992 resultados para Emotional dynamics
In the context of global processes of economic restructuring, the HIV and AIDS epidemic and socio-cultural constructions of care, many women and young people in low-income households have been drawn into caring roles within the family. Drawing on the literature on an ethics of care, emotional geographies and embodiment, this paper examines the emotional dynamics of the caring process in families affected by HIV and AIDS. Based on the perspectives of both ‘caregivers’ and ‘care-receivers’ from research undertaken in Namibia, Tanzania and the UK, we examine the everyday practices of care that women and young people are engaged in and explore how emotions are performed and managed in caring relationships. Our research suggests caregivers play a crucial role in providing emotional support and reassurance to people with HIV, which in turn often affects caregivers' emotional and physical wellbeing. Within environments where emotional expression is restricted and HIV is heavily stigmatised, caregivers and care-receivers seek to regulate their emotions in order to protect family members from the emotional impacts of a chronic, life-limiting illness. However, whilst caregiving and receiving may lead to close emotional connections and a high level of responsiveness, the intensity of intimate caring relationships, isolation and lack of access to adequate resources can cause tensions and contradictory feelings that may be difficult to manage. These conflicts can severely constrain carers' ability to provide the ‘good care’ that integrates the key ethical phases in Tronto's (1993) ideal of the caring process.
Community-based activism against proposed construction projects is growing. Many protests are poorly managed and escalate into long-term and sometimes acrimonious disputes which damage communities, firms and the construction industry as a whole. Using a thematic storytelling approach which draws on ethnographic method, within a single case study framework, new insights into the social forces that shape and sustain community-based protest against construction projects are provided. A conceptual model of protest movement continuity is presented which highlights the factors that sustain protest continuity over time. The model illustrates how social contagion leads to common community perceptions of development risk and opportunity, to a positive internalization of collective values and identity, to a strategic utilization of social capital and an awareness of the need to manage the emotional dynamics of protest through mechanisms such as symbolic artefacts.
Using a thematic story telling approach which draws on ethnographic method, a grounded theory of protest movement continuity is presented. The grounded theory draws from theories and activist stories relating to the facilitative role of movement networks, social contagion theory and the cultural experience of activism. It highlights the contagious influence of protest networks in maintaining protest continuity over time and how this leads to common perceptions of development risk and opportunity within communities. It also reveals how communities use collective values and identity, social capital, emotional dynamics and symbolic artifacts to maintain protest continuity.
Este estudo consistiu na análise da dinâmica emocional das experiências afetivas de mulheres com alopecia areata, tendo como eixo as relações de afeto mantidas com os pais e em suas relações conjugais. Foram entrevistadas cinco pacientes, atendidas no Instituto Lauro de Souza Lima, com idade entre 22 e 53 anos. O estudo baseou-se no método clínico de investigação e os dados foram obtidos mediante entrevistas semi-estruturadas. Nos depoimentos foram apontadas experiências dolorosas da relação conjugal e do adoecimento, que foram associadas a vivências traumáticas na infância. As associações realizadas pelas mulheres entre suas experiências passadas, relações conjugais, adoecimento e o impacto da doença na vida atual confirmaram os achados da literatura, e os dados encontrados puderam ser interpretados à luz das contribuições psicanalíticas. Os resultados obtidos podem contribuir para o esclarecimento de aspectos dinâmicos relacionados à alopecia areata e a outras psicodermatoses, bem como favorecer intervenções interdisciplinares e psicoterápicas mais efetivas com pacientes dermatológicos crônicos.
The focus of this dissertation is the relationship between the necessity for protection and the construction of cultural identities. In particular, by cultural identities I mean the representation and construction of communities: national communities, religious communities or local communities. By protection I mean the need for individuals and groups to be reassured about dangers and risks. From an anthropological point of view, the relationship between the need for protection and the formation and construction of collective identities is driven by the defensive function of culture. This was recognized explicitly by Claude Lévi-Strauss and Jurij Lotman. To explore the “protective hypothesis,” it was especially useful to compare the immunitarian paradigm, proposed by Roberto Esposito, with a semiotic approach to the problem. According to Esposito, immunity traces borders, dividing Community from what should be kept outside: the enemies, dangers and chaos, and, in general, whatever is perceived to be a threat to collective and individual life. I recognized two dimensions in the concept of immunity. The first is the logic dimension: every element of a system makes sense because of the network of differential relations in which it is inscribed; the second dimension is the social praxis of division and definition of who. We are (or what is inside the border), and who They are (or what is, and must be kept, outside the border). I tested my hypothesis by analyzing two subject areas in particular: first, the security practices in London after 9/11 and 7/7; and, second, the Spiritual Guide of 9/11 suicide bombers. In both cases, one observes the construction of two entities: We and They. The difference between the two cases is their “model of the world”: in the London case, one finds the political paradigms of security as Sovereignty, Governamentality and Biopolitics. In the Spiritual Guide, one observes a religious model of the Community of God confronting the Community of Evil. From a semiotic point view, the problem is the origin of respective values, the origin of respective moral universes, and the construction of authority. In both cases, I found that emotional dynamics are crucial in the process of forming collective identities and in the process of motivating the involved subjects: specifically, the role of fear and terror is the primary factor, and represents the principal focus of my research.
La migrazione genera spesso nei soggetti migranti forme di spaesamento, poiché lo spostamento fisico condiziona la sfera emotiva: in loro può emergere il senso di nostalgia verso la patria e il desiderio del ritorno, oppure la volontà di annullare le proprie radici e di conformarsi ai modelli della società ricevente. Spesso tali sensazioni di spaesamento possono essere superate grazie alla pratica creativa della scrittura; è per questo che nelle varie realtà di immigrazione ha preso campo la pratica della scrittura migrante, dove si dà spazio all’altro che cerca di far sentire la propria voce, ricorrendo alla lingua del Paese d’arrivo, senza rinunciare ai tratti distintivi della sfera culturale d’origine, creando testi ibridi, che disegnano un ponte tra le culture. Focus della ricerca è la scrittura della migrazione africana in Spagna, studiata sia in prospettiva generale che specifica, mediante quattro autori e le relative opere selezionate: Laila (2010) della marocchina Laila Karrouch, Las tres vírgenes de Santo Tomás (2008) dell’equatoguineana Guillermina Mekuy, Una vida de cuento (2006) del camerunese Boniface Ofogo, Amina (2006) del senegalese Sidi Seck. L’analisi dei testi è effettuata sulla base di due filoni tematici, la famiglia e il rapporto con la società d’arrivo, ed è corredata dallo studio del lessico relativo ai due temi di riferimento. Leggere fra le righe il microcosmo della famiglia significa porre l’attenzione sulle diverse dinamiche affettive che stanno dietro alla parola “migrazione” e sulle particolari dimensioni familiari che caratterizzano la vita odierna, dove spesso avviene il contatto fra più culture. Un contatto che si riflette nel macrocontesto della realtà ospite dove si ha modo di avviare un dialogo fra nativi e stranieri, poiché spesso le iniziali forme di contrasto si tramutano in sete di conoscenza e volontà di avvicinarsi, facendo emergere l’idea che la diversità non separa ma arricchisce.
O diabetes é uma doença crônica conhecida há aproximadamente 3.500 anos e que atinge, atualmente, cerca de 18,8 milhões de pessoas no mundo, sendo, portanto, de grande interesse a diversos pesquisadores das mais variadas áreas. Esta doença é resultante de uma insuficiência de insulina, que desempenha papel fundamental nos processos metabólicos do organismo. A incidência do Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 tem apresentado um considerável crescimento nas últimas décadas, principalmente decorrente da elevada expectativa de vida e, também, pelo resultado de comportamentos destrutivos a saúde, como o abuso de substâncias, dieta inadequada e um estilo de vida sedentário. O presente estudo teve por objetivos avaliar a Qualidade de Vida, a dinâmica psíquica, a eficácia adaptativa e verificar os níveis glicêmicos de pessoas com Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 participantes de um grupo psicoeducativo. Participaram deste estudo 14 pessoas com Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: 1. Escala da Associação Brasileira de Institutos de Pesquisa de Mercado (ABIPEME); 2. Escala Diagnóstica Adaptativa Operacionalizada (EDAO); 3. Teste das Relações Objetais de Phillipson (TRO); e, 4. WHOQOL-bref. Os resultados mostraram que alguns pacientes apresentaram uma melhora significativa em seus níveis glicêmicos após a realização do grupo psicoeducativo, mesmo verificando que alguns não atingiram ainda bom controle de sua glicemia. A qualidade de vida destes participantes apresentou-se com níveis muito bons. Ao avaliar a eficácia adaptativa e a dinâmica psíquica destes participantes, verificou-se o quanto é difícil aceitar que se tem uma doença crônica e ter atitudes para realizar o tratamento adequado. Concluímos que para estas pessoas com diabetes poderem aderir ao tratamento é necessário que ele apresente uma boa capacidade de solucionar conflitos, e, apresente seu mundo interno ligado à posição depressiva. Se estes fatores estiverem equilibrados o estilo de vida e o bem-estar desses pacientes serão positivos, de modo que eles possam apresentar consequentemente um bom prognóstico com menos complicações da doença durante mais tempo de vida.
What brain mechanisms underlie autism and how do they give rise to autistic behavioral symptoms? This article describes a neural model, called the iSTART model, which proposes how cognitive, emotional, timing, and motor processes may interact together to create and perpetuate autistic symptoms. These model processes were originally developed to explain data concerning how the brain controls normal behaviors. The iSTART model shows how autistic behavioral symptoms may arise from prescribed breakdowns in these brain processes.
We sought to map the time course of autobiographical memory retrieval, including brain regions that mediate phenomenological experiences of reliving and emotional intensity. Participants recalled personal memories to auditory word cues during event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Participants pressed a button when a memory was accessed, maintained and elaborated the memory, and then gave subjective ratings of emotion and reliving. A novel fMRI approach based on timing differences capitalized on the protracted reconstructive process of autobiographical memory to segregate brain areas contributing to initial access and later elaboration and maintenance of episodic memories. The initial period engaged hippocampal, retrosplenial, and medial and right prefrontal activity, whereas the later period recruited visual, precuneus, and left prefrontal activity. Emotional intensity ratings were correlated with activity in several regions, including the amygdala and the hippocampus during the initial period. Reliving ratings were correlated with activity in visual cortex and ventromedial and inferior prefrontal regions during the later period. Frontopolar cortex was the only brain region sensitive to emotional intensity across both periods. Results were confirmed by time-locked averages of the fMRI signal. The findings indicate dynamic recruitment of emotion-, memory-, and sensory-related brain regions during remembering and their dissociable contributions to phenomenological features of the memories.