869 resultados para FETAL HEART RATE
We analyzed the effectiveness of linear short- and long-term variability time domain parameters, an index of sympatho-vagal balance (SDNN/RMSSD) and entropy in differentiating fetal heart rate patterns (fHRPs) on the fetal heart rate (fHR) series of 5, 3 and 2 min duration reconstructed from 46 fetal magnetocardiograms. Gestational age (GA) varied from 21 to 38 weeks. FHRPs were classified based on the fHR standard deviation. In sleep states, we observed that vagal influence increased with GA, and entropy significantly increased (decreased) with GA (SDNN/RMSSD), demonstrating that a prevalence of vagal activity with autonomous nervous system maturation may be associated with increased sleep state complexity. In active wakefulness, we observed a significant negative (positive) correlation of short-term (long-term) variability parameters with SDNN/RMSSD. ANOVA statistics demonstrated that long-term irregularity and standard deviation of normal-to-normal beat intervals (SDNN) best differentiated among fHRPs. Our results confirm that short-and long-term variability parameters are useful to differentiate between quiet and active states, and that entropy improves the characterization of sleep states. All measures differentiated fHRPs more effectively on very short HR series, as a result of the fMCG high temporal resolution and of the intrinsic timescales of the events that originate the different fHRPs.
Thesis--University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
This is the protocol for a review and there is no abstract. The objectives are as follows: To evaluate the effectiveness and risks of fetal scalp lactate sampling in the assessment of fetal wellbeing during labour, compared with no testing or alternative additional testing (pH, fetal pulse oximetry, etc) for women exhibiting a non-reassuring cardiotocograph trace. A secondary objective of the review is to determine whether effectiveness and risks of intrapartum fetal scalp lactate sampling is influenced by the following: stage of labour; gestation less than 37 completed weeks, greater than or equal to 37 completed weeks; additional tests performed to confirm the presence or absence of fetal acidemia during labour.
INTRODUCCIÓN: El riesgo de padecer enfermedades cardiovasculares y los índices de obesidad infantil han ido en aumento durante los últimos años empobreciendo la salud de la población. La Teoría de Barker relaciona el estado de salud de la madre con el desarrollo fetal, asociando a un deficiente estado físico y hábitos de vida negativos de la mujer embarazada con el aumento del riesgo de padecer cardiopatías en la infancia y adolescencia, así como predisponer al recién nacido a padecer sobrepeso y/u obesidad en su vida posterior. Por otro lado los estudios efectuados sobre ejercicio físico durante el embarazo reportan beneficios para salud materna y fetal. Uno de los parámetros más utilizados para comprobar la salud fetal es su frecuencia cardiaca, mediante la que se comprueba el buen desarrollo del sistema nervioso autónomo. Si se observa este parámetro en presencia de ejercicio materno podría encontrarse una respuesta crónica del corazón fetal al ejercicio materno como consecuencia de una adaptación y mejora en el funcionamiento del sistema nervioso autónomo del feto. De esta forma podría mejorar su salud cardiovascular intrauterina, lo que podría mantenerse en su vida posterior descendiendo el riesgo de padecer enfermedades cardiovasculares en la edad adulta. OBJETIVOS: Conocer la influencia de un programa de ejercicio físico supervisado en la frecuencia cardiaca fetal (FCF) en reposo y después del ejercicio materno en relación con gestantes sedentarias mediante la realización de un protocolo específico. Conocer la influencia de un programa de ejercicio físico en el desarrollo del sistema nervioso autónomo fetal, relacionado con el tiempo de recuperación de la FCF. MATERIAL Y MÉTODO: Se diseñó un ensayo clínico aleatorizado multicéntrico en el que participaron 81 gestantes (GC=38, GE=43). El estudio fue aprobado por el comité ético de los hospitales que participaron en el estudio. Todas las gestantes fueron informadas y firmaron un consentimiento para su participación en el estudio. Las participantes del GE recibieron una intervención basada en un programa de ejercicio físico desarrollado durante la gestación (12-36 semanas de gestación) con una frecuencia de tres veces por semana. Todas las gestantes realizaron un protocolo de medida de la FCF entre las semanas 34-36 de gestación. Dicho protocolo consistía en dos test llevados a cabo caminando a diferentes intensidades (40% y 60% de la frecuencia cardiaca de reserva). De este protocolo se obtuvieron las principales variables de estudio: FCF en reposo, FCF posejercicio al 40 y al 60% de intensidad, tiempo de recuperación de la frecuencia cardiaca fetal en ambos esfuerzos. El material utilizado para la realización del protocolo fue un monitor de frecuencia cardiaca para controlar la frecuencia cardiaca de la gestante y un monitor fetal inalámbrico (telemetría fetal) para registrar el latido fetal durante todo el protocolo. RESULTADOS: No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la FCF en reposo entre grupos (GE=140,88 lat/min vs GC= 141,95 lat/min; p>,05). Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el tiempo de recuperación de la FCF entre los fetos de ambos grupos (GE=135,65 s vs GC=426,11 s esfuerzo al 40%; p<,001); (GE=180,26 s vs GC=565,61 s esfuerzo al 60%; p<,001). Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la FCF posejercicio al 40% (GE=139,93 lat/min vs GC=147,87 lat/min; p<,01). No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la FCF posejercicio al 60% (GE=143,74 lat/min vs GC=148,08 lat/min; p>,05). CONLUSIÓN: El programa de ejercicio físico desarrollado durante la gestación influyó sobre el corazón fetal de los fetos de las gestantes del GE en relación con el tiempo de recuperación de la FCF. Los resultados muestran un posible mejor funcionamiento del sistema nervioso autónomo en fetos de gestantes activas durante el embarazo. ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: The risk to suffer cardiovascular diseases and childhood obesity index has grown in the last years worsening the health around the population. Barker´s Theory related maternal health with fetal development establishing an association between a poorly physical state and an unhealthy lifestyle in the pregnant woman with the risk to suffer heart disease during childhood and adolescence, childhood overweight and/or obese is related to maternal lifestyle. By the other way researches carried out about physical exercise and pregnancy show benefits in maternal and fetal health. One of the most studied parameters to check fetal health is its heart rate, correct fetal autonomic nervous system development and work is also corroborated by fetal heart rate. Looking at this parameter during maternal exercise a chronic response of fetal heart could be found due to an adaptation and improvement in the working of the autonomic nervous system. Therefore its cardiovascular health could be enhanced during its intrauterine life and maybe it could be maintained in its posterior life descending the risk to suffer cardiovascular diseases in adult life. OBJECTIVES: To know the influence of a supervised physical activity program in the fetal heart rate (FHR) at rest, FHR after maternal exercise related to sedentary pregnant women by a FHR assessment protocol. To know the influence of a physical activity program in the development of the autonomic nervous system related to FHR recovery time. MATERIAL AND METHOD: A multicentric randomized clinical trial was design in which 81 pregnant women participated (CG=38, EG=43). The study was approved by the ethics committee of all of the hospitals participating in the study. All of the participants signed an informed consent for their participation in the study. EG participants received an intervention based on a physical activity program carried out during gestation (12-36 gestation weeks) with a three days a week frequency. All of the participants were tested between 34-36 weeks of gestation by a specific FHR assessment protocol. The mentioned protocol consisted in two test performed walking and at a two different intensities (40% and 60% of the reserve heart rate). From this protocol we obtained the main research variables: FHR at rest, FHR post-exercise at 40% and 60% intensity, and FHR recovery time at both walking test. The material used to perform the protocol were a FH monitor to check maternal HR and a wireless fetal monitor (Telemetry) to register fetal beats during the whole protocol. RESULTS: There were no statistical differences in FHR at rest between groups (EG=140,88 beats/min vs CG= 141,95 beats/min; p>,05). There were statistical differences in FHR recovery time in both walking tests between groups (EG=135,65 s vs CG=426,11 s test at 40% intensity; p<,001); (EG=180,26 s vs CG=565,61 s test at 60% intensity; p<,001). Statistical differences were found in FHR post-exercise at 40% intensity between groups (EG=139,93 beats/min vs CG=147,87 beats/min; p<,01). No statistical differences were found in FHR at rest post-exercise at 60% intensity between groups (EG=143,74 beats/min vs CG=148,08 beats/min; p>,05). CONCLUSIONS: The physical activity program performed during gestation had an influence in fetal heart of the fetus from mother in the EG related to FHR recovery time. These results show a possible enhancement on autonomic nervous system working in fetus from active mothers during gestation.
Objective: To establish whether fetal growth rate (as distinct from size at birth) is associated with mortality from ischaemic heart disease.
Heart rate variability (HRV) refers to the regulation of the sinoatrial node, the natural pacemaker of the heart, by the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system. Heart rate variability analysis is an important tool to observe the heart's ability to respond to normal regulatory impulses that affect its rhythm. A computer-based intelligent system for analysis of cardiac states is very useful in diagnostics and disease management. Like many bio-signals, HRV signals are nonlinear in nature. Higher order spectral analysis (HOS) is known to be a good tool for the analysis of nonlinear systems and provides good noise immunity. In this work, we studied the HOS of the HRV signals of normal heartbeat and seven classes of arrhythmia. We present some general characteristics for each of these classes of HRV signals in the bispectrum and bicoherence plots. We also extracted features from the HOS and performed an analysis of variance (ANOVA) test. The results are very promising for cardiac arrhythmia classification with a number of features yielding a p-value < 0.02 in the ANOVA test.
This paper analyzes effects of different practice task constraints on heart rate (HR) variability during 4v4 smallsided football games. Participants were sixteen football players divided into two age groups (U13, Mean age: 12.4±0.5 yrs; U15: 14.6±0.5). The task consisted of a 4v4 sub-phase without goalkeepers, on a 25x15 m field, of 15 minutes duration with an active recovery period of 6 minutes between each condition. We recorded players’ heart rates using heart rate monitors (Polar Team System, Polar Electro, Kempele, Finland) as scoring mode was manipulated (line goal: scoring by dribbling past an extended line; double goal: scoring in either of two lateral goals; and central goal: scoring only in one goal). Subsequently, %HR reserve was calculated with the Karvonen formula. We performed a time-series analysis of HR for each individual in each condition. Mean data for intra-participant variability showed that autocorrelation function was associated with more short-range dependence processes in the “line goal” condition, compared to other conditions, demonstrating that the “line goal” constraint induced more randomness in HR response. Relative to inter-individual variability, line goal constraints demonstrated lower %CV and %RMSD (U13: 9% and 19%; U15: 10% and 19%) compared with double goal (U13: 12% and 21%; U15: 12% and 21%) and central goal (U13: 14% and 24%; U15: 13% and 24%) task constraints, respectively. Results suggested that line goal constraints imposed more randomness on cardiovascular stimulation of each individual and lower inter-individual variability than double goal and central goal constraints.
Consecutive days of cold water immersion: effects on cycling performance and heart rate variability.
We investigated performance and heart rate (HR) variability (HRV) over consecutive days of cycling with post-exercise cold water immersion (CWI) or passive recovery (PAS). In a crossover design, 11 cyclists completed two separate 3-day training blocks (120 min cycling per day, 66 maximal sprints, 9 min time trialling [TT]), followed by 2 days of recovery-based training. The cyclists recovered from each training session by standing in cold water (10 °C) or at room temperature (27 °C) for 5 min. Mean power for sprints, total TT work and HR were assessed during each session. Resting vagal-HRV (natural logarithm of square-root of mean squared differences of successive R-R intervals; ln rMSSD) was assessed after exercise, after the recovery intervention, during sleep and upon waking. CWI allowed better maintenance of mean sprint power (between-trial difference [90 % confidence limits] +12.4 % [5.9; 18.9]), cadence (+2.0 % [0.6; 3.5]), and mean HR during exercise (+1.6 % [0.0; 3.2]) compared with PAS. ln rMSSD immediately following CWI was higher (+144 % [92; 211]) compared with PAS. There was no difference between the trials in TT performance (-0.2 % [-3.5; 3.0]) or waking ln rMSSD (-1.2 % [-5.9; 3.4]). CWI helps to maintain sprint performance during consecutive days of training, whereas its effects on vagal-HRV vary over time and depend on prior exercise intensity.
We investigated the effect of hydrotherapy on time-trial performance and cardiac parasympathetic reactivation during recovery from intense training. On three occasions, 18 well-trained cyclists completed 60 min high-intensity cycling, followed 20 min later by one of three 10-min recovery interventions: passive rest (PAS), cold water immersion (CWI), or contrast water immersion (CWT). The cyclists then rested quietly for 160 min with R-R intervals and perceptions of recovery recorded every 30 min. Cardiac parasympathetic activity was evaluated using the natural logarithm of the square root of mean squared differences of successive R-R intervals (ln rMSSD). Finally, the cyclists completed a work-based cycling time trial. Effects were examined using magnitude-based inferences. Differences in time-trial performance between the three trials were trivial. Compared with PAS, general fatigue was very likely lower for CWI (difference [90% confidence limits; -12% (-18; -5)]) and CWT [-11% (-19; -2)]. Leg soreness was almost certainly lower following CWI [-22% (-30; -14)] and CWT [-27% (-37; -15)]. The change in mean ln rMSSD following the recovery interventions (ln rMSSD(Post-interv)) was almost certainly higher following CWI [16.0% (10.4; 23.2)] and very likely higher following CWT [12.5% (5.5; 20.0)] compared with PAS, and possibly higher following CWI [3.7% (-0.9; 8.4)] compared with CWT. The correlations between performance, ln rMSSD(Post-interv) and perceptions of recovery were unclear. A moderate correlation was observed between ln rMSSD(Post-interv) and leg soreness [r = -0.50 (-0.66; -0.29)]. Although the effects of CWI and CWT on performance were trivial, the beneficial effects on perceptions of recovery support the use of these recovery strategies.
Recent developments in wearable ECG technology have seen renewed interest in the use of Heart Rate Variability (HRV) feedback for stress management. Yet, little is know about the efficacy of such interventions. Positive reappraisal is an emotion regulation strategy that involves changing the way a situation is construed to decrease emotional impact. We sought to test the effectiveness of an intervention that used feedback on HRV data to prompt positive reappraisal during a stressful work task. Participants (N=122) completed two 20-minute trials of an inbox activity. In-between the first and the second trial participants were assigned to the waitlist control condition, a positive reappraisal via psycho-education condition, or a positive reappraisal via HRV feedback condition. Results revealed that using HRV data to frame a positive reappraisal message is more effective than using psycho-education (or no intervention)–especially for increasing positive mood and reducing arousal.