989 resultados para Ethanol-water


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Water-ethanol mixtures exhibit many interesting anomalies, such as negative excess partial molar volume of ethanol, excess sound absorption coefficient at low concentrations, and positive deviation from Raoult's law for vapor pressure, to mention a few. These anomalies have been attributed to different, often contradictory origins, but a quantitative understanding is still lacking. We show by computer simulation and theoretical analyses that these anomalies arise from the sudden emergence of a bicontinuous phase that occurs at a relatively low ethanol concentration of x(eth) approximate to 0.06-0.10 (that amounts to a volume fraction of 0.17-0.26, which is a significant range!). The bicontinuous phase is formed by aggregation of ethanol molecules, resulting in a weak phase transition whose nature is elucidated. We find that the microheterogeneous structure of the mixture gives rise to a pronounced nonmonotonic composition dependence of local compressibility and nonmonotonic dependence in the peak value of the radial distribution function of ethyl groups. A multidimensional free energy surface of pair association is shown to provide a molecular explanation of the known negative excess partial volume of ethanol in terms of parallel orientation and hence better packing of the ethyl groups in the mixture due to hydrophobic interactions. The energy distribution of the ethanol molecules indicates additional energy decay channels that explain the excess sound attenuation coefficient in aqueous alcohol mixtures. We studied the dependence of the solvation of a linear polymer chain on the composition of the water-ethanol solvent. We find that there is a sudden collapse of the polymer at x(eth) approximate to 0.05-a phenomenon which we attribute to the formation of the microheterogeneous structures in the binary mixture at low ethanol concentrations. Together with recent single molecule pulling experiments, these results provide new insight into the behavior of polymer chain and foreign solutes, such as enzymes, in aqueous binary mixtures.


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The mechanical properties of clays are highly dependent not only on the stress/strain ratio to which the material is subjected but also on the chemistry of the pore fluids which in turn affects the intergranular or the effective stresses. Atterberg limits and vane shear tests were performed with different pore fluids in order to observe how the fine-grained material mechanically responded. The diffuse double layer theory has been used to interpret the data of vane shear tests in order to explain the variation of geotechnical responses with the different clays. Van der Waals forces and double layer forces were obtained and capillary forces calculated. The results show that while for kaolinite and illite the chemistry of the pore fluids has no influence on the water content and hence on the mechanical behaviour of the material, Na-smectite shows a strong correlation between the dielectric constant of the pore fluids and an increase in undrained shear strength. The data obtained extends an understanding of the influence of the dielectric constant (epsilon) of the pore fluids on the geotechnical properties of fine-grained materials.


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The novel hexagon SnO2 nanosheets are successfully synthesized in ethanol/water solution by hydrothermal process. The samples are characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), infrared ray (IR) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). By changing the reaction conditions, the size and the morphology can be controlled. Comparison experiments show that when the temperature increased from 140 degrees C to 180 degrees C, the edge length of the hexagon nanoparticles increases from 300-450 nm to 700-900 nm. On the other hand, by adjusting the ratios of water to ethanol from 2 to 0.5, SnO2 nanoparticles with different morphologies of triangle and sphere are obtained. When the concentration of NaOH is increased from 0.15 M to 0.30 M, a hollow ring structure can be obtained. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The interaction of DNA with Tris(1,10-phenanthroline) cobalt(III) was studied by means of atomic force microscopy. Changes in the morphologies of DNA complex in the presence of ethanol may well indicate the crucial role of electrostatic force in causing DNA condensation. With the increase of the concentration of ethanol, electrostatic interaction is enhanced corresponding to a lower dielectric constant. Counterions condense along the sugar phosphate backbone of DNA when e is lowered and the phosphate charge density can thus be neutralized to the level of DNA condensation. Electroanalytical measurement of DNA condensed with Co(phen)(3)(3+) in ethanol solution indicated that intercalating reaction remains existing. According to both the microscopic and spectroscopic results, it can be found that no secondary structure transition occurs upon DNA condensing. B-A conformation transition takes place at more than 60% ethanol solution.


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This research reports liquid liquid equilibrium data for the system lard (swine fat), cis-9-octadecenoic acid (oleic acid), ethanol, and water at 318.2 K, as well as their correlation with the nonrandom two-liquid (NRTL) and universal quasichemical activity coefficient (UNIQUAC) thermodynamic equations, which have provided global deviations of 0.41 % and 0.53 %, respectively. Additional equilibrium experiments were also performed to obtain cholesterol partition (or distribution) coefficients to verify the availability of the use of ethanol plus water to reduce the cholesterol content in lard. The partition experiments were performed with concentrations of free fatty acids (commercial oleic acid) that varied from (0 to 20) mass % and of water in the solvent that varied from (0 to 18) mass %. The percentage of free fatty acids initially present in lard had a slight effect on the distribution of cholesterol between the phases. Furthermore, the distribution coefficients decreased by adding water in the ethanol; specifically, it resulted in a diminution of the capability of the solvent to remove the cholesterol.


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Poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) is one of the most researched synthetic polymers due to the complex behavior which arises from the interplay of the hydrophilic and hydrophobic sites on the polymer chain. PEO in ethanol forms an opaque gel-like mixture with a partially crystalline structure. Addition of a small amount of water disrupts the gel: 5 wt % PEO in ethanol becomes a transparent solution with the addition of 4 vol % water. The phase behavior of PEO in mixed solvents have been studied using small-angle neutron scattering (SANS). PEO solutions (5 wt % PEO) which contain 4 vol % - 10 vol % (and higher) water behave as an athermal polymer solution and the phase behavior changes from UCST to LCST rapidly as the fraction of water is increased. 2 wt % PEO in water and 10 wt % PEO in ethanol/ water mixtures are examined to assess the role of hydration. The observed phase behavior is consistent with a hydration layer forming upon the addition of water as the system shifts from UCST to LCST behavior. At the molecular level, two or three water molecules can hydrate one PEO monomer (water molecules form a sheath around the PEO macromolecule) which is consistent with the suppression of crystallization and change in the mentioned phase behavior as observed by SANS. The clustering effect of aqueous PEO solution (M.W of PEO = 90,000 g/mol) is monitored as an excess scattering intensity at low-Q. Clustering intensity at Q = 0.004 Å^-1 is used for evaluating the clustering effect. The clustering intensity is proportional to the inverse temperature and levels off when the temperature is less than 50 ˚C. When the temperature is increased over 50 ˚C, the clustering intensity starts decreasing. The clustering of PEO is monitored in ethanol/ water mixtures. The clustering intensity increases as the fraction of water is increased. Based on the solvation intensity behavior, we confirmed that the ethanol/ water mixtures obey a random solvent mixing rule, whereby solvent mixtures are better at solvating the polymer that any of the two solvents. The solution behavior of PEO in ethanol was investigated in the presence of salt (CaCl2) using SANS. Binding of Ca2+ ions to the PEO oxygens transforms the neutral polymer to a weakly charged polyelectrolyte. We observed that the PEO/ethanol solution is better solvated at higher salt concentration due to the electrostatic repulsion of weakly charged monomers. The association of the Ca2+ ions with the PEO oxygen atoms transforms the neutral polymer to a weakly charged polyelectrolyte and gives rise to repulsive interactions between the PEO/Ca2+ complexes. Addition of salt disrupts the gel, which is consistent with better solvation as the salt concentration is increased. Moreover, SANS shows that the phase behavior of PEO/ethanol changes from UCST to LCST as the salt concentration is increased.


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The water activity (a(w)) of microbial substrates, biological samples, and foods and drinks is usually determined by direct measurement of the equilibrium relative humidity above a sample. However, these materials can contain ethanol, which disrupts the operation of humidity sensors. Previously, an indirect and problematic technique based on freezing-point depression measurements was needed to calculate the a(w) when ethanol was present. We now describe a rapid and accurate method to determine the a(w) of ethanol-containing samples at ambient temperatures. Disruption of sensor measurements was minimized by using a newly developed, alcohol-resistant humidity sensor fitted with an alcohol filter. Linear equations were derived from a(w) measurements of standard ethanol-water mixtures, and from Norrish's equation, to correct sensor measurements. To our knowledge, this is the first time that electronic sensors have been used to determine the a(w) of ethanol- containing samples.


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The objective of this study was to examine the hydrothermal liquefaction of sugarcane bagasse using ethanol and black liquor (BL) in a pilot scale. Combinations of co-solvents (ethanol/ water, ethanol/BL) were studied at various concentrations and reaction conditions. The maximum oil yield of 61% was achieved with a reaction temperature of 300 °C for 30 min and using pure BL as a solvent, while the highest higher heating value (HHV) was obtained from a 50:50 ethanol-BL mixture. The oils contained alcohols, esters, phenolic compounds, aromatics, and heterocyclics. The O/C and H/C ratios of the oil were comparable with traditional biodiesel and commercial diesel. Although this study showed there are some improvements to be made to improve the chemical composition, the approach has potential for large-scale production of a substitute for fossil-fuel-based diesel.


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Experiments have repeatedly observed both thermodynamic and dynamic anomalies in aqueous binary mixtures, surprisingly at low solute concentration. Examples of such binary mixtures include water-DMSO, water-ethanol, water-tertiary butyl alcohol (TBA), and water-dioxane, to name a few. The anomalies have often been attributed to the onset of a structural transition, whose nature, however, has been left rather unclear. Here we study the origin of such anomalies using large scale computer simulations and theoretical analysis in water-DMSO binary mixture. At very low DMSO concentration (below 10%), small aggregates of DMSO are solvated by water through the formation of DMSO-(H2O)(2) moieties. As the concentration is increased beyond 10-12% of DMSO, spanning clusters comprising the same moieties appear in the system. Those clusters are formed and stabilized not only through H-bonding but also through the association of CH3 groups of DMSO. We attribute the experimentally observed anomalies to a continuum percolation-like transition at DMSO concentration X-DMSO approximate to 12-15%. The largest cluster size of CH3-CH3 aggregation clearly indicates the formation of such percolating clusters. As a result, a significant slowing down is observed in the decay of associated rotational auto time correlation functions (of the S = O bond vector of DMSO and O-H bond vector of water). Markedly unusual behavior in the mean square fluctuation of total dipole moment again suggests a structural transition around the same concentration range. Furthermore, we map our findings to an interacting lattice model which substantiates the continuum percolation model as the reason for low concentration anomalies in binary mixtures where the solutes involved have both hydrophilic and hydrophobic moieties.


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In aqueous binary mixtures, amphiphilic solutes such as dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), ethanol, tertbutyl alcohol (TBA), etc., are known to form aggregates (or large clusters) at small to intermediate solute concentrations. These aggregates are transient in nature. Although the system remains homogeneous on macroscopic length and time scales, the microheterogeneous aggregation may profoundly affect the properties of the mixture in several distinct ways, particularly if the survival times of the aggregates are longer than density relaxation times of the binary liquid. Here we propose a theoretical scheme to quantify the lifetime and thus the stability of these microheterogeneous clusters, and apply the scheme to calculate the same for water-ethanol, water-DMSO, and water-TBA mixtures. We show that the lifetime of these clusters can range from less than a picosecond (ps) for ethanol clusters to few tens of ps for DMSO and TBA clusters. This helps explaining the absence of a strong composition dependent anomaly in water-ethanol mixtures but the presence of the same in water-DMSO and water-TBA mixtures. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Tese de doutoramento, Química (Química Tecnológica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014


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The adsorption isotherms of MCl(2) (M = Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn and Cd) and FeCl3 by silica gel chemically modified with benzimidazole molecules (= SI(CH2)(3)-NC7H5N) were studied in ethanol solution at 298 K. A column made of modified silica was used to adsorb and preconcentrate the above metal ions from ethanol solution. Elution was done with 0.1 M hydrochloric acid in an ethanol/water mixture having a mole fraction of water of 0.8. The material was applied in the preconcentration of metal ions from commercial ethanol normally used as engine fuel.


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Studies carried out with glass electrode in anhydrous ethanol and ethanol-water solutions for measuring pH values have shown that this parameter depends on the solution composition, the contact time with the solution, the utilized temperature, and the type of electrolyte used. It was also observed that the glass electrode behavior in an acid medium differs from an alkaline medium. These studies provided correction factors for pH values from 2 to 12, allowing the realization of proper measurements of the hydrogen ionic activity in the ethanol-water and anhydrous ethanol solutions. However, these correction factors could not be applied to the fuel ethanol. Alternatively, a new method was developed for the correction of the pH values, which can be applied in hydrous and anhydrous fuel ethanol samples. Copyright © 2011 by ASTM International.


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Lubricating oils are crucial in the operation of automotive engines because they both reduce friction between moving parts and protect against corrosion. However, the performance of lubricant oil may be affected by contaminants, such as gasoline, diesel, ethanol, water and ethylene glycol. Although there are many standard methods and studies related to the quantification of contaminants in lubricant oil, such as gasoline and diesel oil, to the best of our knowledge, no methods have been reported for the quantification of ethanol in used Otto cycle engine lubrication oils. Therefore, this work aimed at the development and validation of a routine method based on partial least-squares multivariate analysis combined with attenuated total reflectance in the mid-infrared region to quantify ethanol content in used lubrication oil. The method was validated based on its figures of merit (using the net analyte signal) as follows: limit of detection (0.049%), limit of quantification (0.16%), accuracy (root mean square error of prediction=0.089% w/w), repeatability (0.05% w/w), fit (R 2 =0.9997), mean selectivity (0.047), sensitivity (0.011), inverse analytical sensitivity (0.016% w/w-1) and signal-to-noise ratio (max: 812.4 and min: 200.9). The results show that the proposed method can be routinely implemented for the quality control of lubricant oils. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.