990 resultados para Employee selection
"April 1985."
More recently, lifespan development psychology models of adaptive development have been applied to the workforce to investigate ageing worker and lifespan issues. The current study uses the Learning and Development Survey (LDS) to investigate employee selection and engagement of learning and development goals and opportunities and constraints for learning at work in relation to demographics and career goals. It was found that mature age was associated with perceptions of preferential treatment of younger workers with respect to learning and development. Age was also correlated with several career goals. Findings suggest that younger workers’ learning and development options are better catered for in the workplace. Mature aged workers may compensate for unequal learning opportunities at work by studying for an educational qualification or seeking alternate job opportunities. The desire for a higher level job within the organization or educational qualification was linked to engagement in learning and development goals at work. It is suggested that an understanding of employee perceptions in the workplace in relation to goals and activities may be important in designing strategies to retain workers.
Completing a professional portfolio as part of coursework gives beginning library and information professionals a tool which helps them bridge the gap between being a student and a practitioner. Portfolios require them to reflect on their learning outcomes, so that they can communicate these to employers, and encourage them to design strategies for professional development. Portfolios promote reflective practice and may continue to be used in the workplace. They are also a useful mechanism for established librarians who wish to record their professional growth, plans and contributions. The idea may even be applied to monitoring the achievements and performance of whole libraries or smaller units within libraries. The first part of this paper reviews portfolios as a tool for reflecting on, showcasing and developing the practice of entry level library and information professionals. Examples of portfolio contents, and reactions to the process, in this part of the paper come from students, (now colleagues), who have recently completed the Graduate Diploma of Information Studies [GDLIS] at the Queensland University of Technology [QUT]. The potential of portfolios as a reflective professional development tool raises interesting possibilities for organisations, educational programs and professional associations. For example, LIS educators could consider strengthening the role of portfolios in courses; organisations could use them as part of the employee selection process; and professional associations such as ALIA could use them as one mechanism for recognising professional status, or establish them as a recommended professional development tool. These roles for the portfolio form the focus of the second half of this paper.
This is the fourth of six monographs focused upon officer talent management in the U.S. Army. In it, the authors continue their examination of how the U.S. Army accesses, develops, retains, and employs officer talent. In particular, they focus upon the ways in which dynamic labor market conditions and generational preferences have shaped service propensity among potential officer prospects.
Includes bibliographical references.
This thesis examines individual differences in work behaviour of rubber tappers. The study examined sex, age, experience and race differences and their interactions with terrain on job performance, absenteeism, and job satisfaction of 1053 rubber tappers. Rubber tappers are unskilled blue-collar workers who essentially do the same type of work and are paid the same rates of pay. There are very few studies that have compared male and female blue-collar workers doing similar jobs in organisational settings. This study is one of the few investigations that examine sex differences in job performance of blue-collar workers doing same job using production data. Studies on age differences in work behaviour encounter numerous methodological difficulties such as high turnover, internal transfers and problems associated with age differences in educational levels. The participation of rubber tappers in this study is envisaged to overcome these difficulties because attrition rates of rubber tappers are low, and internal transfers are non existent. Further, the educational levels of rubber tappers are relatively similar across different age cohorts, as most rubber tappers have little or no education. Two measures of both job performance and absenteeism were derived from payroll records. The two job performance measures were total crop production and attendance. The two absenteeism measures were avoidable and unavoidable absence rates. Overall job satisfaction was determined using a 4-item scale. Significant sex, age, experience and race differences were obtained for job performance, absenteeism and job satisfaction. Significant interactive effects were also obtained for sex, age , experience, race and terrain for job performance and absenteeism. The results are discussed in relation to the abilities and motivation of rubber tappers. The implication of these findings for employee selection and human resource management in rubber estates is discussed.
Previous research found personality test scores to be inflated on average among individuals who were motivated to present themselves in a desirable fashion in high stakes situations, such as during the employee selection process. One apparently effective way to reduce the undesirable test score inflation in such situations was to warn participants against faking. This research set out to investigate whether warning against faking would indeed affect personality test scores in the theoretically expected fashion. Contrary to expectations, the results did not support the hypothesized causal chain. Results across three studies show that while a warning may lower test scores in participants motivated to respond desirably (i.e., to fake), the effect of warning on test scores was not fully mediated by: a reduction in motivation to do well and self-reports of exaggerated responses in the personality test. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.
The ability of organizational members to identify and analyse stakeholder opinion is critical to the management of corporate reputation. In spite of the significance of these abilities to corporate reputation management, there has been little effort to document and describe internal organizational influences on such capacities. This ethnographic study conducted in Red Cross Queensland explores how cultural knowledge structures derived from shared values and assumptions among organizational members influence their conceptualisations of organizational reputation. Specifically, this study explores how a central attribute of organizational culture – the property of cultural selection – influences perceptions of organizational reputation held by organizational members. We argue that these perceptions are the result of collective processes that synthesise (with varying degrees of consensus) member conceptualisations, interpretations, and representations of environmental realities in which their organization operates. Findings and implications for organizational action suggest that while external indicators of organizational reputation are acknowledged by members as significant, the internal influence of organizational culture is a far stronger influence on organizational action.
A range of risk management initiatives have been introduced in organisations in attempt to reduce occupational road incidents. However a discrepancy exists between the initiatives that are frequently implemented in organisations and the initiatives that have demonstrated scientific merit in improving occupational road safety. Given that employees’ beliefs may facilitate or act as a barrier to implementing initiatives, it is important to understand whether initiatives with scientific merit are perceived to be effective by employees. To explore employee perceptions pertaining to occupational road safety initiatives, a questionnaire was administered to 679 employees sourced from four Australian organisations. Participants ranged in age from 18 years to 65 years (M = 42, SD = 11). Participants rated 35 initiatives based on how effective they thought they would be in improving road safety in their organisation. The initiatives perceived by employees to be most effective in managing occupational road risks comprised: making vehicle safety features standard e.g. passenger airbags; practical driver skills training; and investigation of serious vehicle incidents. The initiatives perceived to be least effective in managing occupational road risks comprised: signing a promise card commitment to drive safely; advertising the organisation’s phone number on vehicles for complaints and compliments; and consideration of driving competency in staff selection process. Employee perceptions were analysed at a factor level and at an initiative level. The mean scores for the three extracted factors revealed that employees believed occupational road risks could best be managed by the employer implementing engineering and human resource methods to enhance road safety. Initiatives relating to employer management of identified risk factors were perceived to be more effective than feedback or motivational methods that required employees to accept responsibility for their driving safety. Practitioners can use the findings from this study to make informed decisions about how they select, manage and market occupational safety initiatives.
Work ability describes employees' capability to carry out their work with respect to physical and psychological job demands. This study investigated direct and interactive effects of age, job control, and the use of successful aging strategies called selection, optimization, and compensation (SOC) in predicting work ability. We assessed SOC strategies and job control by using employee self-reports, and we measured employees' work ability using supervisor ratings. Data collected from 173 health-care employees showed that job control was positively associated with work ability. Additionally, we found a three-way interaction effect of age, job control, and use of SOC strategies on work ability. Specifically, the negative relationship between age and work ability was weakest for employees with high job control and high use of SOC strategies. These results suggest that the use of successful aging strategies and enhanced control at work are conducive to maintaining the work ability of aging employees. We discuss theoretical and practical implications regarding the beneficial role of the use of SOC strategies utilized by older employees and enhanced contextual resources at work for aging employees.
The theory of selective optimization with compensation (SOC) proposes that the “orchestrated” use of three distinct action regulation strategies (selection, optimization, and compensation) leads to positive employee outcomes. Previous research examined overall scores and additive models (i.e., main effects) of SOC strategies instead of interaction models in which SOC strategies mutually enhance each other's effects. Thus, a central assumption of SOC theory remains untested. In addition, most research on SOC strategies has been cross-sectional, assuming that employees' use of SOC strategies is stable over time. We conducted a quantitative diary study across nine work days (N = 77; 514 daily entries) to investigate interactive effects of daily SOC strategies on daily work engagement. Results showed that optimization and compensation, but not selection, had positive main effects on work engagement. Moreover, a significant three-way interaction effect indicated that the relationship between selection and work engagement was positive only when both optimization and compensation were high, whereas the relationship was negative when optimization was low and compensation was high. We discuss implications for future research and practice regarding the use of SOC strategies at work.
As práticas da gestão de recursos humanos acompanham a evolução na gestão do capital humano das organizações. As atividades de marketing voltadas à marca corporativa prestam serviço essencial e estratégico na identificação, formatação e divulgação da marca do empregador. Juntas as duas áreas passam a desempenhar papel solidário na atração de profissionais qualificados, reforçando e propagando a identidade corporativa aos potenciais candidatos através da EVP. A EVP, a Marca do Empregador e a Reputação do Empregador se relacionam através das práticas de recrutamento e seleção, que é área de RH que primeiro mantem contato com os potenciais candidatos e inicia a construção do contrato psicológico com o novo empregado. A marca do empregador, como a imagem da organização, é utilizada para atrair, reter e engajar as pessoas e tem a EVP como seu núcleo central. Neste estudo se identifica a prática de recrutamento e seleção como a principal conexão teórica entre a EVP, a marca do empregador e a reputação do empregador e se identifica que oportunidade como a dimensão da EVP mais relevantes para o público estudado.
In the discussion - Selection Of Students For Hotel Schools: A Comparative Study - by William Morgan, Professor, School of Hospitality Management at Florida International University, Morgan’s initial observation is: “Standards for the selection of students into schools of hospitality management around the world vary considerably when it comes to measuring attitudes toward the industry. The author discusses current standards and recommends some changes.” In addition to intellectual ability, Professor Morgan wants you to know that an intangible element such as attitude is an equally important consideration to students seeking curriculum and careers in the hospitality field. “…breaches in behavior or problems in the tourist employee encounter are often caused by attitudinal conditions which pre exist the training and which were not able to be totally corrected by the unfreezing, movement, and refreezing processes required in attitudinal change,” says Morgan. “…other than for some requirements for level or grade completed or marks obtained, 26 of the 54 countries sampled (48.1 percent) had no pre-selection process at all. Of those having some form of a selection process (in addition to grades), 14 schools in 12 countries (22.2 percent) had a formal admissions examination,” Professor Morgan empirically provides. “It was impossible, however, to determine the scope of this admissions examination as it might relate to attitude.” The attitude intangible is a difficult one to quantify. With an apparent sameness in hotels, restaurants, and their facilities the significant distinctions are to be found in their employees. This makes the selection process for both schools and employers a high priority. Moreover, can a student, or a prospective employee, overcome stereotypes and prejudices to provide a high degree of service in the hospitality industry? This query is an important element of this article. “If utilized in the hotel, technical, or trade school or in the hiring process at the individual facility, this [hiring] process would provide an opportunity to determine if the prospective student or worker is receptive to the training to be received,” advises Professor Morgan. “Such a student or worker is realistic in his aims and aspirations, ready in his ability to receive training, and responsive to the needs of the guest, often someone very different from himself in language, dress, or degree of creature comforts desired,” your author further counsels. Professor Morgan looks to transactional analysis, role playing, languages, and cross cultural education as playing significant roles in producing well intentioned and knowledgeable employees. He expands upon these concepts in the article. Professor Morgan holds The International Center of Glion, Switzerland in high regard and cites that program’s efforts to maintain relationships and provide graduates with ongoing attitudinal enlightenment programs.