25 resultados para F41


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À l’aide d’un modèle de cycles réels, la présente étude vise à expliquer, de façon endogène, les fluctuations des termes de l’échange en Côte-d’Ivoire. Pour ce faire, nous cherchons principalement à répondre aux deux questions suivantes : les chocs d’offre et de demande sur le marché d’exportation suffisent-ils à expliquer les variations des termes de l’échange? Et quelle est leur importance relative dans la dynamique des termes de l’échange? Les résultats montrent que les deux chocs considérés expliquent bien la volatilité des termes de l’échange. Nous avons noté que ces deux sources d’impulsions ont un impact significatif sur les fluctuations économiques en Côte-d’Ivoire.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é determinar qual o impacto da redução do custo Brasil sobre a defasagem cambial. Supõe-se uma economia em que o câmbio esteja fora de equilíbrio. A partir desta situação calcula-se o impacto de ganhos de eficiência e/ou redução de alíquotas de impostos distorcivos sobre o desequilíbrio cambial. O argumento básico é que em equilíbrio geral não é obrigatoriamente verdade que ganhos de eficiência concorram para reduzir o atraso cambial: é necessário saber em que setor e/ ou sob qual fator de produção a distorção incide. O principal resultado é que ganhos de produtividade no setor de bens comercializáveis reduzem o atraso cambial, no setor de bens domésticos elevam o atraso cambial, e se for em ambos os setores o resultado dependerá da resposta da demanda. Se a elasticidade renda da demanda do bem doméstico for maior do que a do bem comercializável o atraso cambial é reduzido. caso contrário eleva-se. Em particular quando a redução do custo Brasil significa elevação da eficiência do sistema portuário nada pode ser afirmado. Antes de responder esta questão, a segunda seção do trabalho discute o conceito de câmbio real, desequilíbrio cambial e de valorização cambial.


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Twenty seven (48.2%) culture supernatants of 56 Escherichia coli isolated from diarrheic lamb feces (7 to 10 days old) in Sao Paulo State, Brazil, presented positive results to suckling mice assay (fluid accumulation) but none caused cytopathic effects on Vero and CHO cells, indicating that these strains did not produced LT or VT toxins. PCR assays showed that these 27 E. coli strains harbored estA, that codifies for STa, but not for stx1, stx2 or cnf genes. The positive STa strains were checked for genes that codify for F41, F17 and K99 fimbriae, wich are considered colonization factors in ETEC. Only F17 was detect in two samples (7.4%). Twelve of 27 STa positive carried hlyA gene and presented hemolytic activity in blood Agar. Presence of rotavirus was not detected among the diarrheic feces. These data suggests that STa must be an important diarrheagenic factor to small ruminants in Sao Paulo State.


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Based on analyses of actual data, we reveal that many Asian developing economies own economic structural features of "non-mono-cultural economy" and the "large primary good sector", which have not been discussed in developing economies RBC literature. We also examine the input-output tables to develop a model reflecting actual developing economies' structures. Referring to the analyses, we construct RBC models of ASEAN countries. Based on the model, we find that approximately half of GDP volatility is attributable to domestic productivity shocks, and the remaining half is attributable to price shocks.


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This paper provides a case study to characterize the monetary policy regime in Malaysia, from a medium- and long-term perspective. Specifically, we ask how the central bank of Malaysia, Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM), has structured its monetary policy regime, and how it has conducted monetary and exchange rate policy under the regime. By conducting three empirical analyses, we characterize the monetary and exchange rate policy regime in Malaysia by three intermediate solutions on three vectors: the degree of autonomy in monetary policy, the degree of variability of the exchange rate, and the degree of capital mobility.


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This report represents a preliminary attempt to refine some basic ideas on the potential impact Indonesia might experience from a free trade arrangement with Japan, using a forward-looking, multi-regional, multi-sectoral applied general equilibrium model of global trade to capture growth effects through capital accumulation paying attention to the changes in the patterns of interregional capital flows that might happen even before the policy change occurs. The simulation results revealed that the welfare gains of rushing into trade liberalization with Japan are not so large. This makes out that taking time over negotiations might be the best choice for Indonesia if the government places priority on convincing the Indonesian people that a free trade deal with Japan will definitely bring positive effects, while proceeding rapidly might be the answer if the country is serious about recovering the welfare levels that might be lowered by free trade arrangements among Malaysia, the Philippines, and Japan.


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The objective of this paper is to shed light on mechanism which increases fluctuation in consumption of least developed countries. In general large fluctuation in consumption makes consumers worse off. This fact suggests that accumulation of knowledge on the generating mechanism of the large consumption fluctuation very likely contributes to welfare improvement of the least developed countries, through policies stabilizing consumption. We specifically investigated the fluctuation in consumption, through the numerical analysis with a dynamic macroeconomic model.


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It is well known that several quantitative properties of international real business cycle models with are at odds with the data. First, the cross-country correlations are much higher for consumption than for output, while in the data the opposite is true (the BKK puzzle). Second, cross-country correlations of employment and investment are negative, while in the data they are positive. This paper quantitatively shows that preferences with a zero income effect on labor supply help generate a correct cross-country correlation in employment even without any restrictions on financial markets. In a bond economy, a zero income effect in labor supply, combined with time-to-build investment, can generate a positive cross-country correlation in investment, and the BKK puzzle is also resolved when the inter-temporal elasticity of substitution in labor supply is low.


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Myanmar maintained a multiple exchange rate system, and the parallel market exchange rate was left untamed. In the last two decades, the Myanmar kyat exchange rate of the parallel market has exhibited the sharpest fluctuations among Southeast Asian currencies in real terms. Since the move to a managed float regime in April 2012, the question arises of whether exchange rate policies will be effective in stabilizing the real exchange rate. This paper investigates the sources of fluctuations in the real effective exchange rate using Blanchard and Quah’s (1989) structural vector autoregression model. As nominal shocks can be created by exchange rate policies, a persistent impact of a nominal shock implies more room for exchange rate policies. Decomposition of the fluctuations into nominal and real shocks indicates that the impact of nominal shocks is small and quickly diminishes, implying that complementary sterilization is necessary for effective foreign exchange market interventions.


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A combination of uni- and multiplex PCR assays targeting 58 virulence genes (VGs) associated with Escherichia coli strains causing intestinal and extraintestinal disease in humans and other mammals was used to analyze the VG repertoire of 23 commensal E. coli isolates from healthy pigs and 52 clinical isolates associated with porcine neonatal diarrhea (ND) and postweaning diarrhea (PWD). The relationship between the presence and absence of VGs was interrogated using three statistical methods. According to the generalized linear model, 17 of 58 VGs were found to be significant (P < 0.05) in distinguishing between commensal and clinical isolates. Nine of the 17 genes represented by iha, hlyA, aidA, east1, aah, fimH, iroN(E).(coli), traT, and saa have not been previously identified as important VGs in clinical porcine isolates in Australia. The remaining eight VGs code for fimbriae (F4, F5, F18, and F41) and toxins (STa, STh, LT, and Stx2), normally associated with porcine enterotoxigenic E. coli. Agglomerative hierarchical algorithm analysis grouped E. coli strains into subclusters based primarily on their serogroup. Multivariate analyses of clonal relationships based on the 17 VGs were collapsed into two-dimensional space by principal coordinate analysis. PWD clones were distributed in two quadrants, separated from ND and commensal clones, which tended to cluster within one quadrant. Clonal subclusters within quadrants were highly correlated with serogroups. These methods of analysis provide different perspectives in our attempts to understand how commensal and clinical porcine enterotoxigenic E. coli strains have evolved and are engaged in the dynamic process of losing or acquiring VGs within the pig population.


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The contribution of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) to pre-weaning diarrhoea was investigated over a 6 month period at five selected commercial piggeries (CPs) in north Vietnam with at least 100 sows each. Diarrhoea was found to affect 71(.)5% of the litters born during the period of study. Of 406 faecal specimens submitted for bacteriological culture, 200 (49(.)3%) yielded a heavy pure culture of E coli and 126(31 %)were confirmed by PCR to carry at least one of eight porcine ETEC virulence genes. ETEC was responsible for 43% of cases of diarrhoea in neonatal pigs during the first 4 days of life and 23(.)9% of the remaining cases up until the age of weaning. Pathotypes were determined by PCR for the 126 ETEC isolates together with 44 ETEC isolates obtained from village pigs (VPs) raised by smallholder farmers. The CP isolates belonged to five pathotypes, four of which were also identified in VP isolates. Haemolytic serogroup O149: K91 isolates that belonged to F4/STa/STb/LT were most commonly identified in both CPs (33 % of isolates) and VPs (45(.)5%). Other combinations identified in both production systems included O64 (F5/STa), O101 (F4/STa/STb) and O-nontypable (F-/STb). A high proportion of CP isolates (22(.)3 %) possessed all three enterotoxins (STa/STWLT), lacked the genes for all five tested fimbriae (F4, F5, F6, F41 and F18) and belonged to serogroup O8. These unusual 08 F- isolates were haemolytic and were isolated from all ages of diarrhoeic piglets at each CP, suggesting that they have pathogenic potential.


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(Artículos periodísticos)