2 resultados para Epiplón


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Els avenços en cirurgia endoscòpia han permès obtenir el penjall d’epipló amb mínima deformitat per a la zona donant. Es realitzaren 5 penjalls d’epipló pediculat obtinguts mitjançant laparoscòpia com a tècnica de rescat en pacients amb dèficit de cobertura després de reconstrucció mamària mitjançant expansors tissulars i pròtesis no candidates a altres tècniques habituals de cobertura amb teixit autòleg. Segons la nostra experiència clínica el penjall d’epipló ofereix bons resultats a curt i a llarg termini amb un postoperatori favorable i sense complicacions associades a la seva obtenció mitjançant laparoscòpia, perfilant-se com a alternativa vàlida i segura en casos seleccionats de reconstrucció mamària.


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BACKGROUND The expansion of adipose tissue is linked to the development of its vasculature, which appears to have the potential to regulate the onset of obesity. However, at present, there are no studies highlighting the relationship between human adipose tissue angiogenesis and obesity-associated insulin resistance (IR). RESULTS Our aim was to analyze and compare angiogenic factor expression levels in both subcutaneous (SC) and omentum (OM) adipose tissues from morbidly obese patients (n = 26) with low (OB/L-IR) (healthy obese) and high (OB/H-IR) degrees of IR, and lean controls (n = 17). Another objective was to examine angiogenic factor correlations with obesity and IR.Here we found that VEGF-A was the isoform with higher expression in both OM and SC adipose tissues, and was up-regulated 3-fold, together with MMP9 in OB/L-IR as compared to leans. This up-regulation decreased by 23% in OB/-H-IR compared to OB/L-IR. On the contrary, VEGF-B, VEGF-C and VEGF-D, together with MMP15 was down-regulated in both OB/H-IR and OB/L-IR compared to lean patients. Moreover, MMP9 correlated positively and VEGF-C, VEGF-D and MMP15 correlated negatively with HOMA-IR, in both SC and OM. CONCLUSION We hereby propose that the alteration in MMP15, VEGF-B, VEGF-C and VEGF-D gene expression may be caused by one of the relevant adipose tissue processes related to the development of IR, and the up-regulation of VEGF-A in adipose tissue could have a relationship with the prevention of this pathology.