432 resultados para Empregos
O agronegócio é o setor mais dinâmico da economia brasileira. Em 2003, movimentou recursos da ordem de R$ 508,00 bilhões, representando cerca de 36,4% do PIB brasileiro. Apesar desse setor movimentar tal soma, a cadeia produtiva de alguns produtos não participam da criação intensiva de empregos na economia. Por essa razão, o objetivo do trabalho foi analisar com mais profundidade o número de empregos gerados pelo agronegócio, especificamente da soja. Usou-se a metodologia de geração de empregos do BNDES e análise dos dados estatísticos existentes em relação ao tema. Os resultados indicaram que, tanto a montante da cadeia produtiva quanto a na produção da matéria prima, o complexo soja é capital-intensivo. O maior número de empregos é criado a jusante do complexo, a partir do processamento do produto. No total chegou-se a 4,5 milhões de postos de trabalho gerados pelo agronegócio da soja. Conclui-se que, apesar de o setor agropecuário estar classificado em terceiro lugar na criação de empregos, o setor específico da soja, está entre os mais capital-intensivos do agronegócio.
The high degree of flexibility has been pointed as one of the outstanding characteristics of the Brazilian job market. Employability is being a frequent discussion issue among the professionals of the human resources area. The Human Capital Theory and the contemporary discussion concerning Employability argue the relationship of the educational practice and of the production practice in a capitalist economical-social structure as a whole. The education consequences in the individuals' life are reflected in several ways, direct and indirectly. Our objective is to evaluate, with statistics methods, and in that universe of consequences, the explanatory events of the relationships between education-wage and education¿job. The main reason of this work is to evaluate the relationship between education, wage and Employability from a structural model perspective, seeking to compare and to contrast two effective theories: the one from the human capital and other from the Employability. To make this analysis, a database of individuals that are working at the formal work market in the Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan Area, had been used. The results showed the education importance on the wage level, as well as, on the Employability factor, whose values and highest taxes correspond to the individuals graduated on the university.
o trabalho propoe uma metodolo'gia .de avaliação de políticas públicas, partindo da análise das ações de go e renda do Projeto Especial Cidades de. Porte Médio . desenvolvidas em Natal. são utilizados corno critérios empre -PEDI de avaliação a eficácia e a efetividade. A primeira, medida pelo alcance dos objetivos de emprego e renda e a segunda pela satisfação das clientelas alvo com os resultados atin gidos. A nível conceitual foi feita urna revisão da lite ratura brasile~ra e latino-americana sobre mercado de traba lho, destacando os enfoques da Pobreza Urbana e }lercado In formal corno mais adequadbs i interpr~tação das. polIticas a nalisadas. A nível empírico, a abordagem avaliativa tornou necessária a obtenção de dados através de levantamento docu mental e de campo. Concluindo, apontarn-se.dificuldades relacionadas i avaliar um esforço de política pública e sugestões de ca ráter geral baseadas nas conclusões e na reflexão sobre a experiência vivida; e de caráter específico fundamentadas nas opiniões dos técnicos e/ou das clientelas beneficiadas.
A crise financeira mundial ocorrida nos EUA em 2008 que atingiu grande parte dos mercados globalizados teve como um de seus efeitos a ocorrência de dispensas coletivas nas empresas, no Brasil, notadamente, com o caso Embraer. Diante deste contexto, este trabalho busca analisar as dispensas coletivas cotejando a preservação de empregos conforme os ditames da Constituição Federal de 1988. Para isso, será apresentado os mecanismos legais previstos na legislação trabalhista brasileira e a decisão dos Tribunais a qual constituiu o precedente do caso Embraer. Oportunamente, será estudado as formas alternativas à demissão em massa existentes no Brasil e demonstrada as soluções previstas no Direito Comparado. A partir dos argumentos expostos, será criticado o projeto de lei existente na Câmara dos Deputados e indicada a possível resposta para a omissão legislativa presente em nosso ordenamento jurídico à luz das normas constitucionais.
To present research had for objective to study the quality of the employment in the maturation Laboratories and larviculture of the Beach of Barreta/RN, adopting for so much the criteria used by Reinecke(1999) to characterize a quality employment: surrender, benefits non salary, regularity and work reliability and of the wage, contractual status, social protection, work day, intensity of the work, risk of accidents and of occupational diseases, involvement in linked decisions to the section work, possibility for the development of professional qualifications. Of the exam of the data it was verified that the generated employments are considered employments of good quality. However, this result should be analyzed to the light of a context of extreme informality and of precarization of the work. Therefore, the results should be relativized. He/she/you imports to retain that one of the limitations of the study resides in the impossibility of generalizing the data for the whole section of the sea carcinicultura. In spite of that fact, he/she is considered that the objectives of the research were assisted fully and that the characterization of the profile of the employment generated by the section of the shrimpculture it is extremely important for the drawing of public politics gone back to foment this activity.
With a focus on the need for effectiveness of fundamental rights of persons with disabilities, this dissertation held a scientific research to analyze the degree of implementation of reservation of positions and public jobs to people with disabilities in the Brazilian State, because the 1988 Federal Constitution expressly determined such a reservation in your article 37, VIII. Highlight that this subject is enough evidence, given the large number of open public competition in recent years in Brazil, as well as recent proposals to grant equal rights to blacks (Bill nº 6,738/2013). In addition, the wording the constitutional device comes fomenting heated discussions on the subject, which are flowing on the doors of the judiciary and are spicy because such protection Microsystem vulnerable group has several gaps in the regulation of this policy. However, the research produced, unlike other related theme, does not address the problem of inefficiency in its constitutional theory, that is, abstractly, but also focuses on a specific analysis of this ineffectiveness within Brazilian society, so that research based on a bibliographical analysis, plus a study case law, at the national level, as well as in field research, while case study, focusing on the technique of the analysis of everyday life, because it was believed that the degree of realization of the constitutional norm debated is not yet a satisfactory degree of effectiveness. Soon, the methodological procedures chosen confirmed such a hypothesis and contributed to the study of realization of the fundamental right to work of people with disabilities in Brazil, the light of a Constitutional State, proposing a constitutionally appropriate model the greater effectiveness of the constitutional norm studied
This paper attempts to show the convergence of principles between labor market politics and urban management, emphasizing it relationship with pro-market theories. Limits and possibilities of the application of this theoretical frame were investigated by examining the changes in both composition and stock of labor in three important business spaces in São Paulo: Central Area, Paulista Avenue and the new expansion front near Luiz Carlos Berrini and Águas Epraiadas avenues. Despite the claims of pro-market theoreticians, information provided by Labor Ministry showed that between 1996 and 2000, a re-arrangemenet of the workers contingent among the investigated areas occurred, instead of the expected growth. The favorable behavior registered in Berrini/ Águas Espraiadas, because of the bulky volume of investments, took place at the same time that a decrease of labor in the Downtown; meanwhile, in Paulista, a growth of the number of employees was observed, in spite of the landing less elevated of investments.