920 resultados para Expectation gap


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O presente estudo objetiva analisar as características das diferenças de expectativas entre o público geral e os auditores independentes, no que diz respeito às demonstrações contábeis. Para isso, incorreu-se em uma pesquisa de artigos científicos em que os autores investigam o problema, cada um em determinado país, e as causas de sua ocorrência. Essa análise da literatura permitiu verificar as similaridades e sugestões para reduzir o fenômeno, em cenário globalizado, e compará-las. Os principais achados demonstram que, de maneira geral, os problemas são globalmente relacionados, assim como as sugestões, e que se torna essencial medidas para amenizar o problema. Tanto os auditores independentes quanto os usuários das demonstrações contábeis tem conhecimento da existência dessa diferença de expectativa, sendo uma ameaça para o bom andamento de uma economia capitalista o desconforto dos usuários caso ocorra à manutenção dessa diferença de expectativa. Dessa maneira, uma mudança na estrutura do cenário atual das empresas de auditoria independente torna-se fundamental.


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Nota: 18 valores


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There is a general perception that public confidence in the insolvency profession is low as the result of the recent unethical practices of a few high profile liquidators. As a result, the effectiveness of the current regulatory mechanisms has been questioned, leading to a review of the performance of insolvency practitioners and subsequent regulation proposals. The challenge for the insolvency profession is balancing the expectations of the general public whilst ensuring that the obligations and duties imposed upon them are performed to acceptable and realistic standards. It is difficult (if not impossible) for the profession to meet this challenge in the absence of a cohesive framework which identifies those issues that require further regulation as opposed to those that relate to general education on the insolvency process. This paper will examine the audit expectations gap theory in the context of insolvency practitioners and suggests that a model based on this theory provides an effective framework for evaluating the regulation of the insolvency industry.


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Auditing is an important activity in today’s society and is characterised by several dilemmas. The assumption underlying this thesis is that auditing is influenced in prac-tice by the thought patterns of auditors. These patterns are shaped in an environment that is both regulated and self-regulated. The purpose of the thesis is to describe, analyse and compare the thought patterns of Swedish auditors and important stake-holders with regard to the way in which auditors audit information provided by listed companies and how they make statements about this information. The purpose is also to make some suggestions about how the auditing activity can be modified in order to reduce conflicting interests. The methodological approach combines the use of the repertory grid technique and open-ended interview questions. Interviews were carried out with 82 auditors and 73 stakeholders. To validate the findings, four focus groups, consisting of auditors, investors and creditors, were consulted. The findings indicate that auditors devote a relatively large amount of time and considerable effort to objects that can be verified satisfactorily, but not to objects that they perceive as being of primary importance to investors and creditors. A similar gap is found in the thought patterns of investors and creditors. Moreover, several expec-tation gaps are found, in particular regarding auditors’ statements. On the one hand, the auditors studied were reluctant to make statements about any other information than information obtained according to current practice; on the other hand, the inves-tors and creditors expressed a need for additional information about the outcome of the audit and the choice of auditing objects. The concluding suggestions concern measures that can reduce the discrepancies identi-fied, including (i) the introduction of a mandatory primary audit and a market-oriented secondary audit, (ii) extended information about the outcome of the audit and the choice of auditing objects that will benefit the stakeholders, (iii) a somewhat less expo-sed position of the auditors, and (iv) the importance of a changed balance of power in the auditing arena and the need for an integrated and dynamic approach to auditing. Keywords: auditing, accounting information, auditors, stakeholders, agency theory, thought patterns, expectation gap, repertory grid.


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I ett aktiebolag är det viktigt att företagets intressenter kan lita på den finansiella information som styrelsen och verkställande direktören ger ut. För intressenternas räkning utses en revisor för att granska verkställande direktörens och styrelsens arbete samt verifiera att den huvudsakliga delen av redovisningen stämmer. Forskning visar att revisorns fokus inte är i balans med intressenternas förväntningar. Vad som ingår i revisorns arbetsuppgifter finns det många uppfattningar om och revisorerna anklagas ofta för att inte upptäcka bedrägerier. Forskning visar också att kvaliteten på revisionen skiljer sig åt mellan stora och små revisionsbyråer, vilken påverkar vilka förväntningar klienten har på revisorn. Forskning visar att allmänheten anser att det finns en kvalitetsskillnad på revisionen mellan stora och små revisionsbyråer vilket kan leda till att klienternas förväntningar skiljer sig beroende på vilken revisionsbyrå de använder. Teoretisk referensram Kapitlet förklarar att förväntningsgapet kan delas upp i flera olika gap, och att dessa gap orsakar problem för revisorn om vilken roll denne ska ta. Kapitlet visar att utbildning och större ansvar är tänkbara åtgärder för revisorn.  Kapitlet beskriver också att det råder delade meningar bland forskarna om det existerar en kvalitetsskillnad på revisionen mellan stora och små revisionsbyråer. Vissa forskare anser att större revisionsbyråer har högre kvalitet, samtidigt som andra anser att det inte råder någon skillnad alls vilket kan påverka gapet mellan klienten och revisorn. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka om ett förväntningsgap existerar i Sverige och om gapet påverkas av storleken på revisionsbyrån samt att undersöka möjliga åtgärder till förväntningsgapet. Metod I uppsatsen har en kvantitativ metod använts. Enkäter skickades ut via mejl till verkställande direktörer och ekonomiansvariga då de har kontakt med företagets revisor. I studien tillfrågades totalt 750 företag där endast 70 ekonomiansvarige och verkställande direktörer fyllde i en fullständig enkät. Resultat Kapitlet sammanställer resultatet från studien. Resultatet visar att det existerar ett förväntningsgap hos uppsatsens respondenter och deras respektive revisorer. Studien visade inte någon signifikant skillnad på förväntningsgapet mellan stora och små revisionsbyråer. Studien visar att verkställande direktörerna och ekonomiansvariga som deltog i studien har otillräckliga kunskaper om revisorns arbetsuppgifter och att utbildning kan reducera förväntningsgapet. Analys Alla delar i förväntningsgapet som presenteras i teorikapitlet existerar bland respondenterna och deras revisorer. Storleken på revisionsbyrån påverkar inte om det uppstår ett förväntningsgap eller storleken på förväntningsgapet. Studien visar att respondenterna har bristande kunskaper i revisorns arbete. Ett sätt att minska förväntningsgapet är utbildning vilket både forskare och studien bekräftar. Slutsats Den slutsats som kan dras är att det existerar ett förväntningsgap bland uppsatsens respondenter och deras revisorer. Studien bekräftar också att det inte finns något samband mellan förväntningsgapet och storleken på revisionsbyrån. Förväntningsgapet uppstår när företagen inte har tillräckliga kunskaper om revisorns arbete och när revisorn inte uppfyller sina skyldigheter. Förväntningsgapet kan åtgärdas genom mer utbildning, bättre presterande revisorer och genom utveckling av revisionsstandarderna.


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O presente estudo baseou-se na avaliação dos factores mais influentes na percepção da qualidade da auditoria e satisfação dos Directores dos Serviços Financeiros das Autarquias Locais Portuguesas sujeitas a Certificação Legal de Contas. Aferir se existiam opiniões divergentes por região administrativa foi outro objectivo a que nos propusemos. Os resultados da pesquisa demonstram que os factores mais influentes são a especialização, o planeamento e trabalho de campo da empresa de auditoria. A percepção da qualidade de auditoria por Distrito/Região revela-se homogénea, ao invés da satisfação em relação à actividade de auditoria. Tendo em conta os resultados obtidos, a auditoria deverá equacionar o alargamento do seu campo de actuação, reorientar o seu papel, reforçar a comunicação e especialização no sector, por forma a potenciar a responsabilização, avaliação e apoio na tomada de decisão na gestão dos dinheiros públicos e, por outro lado, harmonizar as expectactivas entre auditado e auditor. /ABSTRACT: The present study was based on the assessment of the most influential factors in the perception of audit quality and satisfaction of the Directors of Financial Services of Portuguese Local Government subject to the Statutory Auditors. To assess whether there were differing opinions by administrative region was another goal we set ourselves. The survey results demonstrate that the most influential factors are the expertise, the planning and fieldwork of the audit firm. The perception of audit quality by District I Region proves to be homogeneous, rather than satisfaction with the audit work. Given the results, the audit should consider extending its scope to act, to reorient their role, to strengthen the communication and expertise in the sector in order to enhance accountability, assessment and support in decision making in the management of public resources and, secondly, to harmonize expectations between auditee and auditor.


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Australian Universities are very successful in attracting large number of international students. A large proportion of University revenue comes from the full fee paying international students. However, there have been many reports that international students face numerous problems when they arrive in Australia. The common management practice is to provide support staff services to deal with the orientation and welfare of international students. Such service units act as intermediaries between the students and the teaching and learning community of the university. However, the actual experience of international students may be difficult for support staff, counsellors, advisers and academic staff to anticipate. There is little information on the actual experience of students relative to their expectations. This study aimed at securing a deeper understanding of the contextually relevant issues facing by international students in Australian universities in order to develop management strategies aimed at improved teaching and learning outcomes for international students. Using a highly reliable survey questionnaire, a questionnaire survey was conducted among the international students at Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, Australia. About 180 engineering students responded in the survey resulting in a response rate of 81%. Results indicate that international students face many difficulties including understanding colloquial language, Australian accent, cost of tuition, feelin isolation, safety, security, health services, accommodation and part time jobs. They also face difficulty in coping with learning methods in Australia, particularly in research report writing. However, they are happy with their lecturers and find them very helpful. Many of the students lacked the information regarding various community groups, recreational and sports facilities in Australia before arriving. Findings of the study show that there is a significant gap between the expectation of the students before coming to Australia and actual experience they experience here. Importantly, there is a lack of coordination between international students, international student services (ISS) and university management and as a consequence there have been little improvement in conditions. There is no direct link between student experience and University management. Many important suggestions arisen from this study and most important suggestion is that the student information system should be integrated with the University enterprise resource planning (ERP) to reduce the huge gap between international student expectation and actual experiences.


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We demonstrate a modification of the algorithm of Dani et al for the online linear optimization problem in the bandit setting, which allows us to achieve an O( \sqrt{T ln T} ) regret bound in high probability against an adaptive adversary, as opposed to the in expectation result against an oblivious adversary of Dani et al. We obtain the same dependence on the dimension as that exhibited by Dani et al. The results of this paper rest firmly on those of Dani et al and the remarkable technique of Auer et al for obtaining high-probability bounds via optimistic estimates. This paper answers an open question: it eliminates the gap between the high-probability bounds obtained in the full-information vs bandit settings.


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Organizations adopt a Supply Chain Management System (SCMS) expecting benefits to the organization and its functions. However, organizations are facing mounting challenges to realizing benefits through SCMS. Studies suggest a growing dissatisfaction among client organizations due to an increasing gap between expectations and realization of SCMS benefits. Further, reflecting the Enterprise System studies such as Seddon et al. (2010), SCMS benefits are also expected to flow to the organization throughout its lifecycle rather than being realized all at once. This research therefore proposes to derive a lifecycle-wide understanding of SCMS benefits and realization to derive a benefit expectation management framework to attain the full potential of an SCMS. The primary research question of this study is: How can client organizations better manage their benefit expectations of SCM systems? The specific research goals of the current study include: (1) to better understand the misalignment of received and expected benefits of SCM systems; (2) to identify the key factors influencing SCM system expectations and to develop a framework to manage SCMS benefits; (3) to explore how organizational satisfaction is influenced by the lack of SCMS benefit confirmation; and (4) to explore how to improve the realization of SCM system benefits. Expectation-Confirmation Theory (ECT) provides the theoretical underpinning for this study. ECT has been widely used in the consumer behavior literature to study customer satisfaction, post-purchase behavior and service marketing in general. Recently, ECT has been extended into Information Systems (IS) research focusing on individual user satisfaction and IS continuance. However, only a handful of studies have employed ECT to study organizational satisfaction on large-scale IS. The current study will enrich the research stream by extending ECT into organizational-level analysis and verifying the preliminary findings of relevant works by Staples et al. (2002), Nevo and Chan (2007) and Nevo and Wade (2007). Moreover, this study will go further trying to operationalize the constructs of ECT into the context of SCMS. The empirical findings of the study commence with a content analysis, through which 41 vendor reports and academic reports are analyzed yielding sixty expected benefits of SCMS. Then, the expected benefits are compared with the benefits realized at a case organization in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods industry sector that had implemented a SAP Supply Chain Management System seven years earlier. The study develops an SCMS Benefit Expectation Management (SCMS-BEM) Framework. The comparison of benefit expectations and confirmations highlights that, while certain benefits are realized earlier in the lifecycle, other benefits could take almost a decade to realize. Further analysis and discussion on how the developed SCMS-BEM Framework influences ECT when applied in SCMS was also conducted. It is recommended that when establishing their expectations of the SCMS, clients should remember that confirmation of these expectations will have a long lifecycle, as shown in the different time periods in the SCMS-BEM Framework. Moreover, the SCMS-BEM Framework will allow organizations to maintain high levels of satisfaction through careful mitigation and confirming expectations based on the lifecycle phase. In addition, the study reveals that different stakeholder groups have different expectations of the same SCMS. The perspective of multiple stakeholders has significant implications for the application of ECT in the SCMS context. When forming expectations of the SCMS, the collection of organizational benefits of SCMS should represent the perceptions of all stakeholder groups. The same mechanism should be employed in the measurements of received SCMS benefits. Moreover, for SCMS, there exists interdependence of the satisfaction among the various stakeholders. The satisfaction of decision-makers or the authorized staff is not only driven by their own expectation confirmation level, it is also influenced by the confirmation level of other stakeholders‘ expectations in the organization. Satisfaction from any one particular stakeholder group can not reflect the true satisfaction of the client organization. Furthermore, it is inferred from the SCMS-BEM Framework that organizations should place emphasis on the viewpoints of the operational and management staff when evaluating the benefits of SCMS in the short and middle term. At the same time, organizations should be placing more attention on the perspectives of strategic staff when evaluating the performance of the SCMS in the long term.


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Organizations invest heavily in Supply Chain Management Systems expecting the benefits promised by the software vendors and the implementation partners. However, both academic and industry reports suggest that there is growing dissatisfaction among client organizations due to an increasing gap in benefits purported by the software vendors and benefits realised by the client. In order to better manage expectations of the client organization, this study proposes a Benefit Expectation Management Framework for Supply Chain Management Systems, based on Expectation-Confirmation Theory. This study derives 60 expected benefits of Supply Chain Management Systems through 41 vendor-reported customer stories and academic papers. Through comparing those benefits with the received benefits by a case organization that has implemented SAP Supply Chain Management Systems for seven years, two salient factors – long timetable and multiple stakeholders – have been identified as the controlling factors affecting the confirmation level of Supply Chain Management System expectations and further impacting the satisfaction of a client organization. The case study also highlights the likely causes for realized benefits and enduring issues in relation to the Supply Chain Management Systems.


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In this work we investigate the energy gap between the ground state and the first excited state in a model of two single-mode Bose-Einstein condensates coupled via Josephson tunnelling. The ene:rgy gap is never zero when the tunnelling interaction is non-zero. The gap exhibits no local minimum below a threshold coupling which separates a delocalized phase from a self-trapping phase that occurs in the absence of the external potential. Above this threshold point one minimum occurs close to the Josephson regime, and a set of minima and maxima appear in the Fock regime. Expressions for the position of these minima and maxima are obtained. The connection between these minima and maxima and the dynamics for the expectation value of the relative number of particles is analysed in detail. We find that the dynamics of the system changes as the coupling crosses these points.


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Timely feedback is a vital component in the learning process. It is especially important for beginner students in Information Technology since many have not yet formed an effective internal model of a computer that they can use to construct viable knowledge. Research has shown that learning efficiency is increased if immediate feedback is provided for students. Automatic analysis of student programs has the potential to provide immediate feedback for students and to assist teaching staff in the marking process. This paper describes a “fill in the gap” programming analysis framework which tests students’ solutions and gives feedback on their correctness, detects logic errors and provides hints on how to fix these errors. Currently, the framework is being used with the Environment for Learning to Programming (ELP) system at Queensland University of Technology (QUT); however, the framework can be integrated into any existing online learning environment or programming Integrated Development Environment (IDE)