968 resultados para Embryo proper
The circulatory system comprises the blood vascular system and the lymphatic vascular system. These two systems function in parallel. Blood vessels form a closed system that delivers oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and removes waste products from the tissues, while lymphatic vessels are blind-ended tubes that collect extravasated fluid and cells from the tissues and return them back to blood circulation. Development of blood and lymphatic vascular systems occurs in series. Blood vessels are formed via vasculogenesis and angiogenesis whereas lymphatic vessels develop via lymphangiogenesis, after the blood vascular system is already functional. Members of the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) family are regulators of both angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis, while members of the platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) family are major mitogens for pericytes and smooth muscle cells and regulate formation of blood vessels. Vascular endothelial growth factor C (VEGF-C) is the major lymphatic growth factor and signaling through its receptor vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3 (VEGFR-3) is sufficient for lymphangiogenesis in adults. We studied the role of VEGF-C in embryonic lymphangiogenesis and showed that VEGF-C is absolutely required for the formation of lymph sacs from embryonic veins. VEGFR-3 is also required for normal development of the blood vascular system during embryogenesis, as Vegfr3 knockout mice die at mid-gestation due to failure in remodeling of the blood vessels. We showed that sufficient VEGFR-3 signaling in the embryo proper is required for embryonic angiogenesis and in a dosage-sensitive manner for embryonic lymphangiogenesis. Importantly, mice deficient in both VEGFR-3 ligands, Vegfc and Vegfd, developed a normal blood vasculature, suggesting VEGF-C- and VEGF-D- independent functions for VEGFR-3 in the early embryo. Platelet-derived growth factor B (PDGF-B) signals via PDGFR-b and regulates formation of blood vessels by recruiting pericytes and smooth muscle cells around nascent endothelial tubes. We showed that PDGF-B fails to induce lymphangiogenesis when overexpressed in adult mouse skin using adenoviral vectors. However, mouse embryos lacking Pdgfb showed abnormal lymphatic vessels, suggesting that PDGF-B plays a role in lymphatic vessel maturation and separation from blood vessels during embryogenesis. Lymphatic vessels play a key role in immune surveillance, fat absorption and maintenance of fluid homeostasis in the body. However, lymphatic vessels are also involved in various diseases, such as lymphedema and tumor metastasis. These studies elucidate the basic mechanisms of embryonic lymphangiogenesis and add to the knowledge of lymphedema and tumor metastasis treatments by giving novel insights into how lymphatic vessel growth could be induced (in lymphedema) or inhibited (in tumor metastasis).
NgBR is a transmembrane protein identified as a Nogo-B-interacting protein and recently has been shown to be a subunit required for cis-prenyltransferase (cisPTase) activity. To investigate the integrated role of NgBR in vascular development, we have characterized endothelial-specific NgBR knockout embryos. Here, we show that endothelial-specific NgBR knockout results in embryonic lethality due to vascular development defects in yolk sac and embryo proper. Loss of NgBR in endothelial cells reduces proliferation and promotes apoptosis of the cells largely through defects in the glycosylation of key endothelial proteins including VEGFR2, VE-cadherin, and CD31, and defective glycosylation can be rescued by treatment with the end product of cisPTase activity, dolichol phosphate. Moreover, NgBR functions in endothelial cells during embryogenesis are Nogo-B independent. These data uniquely show the importance of NgBR and protein glycosylation during vascular development.
In the developing mouse embryo, the diploid trophectoderm is known to undergo a diploid to giant cell transformation. These cells arise by a process of endoreduplication, characterized by replication of the entire genome without subsequent mitosis or cell division, leading to polyploidy and the formation of giant nuclei. Studies of 13.5 day rat trophoblast derived from the parietal yolk sac have indicated a relatively low rate of DNA polymerase a activity, the noinnal eukaryotic replicase, in comparison to that of DNA polymerase g. These results have suggested that endoreduplication in trophoblast giant cells may not employ the normal replicase enzyme, DNA polymerase a. In order to determine whether a 'switch' from DNA polymerase to DNA polymerase is a necessary concomitant of the diploid to giant cell transformation, two distinct populations of trophoblast giant cells, the primary giant cell derived from the mural trophectoderm and the secondary giant cell derived from the polar trophoectoderm were used. These two populations of trophoblast giant cells can be obtained from the tissue outgrowths of 3.5da blastocysts and the extraembryonic ectoderm (EX) and ectoplacental cone (EPC) of 7.5 day embryos respectively. Tissue outgrowths were treated with aphidicolin, a specific reversible inhibitor of eukaryotic DNA polymerase a, on various days after explantation. The effect of aphidicolin treatment was assessed both qualitatively, using autoradiography and quantitatively by scintillation counting and Feulgen staining. 3 DNA synthesis was measured in control and treated cultures after a Hthymidine pulse. Scintillation counts of the embryo proper revealed that DNA synthesis was consistently inhibited by greater than 907. in the presence of aphidicolin. Inhibition of DNA synthesis in the EX and EPC varied between 81-957. and 82-987. respectively, indicating that most DNA synthesis was mediated by DNA polymerase a, but that a small but significant amount of residual synthesis was indicated. A qualitative approach was then applied to determine whether the apparent residual DNA synthesis was restricted to a subpopulation of giant cells or whether all giant cells displayed a low level of DNA synthesis. Autoradiographs of the ICM of blastocysts and the embryo proper of 7.5da embryos, which acted as diploid control population, was completely inhibited regardless of duration in explant culture. In contrast, primary trophoblast giant cells derived from blastocysts and secondary giant cells derived from the EX and EPC were observed to possess some heavily labelled cells after aphidicolin treatment. These results suggest that although DNA polymerase a is the primary replicating enzyme responsible for endoreduplication in mouse trophoblast giant cells, some nonactivity is also observed. A DNA polymerase assay employing tissue lysates of outgrown 7.5da embryo, EX and EPC tissues was used to attempt to confirm the presence of higher nonactivity in tissues possessing trophoblast giant cells. Employing a series of inhibitors of DNA polymerases, it would appear that DNA polymerase a is the major polymerase active in all tissues of the 7.5da mouse embryo. The nature of the putative residual DNA synthetic activity could not be unequivically determined in this study. Therefore, these results suggest that both primary and secondary trophoblast giant cells possess and use DNA polymerase a in endoreduplicative DNA synthesis. It would appear that the high levels of DNA polymerase g activity reported in trophoblast tissue derived from the 13.5 da rat yolk sac was not a general feature of all endoreduplication.
La famille des gènes Hox code pour des facteurs de transcription connus pour leur contribution essentielle à l’élaboration de l’architecture du corps et ce, au sein de tout le règne animal. Au cours de l’évolution chez les vertébrés, les gènes Hox ont été redéfinis pour générer toute une variété de nouveaux tissus/organes. Souvent, cette diversification s’est effectuée via des changements quant au contrôle transcriptionnel des gènes Hox. Chez les mammifères, la fonction de Hoxa13 n’est pas restreinte qu’à l’embryon même, mais s’avère également essentielle pour le développement de la vascularisation fœtale au sein du labyrinthe placentaire, suggérant ainsi que sa fonction au sein de cette structure aurait accompagné l’émergence des espèces placentaires. Au chapitre 2, nous mettons en lumière le recrutement de deux autres gènes Hoxa, soient Hoxa10 et Hoxa11, au compartiment extra-embryonnaire. Nous démontrons que l’expression de Hoxa10, Hoxa11 et Hoxa13 est requise au sein de l’allantoïde, précurseur du cordon ombilical et du système vasculaire fœtal au sein du labyrinthe placentaire. De façon intéressante, nous avons découvert que l’expression des gènes Hoxa10-13 dans l’allantoïde n’est pas restreinte qu’aux mammifères placentaires, mais est également présente chez un vertébré non-placentaire, indiquant que le recrutement des ces gènes dans l’allantoïde précède fort probablement l’émergence des espèces placentaires. Nous avons généré des réarrangements génétiques et utilisé des essais transgéniques pour étudier les mécanismes régulant l’expression des gènes Hoxa dans l’allantoïde. Nous avons identifié un fragment intergénique de 50 kb capable d’induire l’expression d’un gène rapporteur dans l’allantoïde. Cependant, nous avons trouvé que le mécanisme de régulation contrôlant l’expression du gène Hoxa au sein du compartiment extra-embryonnaire est fort complexe et repose sur plus qu’un seul élément cis-régulateur. Au chapitre 3, nous avons utilisé la cartographie génétique du destin cellulaire pour évaluer la contribution globale des cellules exprimant Hoxa13 aux différentes structures embryonnaires. Plus particulièrement, nous avons examiné plus en détail l’analyse de la cartographie du destin cellulaire de Hoxa13 dans les pattes antérieures en développement. Nous avons pu déterminer que, dans le squelette du membre, tous les éléments squelettiques de l’autopode (main), à l’exception de quelques cellules dans les éléments carpiens les plus proximaux, proviennent des cellules exprimant Hoxa13. En contraste, nous avons découvert que, au sein du compartiment musculaire, les cellules exprimant Hoxa13 et leurs descendantes (Hoxa13lin+) s’étendent à des domaines plus proximaux du membre, où ils contribuent à générer la plupart des masses musculaires de l’avant-bras et, en partie, du triceps. De façon intéressante, nous avons découvert que les cellules exprimant Hoxa13 et leurs descendantes ne sont pas distribuées uniformément parmi les différents muscles. Au sein d’une même masse musculaire, les fibres avec une contribution Hoxa13lin+ différente peuvent être identifiées et les fibres avec une contribution semblable sont souvent regroupées ensemble. Ce résultat évoque la possibilité que Hoxa13 soit impliqué dans la mise en place de caractéristiques spécifiques des groupes musculaires, ou la mise en place de connections nerf-muscle. Prises dans leur ensemble, les données ici présentées permettent de mieux comprendre le rôle de Hoxa13 au sein des compartiments embryonnaires et extra-embryonnaires. Par ailleurs, nos résultats seront d’une importance primordiale pour soutenir les futures études visant à expliquer les mécanismes transcriptionnels soutenant la régulation des gènes Hoxa dans les tissus extra-embryonnaires.
Many aspects of early embryonic development in the horse are unusual or unique; this is of scientific interest and, in some cases, considerable practical significance. During early development the number of different cell types increases rapidly and the organization of these increasingly differentiated cells becomes increasingly intricate as a result of various inter-related processes that occur step-wise or simultaneously in different parts of the conceptus (i.e., the embryo proper and its associated membranes and fluid). Equine conceptus development is of practical interest for many reasons. Most significantly, following a high rate of successful fertilization (71-96%) (Ball, 1988), as many as 30-40% of developing embryos fail to survive beyond the first two weeks of gestation (Ball, 1988), the time at which gastrulation begins. Indeed, despite considerable progress in the development of treatments for common causes of sub-fertility and of assisted reproductive techniques to enhance reproductive efficiency, the need to monitor and rebreed mares that lose a pregnancy or the failure to produce a foal, remain sources of considerable economic loss to the equine breeding industry. Of course, the potential causes of early embryonic death are numerous and varied (e.g. persistent mating induced endometritis, endometrial gland insufficiency, cervical incompetence, corpus luteum (CL) failure, chromosomal, genetic and other unknown factors (LeBlanc, 2004). However, the problem is especially acute in aged mares with a history of poor fertility in which the incidence of embryonic loss between days 2 and 14 after ovulation has been reported to reach 62-73%, and in which embryonic death is due primarily to embryonic defects rather than to uterine pathology (Ball et al., 1989; Carnevale & Ginther, 1995; Ball, 2000).
Daily ultrasound examinations were conducted from Days 10 to 60 (ovulation = Day 0) of pregnancy to monitor the conceptus in jennies (n = 12). The embryonic vesicle was first detected on Day 11.5 +/- 0.9 (mean +/- SD; range 10 to 13d) and was mobile until movement ceased (fixation) on Day 15.5 +/- 1.4 (range, 13 to 18d). The vesicle was spherical from Days 10 to 18 (mean growth rate, 3.2 mm/d), non spherical (irregular) with a reduced growth rate (0.5 mm/d) from Days 19 to 29, and then grew at a moderate rate (1.6 mm/d) up to Day 46. on average, detection of the embryo proper (consistently located on the ventral aspect of the yolk sac) and embryonic heartbeat were Days 20.7 +/- 1.2 and 23.5 +/- 1.3, respectively. Formation of the allantoic sac was first detected on Day 24.4 +/- 1.7 and was complete on Day 36.8 +/- 1.6. Descent of the fetus (and formation of the umbilical cord) began on Day 37.9 +/- 1.7 and was complete on Day 44.1 +/- 2.1. Crown-ramp length averaged 3.7, 15.4, 22.7, 37.5 and 59.6 mm on Days 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60, respectively. In general, morphologic features and dates of occurrence were similar to those reported previously in the mare. (C) 1998 by Elsevier B.V.
In mares, the embryo migrates to the uterus between days 5 and 6 postovulation beginning its mobility through all uterine segments, which is essential for the maternal recognition of pregnancy. During the mobility phase, the embryonic vesicle shows a linear growth rate until its fixation between days 15 and 17, when the orientation phenomenon occurs. From fixation to day 28 of pregnancy, the embryonic growth is less evident (plateau) by cross-section ultrasound examination. After this period the linear growth rate is reestablished until day 46. This plateau is attributed to the increased uterine tone that compresses the vesicle and to volume expansion, making it difficult to detect the conceptus growth only by the cross-section diameter. Around day 20, the embryo proper is visualized as an echogenic spot in the ventral aspect of the vesicle. Additionally, development of allantoic sac, embryonic heartbeat, yolk sac regression and posterior umbilical cord formation also can be visualized from days 20 to 40. An intimate interaction between uterus and conceptus is essential for the normal pregnancy development. Color-and spectral-Doppler ultrasonography can be useful for the evaluation of this interface. A gradual increase on uterine vascularity during the early pregnancy and transient changes in endometrial vascularity accompanying the vesicle location during the mobility phase have been described. Around day 38 of gestation, the formation of the endometrial cups begins and, consequently, the synthesis of the equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) induces the formation and development of supplementary corpora lutea, which are important to secrete progesterone and to maintain pregnancy until around day 120.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The physiological and molecular processes controlling zygotic and somatic embryo development in angiosperms are mediated by a hierarchically organized program of gene expression. Despite the overwhelming information available about the molecular control of the embryogenic processes in angiosperms, little is known about these processes in gymnosperms. Here we describe the cloning and characterization of the expression pattern of the Araucaria angustifolia putative homolog of a SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS RECEPTOR-LIKE KINASE (SERK) gene family member, designated as AaSERK1. The Araucaria AaSERK1 gene encodes a leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinase showing significant similarity to angiosperm homologs of SERK1, known to be involved in early somatic and zygotic embryogenesis. Accordingly, RT-PCR results showed that AaSERK1 is preferentially expressed in Araucaria embryogenic cell cultures. Additionally, in situ hybridization results showed that AaSERK1 transcripts initially accumulate in groups of cells at the periphery of the embryogenic calli and then are restricted to the developing embryo proper. Our results indicate that AaSERK1 might have a role during somatic embryogenesis in Araucaria, suggesting a potentially conserved mechanism, involving SERK-related leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases, in the embryogenic processes among all seed plants.
Programmed cell death (PCD) is a widely spread phenomenon among multi-cellular organisms. Without the deletion of cells no longer needed, the organism will not be able to develop in a predicted way. It is now belived that all cells have the capacity to self-destruct and that the survival of the cells is depending on the repression of this suicidal programme. PCD has turned out to show similarities in many different species and there are strong indications that the mechanisms running the programme might, at least in some parts, be evolutionarily conserced. PCD is a generic term for different programmes of cell destruction, such as apoptosis and autophagic PCD. An important tool to determine if a cell is undergoing PCD is the transmitting electron microscope. The aims of my study were to find out if, and in what way, the suspensor and endosperm in Vicia faba (Broad bean), which are short-lived structures, undergoes PCD. The endosperm degradation preceed the suspensor cell death and they differ to some extent ultrastructurally. The cell death occurs in both tissues about 13-14 days after pollination when the embryo proper is mature enough to support itself. It was found that both tissues are committed to autophagic PCD, a cell death characteristic of conspicuous formations of autophagic vacuoles. It was shown by histochemical staining that acid phosphatases are accumulated in these vacuoles but are also present in the cytoplasm. These vacuoles are similar to autophagic vacuoles formed in rat liver cells, indicating that autophagy is a widely spread phenomenon. DNA fragmentation is the first visible sign of PCD in both tissues and it is demonstrated by a labelling technique (TUNEL). In the endosperm nuclei the heterochromatin subsequently appears in the form of a network, while in the suspensor it is more conspicuous, with heterochromatin that forms large electron dense aggregates located close to the nuclear envelope. In the suspensor, the plastids develop into chromoplasts with lycopene crystals at the same time or shortly after DNA fragmentation. This is probably due to the fact that the suspensor plastids function as hormone producing organelles and support the embryo proper with indispensable growth factors. Later the embryo will be able to produce its own growth factors and the synthesis of these, in particular gibberelines, might be suppressed in the suspensor. The precursors can then be used for synthesis of lycopene instead. Both the suspensor and endosperm are going through autophagic PCD, but the process differs in some respects. This is probably due the the different function of the two tissues, and that the signals that trigger the process presumably are different. The embryo proper is probably the source of the death signal affecting the suspensor. The endosperm, which has a different origin and function, might be controlling the death signal within its own cell. The death might in this case be related to the age of the cell.
We describe mutations of three genes in Arabidopsis thaliana—extra cotyledon1 (xtc1), extra cotyledon2 (xtc2), and altered meristem programming1 (amp1)—that transform leaves into cotyledons. In all three of these mutations, this transformation is associated with a change in the timing of events in embryogenesis. xtc1 and xtc2 delay the morphogenesis of the embryo proper at the globular-to-heart transition but permit the shoot apex to develop to an unusually advanced stage late in embryogenesis. Both mutations have little or no effect on seed maturation and do not affect the viability of the shoot or the rate of leaf initiation after germination. amp1 perturbs the pattern of cell division at an early globular stage, dramatically increases the size of the shoot apex and, like xtc1 and xtc2, produces enlarged leaf primordia during seed development. These unusual phenotypes suggest that these genes play important regulatory roles in embryogenesis and demonstrate that the development of the shoot apical meristem and the development of the embryo proper are regulated by independent processes that must be temporally coordinated to ensure normal organ identity.
We have studied the role of the basic helix–loop–helix–PAS transcription factor EPAS-1/hypoxia-inducible factor 2α in vascular development by gene targeting. In ICR/129 Sv outbred background, more than half of the mutants displayed varying degrees of vascular disorganization, typically in the yolk sac, and died in utero between embryonic day (E)9.5 and E13.5. In mutant embryos directly derived from EPAS-1−/− embryonic stem cells (hence in 129 Sv background), all embryos developed severe vascular defects both in the yolk sac and embryo proper and died between E9.5 and E12.5. Normal blood vessels were formed by vasculogenesis but they either fused improperly or failed to assemble into larger vessels later during development. Our results suggest that EPAS-1 plays an important role at postvasculogenesis stages and is required for the remodeling of the primary vascular network into a mature hierarchy pattern.
The p38 family of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) mediates signaling in response to environmental stresses and inflammatory cytokines, but the requirements for the p38 MAPK pathway in normal mammalian development have not been elucidated. Here, we show that targeted disruption of the p38α MAPK gene results in homozygous embryonic lethality because of severe defects in placental development. Although chorioallantoic placentation is initiated appropriately in p38α null homozygotes, placental defects are manifest at 10.5 days postcoitum as nearly complete loss of the labyrinth layer and significant reduction of the spongiotrophoblast. In particular, p38α mutant placentas display lack of vascularization of the labyrinth layer as well as increased rates of apoptosis, consistent with a defect in placental angiogenesis. Furthermore, p38α mutants display abnormal angiogenesis in the embryo proper as well as in the visceral yolk sac. Thus, our results indicate a requirement for p38α MAPK in diploid trophoblast development and placental vascularization and suggest a more general role for p38 MAPK signaling in embryonic angiogenesis.
During mouse embryogenesis, two waves of hematopoietic progenitors originate in the yolk sac. The first wave consists of primitive erythroid progenitors that arise at embryonic day 7.0 (E7.0), whereas the second wave consists of definitive erythroid progenitors that arise at E8.25. To determine whether these unilineage hematopoietic progenitors arise from multipotential precursors, we investigated the kinetics of high proliferative potential colony-forming cells (HPP-CFC), multipotent precursors that give rise to macroscopic colonies when cultured in vitro. No HPP-CFC were found at presomite stages (E6.5–E7.5). Rather, HPP-CFC were detected first at early somite stages (E8.25), exclusively in the yolk sac. HPP-CFC were found subsequently in the bloodstream at higher levels than the remainder of the embryo proper. However, the yolk sac remains the predominant site of HPP-CFC expansion (>100-fold) until the liver begins to serve as the major hematopoietic organ at E11.5. On secondary replating, embryonic HPP-CFC give rise to definitive erythroid and macrophage (but not primitive erythroid) progenitors. Our findings support the hypothesis that definitive but not primitive hematopoietic progenitors originate from yolk sac-derived HPP-CFC during late gastrulation.
Background Huntingtin, the HD gene encoded protein mutated by polyglutamine expansion in Huntington's disease, is required in extraembryonic tissues for proper gastrulation, implicating its activities in nutrition or patterning of the developing embryo. To test these possibilities, we have used whole mount in situ hybridization to examine embryonic patterning and morphogenesis in homozygous Hdhex4/5 huntingtin deficient embryos. Results In the absence of huntingtin, expression of nutritive genes appears normal but E7.0–7.5 embryos exhibit a unique combination of patterning defects. Notable are a shortened primitive streak, absence of a proper node and diminished production of anterior streak derivatives. Reduced Wnt3a, Tbx6 and Dll1 expression signify decreased paraxial mesoderm and reduced Otx2 expression and lack of headfolds denote a failure of head development. In addition, genes initially broadly expressed are not properly restricted to the posterior, as evidenced by the ectopic expression of Nodal, Fgf8 and Gsc in the epiblast and T (Brachyury) and Evx1 in proximal mesoderm derivatives. Despite impaired posterior restriction and anterior streak deficits, overall anterior/posterior polarity is established. A single primitive streak forms and marker expression shows that the anterior epiblast and anterior visceral endoderm (AVE) are specified. Conclusion Huntingtin is essential in the early patterning of the embryo for formation of the anterior region of the primitive streak, and for down-regulation of a subset of dynamic growth and transcription factor genes. These findings provide fundamental starting points for identifying the novel cellular and molecular activities of huntingtin in the extraembryonic tissues that govern normal anterior streak development. This knowledge may prove to be important for understanding the mechanism by which the dominant polyglutamine expansion in huntingtin determines the loss of neurons in Huntington's disease.