940 resultados para Exercise tolerance capacity
Objective: To evaluate maximal respiratory pressures, pulmonary volumes and capacities and exercise functional capacity in pregnant women with preeclampsia. Method: Primigravid women with preeclampsia and healthy primigravid women were evaluated by means of manovacuometry, spirometry and the 6-minute walk test. Results: The group with preeclampsia showed higher minute ventilation and lower forced vital capacity and exercise tolerance. The presence of preeclampsia and forced vital capacity were predictors in the six-minute walk test. Conclusion: Preeclampsia showed significant alterations in the respiratory system and was associated with lower exercise tolerance; however, it did not affect respiratory muscle functions.
OBJECTIVES: To assess the safety and cardiopulmonary adaptation to high altitude exposure among patients with coronary artery disease. METHODS: 22 patients (20 men and 2 women), mean age 57 (SD 7) years, underwent a maximal, symptom limited exercise stress test in Bern, Switzerland (540 m) and after a rapid ascent to the Jungfraujoch (3454 m). The study population comprised 15 patients after ST elevation myocardial infarction and 7 after a non-ST elevation myocardial infarction 12 (SD 4) months after the acute event. All patients were revascularised either by percutaneous coronary angioplasty (n = 15) or by coronary artery bypass surgery (n = 7). Ejection fraction was 60 (SD 8)%. beta blocking agents were withheld for five days before exercise testing. RESULTS: At 3454 m, peak oxygen uptake decreased by 19% (p < 0.001), maximum work capacity by 15% (p < 0.001) and exercise time by 16% (p < 0.001); heart rate, ventilation and lactate were significantly higher at every level of exercise, except at maximum exertion. No ECG signs of myocardial ischaemia or significant arrhythmias were noted. CONCLUSIONS: Although oxygen demand and lactate concentrations are higher during exercise at high altitude, a rapid ascent and submaximal exercise can be considered safe at an altitude of 3454 m for low risk patients six months after revascularisation for an acute coronary event and a normal exercise stress test at low altitude.
The characterization of the hyperbolic power-time (P-tlim) relationship using a two-parameter model implies that exercise tolerance above the asymptote (Critical Power; CP), i.e. within the severe intensity domain, is determined by the curvature (W') of the relationship. The purposes of this study were (1) to test whether the amount of work above CP (W>CP) remains constant for varied work rate experiments of high volatility change and (2) to ascertain whether W' determines exercise tolerance within the severe intensity domain. Following estimation of CP (208 ± 19 W) and W' (21.4 ± 4.2 kJ), 14 male participants (age: 26 ± 3; peak [Formula: see text]: 3708 ± 389 ml.min-1) performed two experimental trials where the work rate was initially set to exhaust 70% of W' in 3 ('THREE') or 10 minutes ('TEN') before being subsequently dropped to CP plus 10 W. W>CP for TEN (104 ± 22% W') and W' were not significantly different (P>0.05) but lower than W>CP for THREE (119 ± 17% W', P<0.05). For both THREE (r = 0.71, P<0.01) and TEN (r = 0.64, P<0.01), a significant bivariate correlation was found between W' and tlim. W>CP and tlim can be greater than predicted by the P-tlim relationship when a decrement in the work rate of high-volatility is applied. Exercise tolerance can be enhanced through a change in work rate within the severe intensity domain. W>CP is not constant.
Background. To explore the efficacy of cycle training in the treatment of intermittent claudication, the present study compared performance and physiologic effects of cycle training with more conventional treadmill walking training in a group of patients with claudication. Method: Forty-two individuals with peripheral arterial disease and intermittent claudication (24 men, 18 women) were stratified by gender and the presence or absence of type 2 diabetes mellitus and then randomized to a treadmill (n = 13), cycle (n = 15), or control group (n = 14). Treadmill and cycle groups trained three times a week for 6 weeks, whereas the control group did not train during this period. Maximal and pain-free exercise times were measured on graded treadmill and cycle tests before and after training. Results. Treadmill training significantly improved maximal and pain-free treadmill walking times but did not improve cycle performance. Cycle training significantly improved maximal cycle time but did not improve treadmill performance. However, there was evidence of a stronger cross-transfer effect between the training modes for patients who reported a common limiting symptom during cycling and walking at baseline. There was also considerable variation in the training response to cycling, and a subgroup of responsive patients in the cycle group improved their walking performance by more than the average response observed in the treadmill group. Conclusion: These findings suggest that cycle exercise is not effective in improving walking performance in all claudication patients but might be an effective alternative to walking in those who exhibit similar limiting symptoms during both types of exercise.
Objectivo: Verificar o efeito de um programa de educação para a saúde em doentes portadores de DPOC. Metodologia: Estudo experimental (ensaio clínico) com 18 doentes portadores de DPOC seleccionados aleatoriamente através da consulta de Medicina Geral e Familiar. Depois de informar os objectivos do estudo e os aspectos éticos, os participantes realizaram uma avaliação da função pulmonar, capacidade de tolerância ao exercício, qualidade de vida, actividades de vida diária (AVD), dispneia e ansiedade e depressão. Posteriormente os indivíduos do grupo controlo receberam um manual informativo e os incluídos no grupo experimental além de receber o manual foram submetidos a 6 sessões de educação. Após 8 semanas todos os doentes foram reavaliados. O nível de significância utilizado nos testes estatísticos foi α=0.05 (intervalo de confiança de 95%). Resultados: A análise da diferença dos ganhos entre os grupos revelou-se estatisticamente significativa nas variáveis qualidade de vida (p<0,001), AVD (p<0,001) e depressão (p<0,001). Na capacidade de tolerância ao exercício ambos os grupos melhoraram significativamente mas a diferença de ganhos não foi estatisticamente significativa (p=0,289), tal como na variável ansiedade (p=0,960). Conclusão: Este estudo parece demonstrar que o programa de educação foi eficaz nas variáveis qualidade de vida, AVD e depressão.
La teràpia suplementària de ferro millora la capacitat d’exercici i la qualitat de vida en malalts amb una cardiopatia congènita cianòtica i/ o síndrome d’Eisenmenger El dèficit de ferro és una troballa comú en la cardiopatia congènita cianòtica, i pot ser la causa d’una reducció en la capacitat d’exercici. Actualment, està indicada la reposició dels dipòsits de ferro en aquest grup de malalts, éssent les evidències científiques escasses. En el present treball investiguem la seguretat i eficàcia del tractament amb ferro en malalts amb una cardiopatia congènita cianòtica. Per tal motiu, vint-i-cinc malalts amb una cardiopatia congenita cianòtica i dèficit de ferro van ser inclosos de forma prospectiva entre Agost del 2008 i Gener del 2009. El tractament utilitzat fou fumarat ferròs oral, fins a una dosi màxima de 200 mg tres vegades al dia. En l’anàlisi basal i als tres mesos de seguiment es va utilitzar el test de qualitat de vida “CAMPHOR”, el test de la marxa dels 6 minuts i la prova d’esforç amb consum d’oxigen. L’edat mitja fou 39.9+/-10.9 anys, 80% dones. Catorze malalts tenien la síndrome d’Eisenmenger, sis una malaltia cianòtica complexa i cinc circulació de Fontan. Cap d’ells va haver d'interrompre el tractament degut a efectes adversos. Després de tres mesos de tractament, l’hemoglobina (19.0+/-2.9g/dL a 20.4+/-2.7g/dL, p&0.001), ferritina (13.3+/-4.7mug/L a 54.1+/-24.2mug/L, p&0.001) i saturació de transferrina (17.8+/-9.6% a 34.8+/-23.4%, p&0.001) van augmentar significativament. També hi va haver una millora significativa en la puntuació del test de qualitat de vida (20.7+/-10.9 a 16.2+/-10.4, p=0.001) i el test de la marxa (371.7+/-84.7m a 402.8.0+/-74.9m, p=0.001). No es van evidenciar canvis significatius en els valors de consum d’oxigen (40.7+/-9.2% a 43.8+/-12.4%, p=0.15). En definitiva, la teràpia suplementària amb ferro en els malats amb una cardiopatia congènita cianòtica i dèficit de ferro és segura i millora la qualitat de vida i la capacitat funcional. En aquest grup de malalts, per tant, és aconsellable identificar el dèficit de ferro i restaurar-ne els seus dipòsits.
BACKGROUND: Recent data suggest that beta-blockers can be beneficial in subgroups of patients with chronic heart failure (CHF). For metoprolol and carvedilol, an increase in ejection fraction has been shown and favorable effects on the myocardial remodeling process have been reported in some studies. We examined the effects of bisoprolol fumarate on exercise capacity and left ventricular volume with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and applied a novel high-resolution MRI tagging technique to determine myocardial rotation and relaxation velocity. METHODS: Twenty-eight patients (mean age, 57 +/- 11 years; mean ejection fraction, 26 +/- 6%) were randomized to bisoprolol fumarate (n = 13) or to placebo therapy (n = 15). The dosage of the drugs was titrated to match that of the the Cardiac Insufficiency Bisoprolol Study protocol. Hemodynamic and gas exchange responses to exercise, MRI measurements of left ventricular end-systolic and end-diastolic volumes and ejection fraction, and left ventricular rotation and relaxation velocities were measured before the administration of the drug and 6 and 12 months later. RESULTS: After 1 year, heart rate was reduced in the bisoprolol fumarate group both at rest (81 +/- 12 before therapy versus 61 +/- 11 after therapy; P <.01) and peak exercise (144 +/- 20 before therapy versus 127 +/- 17 after therapy; P <.01), which indicated a reduction in sympathetic drive. No differences were observed in heart rate responses in the placebo group. No differences were observed within or between groups in peak oxygen uptake, although work rate achieved was higher (117.9 +/- 36 watts versus 146.1 +/- 33 watts; P <.05) and exercise time tended to be higher (9.1 +/- 1.7 minutes versus 11.4 +/- 2.8 minutes; P =.06) in the bisoprolol fumarate group. A trend for a reduction in left ventricular end-diastolic volume (-54 mL) and left ventricular end-systolic volume (-62 mL) in the bisoprolol fumarate group occurred after 1 year. Ejection fraction was higher in the bisoprolol fumarate group (25.0 +/- 7 versus 36.2 +/- 9%; P <.05), and the placebo group remained unchanged. Most changes in volume and ejection fraction occurred during the latter 6 months of treatment. With myocardial tagging, insignificant reductions in left ventricular rotation velocity were observed in both groups, whereas relaxation velocity was reduced only after bisoprolol fumarate therapy (by 39%; P <.05). CONCLUSION: One year of bisoprolol fumarate therapy resulted in an improvement in exercise capacity, showed trends for reductions in end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes, increased ejection fraction, and significantly reduced relaxation velocity. Although these results generally confirm the beneficial effects of beta-blockade in patients with chronic heart failure, they show differential effects on systolic and diastolic function.
beta(2)-adrenergic receptor (beta(2)-AR) agonists have been used as ergogenics by athletes involved in training for strength and power in order to increase the muscle mass. Even though anabolic effects of beta(2)-AR activation are highly recognized, less is known about the impact of beta(2)-AR in endurance capacity. We presently used mice lacking beta(2)-AR [beta(2)-knockout (beta(2) KO)] to investigate the role of beta(2)-AR on exercise capacity and skeletal muscle metabolism and phenotype. beta(2) KO mice and their wild-type controls (WT) were studied. Exercise tolerance, skeletal muscle fiber typing, capillary-to-fiber ratio, citrate synthase activity and glycogen content were evaluated. When compared with WT, beta 2KO mice displayed increased exercise capacity (61%) associated with higher percentage of oxidative fibers (21% and 129% of increase in soleus and plantaris muscles, respectively) and capillarity (31% and 20% of increase in soleus and plantaris muscles, respectively). In addition, beta 2KO mice presented increased skeletal muscle citrate synthase activity (10%) and succinate dehydrogenase staining. Likewise, glycogen content (53%) and periodic acid-Schiff staining (glycogen staining) were also increased in beta 2KO skeletal muscle. Altogether, these data provide evidence that disruption of beta(2)AR improves oxidative metabolism in skeletal muscle of beta 2KO mice and this is associated with increased exercise capacity.
Bueno CR Jr, Ferreira JC, Pereira MG, Bacurau AV, Brum PC. Aerobic exercise training improves skeletal muscle function and Ca(2+) handling-related protein expression in sympathetic hyperactivity-induced heart failure. J Appl Physiol 109: 702-709, 2010. First published July 1, 2010; doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00281.2010.-The cellular mechanisms of positive effects associated with aerobic exercise training on overall intrinsic skeletal muscle changes in heart failure (HF) remain unclear. We investigated potential Ca(2+) abnormalities in skeletal muscles comprising different fiber compositions and investigated whether aerobic exercise training would improve muscle function in a genetic model of sympathetic hyperactivity-induced HF. A cohort of male 5-mo-old wild-type (WT) and congenic alpha(2A)/alpha(2C) adrenoceptor knockout (ARKO) mice in a C57BL/6J genetic background were randomly assigned into untrained and trained groups. Exercise training consisted of a 8-wk running session of 60 min, 5 days/wk (from 5 to 7 mo of age). After completion of the exercise training protocol, exercise tolerance was determined by graded treadmill exercise test, muscle function test by Rotarod, ambulation and resistance to inclination tests, cardiac function by echocardiography, and Ca(2+) handling-related protein expression by Western blot. alpha(2A)/alpha(2C)ARKO mice displayed decreased ventricular function, exercise intolerance, and muscle weakness paralleled by decreased expression of sarcoplasmic Ca(2+) release-related proteins [alpha(1)-, alpha(2)-, and beta(1)-subunits of dihydropyridine receptor (DHPR) and ryanodine receptor (RyR)] and Ca(2+) reuptake-related proteins [sarco(endo) plasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase (SERCA) 1/2 and Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger (NCX)] in soleus and plantaris. Aerobic exercise training significantly improved exercise tolerance and muscle function and reestablished the expression of proteins involved in sarcoplasmic Ca(2+) handling toward WT levels. We provide evidence that Ca(2+) handling-related protein expression is decreased in this HF model and that exercise training improves skeletal muscle function associated with changes in the net balance of skeletal muscle Ca(2+) handling proteins.
Background: Patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) present an important ventilatory (imitation reducing their exercise capacity. Non-invasive ventilatory support has been shown to improve exercise capacity in patients with obstructive diseases; however, its effect on IPF patients remains unknown. Objective: The present study assessed the effect of ventilatory support using proportional, assist ventilation (PAV) on exercise capacity in patients with IPF. Methods: Ten patients (61.2 +/- 9.2 year-old) were submitted to a cardiopulmonary exercise testing, plethysmography and three submaximal. exercise tests (60% of maximum load): without ventilatory support, with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and PAV. Submaximal tests were performed randomly and exercise capacity, cardiovascular and ventilatory response as well as breathlessness subjective perception were evaluated. Lactate plasmatic levels were obtained before and after submaximal. exercise. Results: Our data show that patients presented a limited exercise capacity (9.7 +/- 3.8 mL O(2)/kg/min). Submaximal. test was increased in patients with PAV compared with CPAP and without ventilatory support (respectively, 11.1 +/- 8.8 min, 5.6 +/- 4.7 and 4.5 +/- 3.8 min; p < 0.05). An improved arterial oxygenation and lower subjective perception to effort was also observed in patients with IPF when exercise was performed with PAV (p < 0.05). IPF patients performing submaximal exercise with PAV also presented a lower heart rate during exercise, although systolic and diastolic pressures were not different among submaximal tests. Our results suggest that PAV can increase exercise tolerance and decrease dyspnoea and cardiac effort in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background: Although obesity is usually observed in peripheral arterial disease (PAD) patients, the effects of the association between these diseases on walking capacity are not well documented. Objective: The main objectives of this study were to determine the effects of obesity on exercise tolerance and post-exercise hemodynamic recovery in elderly PAD patients. Methods: 46 patients with stable symptoms of intermittent claudication were classified according to their body mass index (BMI) into normal group (NOR) = BMI < 28.0 and obese or in risk of obesity group (OBE) = BMI >= 28.0. All patients performed a progressive graded treadmill test. During exercise, ventilatory responses were evaluated and pre- and post-exercise ankle and arm blood pressures were measured. Results: Exercise tolerance and oxygen consumption at total walking time were similar between OBE and NOR. However, OBE showed a lower claudication time (309 +/- 151 vs. 459 +/- 272 s, p = 0.02) with a similar oxygen consumption at this time. In addition, OBE presented a longer time for ankle brachial index recovery after exercise (7.8 +/- 2.8 vs. 6.3 +/- 2.6 min, p = 0.02). Conclusion: Obesity in elderly PAD patients decreased time to claudication, and delayed post-exercise hemodynamic recovery. These results suggest that muscle metabolic demand, and not total workload, is responsible for the start of the claudication and maximal exercise tolerance in PAD patients. Moreover, claudication duration might be responsible for the time needed to a complete hemodynamic recovery after exercise. Copyright (c) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel