934 resultados para Experience time


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The purpose of this article is to gain an insight into the effects of practicing short, frequent,and structured reflection breaks interspersed with the learning material in a computer-based course. To that end, the study sets up a standardized control trial with two groups of secondary school pupils. The study shows that while performance is not affected by these embedded “reflection rituals,” they significantly impact time on task and perceived learning. The study also suggests that the exposure to such built-in opportunities for reflection modifies the engagement with the content and fosters the claimed readiness for application of a similar reflective approach to learning in other occasions.


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Context Evidence from the Australian Longitudinal Study of Women's Health suggests that mothers of young children have lower levels of physical activity (PA) than women of similar age without children. Objectives The aim of the ProActive Mums project was to determine the relative efficacy of two strategies designed to increase the proportion of mothers of young children who are meeting current PA guidelines, utilising child care centres (CCCs) as the setting for recruitment. Study Design The project used a randomised (after stratification to ensure even representation of CCCs from differing socio-economic areas) design incorporating repeated data collection from women in three groups, each consisting of 7 childcare centres (CCCs). Baseline surveys were completed by 554 mothers, with follow-up data collection immediately post-Intervention (8 weeks after baseline) and again 5 months later. Women from CCCs in Group 1 (control) received only the surveys throughout the duration of the project. Women from CCCs in Group 2 (information only) were given a print intervention, and women from CCCs in Group 3 were (in addition to being given the same print intervention as women from CCCs in Group 2) invited to to contribute to the development of, and participate in, strategies for the promotion of PA among mothers of young children. The two intervention strategies were extensively evaluated through a series of surveys and interviews. The Intervention The print intervention prescribed for women from CCCs in Group 2 and Group 3 consisted of an 8-page booklet containing motivational messages and information about physical activity. Women from CCCs in Group 3 were also invited to attend meetings at their CCC to identify strategies for increasing their PA. Contacts were made with key stakeholders in the community, including managers of sporting and recreation facilities, childcare service providers, and local councils. A wide range of strategies was developed during the intervention phase of the project, which specifically focused on the need to increase partner support and self-efficacy (or the confidence to be physically active). Results The mean age of participants was 33 (+ 4.8) years, and the mean number of children per family unit was 2.2 (± 0.9). At baseline, fewer than half the women were meeting current guidelines for adequate PA for health benefit, and there were no significant differences between groups in the proportion of women who were adequately active for health benefit. Women in Group 3 were significantly more likely to meet the guidelines at post-intervention follow-up than controls [OR = 1.71 (1.05-2.77)] after controlling for age and PA at baseline. There was no significant effect of the print intervention alone on meeting guidelines at post-intervention follow-up compared with controls, after controlling for age and PA at baseline [OR = 1.15 (0.70-1.89)]. Changes in Partner Support (PS) and Self Efficacy (SE) significantly predicted meeting current PA guidelines at post-intervention follow-up after controlling for baseline PA [∆ PS: OR = 2.29 (1.46-3.58); ∆ SE: OR = 1.86 (1.17- 2.94)]. The intervention effect in Group 3 was not maintained at long-term follow-up. Conclusions The findings indicate that a community participation approach that facilitates increased partner support and self-efficacy can be effective in increasing PA among mothers of young children. Changes in physical activity were found to be mediated by changes in partner support and self-efficacy for physical activity, suggesting that the intervention successfully targeted the individual characteristics it intended to, and that these variables do play an important role in increasing physical activity among women with young children. It is clear that further work needs to be done to explore methods of translating the short-term intervention effect shown in this study into long-term changes in PA behaviour. This study also provided insight into measurement issues in PA research and raised questions about self-report measures of PA and perceived constraints to being physically active. The results from post-study qualitative interviews suggest that many women at this life-stage experience time constraints which, when accompanied by a lack of partner support and financial constraints, make leisure-time PA virtually impossible for many women. Future strategies might focus on targeting this population immediately prior to this life-stage in an attempt to encourage habitual physical activity before women have children. Increasing PA in this population should also address the entire family unit, and consider the way leisure-time is negotiated among the adults within a household. Social change and increased awareness of the range of benefits of PA for women with children are additional strategies to be considered.


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Resumen: En este artículo el autor considera desde el punto de vista temporal, tres dimensiones diferentes: el tiempo físico o cronométrico, el tiempo vivencial o psicológico y el tiempo virtual, dimensión esta última en la cual se inscriben las artes temporales.


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New technologies can be riddled with unforeseen sources of error, jeopardizing the validity and application of their advancement. Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) is a new technology in fisheries research that is capable of estimating proximate composition, condition, and energy content in fish quickly, cheaply, and (after calibration) without the need to sacrifice fish. Before BIA can be widely accepted in fisheries science, it is necessary to identify sources of error and determine a means to minimize potential errors with this analysis. We conducted controlled laboratory experiments to identify sources of errors within BIA measurements. We concluded that electrode needle location, procedure deviations, user experience, time after death, and temperature can affect resistance and reactance measurements. Sensitivity analyses showed that errors in predictive estimates of composition can be large (>50%) when these errors are experienced. Adherence to a strict protocol can help avoid these sources of error and provide BIA estimates that are both accurate and precise in a field or laboratory setting.


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Tese de Doutoramento apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Ciências Sociais.


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OBJETIVOS: Identificar la percepción del riesgo biológico de los trabajadores asistenciales del Hospital Central de la Policía Nacional en la ciudad de Bogotá. METODOS: se realizó un estudio analítico de corte transversal para describir la percepción acerca del riesgo biológico en 159 trabajadores asistenciales de un hospital de alta complejidad en la ciudad de Bogotá (Colombia), la información se recolectó por medio de la utilización de la encuesta validada nota técnica 578 (Portell M, Solé M, 2001). Se realizó la caracterización de la población por variables de sexo, edad, tiempo de experiencia y servicio al cual pertenece y se promediaron las respuestas obtenidas para cada ítem encuestado, obteniendo una clasificación para cada dimensión de percepción de riesgo baja (1 a 3), media (4 a 5) o alta (6 a 7). Resultados: De los 159 trabajadores asistenciales encuestados el 80.4% eran de género femenino, el 22.2% pertenecían al servicio de urgencias, el 16,5% al servicio de medicina interna y el 9.5% al servicio de pediatría, de los encuestados el 62.9% fueron auxiliares de enfermería, el 21,4% enfermeras jefes y el 6.9% médicos. Se obtuvo una percepción de riesgo alta (media aritmética mayor de 5) para todas las variables incluidas en la encuesta, demostrando conocimiento de todo el personal acerca de la alta exposición a accidentes de tipo biológico. No se encontró asociación entre la labor desempeñada y la percepción del riesgo biológico, sin embargo, se encontró una asociación entre el tiempo de experiencia del trabajador y una disminución en la magnitud del riesgo percibido (Chi cuadrado de asociación, p=0.042). Conclusiones: Los trabajadores asistenciales identifican la magnitud del riesgo biológico al que se encuentran expuestos en sus labores del día a día, sin embargo, es necesaria una mayor participación por parte del personal directivo y de los responsables de la prevención en temas de reacción ante accidentes y en la valoración del riesgo, especialmente en personas que llevan mucho tiempo desempeñando la labor.


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Introduction : Depression is a major issue worldwide and is seen as a significant health problem. Stigma and patient denial, clinical experience, time limitations, and reliability of psychometrics are barriers to the clinical diagnoses of depression. Thus, the establishment of an automated system that could detect such abnormalities would assist medical experts in their decision-making process. This paper reviews existing methods for the automated detection of depression from brain structural magnetic resonance images (sMRI).Methods : Relevant sources were identified from various databases and online sites using a combination of keywords and terms including depression, major depressive disorder, detection, classification, and MRI databases. Reference lists of chosen articles were further reviewed for associated publications.Results : The paper introduces a generic structure for representing and describing the methods developed for the detection of depression from sMRI of the brain. It consists of a number of components including acquisition and preprocessing, feature extraction, feature selection, and classification.Conclusion : Automated sMRI-based detection methods have the potential to provide an objective measure of depression, hence improving the confidence level in the diagnosis and prognosis of depression.


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A área de fundos de investimento tem crescido no Brasil nos últimos 7 anos. Movimento semelhante tem sido observado no percentual destinado a fundos de ações. Parte deste movimento pode ser creditado à entrada de atores sem familiaridade com o universo financeiro, mas que vislumbram neste segmento uma oportunidade para investir seu dinheiro. O desconhecimento do funcionamento do universo financeiro leva o novo investidor a eleger critérios para seleção de onde alocar os seus recursos, já que se espera que um gestor profissional faça as melhores escolhas. Segundo Chevalier & Ellison (1999), a imprensa financeira produz um grande volume e variedade de informação sobre as pessoas que gerenciam esses fundos, mas pouco se fala de seus antecedentes educacionais. Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar se o desempenho dos fundos de ações esta relacionado com as características dos gestores desses fundos. Em particular, se estudou a relação entre o desempenho dos fundos e a formação dos gestores, a qualidade das escolas em que cursaram, bem como o fato de possuírem pós-graduação Lato Sensu ou Stricto Sensu, além da idade e seu “tempo de experiência” no mercado financeiro. Utilizamos como base os dados coletados pelo sistema QUANTUN AXIS (Quantun Avaliação de Fundos de Investimento), tendo como referência o período de setembro/2007 a 2008. Consultamos currículos dos 81 gestores da amostra por meio de buscas aos sites das empresas administradoras, consulta por telefone aos gestores, e currículos via difusores de informação como o Bloomberg. Foram então realizadas as análises Cross-Section. Para tal, foi utilizada uma corrente de investigação que analisou o impacto dos antecedentes educacionais dos gestores de fundos sobre os resultados dos mesmos nos EUA, destacando os trabalhos de Golec (1996), Chevalier & Ellison (1999) e Gottesman & Morey (2006). O resultado deste trabalho sugere que existe diferença na análise cross-sectional entre o desempenho dos fundos de ações no Brasil e a qualidade do curso de graduação do gestor. Futuras pesquisas poderiam, utilizando a mesma amostra de gestores, acompanhar a evolução dos dados do currículo em comparação ao desempenho dos fundos administrados em uma perspectiva temporal utilizando dados de painel.


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A sociologia das organizações ainda é realizada sob a construção de esquemas analíticos livres de tempo (CLARK, 1985; HASSARD, 2000; GIDDENS, 2003). No entanto, questões temporais permeiam toda e qualquer organização, o que torna o conceito de tempo de central importância para os estudos organizacionais. Com base nisso, esta pesquisa teve a ambição de abordar a dimensão temporal do trabalho nas organizações; sob a perspectiva dos indivíduos. E, dado que os gerentes médios vivenciam um duplo foco de pressão: originado da alta gerência e do nível operacional da organização, decidiu-se investigar como os gerentes médios experimentam o tempo no trabalho. Para desvendar a experiência temporal dos gerentes médios, foram analisadas, com a metodologia de análise de conteúdo, entrevistas com 20 profissionais de média gerência que trabalham em empresas que operam na cidade de São Paulo. A coleta do material de pesquisa ocorreu com entrevistas em profundidade semi-estruturadas. A análise das entrevistas sugere que embora o tempo no trabalho seja, por todos os profissionais entrevistados, definido como um recurso econômico, cuja utilização dever ser otimizada ao máximo, a experiência temporal entre os gerentes médios não é homogênea. Há fatores ambientais comuns a todos os entrevistados, que tendem a aproximar as experiências temporais dos mesmos. Tais fatores, que são a compressão do tempo, o sentido de urgência, as novas tecnologias, características intrínsecas ao papel de gerente e a organização de si próprios, das empresas e colaboradores, estão associados ao cenário econômico e social contemporâneo. No entanto, características relacionadas à idade, gênero, valores e experiências pessoais, além do segmento de atuação da empresa também impactam a experiência temporal dos gerentes médios e contribuem para a diversificação da maneira como os gerentes médios experimentam e lidam com as pressões temporais. Em síntese, a despeito dos fatores ambientais compartilhados, com destaque para a crescente compressão do tempo, a natureza humana e a impermanência dos fenômenos sociais desnudam a complexidade da experiência temporal dos gerentes médios no trabalho. E revelam que – apesar da homogeneidade, objetividade e linearidade representadas pelo relógio, ícone do tempo nas sociedades ocidentais contemporâneas – heterogeneidade, subjetividade e ciclicidade fazem parte da experiência temporal dos trabalhadores.


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That study had the aim to validate an instrument to evaluate the knowledge about the Urinary Catheterization (UC) in males. Cross-sectional, descriptive, quantitative and methodological study, accomplished in Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (UERN) and a private university from Rio Grande do Norte. Sample of 27 judges selected from the inclusion criteria: registered nurses, discipline of semiology and/or semiotics teachers, with at least 1 year of experience in the disciplines, to work at UFRN, UERN or in private university and agree to participate voluntarily with the signing of the Consent Form. Study developed in three stages: a) elaboration of twos instruments based on the scientific literature, resulting in a structured observation script type checklist consisting of 36 items and a knowledge questionnaire with 12 questions; b) submission of instruments to judges from June to September 2012, which should evaluate each item in "adequate," "adequate with changes" and "inappropriate", and make an overall evaluation of each instrument based on 10 requirements; c) and validation with a verification of the agreement level among the judges, through the application of Kappa Index (K) and Content Validity Index (CVI). It was used the consensus level higher than 0.60 (good) for Kappa Index and higher than 0.70 for CVI. The research project had favorable opinion from the Ethics in Research/HUOL (CAAE n. 0002.0.294.000-10). After being coded and tabulated, the data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Of the 27 judges who evaluated the instrument, 77.8% are female, with a mean age of 36.6 (± 9.0) years, 63.0% worked in UFRN, 74.1% had master degree and 63.0% worked exclusively on teaching. The experience time mean in teaching was 7.9 (± 8.0) years and in the disciplines of semiology and/or semiotics in nursing was 5.5 (± 6.7) years. In judgment of the checklist and knowledge questionnaire, no step/question was considered inappropriate, since all achieved level of agreement within the established values. All the checklist steps obtained good to excellent K (between 0.60 and 1.00). Of the 36 items, 25 had excellent K (0.75 ≤ K <1.00) and excellent total K (K = 0.83). Regarding the IVC, all steps reached levels above 0.70 (between 0.74 and 1.00) and CVI total was 0.90. All questionnaire questions evaluated separately (K from 0.60 to 0.93 and CVI from 0.74 to 0.96) and generally (K from 0.79 to 1.00 and CVI from 0.89 to 1.00) had evaluation levels of content validity within the established values. The instruments were reformulated based on the agreement levels between judges and international guidelines, dissertations and scientific articles. Both instruments proved to be valid regarding to their content, allowing a clear and objective evaluation of knowledge and skills about UC, both nursing students as well as other students and health professionals, since the use of valid measures seeking the reduction of the risk of the results distorted


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The present study aims to analyze the nurse s work process at Family Health Strategy, considering its basic elements and dynamic, and searching to identify aspects that may constitute strengths and weaknesses in its development. This is an analytical case study, with qualitative approach and theoretical-conceptual mark grounded in Dialectic Hermeneutics. Empirical research fields were the Family Health Units of Natal, RN, Brazil. The subjects are nurses working in this Strategy. Data collection was conducted through semi-structured individual interviews combined with field observation. The research was initiated after approval by the Ethics Committee of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, according to the guidelines and rules for research involving humans (Resolution 466/12), ensuring proper ethical precepts. The project was approved by register number 398.929, CAAE 19588813.7.0000.5537. From the 9 interviewed nurses, 8 were female and 1 male, average age of 52 years, average graduation time of 27 years and average time they stayed at the same Family Health territory of 7 years. It was found that it is up to the professional nurse in the Family Health care the important role of taking care of human beings in their life, family and community contexts, producing conditions to meet their needs through therapeutic act in health, using for such purpose both materials and immaterial instruments. It was possible to relate aspects that characterize strengths and weaknesses in the work process of nurses in the ESF, according to the speech of the interviewed workers, including the meanings and contradictions. Among the potentialities observed, it was possible to highlight the wide role of the nurse at Family Health; the perception of nurses about teamwork; the relative autonomy of nurses; the commitment of professionals to work; Humanization as a technology; the presence of other agents at work, such as directors and officers at the primary health units; the professional s experience time and contract type in the case studied. As weaknesses in the work process of nurses at Family Health Strategy, were highlighted the limited skills of the workforce; the difficulty in 10 identifying specific limits of the work of nurses in this scenario; the disturbances that occur in the process, the existing gaps in multiprofessional teams; Structural deficits of the units in the studied case, the low coverage of the Family Health in the county, and the political vulnerability of the work conditions. It is considered necessary to understand the dilemmas experienced in everyday life of nurses at Family Health Strategy as part of multiprofessional teams, facing actual achievement of changes in work processes necessary for the reorientation of health care in Brazil. In accordance, it is necessary to promote proper working conditions and welfare of labor agents which are protagonists the work at the United Health System


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The present study aims to understand the perception in a manager perspective of the relationship between the stakeholders of tourism and environmental management in João Pessoa (PB). It is a qualitative, transversal, descriptive and exploratory research, held with keys stakeholders of tourism and environment in the capital of Paraíba. The data were collected through structured interviews and the analysis of the minutes of the municipal council of tourism, called COMTUR/ JP. The data research allowed us to affirm that the environmental stakeholders have a higher academic background than those of tourism, on the other hand the tourism stakeholders‟ have longer experience time than the environmental stakeholders‟. In general, the use of environmental resources for tourism is noticed as positively by the tourism stakeholders‟ and as intermediate for the environmental stakeholders‟, the tourism development is consider to be a non predatory active in João Pessoa, but it is very concentrate in the coastal area, the remnants of Atlantic Forest or protected areas are not used for tourism. The main environmental impacts cause by tourism according to the stakeholders interviewed (tourism and environment) were the environmental degradation of reef, beach pollution and the construction of tourism facilities in areas that should be protected, however, there was a stakeholder who believes that the tourism development in Paraíba is so nascent that it is unable to impact the environment. The performance of SETDE, PBTUR and SUDEMA was consider inconsistent by some of the interviewed stakeholders‟. The NGO representatives believe that the most important thing is a paradigm shift from the entrepreneurs and the local population. Despite the apparently close relationship between tourism and environment management in João Pessoa (PB), some actions of tourism agencies and the state government has left some unhappy important environmental stakeholders indicating that the relationship between tourism and environment in the city is becoming tenser each year