438 resultados para Empyema, Pleural
OBJECTIVE: We aimed to evaluate whether the inclusion of videothoracoscopy in a pleural empyema treatment algorithm would change the clinical outcome of such patients. METHODS: This study performed quality-improvement research. We conducted a retrospective review of patients who underwent pleural decortication for pleural empyema at our institution from 2002 to 2008. With the old algorithm (January 2002 to September 2005), open decortication was the procedure of choice, and videothoracoscopy was only performed in certain sporadic mid-stage cases. With the new algorithm (October 2005 to December 2008), videothoracoscopy became the first-line treatment option, whereas open decortication was only performed in patients with a thick pleural peel (>2 cm) observed by chest scan. The patients were divided into an old algorithm (n = 93) and new algorithm (n = 113) group and compared. The main outcome variables assessed included treatment failure (pleural space reintervention or death up to 60 days after medical discharge) and the occurrence of complications. RESULTS: Videothoracoscopy and open decortication were performed in 13 and 80 patients from the old algorithm group and in 81 and 32 patients from the new algorithm group, respectively (p < 0.01). The patients in the new algorithm group were older (41 +/- 1 vs. 46.3 +/- 16.7 years, p=0.014) and had higher Charlson Comorbidity Index scores [0(0-3) vs. 2(0-4), p = 0.032]. The occurrence of treatment failure was similar in both groups (19.35% vs. 24.77%, p= 0.35), although the complication rate was lower in the new algorithm group (48.3% vs. 33.6%, p = 0.04). CONCLUSIONS: The wider use of videothoracoscopy in pleural empyema treatment was associated with fewer complications and unaltered rates of mortality and reoperation even though more severely ill patients were subjected to videothoracoscopic surgery.
Pediatric parapneumonic empyema (PPE) has been increasing in several countries including Spain. Streptococcus pneumoniae is a major PPE pathogen; however, antimicrobial pretreatment before pleural fluid (PF) sampling frequently results in negative diagnostic cultures, thus greatly underestimating the contribution of pneumococci, especially pneumococci susceptible to antimicrobial agents, to PPE. The study aim was to identify the serotypes and genotypes that cause PPE by using molecular diagnostics and relate these data to disease incidence and severity. A total of 208 children with PPE were prospectively enrolled; blood and PF samples were collected. Pneumococci were detected in 79% of culture-positive and 84% of culture-negative samples. All pneumococci were genotyped by multilocus sequence typing. Serotypes were determined for 111 PPE cases; 48% were serotype 1, of 3 major genotypes previously circulating in Spain. Variance in patient complication rates was statistically significant by serotype. The recent PPE increase is principally due to nonvaccine serotypes, especially the highly invasive serotype 1.
BACKGROUND: The role of video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery in the treatment of pleural empyema was assessed in a consecutive series of 328 patients between 1992 and 2002. An analysis of the predicting factors for conversion thoracotomy in presumed stage II empyema was performed. METHODS: Empyema stage III with pleural thickening and signs of restriction on computer tomography imaging was treated by open decortication, whereas a thoracoscopic debridement was attempted in presumed stage II disease. Conversion thoracotomy was liberally used during thoracoscopy if stage III disease was found at surgery. Predictive factors for conversion thoracotomy were calculated in a multivariate analysis among several variables such as age, sex, time interval between onset of symptoms and surgery, involved microorganisms, and underlying cause of empyema. RESULTS: Of the 328 patients surgically treated for stage II and III empyema, 150 underwent primary open decortication for presumed stage III disease. One hundred seventy-eight patients with presumed stage II empyema underwent a video-assisted thoracoscopic approach. Of these 178 patients, thoracoscopic debridement was successful in 99 of 178 patients (56%), and conversion thoracotomy and open decortication was judged necessary in 79 of 178 patients (44%). The conversion thoracotomy rate was higher in parapneumonic empyema (55%) as compared with posttraumatic (32%) or postoperative (29%) empyema; however, delayed referral (p < 0.0001) and gram-negative microorganisms (p < 0.01) were the only significant predictors for conversion thoracotomy in a multivariate analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Video-assisted thoracoscopic debridement offers an elegant, minimally invasive approach in a number of patients with presumed stage II empyema. However, to achieve a high success rate with the video-assisted thoracoscopic approach, early referral of the patients to surgery is required. Conversion thoracotomy should be liberally used in case of chronicity, especially after delayed referral (> 2 weeks) and in the presence of gram-negative organisms.
BACKGROUND: Video-assisted thoracoscopic debridement has been shown to be a safe and efficient procedure for empyema in the adult patient. Its place in the management of childhood empyema remains controversial. METHODS: Over an 18-month period, 9 children were operated upon for pleural empyema. All children were initially treated with appropriate antibiotics and chest-tube drainage. Indication for surgery were persistent clinical symptoms and loculation of pleural fluid 5 to 7 days following initial treatment. In case of a duration of the illness of less than 14 days, an initial attempt was made to debride the pleural space by thoracoscopy. RESULTS: Mean duration of the illness prior to surgery was 15 days (range: 10-23 days), and mean duration of preoperative conservative treatment 10 days (range: 5-20 days). In five of the nine patients thoracoscopy was performed. In all patients thoracoscopy failed to provide adequate clearance of the diseased pleural space because of the advanced stage of the disease. The procedure was converted to a formal thoracotomy in four patients, the fifth patient continued to deteriorate and required formal thoracotomy and decortication seven days later. CONCLUSION: This limited experience suggests that, with the current management and indications, video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery adds little benefit to the treatment of childhood empyema.
To investigate the incidence, procedure type, characteristics of pleural fluid and pneumatoceles, and evolution of pneumonia complicated with empyema and/or pneumatoceles. Review of 394 pediatric pneumonia in patients at S (a) over capo Paulo State University Hospital during 2 years. We studied those with complications such as pleural effusion and pneumatocele. There were 121 (30.71%) with complications such as pleural effusion and pneumatocele; these were significantly higher in infants. One hundred and six children were needle aspirated, of these 78 underwent drainage, and 15 observation only. From the drained, seven needed thoracotomy or pleurostomy. Fluid was purulent in 50%, and pneumatoceles were seen in 33 cases (8.3%) with spontaneous involution in 28 (85%). Pleural fluid culture was negative in 51% cases; in positive cultures, Streptococcus pneumoniae was the most common agent. Complicated pneumonia incidence was higher in the second year of life and more than 70% occurred before 4 years of age. Closed thoracic drainage was effective in over 90%. Large effusions and mediastinal deviations were submitted to more aggressive procedures. Pneumatoceles predominated in the under 3s and were generally evident in the first chest X-ray. Most cases had spontaneous pneumatocele involution, and in almost half the cases were still present at drain tube removal.
Introdução: A pneumonia é uma das infecções mais comuns em crianças, sendo o derrame pleural uma complicação potencial, principalmente nos países em desenvolvimento, onde existem sérias limitações de recursos diagnóstico-terapêuticos. Objetivos: Conhecer o perfil das crianças portadoras de derrame pleural parapneumônico, analisando sua evolução a partir da terapêutica clínica e cirúrgica que são submetidas. Método: Estudo descritivo, transversal, de coleta prospectiva, no qual foram estudadas todas as crianças internadas em um hospital de referência de doenças infecciosas na Região Norte-Brasil com diagnóstico de derrame pleural parapneumônico, submetidas a procedimento cirúrgico para abordagem do mesmo, no período de outubro de 2010 a outubro de 2011. Resultados: A amostra foi composta por 46 crianças, com distribuição igual entre os sexos, predominância de menores de 3 anos (74%) e procedentes do interior do estado (54,3%). Parcela considerável (28%) possuía algum grau de inadequação do estado nutricional. A média de tempo de doença até à admissão na referida instituição foi de 16,9 dias, e todos os indivíduos eram provenientes de outro hospital. A duração média da internação hospitalar foi de 26,0 dias, e a do estado febril, de 9,8 dias. Foram utilizados 2,2 esquemas antimicrobianos, em média, por paciente e o Ceftriaxone foi o antibiótico mais comum. Diagnóstico etiológico só foi alcançado em um único caso. Em 22 crianças, (47,8%), havia empiema pleural, e elas apresentaram maior tempo de drenagem. Foi encontrada associação entre crianças com nanismo e cirurgias múltiplas (Teste G = 8,40; p= 0,040). A grande maioria das criança foi operada uma única vez (80,4%), e a drenagem torácica fechada foi a cirurgia mais realizada. A drenagem torácica aberta foi instalada em 24,0% dos pacientes. A toracotomia com descorticação foi realizada em 2 pacientes (4,0%). Todas as crianças da amostra obtiveram recuperação clínica e radiológica em até quatro meses após a alta hospitalar, e não houve óbito na amostra. Conclusão: A população estudada possui doença em estágio avançado e distúrbios nutricionais prevalentes, que podem influenciar na evolução. É necessária padronização da antibioticoterapia, e reconsiderar a drenagem torácica aberta no empiema pleural, a partir de novos estudos sobre o tema, principalmente na indisponibilidade da videotoracoscopia.
ABSTRACTObjective:to investigate the effect of standardized interventions in the management of tube thoracostomy patients and to assess the independent effect of each intervention.Methods:A chest tube management protocol was assessed in a retrospective cohort study. The tube thoracostomy protocol (TTP) was implemented in August 2012, and consisted of: antimicrobial prophylaxis, chest tube insertion in the operating room (OR), admission post chest tube thoracostomy (CTT) in a hospital floor separate from the emergency department (ED), and daily respiratory therapy (RT) sessions post-CTT. The inclusion criteria were, hemodynamic stability, patients between the ages of 15 and 59 years, and injury severity score (ISS) < 17. All patients had isolated injuries to the chest wall, lung, and pleura. During the study period 92 patients were managed according to the standardized protocol. The outcomes of those patients were compared to 99 patients treated before the TTP. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed to assess the independent effect of each variable of the protocol on selected outcomes.Results:Demographics, injury severity, and trauma mechanisms were similar among the groups. As expected, protocol compliance increased after the implementation of the TTP. There was a significant reduction (p<0.05) in the incidence of retained hemothoraces, empyemas, pneumonias, surgical site infections, post-procedural complications, hospital length of stay, and number of chest tube days. Respiratory therapy was independently linked to significant reduction (p<0.05) in the incidence of seven out of eight undesired outcomes after CTT. Antimicrobial prophylaxis was linked to a significant decrease (p<0.05) in retained hemothoraces, despite no significant (p<0.10) reductions in empyema and surgical site infections. Conversely, OR chest tube insertion was associated with significant (p<0.05) reduction of both complications, and also significantly decreased the incidence of pneumonias.Conclusion:Implementation of a TTP effectively reduced complications after CTT in trauma patients.
L'empyème pleural réagit favorablement à l'antibiothérapie et au drainage thoracique dans la plupart des cas, pour autant que ces traitements soient entrepris précocement. Après quelques jours déjà, en raison de son riche contenu protéique, il se cloisonne. En l'absence d'autre modalité thérapeutique, il évolue alors vers la pachypleurite rétractile qui laissera des séquelles. Nous rapportons une série de 10 cas d'empyème pleural au stade subaigu traités avec succès par thoracoscopie. Sur la base de cette expérience et de la littérature, nous soulignons l'importance de la thoracoscopie dans cette indication, qui permet au prix d'une intervention peu invasive une restauration rapide et complète de la fonction respiratoire.
OBJECTIVE: Serial C-reactive protein measurements have been used to diagnose and monitor the response to therapy in patients with pneumonia and other infectious diseases. Nonetheless, the role of C-reactive protein measurement after surgical treatment for pleural empyema is not well defined. The aim of this study is to describe the behavior of C-reactive protein levels after the surgical treatment of pleural empyema and to correlate this parameter with the patient's prognosis. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed the records of patients with pleural empyema treated by either chest-tube drainage or surgery from January 2006 to December 2008. C-reactive protein levels were recorded preoperatively and 2 and 7 days postoperatively. The clinical outcome was binary: success or failure (mortality or the need for repeated pleural intervention). RESULTS: The study group comprised fifty-two patients. The median C-reactive protein values were as follows: 146 mg/L (pre-operative), 134 mg/L (post-operative day 2), and 116 mg/L (post-operative day 7). There was a trend toward a decrease in these values during the first week after surgery, but this difference was only statistically significant on day 7 after surgery. Over the first week after surgery, the C-reactive protein values decreased similarly in both groups (successful and failed treatment). No correlation between the preoperative C-reactive protein level and the clinical outcome was found. CONCLUSIONS: We observed that, in contrast to other medical conditions, C-reactive protein levels fall slowly during the first postoperative week in patients who have undergone surgical treatment for pleural empyema. No correlation between the perioperative C-reactive protein level and the clinical outcome was observed.
Pleural infection is a frequent clinical condition. Prompt treatment has been shown to reduce hospital costs, morbidity and mortality. Recent advances in treatment have been variably implemented in clinical practice. This statement reviews the latest developments and concepts to improve clinical management and stimulate further research. The European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACTS) Thoracic Domain and the EACTS Pleural Diseases Working Group established a team of thoracic surgeons to produce a comprehensive review of available scientific evidence with the aim to cover all aspects of surgical practice related to its treatment, in particular focusing on: surgical treatment of empyema in adults; surgical treatment of empyema in children; and surgical treatment of post-pneumonectomy empyema (PPE). In the management of Stage 1 empyema, prompt pleural space chest tube drainage is required. In patients with Stage 2 or 3 empyema who are fit enough to undergo an operative procedure, there is a demonstrated benefit of surgical debridement or decortication [possibly by video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS)] over tube thoracostomy alone in terms of treatment success and reduction in hospital stay. In children, a primary operative approach is an effective management strategy, associated with a lower mortality rate and a reduction of tube thoracostomy duration, length of antibiotic therapy, reintervention rate and hospital stay. Intrapleural fibrinolytic therapy is a reasonable alternative to primary operative management. Uncomplicated PPE [without bronchopleural fistula (BPF)] can be effectively managed with minimally invasive techniques, including fenestration, pleural space irrigation and VATS debridement. PPE associated with BPF can be effectively managed with individualized open surgical techniques, including direct repair, myoplastic and thoracoplastic techniques. Intrathoracic vacuum-assisted closure may be considered as an adjunct to the standard treatment. The current literature cements the role of VATS in the management of pleural empyema, even if the choice of surgical approach relies on the individual surgeon's preference.
Background and objective: Pleurodesis is one of the best methods of controlling malignant pleural effusions (MPE), a distressing complication of metastatic disease. In recent studies of a wide range of pleural diseases, iodopovidone was used as a sclerosing agent for pleurodesis and demonstrated good results with low morbidity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of iodopovidone pleurodesis in MPE. Methods: A retrospective analysis was performed on patients with MPE who underwent pleurodesis at our institution between 2005 and 2008. All patients underwent instillation of 20 mL of 10% iodopovidone, 80 mL of normal saline and 2 mg/kg of lidocaine through a chest tube, which was clamped for 2 h. The tube was removed when the daily output of fluid was < 200 mL. Data on the requirement for additional pleural procedures, adverse events and survival were collected. Results: Sixty-one pleurodesis procedures were performed in 54 patients. No procedure-related mortality was observed. Adverse events occurred after 11 (18%) pleurodesis procedures. The most frequent complication was mild thoracic pain that occurred immediately after 10 (16.4%) procedures, and one patient developed pleural empyema that was treated with drainage and antibiotics. A success rate of 98.4% was observed. Except for the patient who developed pleural empyema, none of the other patients had recurrences of pleural fluid or required additional pleural procedures during the follow-up period (mean of 5.6 months). Conclusions: Iodopovidone pleurodesis was successful and was associated with only a few minor complications. It appears to be a good option for the management of recurrent MPE.
Background: Chronic post-lobectomy empyema is rare but may require space obliteration for infection control. We report our experience by using a tailored thoracomyoplasty for this specific indication with respect to infection control and functional outcome. Patients and Methods: We retrospectively analysed 17 patients (11 men, 6 women) with chronic post-lobectomy empyema and treated by thoracomyoplasty in our institution between 2000 and 2011. All patients underwent an initial treatment attempt by use of chest tube drainage and antibiotics except those with suspicion of pleural aspergillosis (n=6). In 5 patients, bronchus stump insufficiency was identified at preoperative bronchoscopy. A tailored thoracoplasty was combined with a serratus anterior - rhomboid myoplasty which also served to close a broncho-pleural fistula, if present. The first rib was resected in 11/17 patients. Results: The 90-day mortality was 11.7%. Thoracomyoplasty was successful in all surviving patients with respect to infection control, space obliteration and definitive closure of broncho-pleural fistula, irrespective of the type of infection, the presence of a broncho-pleural fistula and whether a 1st rib resection was performed . Post-lobectomy pulmonary function testing before and after thoracoplasty revealed a mean predicted FEV1 of 63.0±8.5% and 51.5±4.2% (p=0.01), and a mean predicted DLCO of 59.8±11.6% and 54.5±12.5%, respectively. Postoperative shoulder girdle dysfunction and scoliosis were prevented in patients willing to undergo intense physiotherapy. Conclusions: Tailored thoracomyoplasty represents a valid option for patients with chronic post-lobectomy empyema without requiring a preceding open window thoracostomy. Space obliteration and infection control was equally obtained with and without first rib resection.
BACKGROUND: Chronic post-lobectomy empyema is rare but may require space obliteration for infection control. We report our experience by using a tailored thoracomyoplasty for this specific indication with respect to infection control and functional outcome. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed 17 patients (11 men, 6 women) with chronic postlobectomy empyema who were treated by thoracomyoplasty in our institution between 2000 and 2011. All patients underwent an initial treatment attempt by use of chest tube drainage and antibiotics except those with suspicion of pleural aspergillosis (n = 6). In 5 patients, bronchus stump insufficiency was identified at preoperative bronchoscopy. A tailored thoracoplasty was combined with a serratus anterior-rhomboid myoplasty, which also served to close a bronchopleural fistula, if present. The first rib was resected in 11 of 17 patients. RESULTS: The 90-day mortality was 11.7%. Thoracomyoplasty was successful in all surviving patients with respect to infection control, space obliteration, and definitive closure of bronchopleural fistula, irrespective of the type of infection, the presence of a bronchopleural fistula, or whether a first rib resection was performed. Postlobectomy pulmonary function testing before and after thoracoplasty revealed a mean predicted FEV(1) of 63.0% ± 8.5% and 51.5% ± 4.2% (p = 0.01) and a mean predicted DLCO of 59.8% ± 11.6% and 54.5% ± 12.5%, respectively. Postoperative shoulder girdle dysfunction and scoliosis were prevented in patients willing to undergo intense physiotherapy. CONCLUSIONS: Tailored thoracomyoplasty represents a valid option for patients with chronic postlobectomy empyema without requiring a preceding open window thoracostomy. Space obliteration and infection control were equally obtained with and without first rib resection.
The aim of this work is to prospectively study the value of thoracic ultrasound (US) before pleural drainage in children with parapneumonic effusion (PPE). All children hospitalized for PPE, identified by thoracic radiography, underwent US to assess pleural loculation, echogenicity, and pleural fluid quantity. From August 2001 to July 2003, 52 children were examined. US was performed on 48 of these children, of whom 35 received chest tube drainage and 13 only received clinical treatment. US identified 38 patients with free flowing and 10 with loculated pleural fluid. About 25 of the free flowing (65.8%) and 10 (100%) of the loculated patients received chest tube drainage. Echogenicity was anechoic in 13, echoic without septations in 17 and echoic with septations in 18. Chest tube drainage was required in 6 anechoic (46.15%), 14 echoic without septations (82.35%), and 15 echoic with septations (83.33%). Quantity of fluid estimated by US varied from 20 to 860 ml. Effusion volume was higher in patients that were echoic with septations and loculated effusions. Pleural glucose and pH were lower, and LDH was higher in loculated PPE patients. In conclusion, US is an auxiliary exam for determining whether thoracic drainage is needed in parapneumonic effusion; loculated or echoic effusion should be drained, and free anechoic fluid needs further investigation.
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