links together proteins with different functional modalities into large complexes. Palladin has an important role in cytoskeletal regulation, particularly in stress fiber formation and stabilization. This assumption is supported by several experimental results. First, over-expression of palladin in non-muscle cells results in rapid reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton and formation of thick actin bundles. Second, the knock-down of palladin with anti-sense and siRNA techniques or knock-out by genetic methods leads to defective stress fiber formation. Furthermore, palladin is usually up-regulated in situations requiring a highly organized cytoskeleton, such as differentiation of dendritic cells, trophoblasts and myofibroblasts, and activation of astrocytes during glial scar formation. The protein family members have also direct disease linkages; myotilin missense mutations are the cause of LGMD1A and myofibrillar myopathy. Palladin mutations and polymorphisms, on the other hand, have been linked to hereditary pancreatic cancer and myocardial infarction, respectively. In this study we set out to characterize human palladin. We identified several palladin isoforms, studied their tissue distribution and sub-cellular localization. Four novel interaction partners were identified; ezrin, ArgBP2, SPIN90 and Src-kinase.The previously identified interaction between palladin and α-actinin was also characterized in detail. All the identified new binding partners are actin cytoskeleton associated proteins; ezrin links the plasma membrane to the cytoskeleton, ArgBP2 and SPIN90 localize, among other structures, to the lamellipodia and in cardiomyocytes to the Z-disc. Src is a transforming tyrosine kinase, which besides its role in oncogenesis has also important cytoskeletal associations. We also studied palladin in myofibroblasts, which are specialized cells involved in diverse physiological and pathological processes, such as wound healing and tissue fibrosis. We demonstrated that palladin is up-regulated during the differentiation of myofibroblasts in an isoform specific manner, and that this up-regulation is induced by TGF-β via activation of both the SMAD and MAPK signalling cascades. In summary, the results presented here describe the initial characterization of human palladin and offer a basis for further studies.


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Tumorigenesis is a consequence of inactivating mutations of tumor suppressor genes and activating mutations of proto-oncogenes. Most of the mutations compromise cell autonomous and non-autonomous restrains on cell proliferation by modulating kinase signal transduction pathways. LKB1 is a tumor suppressor kinase whose sporadic mutations are frequently found in non-small cell lung cancer and cervical cancer. Germ-line mutations in the LKB1 gene lead to Peutz-Jeghers syndrome with an increased risk of cancer and development of benign gastrointestinal hamartomatous polyps consisting of hyperproliferative epithelia and prominent stromal stalk composed of smooth muscle cell lineage cells. The tumor suppressive function of LKB1 is possibly mediated by 14 identified LKB1 substrate kinases, whose activation is dependent on the LKB1 kinase complex. The aim of my thesis was to identify cell signaling pathways crucial for tumor suppression by LKB1. Re-introduction of LKB1 expression in the melanoma cell line G361 induces cell cycle arrest. Here we demonstrated that restoring the cytoplasmic LKB1 was sufficient to induce the cell cycle arrest in a tumor suppressor p53 dependent manner. To address the role of LKB1 in gastrointestinal tumor suppression, Lkb1 was deleted specifically in SMC lineage in vivo, which was sufficient to cause Peutz-Jeghers syndrome type polyposis. Studies on primary myofibroblasts lacking Lkb1 suggest that the regulation of TGFβ signaling, actin stress fibers and smooth muscle cell lineage differentiation are candidate mechanisms for tumor suppression by LKB1 in the gastrointestinal stroma. Further studies with LKB1 substrate kinase NUAK2 in HeLa cells indicate that NUAK2 is part of a positive feedback loop by which NUAK2 expression promotes actin stress fiber formation and, reciprocally the induction of actin stress fibers promote NUAK2 expression. Findings in this thesis suggest that p53 and TGFβ signaling pathways are potential mediators of tumor suppression by LKB1. An indication of NUAK2 in the promotion of actin stress fibers suggests that NUAK2 is one possible mediator of LKB1 dependent TGFβ signaling and smooth muscle cell lineage differentiation.


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Major ampullate silk fibers of orb web-weaving spiders have impressive mechanical properties due to the fact that the underlying proteins partially fold into helical/amorphous structures, yielding relatively elastic matrices that are toughened by anisotropic nanoparticulate inclusions (formed from stacks of beta-sheets of the same proteins). In vivo the transition from soluble protein to solid fibers involves a combination of chemical and mechanical stimuli (such as ion exchange, extraction of water and shear forces). Here we elucidate the effects of such stimuli on the in vitro aggregation of engineered and recombinantly produced major ampullate silk-like proteins (focusing on structure-function relationships with respect to their primary structures), and discuss their relevance to the storage and assembly of spider silk proteins in vivo. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Enhanced vascular permeability attributable to disruption of blood-brain barrier results in the development of cerebral edema after stroke. Using an in vitro model of the brain barrier composed of human brain microvascular endothelial cells and human astrocytes, this study explored whether small GTPase RhoA and its effector protein Rho kinase were involved in permeability changes mediated by oxygen-glucose deprivation (OGD), key pathological phenomena during ischemic stroke.

METHODS: OGD increased RhoA and Rho kinase protein expressions in human brain microvascular endothelial cells and human astrocytes while increasing or unaffecting that of endothelial nitric oxide synthase in respective cells. Reperfusion attenuated the expression and activity of RhoA and Rho kinase in both cell types compared to their counterparts exposed to equal periods of OGD alone while selectively increasing human brain microvascular endothelial cells endothelial nitric oxide synthase protein levels. OGD compromised the barrier integrity as confirmed by decreases in transendothelial electric resistance and concomitant increases in flux of permeability markers sodium fluorescein and Evan's blue albumin across cocultures. Transfection of cells with constitutively active RhoA also increased flux and reduced transendothelial electric resistance, whereas inactivation of RhoA by anti-RhoA Ig electroporation exerted opposite effects. In vitro cerebral barrier dysfunction was accompanied by myosin light chain overphosphorylation and stress fiber formation. Reperfusion and treatments with a Rho kinase inhibitor Y-27632 significantly attenuated barrier breakdown without profoundly altering actin structure.

CONCLUSIONS: Increased RhoA/Rho kinase/myosin light chain pathway activity coupled with changes in actin cytoskeleton account for OGD-induced endothelial barrier breakdown.


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Dock1 (aussi nommé Dock180) est le membre prototypique de la famille Dock d’activateurs des petites GTPases de la famille Rho. Dock1 agit au sein d’une voie de signalisation conservée au cours de l’évolution et des études génétiques ont démontré que les orthologues de Dock1, myoblast city (mbc) chez la drosophile et Ced-5 chez le nématode, activent Rac dans divers processus biologiques. Notamment, mbc est un important régulateur de la fusion des myoblastes lors de la formation des fibres musculaires de drosophile. Mbc est aussi essentiel à la migration collective d’un groupe de cellules, appelées cellules de bordures, lors de leur migration dans la chambre de l’oeuf suite à l’activation de récepteurs à activité tyrosine kinase (RTK). La migration collective des cellules de bordures récapitule certains des événements observés lorsque des cellules tumorales envahissent le tissu environnant lors de la formation de métastases. Chez les mammifères, des études réalisées en lignées cellulaires suggèrent que Dock1 est aussi un régulateur du cytosquelette lors de la migration cellulaire. De plus, certaines études ont démontré que la voie Dock1/Rac agit en aval de RTKs lors de l’invasion de cellules de glioblastome. Néanmoins, les fonctions in vivo de Dock1 chez les mammifères demeurent méconnues et le but de cette thèse est d’identifier et de caractériser certaines de ses fonctions. Guidés par la fonction de mbc, nous démontrons dans l’objectif no 1 un rôle essentiel pour ce gène au cours du développement embryonnaire grâce à la caractérisation d’une souris Dock1 knock-out. Des défauts sévères de fusion des myoblastes sont observés en absence de l’expression de Dock1 et ils contribuent à la réduction de la masse musculaire des souris mutantes. De plus, nous avons constaté une contribution du gène Dock5, un membre de la famille Dock proche de Dock1, au développement des fibres musculaires. Dans l’objectif no 2, nous avons observé que des hauts niveaux d’expression de DOCK1 corrèlent avec un mauvais pronostic chez les patientes atteintes de cancer du sein possédant une forte expression du gène codant pour le RTK HER2. Une surexpression ou une amplification du locus codant pour le récepteur HER2 est associée à près de 20% des cas de cancer du sein. Les cancers de ces patientes développent fréquemment des métastases et sont associés à un mauvais pronostic. Des études biochimiques ont révélé que DOCK1 interagit avec le récepteur HER2 dans des cellules de cancer du sein. De plus, DOCK1 est essentiel à l’activation de RAC et à la migration cellulaire induite par HER2 dans ces cellules. L’utilisation d’un modèle de cancer du sein médié par HER2 chez la souris combiné avec l’inactivation du gène Dock1 dans les glandes mammaires, nous a permis d’identifier Dock1 et Rac comme de nouveaux effecteurs de la croissance tumorale et de la formation de métastases régulées par l’oncogène HER2. Nous concluons que l’utilisation de différents modèles de souris knock-out pour le gène Dock1 nous a permis d’identifier des fonctions clés de ce gène. Tout comme son orthologue mbc, Dock1 joue un rôle important lors du développement embryonnaire en régulant notamment la fusion des myoblastes. Nos études ont également contribué à démontrer un important degré de conservation des mécanismes moléculaires de fusion entre les espèces. De plus, DOCK1 agit en aval du RTK HER2 et son expression dans les cellules épithéliales de glandes mammaires contribue au développement tumoral et à la formation de métastases induits par cet oncogène.


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This paper compares and contrasts, for the first time, one- and two-component gelation systems that are direct structural analogues and draws conclusions about the molecular recognition pathways that underpin fibrillar self-assembly. The new one-component systems comprise L-lysine-based dendritic headgroups covalently connected to an aliphatic diamine spacer chain via an amide bond, One-component gelators with different generations of headgroup (from first to third generation) and different length spacer chains are reported. The self-assembly of these dendrimers in toluene was elucidated using thermal measurements, circular dichroism (CD) and NMR spectroscopies, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The observations are compared with previous results for the analogous two-component gelation system in which the dendritic headgroups are bound to the aliphatic spacer chain noncovalently via acid-amine interactions. The one-component system is inherently a more effective gelator, partly as a consequence of the additional covalent amide groups that provide a new hydrogen bonding molecular recognition pathway, whereas the two-component analogue relies solely on intermolecular hydrogen bond interactions between the chiral dendritic headgroups. Furthermore, because these amide groups are important in the assembly process for the one-component system, the chiral information preset in the dendritic headgroups is not always transcribed into the nanoscale assembly, whereas for the two-component system, fiber formation is always accompanied by chiral ordering because the molecular recognition pathway is completely dependent on hydrogen bond interactions between well-organized chiral dendritic headgroups.


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In this study, we demonstrated the needleless electrospinning of poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) nanofibers with two nozzles, a rotating disk and a cylinder, and examined the effect of the nozzle shape on the electrospinning process and resultant fiber morphology. The disk nozzle needed a relatively low applied voltage to initiate fiber formation, and the fibers were mainly formed on the top disk edge. Also, the PVA concentration had little influence on the disk electrospinning process (up to 11 wt %). In comparison, the cylinder electrospinning showed a higher dependence on the applied voltage and polymer concentration. The fibers were initiated from the cylinder ends first and then from the entire cylinder surface only if the applied voltage were increased to a certain level. With the same polymer solution, the critical voltage needed to generate nanofibers from the disk nozzle was lower than that needed to generate nanofibers from the cylinder. Both electrospinning systems could produce uniform nanofibers, but the fibers produced from the disk nozzle were finer than those from the cylinder when the operating conditions were the same. A thin disk (8 cm in diameter and 2 mm thick) could produce nanofibers at a rate similar to that of a cylinder of the same diameter but 100 times wider (i.e., 20 cm long). Finite element analysis of electric field profiles of the nozzles revealed a concentrated electric field on the disk edge. For the cylinder nozzle, an uneven distribution of the electric field intensity profile along the nozzle surface was observed. The field lines were mainly concentrated on the cylinder ends, with a much lower electric field intensity formed in the middle surface area. At the same applied voltage, the electric field intensity on the disk edge was much higher than that on the cylinder end. These differences in the electric field intensity profiles could explain the differences in the fiber fineness and rate of the nanofibers produced from these two nozzles. These findings will benefit the design and further development of large-scale electrospinning systems for the mass production of nanofibers for advanced applications.


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Polyacrylonitrile (PAN) nanofibers were prepared by a needleless electrospinning method using three rotating fiber generators, cylinder, disc and coil. The effects of the spinneret shape on the electrospinning process and resultant fiber morphology were examined. The disc spinneret needed the lowest voltage to initiate fiber formation, followed by the coil and cylinder. Compared to cylinder, the disc and coil produced finer fibers with narrower diameter distribution. The productivity of a coil was 23 g/hr, which was much larger than that of the cylinder spinneret having the same length and diameter. Finite elementary method was used to analyze the electric field. Stronger electric field was found to be formed on disc and coil surface, which concentrated on the disc circumferential edge and coil wire surface, respectively. For cylinder, the high intensity electric field was mainly concentrated on the end area. Concentrated electric field on the fiber generating surface could be used to explain the better electrospinning performance of coil, which may form a new concept for designing needleless electrospinning spinnerets.


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Ultrafine polystyrene (PS) nanofibers were prepared via the simple electrospinning technique. Uniform and smooth PS nanofibers were obtained with adding the organic salt BTEAC into the PS solutions and adjusting the concentration of PS solutions. Without the addition of BTEAC, PS fibers with few beads could be achieved with a PS mass fraction of 20%, and the average diameter of the fibers was 280 nm. The addition of the organic salt BTEAC could lower the critical concentration for the fiber formation and reduce the amount of beads on the fibers. Unltrafine PS fibers without any beads were obtained with a PS mass fraction of 10% and an ionic salt mass fraction of 0.5%. The average diameter of the fiber was successfully reduced to 100 nm. The influence of the salt concentration on the morphology and diameter of the PS fibers was also investigated. The viscosity and surface tension changes were measured with changing the concentration of BTEAC. The results show that the changes were so small that these factors could be ignored. It was suggested that variations of the fiber diameter should be mainly resulted from the changes of conductivity and conformation of the polymer chain as the concentration of BTEAC is varied.


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The effects of plant growth regulators GA3 50 mg. L-1, NAA 100 mg. L-1, CCC 1500 mg.L-1 and SADH 3000 mg.L-1 on stem anatomy of Lycopersicon esculentum Mill cv. Ângela Gigante were studied. Two sets of experiments were carried out in greenhouse during two separte periods. Anatomical studies , revealed that growth promotors induced increased xylem thickness and increased the number of tracheary elements while the growth retardants decreased xylem thickness and induced fiber formation.