1000 resultados para Electrochemical solid–solid transformation


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In situ atomic force microscopy (AFM) allows images from the upper face and sides of TCNQ crystals to be monitored during the course of the electrochemical solid–solid state conversion of 50 × 50 μm2 three-dimensional drop cast crystals of TCNQ to CuTCNQ or M[TCNQ]2(H2O)2 (M = Co, Ni). Ex situ images obtained by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) also allow the bottom face of the TCNQ crystals, in contact with the indium tin oxide or gold electrode surface and aqueous metal electrolyte solution, to be examined. Results show that by carefully controlling the reaction conditions, nearly mono-dispersed, rod-like phase I CuTCNQ or M[TCNQ]2(H2O)2 can be achieved on all faces. However, CuTCNQ has two different phases, and the transformation of rod-like phase 1 to rhombic-like phase 2 achieved under conditions of cyclic voltammetry was monitored in situ by AFM. The similarity of in situ AFM results with ex situ SEM studies accomplished previously implies that the morphology of the samples remains unchanged when the solvent environment is removed. In the process of crystal transformation, the triple phase solid∣electrode∣electrolyte junction is confirmed to be the initial nucleation site. Raman spectra and AFM images suggest that 100% interconversion is not always achieved, even after extended electrolysis of large 50 × 50 μm2 TCNQ crystals.


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The reduction of 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ) crystals attached to a glassy carbon electrode in the presence of Cu2+(aq) to form CuTCNQ(s) has been investigated using scanning electrochemical microscopy in the substrate generation tip collection mode and shown to involve a generation of soluble TCNQ−(aq). The subsequent oxidation of CuTCNQ does not involve simple expulsion of Cu+ into solution but a soluble complex attributed to Cu2+TCNQ−(aq). Mechanistic insights relative to the electrochemical conversion of CuTCNQ phase I into phase II by repetitive cycling of potential and electrochemical formation of KTCNQ have also been established


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TCNQ·− radical anions (TCNQ = 7,7,8,8,-tetracyanoquinodimethane) form a wide range of semiconducting coordination polymers when coordinated to transition metals. Some such as CuTCNQ and AgTCNQ exhibit molecular switching and memory storage properties; others have intriguing magnetic properties and for example may behave as molecular magnets at low temperature. In this review, the electro- and photo-chemical synthesis and characterization of this important class of material is reviewed. In particular, the electrochemistry and the redox properties of TCNQ derivatives of coordination polymers based on Cu, Ag, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Zn and Cd transition metals are surveyed, with an emphasis on the mechanistic aspects of their electrochemical formation via nucleation–growth processes. Given that TCNQ is an extremely good electron acceptor, readily forming TCNQ•− and TCNQ2-, electrochemical reduction of TCNQ in the presence of a transition metal ion provides an ideal method for synthesis of metal-TCNQ materials by electrocrystallization from organic solvents and ionic liquids or solid-solid transformation using TCNQ modified electrodes from aqueous media containing transition metal electrolytes. The significance of the reversible formal potential (E0f) in these studies is discussed. The coupling of electrocrystallisation on electrode surfaces and microscopic characterization of the electrodeposited materials reveals a wide range of morphologies and phases which strongly influence their properties and applications. Since TCNQ also can be photo-reduced in the presence of suitable electron donors, analogous photochemical approaches to the synthesis of TCNQ-transition metal derivatives are available. The advantages of electrochemical and photochemical methods of synthesis relative to chemical synthesis are outlined.


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Single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) are fascinating systems exhibiting many novel physical properties. In this paper, we give a brief review of the structural, electronic, vibrational, and mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes. In situ resonance Raman scattering of SWNTs investigated under electrochemical biasing demonstrates that the intensity of the radial breathing mode varies significantly in a nonmonotonic manner as a function of the cathodic bias voltage, but does not change appreciably under anodic bias. These results can be quantitatively understood in terms of the changes in the energy gaps between the 1 D van Hove singularities in the electron density of states, arising possibly due to the alterations in the overlap integral of pi bonds between the p-orbitals of the adjacent carbon atoms. In the second part of this paper, we review our high-pressure X-ray diffraction results, which show that the triangular lattice of the carbon nanotube bundles continues to persist up to similar to10 GPa. The lattice is seen to relax just before the phase transformation, which is observed at similar to10 GPa. Further, our results display the reversibility of the 2D lattice symmetry even after compression up to 13 GPa well beyond the 5 GPa value observed recently. These experimental results explicitly validate the predicted remarkable mechanical resilience of the nanotubes.


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The enthalpy increments and the standard molar Gibbs energies of formation-of DyFeO3(s) and Dy3Fe5O12(s) have been measured using a Calvet micro-calorimeter and a solid oxide galvanic cell, respectively. A co-operative phase transition, related to anti-ferromagnetic to paramagnetic transformation, is apparent. from the heat capacity data for DyFeO3 at similar to 648 K. A similar type of phase transition has been observed for Dy3Fe5O12 at similar to 560 K which is related to ferrimagnetic to paramagnetic transformation. Enthalpy increment data for DyFeO3(s) and Dy3Fe5O12(s), except in the vicinity of the second-order transition, can be represented by the following polynomial expressions:{H(0)m(T) - H(0)m(298.15 K)) (Jmol(-1)) (+/-1.1%) = -52754 + 142.9 x (T (K)) + 2.48 x 10(-3) x (T (K))(2) + 2.951 x 10(6) x (T (K))(-1); (298.15 less than or equal to T (K) less than or equal to 1000) for DyFeO3(s), and {H(0)m(T) - H(0)m(298.15 K)} (Jmol(-1)) (+/-1.2%) = -191048 + 545.0 x (T - (K)) + 2.0 x 10(-5) x (T (K))(2) + 8.513 x 10(6) x (T (K))(-1); (208.15 less than or equal to T (K) less than or equal to 1000)for Dy3Fe5O12(s). The reversible emfs of the solid-state electrochemical cells: (-)Pt/{DyFeO3(s) + Dy2O3(s) + Fe(s)}/YDT/CSZ//{Fe(s) + Fe0.95O(s)}/Pt(+) and (-)Pt/{Fe(s) + Fe0.95O(s)}//CSZ//{DyFeO3(s) + Dy3Fe5O12(s) + Fe3O4(s)}/Pt(+), were measured in the temperature range from 1021 to 1250 K and 1035 to 1250 K, respectively. The standard Gibbs energies of formation of solid DyFeO3 and Dy3Fe5O12 calculated by the least squares regression analysis of the data obtained in the present study, and data for Fe0.95O and Dy2O3 from the literature, are given by Delta(f)G(0)m(DyFeO3,s)(kJmol(-1))(+/-3.2)= -1339.9 + 0.2473 x (T(K)); (1021 less than or equal to T (K) less than or equal to 1548)and D(f)G(0)m(Dy3Fe5O12,s) (kJmol(-1)) (+/-3.5) = -4850.4 + 0.9846 x (T (K)); (1035 less than or equal to T (K) less than or equal to 1250) The uncertainty estimates for Delta(f)G(0)m include the standard deviation in the emf and uncertainty in the data taken from the literature. Based on the thermodynamic information, oxygen potential diagram and chemical potential diagrams for the system Dy-Fe-O were developed at 1250 K. (C) 2002 Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.


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Noble metal such as Ag normally exists in an fcc crystal structure. However as the size of the material is decreased to nanometer lengthscales, a structural transformation from that of its bulk state can be expected with new atomic arrangements due to competition between internal packing and minimization of surface energy. In many previous studies, it has been shown that silver nanowires (AGNWs) grown inside anodic alumina (AAO) templates by ac or dc electrochemical deposition from silver salts or complexes, adopt fcc structure and below some critical diameter ∼ 20 nm they may acquire hcp structure at low temperature. This is, however, critically dependant on the nature of confinement, as AgNWs grown inside nanotube confinement with subnanometer diameter have been reported to have fcc structure. Hence the question of the crystal structure of metal nanowires under combined influence of confinement, temperature and deposition condition remains open. In this abstract we show that the alternative crystal structures of AGNWs at room temperature can be achieved with electrochemical growth processes under specific conditions determined by the deposition parameters and nature of confinement. We fabricated AgNWs of 4H hexagonal structure with diameters 30 – 80 nm inside polycarbonate (PC) templates with a modified dc electrodeposition technique, where the nanowires were grown at deposition potentials as low as 10 mV in 2 M silver nitrate solution[1]. We call this low-potential electrodeposition (LPED) since the electrodeposition process occurs at potential much less than the standard Nernst potential (770 mV) of silver. Two types of electrodes were used – stainless steel and sputtered thin Pt film, neither of which had any influence on the crystal structure of the nanowires. EDS elemental analysis showed the nanowires to consist only of silver. Although the precise atomic dynamics during the LPED process is unclear at present, we investigated this with HRTEM (high-resolution transmission electron microscopy) characterization of nanowires grown over various deposition times, as well as electrical conductivity measurements. These experiments indicate that nanowire growth does not occur through a three-dimensional diffusion controlled process, as proposed for conventional over-potential deposition, but follow a novel instantaneous linear growth mechanism. Further experiments showed that, (a) conventional electrochemical growth at a small over-potential in a 2 mM AgNO3 solution yields nanowires with expected fcc structure inside the same PC templates, and (2) no nanowire was observed under the LPED conditions inside hard AAO templates, indicating that LPED-growth process, and hcp structure of the corresponding nanowires depend on deposition parameters, as well as nature of confinement.


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The present work is aimed at studying the influence of electrolyte chemistry on the voltage-time (V-T) response characteristics, phase structure, surface morphology, film growth rate and corrosion properties of titania films fabricated by micro arc oxidation (MAO) on Cp Ti. The titania films were developed with a sodium phosphate based reference electrolyte comprising the additives such as sodium carbonate (Na2CO3), sodium nitrite (NaNO2) and urea (CO(NH2)(2)). The phase composition, surface morphology, elemental composition and thickness of the films were assessed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) techniques. The corrosion characteristics of the fabricated films were studied under Kokubo simulated body fluid (SBF) condition by potentiodynamic polarization, long term potential and linear polarization resistance (LPR) measurements and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) methods. In addition, the corrosion characteristics of the grown films were analyzed by EIS curve fitting and equivalent circuit modeling. Salt spray test (SST) as per ASTM B 117 standard was also conducted to verify the corrosion resistance of the grown films. The XRD results showed that the titania films were composed of both anatase and rutile phases at different proportions. Besides, the films grown in carbonate and nitrite containing electrolyte systems showed an enhanced growth of their rutile phase in the 1 0 1] direction which could be attributed to the modifications introduced in the growth process by the abundant oxygen available during the process. The SEM-EDX and elemental mapping results showed that the respective electrolyte borne elements were incorporated and distributed uniformly in all the films. Among all the grown films under study, the film developed in carbonate containing electrolyte system exhibited considerably improved corrosion resistance due to suitable modifications in its structural and morphological characteristics. The rate of anatase to rutile phase transformation and the rutile growth direction were strongly influenced by the abundant oxidizing species available during the film growth process. (C) 2012 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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The primary objective of the present work was to study the electronic and in vitro electrochemical properties of micro-arc oxidized titania films on Cp Ti, fabricated independently in various electrolyte solutions consisting of anions such as phosphate (PO43-), borate (B4O72-), citrate (C6H5O73-) and silicate (SiO32-). Further the role of anions on the structural, morphological and compositional properties of the fabricated films was studied. All the titania films were developed by micro-arc oxidation (MAO) technique for a fixed treatment time of 8 min under constant current mode. The surface morphology, elemental distribution, composition and structural characteristics of the films were assessed by scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques. The thermodynamic and kinetic corrosion properties of the films were studied under simulated body fluid (SBF) conditions (pH 7.4 and 37 degrees C) by conducting chronopotentiometric and potentiodynamic polarization tests. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) coupled with equivalent circuit modelling was carried out to analyse the frequency response and Mott-Schottky analysis was performed to study the semiconducting (electronic) properties of the films. Salt spray fog accelerated corrosion test was conducted for 168h as per ASTM B117 standard to corroborate the corrosion and semiconducting properties of the samples based on the visual examination. The XRD results showed that the transformation from the metastable anatase phase to the thermodynamically stable rutile phase and the crystalline growth of the respective phases were strongly influenced by the addition of anions. The SEM-EDS results demonstrated that the phosphorous (P) content in the films varied from 2.4 at% to 5.0 at% indicating that the amount of P in the films could be modified by adding an appropriate electrolyte additive. The electrochemical corrosion test results showed that the film fabricated in citrate (C6H5O73-) containing electrolyte is thermodynamically and kinetically more stable compared to that of all the others. The results of the Mott-Schottky analysis indicated that all the fabricated films showed an n-type semiconducting behaviour and the film developed in citrate (C6H5O73-) containing electrolyte exhibited the lowest donor concentration and the most negative flat band potential that contributed to its highest corrosion resistance in SBF solution. The results of the salt spray accelerated corrosion tests were in agreement with those obtained from the electrochemical and Mott-Schottky analysis.


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Cold-worked austenitic stainless steels have been subject to a pulsed electrochemical treatment in fairly concentrated aqueous solutions of sodium nitrite. The electrochemical reactions that occur transform the strain-induced martensite phase, originally formed by the cold work, back to the austenite phase. However, unlike the conventional thermal annealing process, electrochemically induced surface annealing also hardens the surface of the alloy. Because the process causes transformation of the surface martensite, we term it "electrochemical surface annealing", despite the fact that it results in an increase in surface hardness.


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In this paper, electrochemical surface plasmon resonance (SPR) method was first used to detect enzymatic reaction in bilayer lipid membrane (BLM) based on immobilizing horseradish peroxidase (HRP) in the BLMs supported by the redox polyaniline (PAn) film. By SPR kinetic curve in situ monitoring the redox transformation of PAn film resulted from the reaction between HRP and PAn, the enzymatic reaction of HRP with H2O2, was successfully analyzed by electrochemical SPR spectroscopy.


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The combination of in situ surface plasmon resonance (SPR) with electrochemistry was used to investigate the electrochemical doping/dedoping processes of anions on a polyaniline (PAn)-modified electrode. Electrochemical SPR characteristics of the PAn film before and after doping/dedoping were revealed. The redox transformation between the insulating leucoemeraldine, and the conductive emeraldine, corresponding to the doping/dedoping of anion, can lead to very distinct changes in both the resonance minimum angle and the shape of SPR curve. This is ascribed to the swelling/shrinking effect, and the change of the PAn film in the imaginary part of the dielectric constant resulted from the transition of the film conductivity. In situ recording the time evolution of reflectance change at a fixed angle permits the continuous monitoring of the kinetic processes of doping/dedoping anions. The size and the charge of anions, the film thickness, as well as the concentration of anions are shown to strongly influence the rate of ingress/egress of anions. The time differential of SPR kinetic curves can be well applied in the detecting electroinactive anion by flow injection analysis. The approach has higher sensitivity and reproducibility compared with other kinetic measurements, such as those obtained by amperometry.


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In this paper, we demonstrate for the first time that upon electrochemical oxidation/reduction, the transition in the conductivity of polyaniline (PAn) film on gold electrode surface leads to a large change of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) response due to a change in the imaginary part of dielectric constant of PAn film. Based on the amplifying response of SPR to the redox transformation of PAn film as a direct result of the enzymatic reaction between horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and PAn in the presence of H2O2, a novel PAn-mediated HRP sensor has been fabricated. The electrochemical SPR biosensor, unlike a usual binding assay with SPR, can afford a larger SPR response, and can also be reused by reducing the PAn film electrochemically to its reduced state. This method opens up a new route to the fabrication of SPR biosensor. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science BN. All rights reserved.


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A scanning probe microscopy approach for mapping local irreversible electrochemical processes based on detection of bias-induced frequency shifts of cantilevers in contact with the electrochemically active surface is demonstrated. Using Li ion conductive glass ceramic as a model, we demonstrate near unity transference numbers for ionic transport and establish detection limits for current-based and strain-based detection. The tip-induced electrochemical process is shown to be a first-order transformation and nucleation potential is close to the Li metal reduction potential. Spatial variability of the nucleation bias is explored and linked to the local phase composition. These studies both provide insight into nanoscale ionic phenomena in practical Li-ion electrolyte and also open pathways for probing irreversible electrochemical, bias-induced, and thermal transformations in nanoscale systems.


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Spatial variability of bias-dependent electrochemical processes on a (La0.5Sr0.5)(2)CoO4 +/- modified (LaxSr1-x)CoO3- surface is studied using first-order reversal curve method in electrochemical strain microscopy (ESM). The oxygen reduction/evolution reaction (ORR/OER) is activated at voltages as low as 3-4 V with respect to bottom electrode. The degree of bias-induced transformation as quantified by ESM hysteresis loop area increases with applied bias. The variability of electrochemical activity is explored using correlation analysis and the ORR/OER is shown to be activated in grains at relatively low biases, but the final reaction rate is relatively small. At the same time, at grain boundaries, the onset of reaction process corresponds to larger voltages, but limiting reactivity is much higher. The reaction mechanism in ESM of mixed electronic-ionic conductor is further analyzed. These studies both establish the framework for probing bias-dependent electrochemical processes in solids and demonstrate rich spectrum of electrochemical transformations underpinning catalytic activity in cobaltites.


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Co3O4 can be used as electrocatalyst for oxygen evolution reaction. The macro and microstructure of the oxide, obtained by compacting and sintering lithium-doped Co3O4 powder in atmosphere of dry air and in conditions of controlled temperature and time was analyzed by metallographic techniques. The porous material was characterized by XRD, SEM and EDS combined techniques. For working temperatures up to 1200°C, the pellet was consituted of particles with varying sizes over a wide range of particle size and, at higher temperatures CoO is formed and polymorphic transformation was observed. The materials were also characterized electrochemically in alkaline media by open circuit potential and potentiodynamic I/E measurements. The results were compared to those previously prepared by others by thermal deposition.