895 resultados para Expanded Milan criteria
CONTEXT: Orthotopic liver transplantation is an excellent treatment approach for hepatocellular carcinoma in well-selected candidates. Nowadays some institutions tend to Expand the Milan Criteria including tumor with more than 5 cm and also associate with multiple tumors none larger than 3 cm in order to benefit more patients with the orthotopic liver transplantation. METHODS: The data collected were based on the online database PubMED. The key words applied on the search were "expanded Milan criteria" limited to the period from 2000 to 2009. We excluded 19 papers due to: irrelevance of the subject, lack of information and incompatibility of the language (English only). We compiled patient survival and tumor recurrence free rate from 1 to 5-years in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma submitted to orthotopic liver transplantation according to expanded the Milan criteria from different centers. RESULTS: Review compiled data from 23 articles. Fourteen different criteria were found and they are also described in detail, however the University of California - San Francisco was the most studied one among them. CONCLUSION: Expanded the Milan criteria is a useful attempt for widening the preexistent protocol for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma in waiting-list for orthotopic liver transplantation. However there is no significant difference in patient survival rate and tumor recurrence free rate from those patients that followed the Milan criteria.
This paper challenges the assumptions underlying many reviews and offers alternative criteria for examining evidence for nonpharmacological interventions. We evaluated 27 reviews examining interventions for persons with dementia as they relate to the issues of selection based on randomized controlled trial (RCT) design. Reviews were described by type of intervention, level of cognitive function, and criteria for inclusion. Of the 27 reviews, 46% required RCTs for inclusion and most had stringent inclusion criteria. This resulted in poor utilization of the literature and low ecological validity. Eliminating most of the available data poses a critical problem to clinical and research development. Studies meeting strict methodological criteria may not generalize to the greater population or may exclude sub-populations and interventions. Limitations of double-blind RCTs and potential design solutions are set forth based on appropriate populations, problems, interventions, and settings characteristics.
Abstract Background The criteria for organ sharing has developed a system that prioritizes liver transplantation (LT) for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) who have the highest risk of wait-list mortality. In some countries this model allows patients only within the Milan Criteria (MC, defined by the presence of a single nodule up to 5 cm, up to three nodules none larger than 3 cm, with no evidence of extrahepatic spread or macrovascular invasion) to be evaluated for liver transplantation. This police implies that some patients with HCC slightly more advanced than those allowed by the current strict selection criteria will be excluded, even though LT for these patients might be associated with acceptable long-term outcomes. Methods We propose a mathematical approach to study the consequences of relaxing the MC for patients with HCC that do not comply with the current rules for inclusion in the transplantation candidate list. We consider overall 5-years survival rates compatible with the ones reported in the literature. We calculate the best strategy that would minimize the total mortality of the affected population, that is, the total number of people in both groups of HCC patients that die after 5 years of the implementation of the strategy, either by post-transplantation death or by death due to the basic HCC. We illustrate the above analysis with a simulation of a theoretical population of 1,500 HCC patients with tumor size exponentially. The parameter λ obtained from the literature was equal to 0.3. As the total number of patients in these real samples was 327 patients, this implied in an average size of 3.3 cm and a 95% confidence interval of [2.9; 3.7]. The total number of available livers to be grafted was assumed to be 500. Results With 1500 patients in the waiting list and 500 grafts available we simulated the total number of deaths in both transplanted and non-transplanted HCC patients after 5 years as a function of the tumor size of transplanted patients. The total number of deaths drops down monotonically with tumor size, reaching a minimum at size equals to 7 cm, increasing from thereafter. With tumor size equals to 10 cm the total mortality is equal to the 5 cm threshold of the Milan criteria. Conclusion We concluded that it is possible to include patients with tumor size up to 10 cm without increasing the total mortality of this population.
The selection of liver transplant candidates with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is currently validated based on Milan criteria. The use of extended criteria has remained a matter of debate, mainly because of the absence of prospective validation. The present prospective study recruited patients according to the previously proposed Total Tumor Volume (TTV ≤115 cm(3) )/alpha fetoprotein (AFP ≤400 ng/ml) score. Patients with AFP >400 ng/ml were excluded, and as such the Milan group was modified to include only patients with AFP <400 ng/ml; these patients were compared to patients beyond Milan, but within TTV/AFP. From January 2007 to March 2013, 233 patients with HCC were listed for liver transplantation. Of them, 195 patients were within Milan, and 38 beyond Milan but within TTV/AFP. The average follow-up from listing was 33,9 ±24,9 months. The risk of drop-out was higher for patients beyond Milan but within TTV/AFP (16/38, 42,1%), than for patients within Milan (49/195, 25,1%, p=0,033). In parallel, intent-to-treat survival from listing was lower in the patients beyond Milan (53,8% vs. 71,6% at four years, p<0,001). After a median waiting time of 8 months, 166 patients were transplanted, 134 patients within Milan criteria, and 32 beyond Milan but within TTV/AFP. They demonstrated acceptable and similar recurrence rates (4,5% vs. 9,4%, p=0,138) and post-transplant survivals (78,7% vs. 74,6% at four years, p=0,932). CONCLUSION Based on the present prospective study, HCC liver transplant candidate selection could be expanded to the TTV (≤115 cm(3) )/AFP (≤400 ng/ml) criteria in centers with at least 8-month waiting time. An increased risk of drop-out on the waiting list can be expected but with equivalent and satisfactory post-transplant survival. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
This article reports about the internet based, second multicenter study (MCS II) of the spine study group (AG WS) of the German trauma association (DGU). It represents a continuation of the first study conducted between the years 1994 and 1996 (MCS I). For the purpose of one common, centralised data capture methodology, a newly developed internet-based data collection system ( http://www.memdoc.org ) of the Institute for Evaluative Research in Orthopaedic Surgery of the University of Bern was used. The aim of this first publication on the MCS II was to describe in detail the new method of data collection and the structure of the developed data base system, via internet. The goal of the study was the assessment of the current state of treatment for fresh traumatic injuries of the thoracolumbar spine in the German speaking part of Europe. For that reason, we intended to collect large number of cases and representative, valid information about the radiographic, clinical and subjective treatment outcomes. Thanks to the new study design of MCS II, not only the common surgical treatment concepts, but also the new and constantly broadening spectrum of spine surgery, i.e. vertebro-/kyphoplasty, computer assisted surgery and navigation, minimal-invasive, and endoscopic techniques, documented and evaluated. We present a first statistical overview and preliminary analysis of 18 centers from Germany and Austria that participated in MCS II. A real time data capture at source was made possible by the constant availability of the data collection system via internet access. Following the principle of an application service provider, software, questionnaires and validation routines are located on a central server, which is accessed from the periphery (hospitals) by means of standard Internet browsers. By that, costly and time consuming software installation and maintenance of local data repositories are avoided and, more importantly, cumbersome migration of data into one integrated database becomes obsolete. Finally, this set-up also replaces traditional systems wherein paper questionnaires were mailed to the central study office and entered by hand whereby incomplete or incorrect forms always represent a resource consuming problem and source of error. With the new study concept and the expanded inclusion criteria of MCS II 1, 251 case histories with admission and surgical data were collected. This remarkable number of interventions documented during 24 months represents an increase of 183% compared to the previously conducted MCS I. The concept and technical feasibility of the MEMdoc data collection system was proven, as the participants of the MCS II succeeded in collecting data ever published on the largest series of patients with spinal injuries treated within a 2 year period.
La enfermedad renal crónica ha aumentado a nivel mundial y nacional, mientras que el número de donantes viene en descenso, y los pacientes en lista de espera aumentan. Los donantes cadavéricos son una opción para estos pacientes, y han sido utilizados en últimos años para aumentar los órganos disponibles. La evaluación de la calidad de estos es importante para optimizar su uso. Estudio analítico tipo cohorte retrospectiva, cálculo de KDPI en donantes cadavéricos, seguimiento función renal creatinina sérica 1 mes, 3 meses, 6 meses y un año. Correlación supervivencia del injerto, función renal, KDPI y EPTS. Análisis de supervivencia y regresión logística con variables del donante, receptor y acto quirúrgico.
Particulate matter research is essential because of the well known significant adverse effects of aerosol particles on human health and the environment. In particular, identification of the origin or sources of particulate matter emissions is of paramount importance in assisting efforts to control and reduce air pollution in the atmosphere. This thesis aims to: identify the sources of particulate matter; compare pollution conditions at urban, rural and roadside receptor sites; combine information about the sources with meteorological conditions at the sites to locate the emission sources; compare sources based on particle size or mass; and ultimately, provide the basis for control and reduction in particulate matter concentrations in the atmosphere. To achieve these objectives, data was obtained from assorted local and international receptor sites over long sampling periods. The samples were analysed using Ion Beam Analysis and Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer methods to measure the particle mass with chemical composition and the particle size distribution, respectively. Advanced data analysis techniques were employed to derive information from large, complex data sets. Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM), a ranking method, drew on data variability to examine the overall trends, and provided the rank ordering of the sites and years that sampling was conducted. Coupled with the receptor model Positive Matrix Factorisation (PMF), the pollution emission sources were identified and meaningful information pertinent to the prioritisation of control and reduction strategies was obtained. This thesis is presented in the thesis by publication format. It includes four refereed papers which together demonstrate a novel combination of data analysis techniques that enabled particulate matter sources to be identified and sampling site/year ranked. The strength of this source identification process was corroborated when the analysis procedure was expanded to encompass multiple receptor sites. Initially applied to identify the contributing sources at roadside and suburban sites in Brisbane, the technique was subsequently applied to three receptor sites (roadside, urban and rural) located in Hong Kong. The comparable results from these international and national sites over several sampling periods indicated similarities in source contributions between receptor site-types, irrespective of global location and suggested the need to apply these methods to air pollution investigations worldwide. Furthermore, an investigation into particle size distribution data was conducted to deduce the sources of aerosol emissions based on particle size and elemental composition. Considering the adverse effects on human health caused by small-sized particles, knowledge of particle size distribution and their elemental composition provides a different perspective on the pollution problem. This thesis clearly illustrates that the application of an innovative combination of advanced data interpretation methods to identify particulate matter sources and rank sampling sites/years provides the basis for the prioritisation of future air pollution control measures. Moreover, this study contributes significantly to knowledge based on chemical composition of airborne particulate matter in Brisbane, Australia and on the identity and plausible locations of the contributing sources. Such novel source apportionment and ranking procedures are ultimately applicable to environmental investigations worldwide.
PURPOSE: screening tool of older people's prescriptions (STOPP) and screening tool to alert to right treatment (START) criteria were first published in 2008. Due to an expanding therapeutics evidence base, updating of the criteria was required.
METHODS: we reviewed the 2008 STOPP/START criteria to add new evidence-based criteria and remove any obsolete criteria. A thorough literature review was performed to reassess the evidence base of the 2008 criteria and the proposed new criteria. Nineteen experts from 13 European countries reviewed a new draft of STOPP & START criteria including proposed new criteria. These experts were also asked to propose additional criteria they considered important to include in the revised STOPP & START criteria and to highlight any criteria from the 2008 list they considered less important or lacking an evidence base. The revised list of criteria was then validated using the Delphi consensus methodology.
RESULTS: the expert panel agreed a final list of 114 criteria after two Delphi validation rounds, i.e. 80 STOPP criteria and 34 START criteria. This represents an overall 31% increase in STOPP/START criteria compared with version 1. Several new STOPP categories were created in version 2, namely antiplatelet/anticoagulant drugs, drugs affecting, or affected by, renal function and drugs that increase anticholinergic burden; new START categories include urogenital system drugs, analgesics and vaccines.
CONCLUSION: STOPP/START version 2 criteria have been expanded and updated for the purpose of minimizing inappropriate prescribing in older people. These criteria are based on an up-to-date literature review and consensus validation among a European panel of experts.
L’expression idéologique du pouvoir impérial romain au IVe siècle apr. J.-C. fut profondément marquée par les contextes religieux, culturel et littéraire dans lesquels elle s’inséra et dans lesquels coexistèrent deux religions et donc deux systèmes différents de pensée et de représentation du monde, soit le paganisme, religion traditionnelle de l’État romain, et le christianisme, religion émergente qui s’imposa de plus en plus dans l’Empire, notamment à partir du règne de Constantin. Cette trame de fond, loin de signifier à cette époque la fin totale du paganisme – comme il a longtemps été admis – au profit de la religion chrétienne qui entretint, grâce au support impérial, une relation nouvelle avec le pouvoir politique, modela de nouveaux critères d’exercice du pouvoir et des conceptions de l’idéal impérial qui s’exprimèrent dans les discours d’éloge destinés à l’empereur. Miroir du prince et moyen de communication entre ce dernier et l’élite, les éloges d’Ambroise de Milan et de Symmaque s’insérèrent dans le débat politique de leur temps en élaborant un archétype de l’empereur et en déterminant ses devoirs. Pour mesurer toute l’ampleur de la symbolique véhiculée dans de tels discours, il importe, pour le IVe siècle, de considérer la mentalité des auteurs, chrétiens et païens, d’où émanaient les éloges – ou encore les critiques – de la personne impériale. Ce mémoire propose ainsi d’analyser l’idéologie du pouvoir impérial selon les discours chrétien et païen, à travers les éloges d’Ambroise et de Symmaque, afin de relever les points de rencontre, d’influence ou de divergence entre ces représentations du monde et, plus spécifiquement, du pouvoir impérial, qui ont longtemps été considérées comme totalement opposées et incompatibles.
Background and Objectives: Lack of insight is a cardinal feature of psychosis. Insight has been found to be a multidimensional concept, including awareness of having a mental illness, ability to relabel psychotic phenomena as abnormal and compliance with treatment., which can be measured with the Schedule for Assessment of Insight (SAI-E). The aim of this study was to validate the Spanish version of SAI-E. Methods: The SAI-E was translated into Spanish and back-translated into English, which was deemed appropriate by the original scale author. Next, the Spanish version of the SAI-E was administered to 39 patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder (DSM-IV criteria) from a North Peruvian psychiatric hospital. The Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale for Schizophrenia (PANSS) and the Scale of Unawareness of Mental Disorder (SUMD) were also administered. Specifically, internal consistency and convergent validity were assessed. Results: Internal consistency between the 11 items of the SAI-E was found to be good to excellent (α = 0.942). Compliance items did not contribute to internal consistency (A = 0.417, B = 572). Inter-rater reliability was excellent (ICC = 0.99). Regarding concurrent validity, the SAI-E total score correlated negatively with the lack of insight and judgement item of the PANNS (r = -0.91, p <0.01) and positively with the SUMD total score (r = 0.92, p <0.001). Conclusions: The Spanish version of the SAI-E scale was demonstrated to have both excellent reliability and external validity in our sample of South American Spanish-speaking patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders.
The tissue kallikreins are serine proteases encoded by highly conserved multigene families. The rodent kallikrein (KLK) families are particularly large, consisting of 13 26 genes clustered in one chromosomal locus. It has been recently recognised that the human KLK gene family is of a similar size (15 genes) with the identification of another 12 related genes (KLK4-KLK15) within and adjacent to the original human KLK locus (KLK1-3) on chromosome 19q13.4. The structural organisation and size of these new genes is similar to that of other KLK genes except for additional exons encoding 5 or 3 untranslated regions. Moreover, many of these genes have multiple mRNA transcripts, a trait not observed with rodent genes. Unlike all other kallikreins, the KLK4-KLK15 encoded proteases are less related (25–44%) and do not contain a conventional kallikrein loop. Clusters of genes exhibit high prostatic (KLK2-4, KLK15) or pancreatic (KLK6-13) expression, suggesting evolutionary conservation of elements conferring tissue specificity. These genes are also expressed, to varying degrees, in a wider range of tissues suggesting a functional involvement of these newer human kallikrein proteases in a diverse range of physiological processes.
The availability of innumerable intelligent building (IB) products, and the current dearth of inclusive building component selection methods suggest that decision makers might be confronted with the quandary of forming a particular combination of components to suit the needs of a specific IB project. Despite this problem, few empirical studies have so far been undertaken to analyse the selection of the IB systems, and to identify key selection criteria for major IB systems. This study is designed to fill these research gaps. Two surveys: a general survey and the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) survey are proposed to achieve these objectives. The first general survey aims to collect general views from IB experts and practitioners to identify the perceived critical selection criteria, while the AHP survey was conducted to prioritize and assign the important weightings for the perceived criteria in the general survey. Results generally suggest that each IB system was determined by a disparate set of selection criteria with different weightings. ‘Work efficiency’ is perceived to be most important core selection criterion for various IB systems, while ‘user comfort’, ‘safety’ and ‘cost effectiveness’ are also considered to be significant. Two sub-criteria, ‘reliability’ and ‘operating and maintenance costs’, are regarded as prime factors to be considered in selecting IB systems. The current study contributes to the industry and IB research in at least two aspects. First, it widens the understanding of the selection criteria, as well as their degree of importance, of the IB systems. It also adopts a multi-criteria AHP approach which is a new method to analyse and select the building systems in IB. Further research would investigate the inter-relationship amongst the selection criteria.