29 resultados para Epicuro


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El presente artículo ofrece una interpretación parcialmente heterodoxa del atomismogriego que interpreta aquella revolucionaria teoría como: 1) Un salto adelante respecto de la ontología eleática que suministra una nueva base más sólida al principio básico de ésta,a saber, "El ser no puede generarse a partir del no-ser" (tesis más bien convencional y ya clásica). 2) Una respuesta, tímidamente formulada, a la pregunta pitagórica por una universalismensura de cada cosa, a saber, la hipótesis, claramente avanzada por Demócrito, de que las piezas constitutivas de la materia, las partículas atómicas, poseen infinitos tamañosdiferentes a fin de eludir las dificultades planteadas por el programa pitagórico y ejemplificadas en la inconmensurabilidad de la diagonal y el lado del cuadrado; dicha hipótesis (yaquí radica el aspecto innovador del artículo) podría considerarse como una anticipación implícita de la moderna noción de fluxión o infinitésimo; la refutación de dicha soluciónpor la teoría aristotélica del continuo forzará a la segunda generación de atomistas, encabezada por Epicuro, a intentar un nuevo enfoque del problema con la formulación de la teoríade las rninirnaepartes, que, según nuestra interpretación, habría que identificar con los límites geométricos de las figuras atómicas.


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El presente artículo sostiene, por debajo de la contraposición entre los conceptos dejusticia epicúreo y aristotélico, la existencia de un común denominador a ambos, a saber, la prioridad de un concepto social-natural (no meramente social ni meramente natural) de justicia, previo a todo cálculo de conveniencia, pero no por ello de naturaleza metafísica.En el caso de Epicuro, se trata de un concepto de mínimo al que debe ajustarse el florecimiento individual: el reconocimiento mutuo. En el caso de Aristóteles, de un máximo en la búsqueda del bien común como condición del bien de cada individuo: la pólis gobernada en beneficio de todos los ciudadanos.


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Este artigo se ocupa em averiguar os termos com os quais Cícero, Lucrécio e Diógenes Laércio buscaram tornar compreensível a prólêpsis de Epicuro. Cícero forneceu os termos antecipatio, praenotio e informationem; Lucrécio, notitia, exemplare et vestigia, a fim de dar voz e expor entre os latinos a doutrina do epicurismo. Diógenes Laércio indicou os termos katalêpsis, dóxa, énnoia, hypólêpsin, com os quais, segundo ele, os próprios epicuristas tentaram explicitar a prólêpsis de Epicuro. Por fim, o artigo expõe a opinião de alguns comentadores contemporâneos.


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En la última década, se ha despertado un renovado interés por la educación ciudadana. Una de las principales motivaciones ha sido la convicción de que todas las ciudades, independientemente de su ubicación, tamaño e historia, pueden ser educadoras, y en momentos como el actual, es urgente volver a pensar en la formación política de los ciudadanos, sobre todo en un país como Colombia, donde las acciones y los discursos políticos son tan precarios.


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Incluir resumo


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Épicure de Samos (341-270 a.C) fut l'un des plus importants penseurs de l'Antiquité. Le philosophe du Jardin, comme il a été connue, aurait écrit au moins 300 volumes. Ayant vécu dans une Grèce sans l'autonomie des temps passés, a vu l'atténuation du sens de liberté (eleutheria) dans le domaine social. En outre, la théorie atomiste que lui précédée et lui a influencée postulais un déterminisme qui avait entraîné la fatalité et l'élimination des eleutheria aussi dans le domaine de la nature (physis). Dans ce contexte, il donne, de la physiología, une forme originale à l'étude de la physis, afin de postuler l'existence du hasard (tychè) agissant dans le monde phisique et de la liberté, dans l‟action humaine. S‟il fait cela, c‟est parce qu‟il croit que être libre est condition du bonheur et celle-ci réside dans le plaisir. Pour cela, Épicure va présenter l'indéterminisme dans le domaine de la physiologie, garantissant l'existence d'un mouvement de déclinaison de l'atome - le parênklisis. Ainsi, dans ce travail, nous allons effectuer une analyse de la façon de se montrer le sens d‟eleutheria développé dans la pensée de ce maître et comment il interagit avec son projet d'éthique. En particulier, nous discutons de comment, de la physiología, Épicure pense un éthos-llibre tourné vers la réalisation du plaisir, de la vie heureuse. Pour cela, nous utilisons la Lettre à Hérodote, la Lettre à Pítocles, la Lettre à Ménécée, 81 Sentences Vaticanes, 40 Maximes Fondamentales et les rapports doxographie


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The theme that fits the perspective of this thesis comes from the interest of treating, in the Epicurean corpus, about the importance of the body and its manners of realization for understanding the thought of Epicurus of Samos. Based on the inferences contained in the texts that remained from Epicurus, we did an analysis of the aspects that characterize Epicurism as a thought that makes repeated references to the body as an instance of sensitivity. It was necessary, therefore, to discuss how the body is linked to the possibility of thought, and how the latter can be admitted as a body element. It is further understood that the atomistic physics converges to the idea that asserts natural phenomena as likely to be contained and explained by the observations that come from the senses which are manifested through the body. For this reason, it was also pertinent to reflect on the admission of the body as a key element for the interpretation of Epicurean thought, even under the constitution of language. The Epicurean construction about body image was also used for the interpretation and questioning of the dynamics that define the relationships between individuals, characterizing the koinonía of the garden through the notion of corporeal unity. It was defined, therefore, that the characterization of the action field of individuals who lived in the Epicurean garden revolves around the use of logos, with the dialogues coming from the exercise of philosophy for therapeutic purposes, which were able to introduce a specific mode of political action marked by the absence of strange interests of the notion of philía


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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This paper intends to investigate the route required for the formation of adequate knowledge of death based on analysis of the philosophy of Epicurus. The central hypothesis is to demonstrate that the understanding of death can only be achieved through a continuous process of research into the nature of things, guided reflection within a system of thought, with radical impact on the conceptions of the universe, man, soul and world. The human mortality can only become clear to the man himself through philosophy. Epicurus developed his thinking so that when investigating the nature, man could understand the principles of the constitution of all things. This raises issues about the consequences of knowledge generation and corruption in human life, the most disturbing of them is death. The vain opinions are considered the causes of evils, the proper knowledge of death is one way of purging the disturbances that the souls of men, thereby promoting the wisdom philosophy combines knowledge to health. Strictly speaking advocate, confirmed the relevance of the connections mentioned above, the problem of knowledge of the nature of death is one of the privileged ways to demonstrate the coherence and unity of the philosophy of Epicurus


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The relationship between inflammation and cancer is well established in several tumor types, including bladder cancer. We performed an association study between 886 inflammatory-gene variants and bladder cancer risk in 1,047 cases and 988 controls from the Spanish Bladder Cancer (SBC)/EPICURO Study. A preliminary exploration with the widely used univariate logistic regression approach did not identify any significant SNP after correcting for multiple testing. We further applied two more comprehensive methods to capture the complexity of bladder cancer genetic susceptibility: Bayesian Threshold LASSO (BTL), a regularized regression method, and AUC-Random Forest, a machine-learning algorithm. Both approaches explore the joint effect of markers. BTL analysis identified a signature of 37 SNPs in 34 genes showing an association with bladder cancer. AUC-RF detected an optimal predictive subset of 56 SNPs. 13 SNPs were identified by both methods in the total population. Using resources from the Texas Bladder Cancer study we were able to replicate 30% of the SNPs assessed. The associations between inflammatory SNPs and bladder cancer were reexamined among non-smokers to eliminate the effect of tobacco, one of the strongest and most prevalent environmental risk factor for this tumor. A 9 SNP-signature was detected by BTL. Here we report, for the first time, a set of SNP in inflammatory genes jointly associated with bladder cancer risk. These results highlight the importance of the complex structure of genetic susceptibility associated with cancer risk.


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Introduction: Germline variants in TP63 have been consistently associated with several tumors, including bladder cancer, indicating the importance of TP53 pathway in cancer genetic susceptibility. However, variants in other related genes, including TP53 rs1042522 (Arg72Pro), still present controversial results. We carried out an in depth assessment of associations between common germline variants in the TP53 pathway and bladder cancer risk. Material and Methods: We investigated 184 tagSNPs from 18 genes in 1,058 cases and 1,138 controls from the Spanish Bladder Cancer/EPICURO Study. Cases were newly-diagnosed bladder cancer patients during 1998–2001. Hospital controls were age-gender, and area matched to cases. SNPs were genotyped in blood DNA using Illumina Golden Gate and TaqMan assays. Cases were subphenotyped according to stage/grade and tumor p53 expression. We applied classical tests to assess individual SNP associations and the Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO)-penalized logistic regression analysis to assess multiple SNPs simultaneously. Results: Based on classical analyses, SNPs in BAK1 (1), IGF1R (5), P53AIP1 (1), PMAIP1 (2), SERINPB5 (3), TP63 (3), and TP73 (1) showed significant associations at p-value#0.05. However, no evidence of association, either with overall risk or with specific disease subtypes, was observed after correction for multiple testing (p-value$0.8). LASSO selected the SNP rs6567355 in SERPINB5 with 83% of reproducibility. This SNP provided an OR = 1.21, 95%CI 1.05–1.38, p-value = 0.006, and a corrected p-value = 0.5 when controlling for over-estimation. Discussion: We found no strong evidence that common variants in the TP53 pathway are associated with bladder cancer susceptibility. Our study suggests that it is unlikely that TP53 Arg72Pro is implicated in the UCB in white Europeans. SERPINB5 and TP63 variation deserve further exploration in extended studies.


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Several authors in the 17th century used the atomic hypothesis to explain observable phenomena. This paper analyzes some ideas about chemical transformation proposed by the English physician Walter Charleton. In Physiologia Epicuro-Gassendo-Charltoniana (London, 1654), Charleton examined philosophical aspects of the atomic theory, and suggested that the best explanation for all natural phenomena would be only in terms of atoms and their motions. Sometimes, however, he had to attribute to the atoms some kind of "internal virtue", to explain more complex properties of the matter. His idea of "element", and the little use of experimentation and quantification, also limited the range of Charleton's theory.