981 resultados para Electronic energy transfer, Förster theory, electronic coupling, chromophore, rylene dye


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Untersuchungen zum Mechanismus, der Dynamik und der Kontrolle des elektronischen Energietransfers in multichromophoren Modellsystemen durchgeführt. Als Untersuchungsmethoden wurden hauptsächlich die konfokale Einzelmolekülspektroskopie und die Quantenchemie eingesetzt. Der Aufbau des Einzelmolekülmikroskops wurde bezüglich der Anregungs- und Detektionskomponenten variiert, um die unterschiedlichen Experimente durchzuführen. Die quantenchemischen Rechnungen wurden auf Dichtefunktional- und Coupled-Cluster-Niveau durchgeführt. Die aus den Rechnungen erhaltenen zusätzlichen Informationen über experimentell zum Teil schwer zugängliche Eigenschaften der Farbstoffe unterstützten die Interpretation der experimentellen Befunde. rnIn früheren Untersuchungen der AG Basché wurden die Energietransfer-Raten von Donor-Akzeptor-Systemen gemessen, die erhebliche Abweichungen von nach der Förster-Theorie berechneten Raten zeigten. Daher war ein Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit, diese Abweichungen zu erklären. Zu diesem Zweck wurde die Geometrie der Diaden experimentell untersucht, sowie die elektronische Kopplung zwischen den Chromophoren quantenchemisch berechnet. Die relative Orientierung der Chromophore in den Diaden wurde in einem Einzelmolekül-Experiment mit rotierender Anregungspolarisation abgefragt. Die erhaltenen Winkelverteilungen konnten schließlich eindeutig auf die Flexibilität der die Chromophore verbrückenden Oligophenyl-Einheiten zurückgeführt werden. Die Unterschiede der gemessenen Energietransfer-Raten zu den nach der Förster-Theorie ermittelten Werten konnten jedoch nicht über die molekulare Flexibilität der Systeme erklärt werden. Aufklärung über die Diskrepanzen zur Förster-Theorie ergaben die quantenchemischen Rechnungen. In Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde zum ersten Mal die Coupled-Cluster-Theorie zur Berechnung der elektronischen Kopplung eingesetzt. Die Betrachtung der isolierten Chromophore reichte aber nicht aus, um die gemessenen Abweichungen von der Förster-Theorie zu erklären. Erst über die Berücksichtigung der molekularen Brücke konnten die gefunden Abweichungen erklärt werden. Die deutliche Verstärkung der elektronischen Kopplung ist auf die Polarisierbarkeit der Brücke zurückzuführen.rnNach diesen Betrachtungen stand die Kontrolle des Energietransfers im Fokus der weiteren Untersuchungen. In den durchgeführten Einzelmolekülexperimenten wurden die Chromophore der Donor-Akzeptor-Systeme selektiv mit zwei Laserpulsen unterschiedlicher Wellenlänge angeregt. Beim gleichzeitigen Anregen beider Chromophore wurde Singulett-Singulett-Annihilation (SSA) induziert, ein Energietransferprozess, bei dem die Anregungsenergie vom vorigen Akzeptor zum vorigen Donor übertragen wird. Da über SSA Fluoreszenzphotonen gelöscht wurden, konnte über den Abstand der Laserpulse die Fluoreszenzintensität des einzelnen Moleküls moduliert werden. Konzeptionell verwandte Einzelmolekülexperimente wurden an einem weiteren molekularen System durchgeführt, das aus einem Kern und einer Peripherie bestand. Fluoreszenzauszeiten des Gesamtsystems bei selektiver Anregung des Kerns wurden auf die Population eines Triplett-Zustandes zurückgeführt, der die Fluoreszenz der Peripherie löschte. rnAbschließend wurde der SSA-Prozess zwischen zwei gleichartigen Chromophoren untersucht. Es wurde eine Methode entwickelt, die es zum ersten Mal erlaubte, die SSA-Zeitkonstante individueller Moleküle zu bestimmen. Hierfür wurden die Daten der gemessenen Photonen-Koinzidenzhistogramme mittels eines im Rahmen dieser Arbeit hergeleiteten analytischen Zusammenhangs ausgewertet, der über Monte-Carlo-Simulationen bestätigt wurde.


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We demonstrate electronic energy transfer between resonance states of 2 and 2.8 nm CdTe quantum dots in aqueous media using steady-state photoluminescence spectroscopy without using any external linker molecule. With increasing concentration of larger dots, there is subsequent quenching of luminescence in smaller dots accompanied by the enhancement of luminescence in larger dots. Our experimental evidence suggests that there is long-range resonance energy transfer among electronic excitations, specifically from the electronically confined states of the smaller dots to the higher excited states of the larger dots.


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The effect of pH on the fluorescence efficiency of fluorescein is evaluated using thermal lens technique. Fluorescence efficiency increases as the sample becomes more and more alkaline. But when fluorescein is mixed with rhodamine B fluorescence quenching of fluorescein takes place with the excitation of rhodamine B. The electronic energy transfer in this mixture is investigated using Optical Parametric Oscillator as the excitation source. The effect of pH on the efficiency of energy transfer in fluorescein–rhodamine B mixture is presented.


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Comparison of donor-acceptor electronic couplings calculated within two-state and three-state models suggests that the two-state treatment can provide unreliable estimates of Vda because of neglecting the multistate effects. We show that in most cases accurate values of the electronic coupling in a π stack, where donor and acceptor are separated by a bridging unit, can be obtained as Ṽ da = (E2 - E1) μ12 Rda + (2 E3 - E1 - E2) 2 μ13 μ23 Rda2, where E1, E2, and E3 are adiabatic energies of the ground, charge-transfer, and bridge states, respectively, μij is the transition dipole moments between the states i and j, and Rda is the distance between the planes of donor and acceptor. In this expression based on the generalized Mulliken-Hush approach, the first term corresponds to the coupling derived within a two-state model, whereas the second term is the superexchange correction accounting for the bridge effect. The formula is extended to bridges consisting of several subunits. The influence of the donor-acceptor energy mismatch on the excess charge distribution, adiabatic dipole and transition moments, and electronic couplings is examined. A diagnostic is developed to determine whether the two-state approach can be applied. Based on numerical results, we showed that the superexchange correction considerably improves estimates of the donor-acceptor coupling derived within a two-state approach. In most cases when the two-state scheme fails, the formula gives reliable results which are in good agreement (within 5%) with the data of the three-state generalized Mulliken-Hush model


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Electronic coupling Vda is one of the key parameters that determine the rate of charge transfer through DNA. While there have been several computational studies of Vda for hole transfer, estimates of electronic couplings for excess electron transfer (ET) in DNA remain unavailable. In the paper, an efficient strategy is established for calculating the ET matrix elements between base pairs in a π stack. Two approaches are considered. First, we employ the diabatic-state (DS) method in which donor and acceptor are represented with radical anions of the canonical base pairs adenine-thymine (AT) and guanine-cytosine (GC). In this approach, similar values of Vda are obtained with the standard 6-31 G* and extended 6-31++ G* basis sets. Second, the electronic couplings are derived from lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals (LUMOs) of neutral systems by using the generalized Mulliken-Hush or fragment charge methods. Because the radical-anion states of AT and GC are well reproduced by LUMOs of the neutral base pairs calculated without diffuse functions, the estimated values of Vda are in good agreement with the couplings obtained for radical-anion states using the DS method. However, when the calculation of a neutral stack is carried out with diffuse functions, LUMOs of the system exhibit the dipole-bound character and cannot be used for estimating electronic couplings. Our calculations suggest that the ET matrix elements Vda for models containing intrastrand thymine and cytosine bases are essentially larger than the couplings in complexes with interstrand pyrimidine bases. The matrix elements for excess electron transfer are found to be considerably smaller than the corresponding values for hole transfer and to be very responsive to structural changes in a DNA stack


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In order to build up a multicomponent system able to perform useful light-induced functions, a dithienylethene-bridged heterodinuclear metal complex (Ru/Os) has been prepared. The compound was characterized and its photophysical properties studied in detail.


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Currently pi-conjugated polymers are considered as technologically interesting materials to be used as functional building elements for the development of the new generation of optoelectronic devices. More specifically during the last few years, poly-p-phenylene materials have attracted considerable attention for their blue photoluminescence properties. This Thesis deals with the optical properties of the most representative blue light poly-p-phenylene emitters such as poly(fluorene), oligo(fluorene), poly(indenofluorene) and ladder-type penta(phenylene) derivatives. In the present work, laser induced photoluminescence spectroscopy is used as a major tool for the study of the interdependence between the dynamics of the probed photoluminescence, the molecular structures of the prepared polymeric films and the presence of chemical defects. Complementary results obtained by two-dimensional wide-angle X-ray diffraction are reported. These findings show that the different optical properties observed are influenced by the intermolecular solid-state interactions that in turn are controlled by the pendant groups of the polymer backbone. A significant feedback is delivered regarding the positive impact of a new synthetic route for the preparation of a poly(indenofluorene) derivative on the spectral purity of the compound. The energy transfer mechanisms that operate in the studied systems are addressed by doping experiments. After the evaluation of the structure/property interdependence, a new optical excitation pathway is presented. An efficient photon low-energy up-conversion that sensitises the blue emission of poly(fluorene) is demonstrated. The observed phenomenon takes place in poly(fluorene) derivatives hosts doped with metallated octaethyl porphyrins, after quasi-CW photoexcitation of intensities in the order of kW/cm2. The up-conversion process is parameterised in terms of temperature, wavelength excitation and central metal cation in the porphyrin ring. Additionally the observation of the up-conversion is extended in a broad range of poly-p-phenylene blue light emitting hosts. The dependence of the detected up-conversion intensity on the excitation intensity and doping concentration is reported. Furthermore the dynamics of the up-conversion intensity are monitored as a function of the doping concentration. These experimental results strongly suggest the existence of triplet-triplet annihilation events into the porphyrin molecules that are subsequently followed by energy transfer to the host. After confirming the occurrence of the up-conversion in solutions, cyclic voltammetry is used in order to show that the up-conversion efficiency is partially determined from the energetic alignment between the HOMO levels of the host and the dopant.


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Conjugated polymers have attracted tremendous academical and industrial research interest over the past decades due to the appealing advantages that organic / polymeric materials offer for electronic applications and devices such as organic light emitting diodes (OLED), organic field effect transistors (OFET), organic solar cells (OSC), photodiodes and plastic lasers. The optimization of organic materials for applications in optoelectronic devices requires detailed knowledge of their photophysical properties, for instance energy levels of excited singlet and triplet states, excited state decay mechanisms and charge carrier mobilities. In the present work a variety of different conjugated (co)polymers, mainly polyspirobifluorene- and polyfluorene-type materials, was investigated using time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy in the picosecond to second time domain to study their elementary photophysical properties and to get a deeper insight into structure-property relationships. The experiments cover fluorescence spectroscopy using Streak Camera techniques as well as time-delayed gated detection techniques for the investigation of delayed fluorescence and phosphorescence. All measurements were performed on the solid state, i.e. thin polymer films and on diluted solutions. Starting from the elementary photophysical properties of conjugated polymers the experiments were extended to studies of singlet and triplet energy transfer processes in polymer blends, polymer-triplet emitter blends and copolymers. The phenomenon of photonenergy upconversion was investigated in blue light-emitting polymer matrices doped with metallated porphyrin derivatives supposing an bimolecular annihilation upconversion mechanism which could be experimentally verified on a series of copolymers. This mechanism allows for more efficient photonenergy upconversion than previously reported for polyfluorene derivatives. In addition to the above described spectroscopical experiments, amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) in thin film polymer waveguides was studied employing a fully-arylated poly(indenofluorene) as the gain medium. It was found that the material exhibits a very low threshold value for amplification of blue light combined with an excellent oxidative stability, which makes it interesting as active material for organic solid state lasers. Apart from spectroscopical experiments, transient photocurrent measurements on conjugated polymers were performed as well to elucidate the charge carrier mobility in the solid state, which is an important material parameter for device applications. A modified time-of-flight (TOF) technique using a charge carrier generation layer allowed to study hole transport in a series of spirobifluorene copolymers to unravel the structure-mobility relationship by comparison with the homopolymer. Not only the charge carrier mobility could be determined for the series of polymers but also field- and temperature-dependent measurements analyzed in the framework of the Gaussian disorder model showed that results coincide very well with the predictions of the model. Thus, the validity of the disorder concept for charge carrier transport in amorphous glassy materials could be verified for the investigated series of copolymers.


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The efficient collection of solar energy relies on the design and construction of well-organized light-harvesting systems. Herein we report that supramolecular phenanthrene polymers doped with pyrene are effective collectors of light energy. The linear polymers are formed through the assembly of short amphiphilic oligomers in water. Absorption of light by phenanthrene residues is followed by electronic energy transfer along the polymer over long distances (>100 nm) to the accepting pyrene molecules. The high efficiency of the energy transfer, which is documented by large fluorescence quantum yields, suggests a quantum coherent process.


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The rate of electronic energy transfer (EET) between a naphthalene donor and an anthracene acceptor in [ZnL3]-(ClO4)(2) and [ZnL4](ClO4)(2) was determined by time-resolved fluorescence measurements, where L 3 and L 4 are the geometrical isomers of 6-[(anthracen-9-ylmethyl)amino]-trans-6,13-dimethyl-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane-13-amine (L-2), substituted with either a naphthalen-1-ylmethyl or naphthalen-2-ylmethyl donor, respectively. The energy transfer rate constant, k(EET), was determined to be (0.92 +/- 0.02) x 10(9) s(-1) for the naphthalen-1-ylmethyl-substituted isomer, while that for the naphthalen-2-ylmethyl-substituted isomer is somewhat faster, with k(EET) = (1.31 +/- 0.01) x 10(9) s(-1). The solid-state structure of [(ZnLCl)-Cl-3]ClO4 has been determined, and using molecular modeling calculations, the likely distributions of solution conformations in CH3CN have been evaluated for both complexes. The calculated conformational distributions in the common trans-III N-based isomeric form gave Forster EET rate constants that account for the differences observed and are in excellent agreement with the experimental values. It is shown that the full range of conformers must be considered to accurately reproduce the observed EET kinetics.


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Inorganic nano-graphene hybrid materials that are strongly coupled via chemical bonding usually present superior electrochemical performance. However, how the chemical bond forms and the synergistic catalytic mechanism remain fundamental questions. In this study, the chemical bonding of the MoS2 nanolayer supported on vacancy mediated graphene and the hydrogen evolution reaction of this nanocatalyst system were investigated. An obvious reduction of the metallic state of the MoS2 nanolayer is noticed as electrons are transferred to form a strong contact with the reduced graphene support. The missing metallic state associated with the unsaturated atoms at the peripheral sites in turn modifies the hydrogen evolution activity. The easiest evolution path is from the Mo edge sites, with the presence of the graphene resulting in a decrease in the energy barrier from 0.17 to 0.11 eV. Evolution of H2 from the S edge becomes more difficult due to an increase in the energy barrier from 0.43 to 0.84 eV. The clarification of the chemical bonding and catalytic mechanisms for hydrogen evolution using this strongly coupled MoS2/graphene nanocatalyst provide a valuable source of reference and motivation for further investigation for improved hydrogen evolution using chemically active nanocoupled systems.