70 resultados para FDM


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Submitted by zhangdi (zhangdi@red.semi.ac.cn) on 2009-04-13T11:45:31Z


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Submitted by zhangdi (zhangdi@red.semi.ac.cn) on 2009-04-13T11:45:31Z


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El propósito del presente proyecto fue seleccionar la configuración de fabricación de probetas obtenidas mediante el proceso de Modelado por Deposición Fundida (FDM) con el termoplástico acrilonitrilo butadieno estireno (ABS), que optimice las propiedades mecánicas de las probetas y el ahorro de material de apoyo. Se aplicaron técnicas de caracterización física y mecánica y de microscopia electrónica de barrido (SEM). Los resultados indicaron que las probetas verticales presentaron aproximadamente el 6 % de pérdida de material frente cerca de un 40% de las probetas horizontales. La rotura de los cordones se produjo longitudinalmente en el borde de las probetas horizontales mientras que en el borde de las probetas verticales fueron por despegue de los cordones de ABS. La rotura de los cordones en el interior de ambas probetas fue en la dirección de los cordones. ABSTRACT The purpose of this project was to select the manufacture design in test specimens obtained using Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) with Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), thus optimizing the mechanical properties of the test specimens and saving the support material. The study was carried out by mean of mechanical and physical characterization techniques as well as Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The results indicated that the horizontal test specimen showed approximately 40% of material loss compared to the vertical test specimen showed a loss 8%. The ABS filament breakage occurred longitudinally on the edge of the horizontal test specimen while the ABS filament breakage was transversely by the separation of the ABS filament on the edge of the vertical tests. The breakage of the filament inside both test specimens was in the direction of the filaments.


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Hybrid WDM/TDM enabled microstructure based optical fiber sensor network with large capacity is proposed. Assisted by Fabry-Perot filter, the demodulation system with high speed of 500Hz and high wavelength resolution less than 4.91pm is realized. © OSA 2015.


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In this paper we proposed a demodulation scheme based on tunable FP filter for the WDM/FDM sensing system of the microstructure mentioned in the previous work. Simulation is done to prove the feasibility of demodulating the microstructure with the tunable FP filter. The experiments result showed high consistence with the simulation. And with the help of the high speed FPGA module and a high resolution AD/DA card, the system has achieved a very high resolution, up to 2.5 pm, and wavelength ranges 1520nm to 1590 nm.


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A produção aditiva tem vindo a ganhar cada vez mais importância no contexto atual pois, através destes processos, é possível criar protótipos de forma rápida que permitem de forma eficaz a visualização do modelo mas também, nalguns casos, a verificação da funcionalidade do mesmo. Este tipo de fabrico está em ascensão e estão constantemente a serem exploradas novas aplicações. Na produção aditiva, o material de suporte gerado para suportar a construção tem elevada importância no tempo e custo do processo. Neste contexto, torna-se cada vez mais evidente que é necessário entender o comportamento mecânico desta estrutura de modo a tornar o processo mais rápido e com menores custos sem comprometer a resistência das peças produzidas por este. O processo de FDM é um dos processos de produção aditiva que constrói modelos camada a camada a partir de ficheiros CAD que são tratados no software da máquina por forma a dividir o modelo em várias camadas finas que geram várias secções com as geometrias correspondentes. A construção do modelo físico é feita através da extrusão e deposição de polímeros consoante a secção pretendida. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é a caracterização mecânica do material de suporte gerado aquando a construção da peça final pretendida. Foi com este objetivo que foram criados modelos de teste através do processo de FDM para serem submetidos a ensaios de compressão de modo a entender de que forma o material de suporte influencia na resistência final do modelo. Da análise dos dados obtidos é possível concluir que o material de suporte não aumenta a resistência das peças produzidas.


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Retinal image properties such as contrast and spatial frequency play important roles in the development of normal vision. For example, visual environments comprised solely of low contrast and/or low spatial frequencies induce myopia. The visual image is processed by the retina and it then locally controls eye growth. In terms of the retinal neurotransmitters that link visual stimuli to eye growth, there is strong evidence to suggest involvement of the retinal dopamine (DA) system. For example, effectively increasing retinal DA levels by using DA agonists can suppress the development of form-deprivation myopia (FDM). However, whether visual feedback controls eye growth by modulating retinal DA release, and/or some other factors, is still being elucidated. This thesis is chiefly concerned with the relationship between the dopaminergic system and retinal image properties in eye growth control. More specifically, whether the amount of retinal DA release reduces as the complexity of the image degrades was determined. For example, we investigated whether the level of retinal DA release decreased as image contrast decreased. In addition, the effects of spatial frequency, spatial energy distribution slope, and spatial phase on retinal DA release and eye growth were examined. When chicks were 8-days-old, a cone-lens imaging system was applied monocularly (+30 D, 3.3 cm cone). A short-term treatment period (6 hr) and a longer-term treatment period (4.5 days) were used. The short-term treatment tests for the acute reduction in DA release by the visual stimulus, as is seen with diffusers and lenses, whereas the 4.5 day point tests for reduction in DA release after more prolonged exposure to the visual stimulus. In the contrast study, 1.35 cyc/deg square wave grating targets of 95%, 67%, 45%, 12% or 4.2% contrast were used. Blank (0% contrast) targets were included for comparison. In the spatial frequency study, both sine and square wave grating targets with either 0.017 cyc/deg and 0.13 cyc/deg fundamental spatial frequencies and 95% contrast were used. In the spectral slope study, 30% root-mean-squared (RMS) contrast fractal noise targets with spectral fall-off of 1/f0.5, 1/f and 1/f2 were used. In the spatial alignment study, a structured Maltese cross (MX) target, a structured circular patterned (C) target and the scrambled versions of these two targets (SMX and SC) were used. Each treatment group comprised 6 chicks for ocular biometry (refraction and ocular dimension measurement) and 4 for analysis of retinal DA release. Vitreal dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) was analysed through ion-paired reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection (HPLC-ED), as a measure of retinal DA release. For the comparison between retinal DA release and eye growth, large reductions in retinal DA release possibly due to the decreased light level inside the cone-lens imaging system were observed across all treated eyes while only those exposed to low contrast, low spatial frequency sine wave grating, 1/f2, C and SC targets had myopic shifts in refraction. Amongst these treatment groups, no acute effect was observed and longer-term effects were only found in the low contrast and 1/f2 groups. These findings suggest that retinal DA release does not causally link visual stimuli properties to eye growth, and these target induced changes in refractive development are not dependent on the level of retinal DA release. Retinal dopaminergic cells might be affected indirectly via other retinal cells that immediately respond to changes in the image contrast of the retinal image.


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Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) have been widely investigated for their clinical use in bone repair and it is known that a suitable carrier matrix to deliver them is essential for optimal bone regeneration within a specific defect site. Fused deposited modeling (FDM) allows for the fabrication of medical grade poly 3-caprolactone/tricalcium phosphate (mPCL–TCP) scaffolds with high reproducibility and tailor designed dimensions. Here we loaded FDM fabricated mPCL–TCP/collagen scaffolds with 5 mg recombinant human (rh)BMP-2 and evaluated bone healing within a rat calvarial critical-sized defect. Using a comprehensive approach, this study assessed the newly regenerated bone employing microcomputed tomography (mCT), histology/histomorphometry, and mechanical assessments. By 15 weeks, mPCL–TCP/collagen/rhBMP-2 defects exhibited complete healing of the calvarium whereas the non- BMP-2-loaded scaffolds showed significant less bone ingrowth, as confirmed by mCT. Histomorphometry revealed significantly increased bone healing amongst the rhBMP-2 groups compared to non-treated scaffolds at 4 and 15 weeks, although the % BV/TV did not indicate complete mineralisation of the entire defect site. Hence, our study confirms that it is important to combine microCt and histomorphometry to be able to study bone regeneration comprehensively in 3D. A significant up-regulation of the osteogenic proteins, type I collagen and osteocalcin, was evident at both time points in rhBMP-2 groups. Although mineral apposition rates at 15 weeks were statistically equivalent amongst treatment groups, microcompression and push-out strengths indicated superior bone quality at 15 weeks for defects treated with mPCL–TCP/collagen/rhBMP-2. Consistently over all modalities, the progression of healing was from empty defect < mPCL–TCP/collagen < mPCL–TCP/collagen/rhBMP-2, providing substantiating data to support the hypothesis that the release of rhBMP-2 from FDM-created mPCL–TCP/collagen scaffolds is a clinically relevant approach to repair and regenerate critically-sized craniofacial bone defects. Crown Copyright 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Howard East rural area has experienced a rapid growth of small block subdivisions and horticulture over the last 40 years, which has been based on groundwater supply. Early bores in the area provide part of the water supply for Darwin City and are maintained and monitored by NT Power & Water Corporation. The Territory government (NRETAS) has established a monitoring network, and now 48 bores are monitored. However, in the area there are over 2700 private bores that are unregulated.Although NRETAS has both FDM and FEM simulations for the region, community support for potential regulation is sought. To improve stakeholder understanding of the resource QUT was retained by the TRaCKconsortium to develop a 3D visualisation of the groundwater system.


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Abstract: This paper details an in-vitro study using human adipose tissue-derived precursor/stem cells (ADSCs) in three-dimensional (3D) tissue culture systems. ADSCs from 3 donors were seeded onto NaOH-treated medical grade polycaprolactone-tricalcium phosphate (mPCL-TCP) scaffolds with two different matrix components; fibrin glue and lyophilized collagen. ADSCs within these scaffolds were then induced to differentiate along the osteogenic lineage for a 28-day period and various assays and imaging techniques were performed at Day 1, 7, 14, 21 and 28 to assess and compare the ADSC’s adhesion, viability, proliferation, metabolism and differentiation along the osteogenic lineage when cultured in the different scaffold/matrix systems. The ADSC cells were proliferative in both collagen and fibrin mPCL-TCP scaffold systems with a consistently higher cell number (by comparing DNA amounts) in the induced group over the non-induced groups for both scaffold systems. In response to osteogenic induction, these ADSCs expressed elevated osteocalcin, alkaline phosphatase and osteonectin levels. Cells were able to proliferate within the pores of the scaffolds and form dense cellular networks after 28 days of culture and induction. The successful cultivation of osteogenic by FDM process manufactured ADSCs within a 3D matrix comprising fibrin glue or collagen, immobilized within a robust synthetic scaffold is a promising technique which should enhance their potential usage in the regenerative medicine arena, such as bone tissue engineering.


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Recently, the numerical modelling and simulation for anomalous subdiffusion equation (ASDE), which is a type of fractional partial differential equation( FPDE) and has been found with widely applications in modern engineering and sciences, are attracting more and more attentions. The current dominant numerical method for modelling ASDE is Finite Difference Method (FDM), which is based on a pre-defined grid leading to inherited issues or shortcomings. This paper aims to develop an implicit meshless approach based on the radial basis functions (RBF) for numerical simulation of the non-linear ASDE. The discrete system of equations is obtained by using the meshless shape functions and the strong-forms. The stability and convergence of this meshless approach are then discussed and theoretically proven. Several numerical examples with different problem domains are used to validate and investigate accuracy and efficiency of the newly developed meshless formulation. The results obtained by the meshless formulations are also compared with those obtained by FDM in terms of their accuracy and efficiency. It is concluded that the present meshless formulation is very effective for the modeling and simulation of the ASDE. Therefore, the meshless technique should have good potential in development of a robust simulation tool for problems in engineering and science which are governed by the various types of fractional differential equations.


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Recently, the numerical modelling and simulation for fractional partial differential equations (FPDE), which have been found with widely applications in modern engineering and sciences, are attracting increased attentions. The current dominant numerical method for modelling of FPDE is the explicit Finite Difference Method (FDM), which is based on a pre-defined grid leading to inherited issues or shortcomings. This paper aims to develop an implicit meshless approach based on the radial basis functions (RBF) for numerical simulation of time fractional diffusion equations. The discrete system of equations is obtained by using the RBF meshless shape functions and the strong-forms. The stability and convergence of this meshless approach are then discussed and theoretically proven. Several numerical examples with different problem domains are used to validate and investigate accuracy and efficiency of the newly developed meshless formulation. The results obtained by the meshless formations are also compared with those obtained by FDM in terms of their accuracy and efficiency. It is concluded that the present meshless formulation is very effective for the modelling and simulation for FPDE.