80 resultados para Expressivity


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In the last thirty years, primarily feminist scholars have drawn attention to and re-evaluated the philosophy of Simone de Beauvoir (1908 1986). Her philosophical practice has been described as non-systematic, and her literary writing has been viewed as part of her non-systematic mode of philosophising. This dissertation radically deepens the question concerning Beauvoir s philosophical motivations for turning to literature as a mode to express subjectivity. It explicates the central concepts of Beauvoir s philosophy of existence, which are subjectivity, ambiguity, paradox and temporality, and their background in the modern traditions of existential philosophy and phenomenology. It also clarifies Beauvoir s main reason to turn to literature in order to express subjectivity as both singular and universal: as a specific mode of communication, literature is able to make the universality of existence manifest in the concrete, singular and temporal texture of life. In addition, the thesis gives examples of how Beauvoir s literary works contribute to an understanding of the complexity of subjectivity. I use the expression poetics of subjectivity to refer to the systematic relation between Beauvoir s existential and phenomenological notion of subjectivity and her literary works, and to her articulations of a creative mode of using language, especially in the novel. The thesis is divided into five chapters, of which the first three investigate Beauvoir s philosophy of existence at the intersection of the modern traditions of thought that began with René Descartes and Søren Kierkegaard s intuitions about subjectivity. Chapter 1 interprets Beauvoir s notion of ambiguity, as compared to paradox, and argues that both determine her notion of existence. Chapters 2 and 3 investigate the phenomenological side of Beauvoir s philosophy through a study of her response to early French interpretations of transcendental subjectivity, especially in the works of Jean-Paul Sartre and Maurice Merleau-Ponty. My analysis shows that Edmund Husserl s distinction between different levels of subjective experience is central to Beauvoir s understanding of subjectivity and to the different ego concepts she uses. Chapter 4 is a study of Beauvoir s reflections on the expression of subjective thought, and, more specifically, her philosophical conceptions of the metaphysical novel and the autobiography as two modes of indirect communication. Chapter 5, finally, compares two modes of investigating concrete subjectivity; Beauvoir s conceptual study of femininity in Le deuxième sexe and her literary expression of subjectivity in the novel L Invitée. My analysis reveals and explicates Beauvoir s original contribution to a comprehensive understanding of the becoming and paradox of human existence: the fundamental insight that these phenomena are sexed, historically as well as imaginatively.


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Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a Mendelian disease with genetic heterogeneity characterized by bone fragility, recurrent fractures, blue sclerae, and short stature, caused mostly by mutations in COL1A1 or COL1A2 genes, which encode the pro-alpha 1(I) and pro-alpha 2(I) chains of type I collagen, respectively. A Brazilian family that showed variable expression of autosomal dominant OI was identified and characterized. Scanning for mutations was carried out using SSCP and DNA sequence analysis. The missense mutation c.3235G>A was identified within exon 45 of the COL1A1 gene in a 16-year-old girl diagnosed as having OI type I; it resulted in substitution of a glycine residue (G) by a serine (S) at codon 1079 (p.G1079S). The proband's mother had the disease signs, but without bone fractures, as did five of nine uncles and aunts of the patient. All of them carried the mutation, which was excluded in four healthy brothers of the patient's mother. This is the first description in a Brazilian family with OI showing variable expression; only one among seven carriers for the c.3235G>A mutation developed bone fractures, the most striking clinical feature of this disease. This finding has a significant implication for prenatal diagnosis in OI disease.


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PURPOSE Recent advances in optogenetics and gene therapy have led to promising new treatment strategies for blindness caused by retinal photoreceptor loss. Preclinical studies often rely on the retinal degeneration 1 (rd1 or Pde6b(rd1)) retinitis pigmentosa (RP) mouse model. The rd1 founder mutation is present in more than 100 actively used mouse lines. Since secondary genetic traits are well-known to modify the phenotypic progression of photoreceptor degeneration in animal models and human patients with RP, negligence of the genetic background in the rd1 mouse model is unwarranted. Moreover, the success of various potential therapies, including optogenetic gene therapy and prosthetic implants, depends on the progress of retinal degeneration, which might differ between rd1 mice. To examine the prospect of phenotypic expressivity in the rd1 mouse model, we compared the progress of retinal degeneration in two common rd1 lines, C3H/HeOu and FVB/N. METHODS We followed retinal degeneration over 24 weeks in FVB/N, C3H/HeOu, and congenic Pde6b(+) seeing mouse lines, using a range of experimental techniques including extracellular recordings from retinal ganglion cells, PCR quantification of cone opsin and Pde6b transcripts, in vivo flash electroretinogram (ERG), and behavioral optokinetic reflex (OKR) recordings. RESULTS We demonstrated a substantial difference in the speed of retinal degeneration and accompanying loss of visual function between the two rd1 lines. Photoreceptor degeneration and loss of vision were faster with an earlier onset in the FVB/N mice compared to C3H/HeOu mice, whereas the performance of the Pde6b(+) mice did not differ significantly in any of the tests. By postnatal week 4, the FVB/N mice expressed significantly less cone opsin and Pde6b mRNA and had neither ERG nor OKR responses. At 12 weeks of age, the retinal ganglion cells of the FVB/N mice had lost all light responses. In contrast, 4-week-old C3H/HeOu mice still had ERG and OKR responses, and we still recorded light responses from C3H/HeOu retinal ganglion cells until the age of 24 weeks. These results show that genetic background plays an important role in the rd1 mouse pathology. CONCLUSIONS Analogous to human RP, the mouse genetic background strongly influences the rd1 phenotype. Thus, different rd1 mouse lines may follow different timelines of retinal degeneration, making exact knowledge of genetic background imperative in all studies that use rd1 models.


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Research is often characterised as the search for new ideas and understanding. The language of this view privileges the cognitive and intellectual aspects of discovery. However, in the research process theoretical claims are usually evaluated in practice and, indeed, the observations and experiences of practical circumstances often lead to new research questions. This feedback loop between speculation and experimentation is fundamental to research in many disciplines, and is also appropriate for research in the creative arts. In this chapter we will examine how our creative desire for artistic expressivity results in interplay between actions and ideas that direct the development of techniques and approaches for our audio/visual live-coding activities.


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Luce Irigaray is a Belgian-born philosopher, psychoanalyst and linguist. Irigaray s concept of woman is crucial for understanding her own work but also for examining and developing the theoretical and methodological basis of feminist theory. This thesis argues that, ultimately, Irigaray s exploration of woman s being challenges our traditional notion of philosophy as a neutral discourse and the traditional notion of ourselves as philosophizing persons or human beings. However, despite its crucial role, Irigaray s idea of woman still lacks a comprehensive explication. This is because the discourse of sexual difference is blurred by the ideas of essentialism and biologism. --- Irigaray s concept of woman has been interpreted and criticized from the perspectives of metaphysical essentialism, strategic essentialism, realist essentialism and deconstructionism. This thesis argues that a reinterpretation is necessary to account for Irigaray s claims about the the traditional woman , mimesis, the specificity of the feminine body, feminine expression and sexual difference. Moreover, any reading should account for the differences between women and avoid giving a prescriptive function to the essence of woman. --- My thesis develops a new interpretation of Irigaray s concept of woman on the basis of the phenomenology of the body. It argues that Irigaray s discourse on woman can and must be understood by an idea of existential style. Existential style is embodied, affective and spiritual and it is constituted in relation to oneself, to others and to the world. It is temporal, it evolves and changes but preserves its open unity in its transformations. Stylistic unities, such as femininity or philosophy, are constituted in and by the singulars. -- This study discusses and analyses feminine existential style as a central theme and topic of Irigaray s works and shows how her work operates as a primary and paradigmatic example of the feminine style. These tasks are performed by studying the mimetic positions available for women and by explicating the phenomenological background of Irigaray s conceptions of the philosophical method, and the lived, expressive and affective body. The critical occupation and transformation of these mimetic positions, the inquiry into the first-person pre-discursive experience, and the cultivation of feminine expressivity open up the possibility of becoming a woman writer, a woman lover and a woman philosopher. The appearance of these new feminine figures is a precondition for the realization of sexual difference. So Irigaray opens up the possibility of sexual difference by instituting and constituting a feminine subject of love and wisdom, and by problematizing the idea of a neutral and absolute subject.


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O objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar as marcas linguísticas que compõem as relações de sentido no que diz respeito ao humor da crônica de Aldir Blanc. A partir da percepção da estrutura da Língua Portuguesa, verificar quais as ações na produção textual da crônica sejam estas morfológicas, gramaticais, lexicais, sintáticas, fonéticas, estilísticas ou semânticas que, ao aliar-se à práxis cotidiana (contexto) oferecida pelos jornais, propiciam o discurso humorístico do autor. Os pressupostos teóricos que corroboram as respectivas demarcações linguísticas terão ênfase no tocante aos aspectos semânticos, com Stephen Ullman, Pierre Guiraud e Edward Lopes. Os traços característicos da crônica, o humor e a ironia como recursos discursivos, a seleção lexical, as inferências, o jogo lúdico da grafia das palavras, as formas textuais serão inferidos dialogicamente em grande parte pelos estudos estilísticos de Marcel Cressot, Pierre Guiraud, Mattoso Câmara, Nilce SantAnna Martins e José Lemos Monteiro. Desse modo, apontamos para um estudo da língua sob uma ótica semântico-discursiva, levando em conta sua expressividade estilística. Dessa forma, à valorização do manuseamento linguístico, quer pela escritura, quer pela leitura, acrescenta-se o dado crítico da língua através do discurso presente no humor, tendo em vista o gênero textual que é a crônica e sua grande penetração social pelos jornais de grande circulação


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A presente pesquisa objetiva, em essência, discutir questões referentes à expressividade em textos literários, como também observar a riqueza de suas múltiplas possibilidades de construção estética. Esse material é burilado pelos recursos fônicos, morfossintáticos e léxico-semânticos do sistema linguístico. Foram utilizados como corpus para o trabalho os contos de Ana Maria Machado e as poesias de José Paulo Paes, produções inseridas no Programa Literatura em Minha Casa e que sensibilizaram os leitores pelo jogo verbal primoroso, resultado das escolhas e das combinações dos autores. Foram tomados como referência para análise dos textos os recursos linguístico-expressivos neles observados, pretendendo demonstrar o potencial expressivo, com vistas a propor alternativa pedagógica, de caráter produtivo para o ensino, despertando a sensibilidade frente ao texto literário e contribuindo para promover o prazer de ler dos alunos do ensino fundamental. Para tanto, a autora buscou na estilística fundamentos teóricos e metodológicos que aprofundassem a temática em tela


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A presente pesquisa, com base na concepção sociointeracional de linguagem, sustenta a hipótese de que as marcas de oralidade, longe de configurarem problemas textuais a serem eliminados dos textos, podem ser empregadas estrategicamente em cartas dos leitores, com finalidades expressivas e argumentativas, de modo a se recriar uma ambiência oral na escrita, manifestando-se sentimentos do autor e envolvendo o leitor na problemática discutida. Partindo-se dessa hipótese, comprovada com o estudo detalhado de vinte e cinco cartas publicadas em O Globo entre agosto e dezembro de 2010, remodelam-se determinados aspectos teóricos, como as definições de leitura, de escrita, de expressividade e de argumentação, e defende-se uma prática pedagógica em que se considere o aluno um estrategista da linguagem, o qual, rechaçando macetes e outros dogmatismos linguísticos, faz uso intencional dos traços de fala em seus textos. O enfoque da pesquisa recai, portanto, tanto em aspectos teóricos quanto em questões ligadas ao fazer pedagógico


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State-space models are successfully used in many areas of science, engineering and economics to model time series and dynamical systems. We present a fully Bayesian approach to inference and learning (i.e. state estimation and system identification) in nonlinear nonparametric state-space models. We place a Gaussian process prior over the state transition dynamics, resulting in a flexible model able to capture complex dynamical phenomena. To enable efficient inference, we marginalize over the transition dynamics function and, instead, infer directly the joint smoothing distribution using specially tailored Particle Markov Chain Monte Carlo samplers. Once a sample from the smoothing distribution is computed, the state transition predictive distribution can be formulated analytically. Our approach preserves the full nonparametric expressivity of the model and can make use of sparse Gaussian processes to greatly reduce computational complexity.