995 resultados para Exchange programme
This paper considers an on-going exchange programme between the Boole Library, University College Cork (UCC) and Hangzhou Municipal Library, South East China. The authors describe the exchange and their impressions of working in a different library setting.
This ICSF Exchange Programme held in Manila is an offshoot of the Bangkok Conference on “Global Fisheries Trends and Future of Fishworkers” held on January 22–27, 1990. One of the issues raised in that conference was about the operation of Taiwanese fishing vessels outside its territorial waters and the impact of such operations on small fishermen from the countries concerned. The presence of a Taiwanese fishworker as well as an NGO supporter contributed to an enlightening discussion as the former shed light on the sad plight of Taiwanese fishworkers who are the victims of such structural problems. This meaningful exchange between groups of fishermen, particularly Taiwanese and Filipinos, resulted in the plan of the Taiwanese delegation to have some Taiwanese fishermen visit the Philippines and immerse in fishing communities.
As Larson (1990) states, professions are historically specific and ‘there is no pattern of social closure around an occupation that is not inflected by the latter’s past, its specific activity and typical context of performance or…the political context in which closure is obtained.’ Larson’s work focuses particularly on the differences between the establishment of professions in France, where there was considerable state intervention, with that in the US and UK, both of which were more market-oriented. This paper is based on data from an evaluation of a large European exchange programme of staff between Kent and Lille, from 2005 to 2008 and discusses the division of labour in healthcare between two occupational groups, medicine and nursing, in England and in France. This division of labour has been extensively discussed in the UK, particularly since from the mid 1990s the nursing role has been extended and innovations such as nurse prescribing have been introduced, whereas such extended roles have not been introduced in France. The paper draws particularly on interview data from mental health practitioners, in which it is argued that whilst the English nurses may on the surface seem to have a wider range of competences and autonomy, in reality they are more constrained, as they operate under protocols and therefore do not exercise professional judgement. Not only do these data illustrate the centrality of professional judgement in discussions about practice, they also demonstrate the circularity of many debates on extended roles.
O presente trabalho tem por finalidade examinar essa questão à luz das entrevistas com lideranças do movimento negro no Brasil realizadas no contexto do projeto “História do movimento negro no Brasil: constituição de acervo de entrevistas de história oral”, desenvolvido a partir de setembro de 2003 pelo Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação de História Contemporânea do Brasil (CPDOC) da Fundação Getulio Vargas, com apoio do South-South Exchange Programme for Research on the History of Development (Sephis), sediado na Holanda, e do Programa de Apoio aos Núcleos de Excelência (Pronex) do Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia. O acervo constituído conta atualmente com 70 horas de entrevistas gravadas com 25 lideranças de diferentes estados do país, as quais serão objeto da análise. O objetivo é verificar, à luz das entrevistas gravadas até o momento, como se constituiu o que hoje se chama o “movimento negro contemporâneo”, quais foram suas estratégias e suas formas de atuação, na década de 1970 e no começo dos anos 80. Que influências e acontecimentos são considerados, hoje, decisivos pelas lideranças? Para isso, estaremos nos voltando principalmente para a análise das entrevistas daqueles(as) que tiveram atuação nesse período inicial – poderíamos dizer, daqueles(as) que “fundaram” propriamente o movimento negro contemporâneo. Como nossa pesquisa está em andamento, o resultado desta análise é preliminar, principalmente porque ainda não conseguimos ouvir todas as lideranças que atuavam na virada dos anos 70 e 80, no Brasil. Apesar dessas limitações, o escopo que serve de base para o presente texto é bastante representativo, pois inclui pessoas de diferentes regiões, como Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Maranhão e Sergipe, por exemplo.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This project was funded by the Government of Kuwait (to F.N.A.) and the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement 245268 (ISEFOR; to L.B. and S.W.). Further support came from the SwissBOL project, financed by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (grant holder L.B.) and the Sciex–Scientific Exchange Programme NMS.CH (to L.L. and L.B.).
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This project was funded by the Kuwait Government (to F.N.A.), the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement no. 245268 (ISEFOR; to L.B. and S.W.). Further support came from the SwissBOL project, financed by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (grant holder, L.B.) and the Sciex–Scientific Exchange Programme NMS.CH (to L.B. and L.L.).
We thank the INSA-RSE bilateral exchange programme for financial assistance (PD) and the Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF, Nigeria) for the award of PhD scholarship, as well as Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi-Nigeria for the granted fellowship (H.A).
We thank the INSA-RSE bilateral exchange programme for financial assistance (PD) and the Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF, Nigeria) for the award of PhD scholarship, as well as Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi-Nigeria for the granted fellowship (H.A).
El informe describe las actividades desarrolladas bajo el Programa de Intercambio y Cooperacion CELADE-Canada II (CCII) durante el periodo enero-marzo de 1989, en sus tres componentes: a) cooperacion tecnica, ensenanza e investigacion, centradas en encuestas demograficas nacionales, encuestas de migracion interna, uso y generacion de informacion en poblacion, estudios integrados sobre poblacion y desarrollo, cursos nacionales sobre la integracion de las variables demograficas en la planificacion, programas de estudios demograficos, cursos sobre tecnicas de analisis demografico, talleres, seminarios y publicaciones; b) intercambio, incluyendo el apoyo a estudiantes latinoamericanos en universidades canadienses, contratacion de personal canadiense y profesores visitantes; c) apoyo a programas, a traves de personal tecnico, servicios de computacion, materiales y equipos.
The critical impact of innovation on national and the global economies has been discussed at length in the literature. Economic development requires the diffusion of innovations into markets. It has long been recognised that economic growth and development depends upon a constant stream of innovations. Governments have been keenly aware of the need to ensure this flow does not dry to a trickle and have introduced many and varied industry policies and interventions to assist in seeding, supporting and diffusing innovations. In Australia, as in many countries, Government support for the transfer of knowledge especially from publicly funded research has resulted in the creation of knowledge exchange intermediaries. These intermediaries are themselves service organisations, seeking innovative service offerings for their markets. The choice for most intermediaries is generally a dichotomous one, between market-pull and technology-push knowledge exchange programmes. In this article, we undertake a case analysis of one such innovative intermediary and its flagship programme. We then compare this case with other successful intermediaries in Europe. We put forward a research proposition that the design of intermediary programmes must match the service type they offer. That is, market-pull programmes require market-pull design, in close collaboration with industry, whereas technology programmes can be problem-solving innovations where demand is latent. The discussion reflects the need for an evolution in knowledge transfer policies and programmes beyond the first generation ushered in with the US Bayh-Dole Act (1980) and Stevenson-Wydler Act (1984). The data analysed is a case study comparison of market-pull and technology-push programmes, focusing on primary and secondary socio-economic benefits (using both Australian and international comparisons).