639 resultados para Ehrlichia canis


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La poliradicoloneurite acuta idiopatica (ACIP) è una patologia infiammatoria che interessa le radici di più nervi spinali, descritta soprattutto nel cane, più raramente nel gatto, caratterizzata da insorgenza acuta di paresi/paralisi flaccida. L’ACIP mostra notevoli similitudini con la sindrome di Guillan-Barrè dell’uomo (GBS), in cui la patogenesi è su base autoimmunitaria ed è stata correlata con la presenza di alcuni fattori scatenanti (trigger). Lo scopo di questo lavoro è stato quello di caratterizzare l’ACIP in 26 cani, descrivendone la sintomatologia, l’evoluzione clinica, i risultati degli esami diagnostici. La diagnosi si è basata sui riscontri dell’anamnesi, della visita neurologica e del decorso confermata, quando possibile, dai rilievi elettrodiagnostici. Su tutti i cani è stata valutata l’esposizione a specifici agenti infettivi (Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora canunim, Ehrlichia canis, Leishmania infantum), o altri fattori (come vaccinazioni) che potrebbero aver agito da “trigger” per l’instaurarsi della patologia; sull’intera popolazione e su 19 cani non neurologici (gruppo di controllo), si è proceduto alla ricerca degli anticorpi anti-gangliosidi. La sintomatologia di più frequente riscontro (25/26) ha coinvolto la funzione motoria (paresi/plegia) con prevalente interessamento dei 4 arti (24/25) . Sei cani hanno ricevuto una terapia farmacologica, che non ne ha influenzato il decorso, favorevole in 24/26 casi. In 9 pazienti è stata rilevata una precedente esposizione a potenziali trigger; in 10 casi si è riscontrato un titolo anticorpale positivo ad almeno un agente infettivo testato. In 17/26 cani si è ottenuto un titolo anticorpale anti-GM2 e anti-GA1; nella popolazione di controllo solo un caso è risultato positivo. Questi risultati hanno contribuito a consolidare le conoscenze di questa patologia, validando l’utilità della ricerca anticorpale anti-gangliosidica per la diagnosi di ACIP e facendo intravedere la possibilità che l’ACIP possa essere assimilate alla GBS anche dal punto di vista patogenetico, per la quale potrebbe essere considerata come modello animale spontaneo.


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BACKGROUND: Due to climate changes during the last decades, ticks have progressively spread into higher latitudes in northern Europe. Although some tick borne diseases are known to be endemic in Finland, to date there is limited information with regard to the prevalence of these infections in companion animals. We determined the antibody and DNA prevalence of the following organisms in randomly selected client-owned and clinically healthy hunting dogs living in Finland: Ehrlichia canis (Ec), Anaplasma phagocytophilum (Ap), Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb) and Bartonella. METHODS: Anti-Ap, -Bb and -Ec antibodies were determined in 340 Finnish pet dogs and 50 healthy hunting dogs using the 4DX Snap(R)Test (IDEXX Laboratories). In addition, PCRs for the detection of Ap and Bartonella DNA were performed. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to identify risk factors associated with seropositivity to a vector borne agent. RESULTS: The overall seroprevalence was highest for Ap (5.3%), followed by Bb (2.9%), and Ec (0.3%). Seropositivities to Ap and Bb were significantly higher in the Aland Islands (p <0.001), with prevalence of Ap and Bb antibodies of 45 and 20%, respectively. In healthy hunting dogs, seropositivity rates of 4% (2/50) and 2% (1/50) were recorded for Ap and Bb, respectively. One client-owned dog and one hunting dog, both healthy, were infected with Ap as determined by PCR, while being seronegative. For Bartonella spp., none of the dogs tested was positive by PCR. CONCLUSIONS: This study represents the first data of seroprevalence to tick borne diseases in the Finnish dog population. Our results indicate that dogs in Finland are exposed to vector borne diseases, with Ap being the most seroprevalent of the diseases tested, followed by Bb. Almost 50% of dogs living in Aland Islands were Ap seropositive. This finding suggests the possibility of a high incidence of Ap infection in humans in this region. Knowing the distribution of seroprevalence in dogs may help predict the pattern of a tick borne disease and may aid in diagnostic and prevention efforts.


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Este relatório foi realizado no âmbito da conclusão do mestrado integrado em medicina veterinária da Universidade de Évora, encontrando-se dividido em duas partes. A primeira é referente à casuística acompanhada ao longo do estágio curricular, decorrido no Hospital Veterinário do Restelo (HVR), com a duração de quatro meses, desde 03 de Agosto de 2015 a 06 de Dezembro de 2016, sob orientação da Doutora Sandra Branco e coorientação do Dr. Diogo Magno, subdiretor clínico do HVR. A segunda parte é constituída por uma monografia subordinada ao tema “Erliquiose Monocítica Canina”, seguida de um caso clínico acompanhado pelo autor no âmbito do referido tema. A erliquiose monocítica canina (EMC) é uma doença infeciosa transmitida por um vetor, o ixodídeo Riphicephalus sanguineus, cujos controlos químicos e ambientais são essenciais para reduzir a prevalência da doença. É causada por uma bactéria intracelular, Ehrlichia canis, que afeta o sistema imunitário dos cães, manifestando diferentes fases de evolução e podendo apresentar formas aguda e crónica da doença. O tratamento de primeira escolha é o uso da antibioterapia com tetraciclinas, dentre as quais a doxiciclina, para além do tratamento de suporte, como a fluidoterapia. O prognóstico é variável, dependendo da precocidade e eficiência da terapêutica instituída; ABSTRACT: The present report, wrote to get the master degree in veterinary medicine area, on Universidade de Évora, is divided up into two distinct parts. On one hand it describes the clinical situations’ roll, assisted through the experimental trainee, that took place on Hospital Veterinário do Restelo (HVR), for a period of four months, specifically since 3 august 2015 until 6 december 2015, and this trainee was led by Doctor Sandra Branco, and also the HVR’s clinical subdirector Dr. Diogo Magno. On other hand the second parts reveals a monograph titled “ehrlichiosis monocytic canine” (EMC), specifying a particular clinical case followed by the author. The EMC an infectious disease transmitted by a tick - Riphicephalus sanguineus – whose chemical controls and even the environmental ones are crucial to reduce the disease’s prevalence. The disease has an intracellular bacteria origin - Ehrlichia canis – responsability for the dog’s immune system infection, and it reveals different evolution phases and present acute or in some cases chronic forms. The treatment’s first step is to use an antibiotic with tetracycline that include doxycycline, and as a fluid’s therapy addition is use to do the supportive treatment. The diagnosis is variable so it depends on precocity evaluation and even on the therapeutics efficiencies.


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To identify DNA of the main tick-borne pathogens in dogs from Recife (Brazil), polymerase chain reactions were carried out on blood samples of dogs treated at the Veterinary Hospital of the Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco from March 2007 to June 2008. The detection of DNA was performed using specific primers. Amplicons were analyzed through electrophoresis and sequencing. A phylogenetic tree was constructed using the UPGMA method, revealing that the sequences were closely related to those of strains from other geographic regions. Among the 205 blood samples analyzed, 48.78% was positive for Anaplasma platys; 38.04% was positive for Ehrlichia canis; 7.31% was positive for Babesia canis vogeli; and 0.49% was positive for Hepatozoon canis and Mycoplasma haemocanis. Coinfection of two or three pathogens was found in 23.9% (49/205) of the dogs. The subspecies B. canis vogeli was identified. Infection by H. canis and M. haemocanis is reported for the first time in dogs in the state of Pernambuco (Brazil). The data indicate that the main tick-borne pathogens in dogs in this region are E. canis and/or A. platys, followed by B. canis vogeli.


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O trabalho realizado determinou a freqüência dos gêneros Babesia e Ehrlichia, em 250 caninos com suspeita clínica de hemoparasitose, atendidos no Hospital de Clínicas Veterinárias da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (HCV–UFRGS), clínicas e hospitais veterinários particulares. Foi analisada a influência da faixa etária e do gênero dos animais na positividade, assim como comparadas as colorações de Giemsa e Panótico Rápido. A pesquisa dos parasitas no sangue de caninos foi realizada através de esfregaços sangüíneos corados pelos métodos Giemsa e Panóptico Rápido. Das 250 amostras analisadas, 45 (18%) foram positivas para hemoparasitas, sendo que 7 (3%) eram animais com idade igual ou inferior a 1 ano (grupo I) e 38 (15%) animais a partir de 1 ano de idade (grupo II). O Teste Exato de Fisher aplicado aos dados revelou não haver diferença significativa entre os resultados encontrados nos animais do grupo I e do grupo II. A Odds ratio calculada para os dois grupos foi igual a 2,142. Os resultados obtidos através da metodologia proposta em função do gênero dos 250 animais pesquisados, envolveram 144 fêmeas, sendo 29 positivas e 106 machos, sendo 16 positivos. O Teste Exato de Fisher aplicado aos dados revelou também não haver diferença significativa entre os resultados encontrados entre machos e fêmeas de todas as idades. A Odds ratio calculada a partir dos dados encontrados foi igual a 0,7050. Em relação aos resultados obtidos com as colorações utilizadas, das 250 amostras analisadas, 26 amostras foram positivas com o kit Panótico Rápido, sendo 19 (7,6%) positivas para Ehrlichia spp e 7 (2,8%) para Babesia spp. Com a coloração de Giemsa, obteve-se 22 amostras positivas: 21 (8,4%) para Babesia spp e 1 (0,4%) para Ehrlichia spp. Apenas 3 amostras (1,2%) apresentaram-se positivas para Babesia spp nas duas colorações e nenhuma amostra foi positiva para Ehrlichia spp com as duas colorações. O teste de Mc Nemar aplicado a estes dados revelou que houve diferença significativa em relação às amostras positivas para Babesia spp pela coloração de Giemsa e pelo Panótico Rápido. A porcentagem de co-positividade e co-negatividade para as duas colorações foi de 14,3% e 98,2%, respectivamente, perfazendo uma porcentagem de concordância total de 91,2%, enquanto o valor Kappa calculado foi de 0,18. O teste de Mc Nemar apresentou uma diferença extremamente significativa nos esfregaços de animais positivos para Ehrlichia spp com as duas colorações utilizadas. A porcentagem de co-positividade e co-negatividade para as duas colorações foi de 0% e 92,3%, respectivamente, perfazendo uma porcentagem de concordância total de 92%, enquanto o valor Kappa calculado foi de 0 (zero). Com base nesses resultados, pode-se concluir que 18% dos animais analisados foram positivos para os hemoparasitos Babesia ou Ehrlichia e que tanto a variável gênero quanto a idade não apresentaram associação com a positividade. Além disso, o corante de Giemsa mostrou-se mais eficiente para o diagnóstico de babesiose canina, enquanto o kit Panótico Rápido foi mais eficiente para a detecção de erliquiose canina.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde Animal, 2015.


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1. The conservation status of the dingo Canis familiaris dingo is threatened by hybridization with the domestic dog C. familiaris familiaris. A practical method that can estimate the different levels of hybridization in the field is urgently required so that animals below a specific threshold of dingo ancestry (e.g. 1/4 or 1/2 dingoes) can reliably be identified and removed from dingo populations. 2. Skull morphology has been traditionally used to assess dingo purity, but this method does not discriminate between the different levels of dingo ancestry in hybrids. Furthermore, measurements can only be reliably taken from the skulls of dead animals. 3. Methods based on the analysis of variation in DNA are able to discriminate between the different levels of hybridization, but the validity of this method has been questioned because the materials currently used as a reference for dingoes are from captive animals of unproven genetic purity. The use of pre-European materials would improve the accuracy of this method, but suitable material has not been found in sufficient quantity to develop a reliable reference population. Furthermore, current methods based on DNA are impractical for the field-based discrimination of hybrids because samples require laboratory analysis. 4. Coat colour has also been used to estimate the extent of hybridization and is possibly the most practical method to apply in the field. However, this method may not be as powerful as genetic or morphological analyses because some hybrids (e.g. Australian cattle dog × dingo) are similar to dingoes in coat colour and body form. This problem may be alleviated by using additional visual characteristics such as the presence/absence of ticking and white markings.


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Dingoes and other wild dogs (Canis lupus dingo and hybrids) are generalist predators that consume a wide variety of different prey species within their range. Little is known, however, of the diets of dingoes in north-eastern Australia where the potential for impacts by dingoes exists. Recently new information has been provided on the diets of dingoes from several sites in Queensland, Australia, significantly adding to the body of published knowledge on ecosystems within this region. Further information on the diet of dingoes in north-eastern Australia is added from 1460 scats collected from five sites, representing tropical savannahs, tropical offshore islands (and a matched mainland area), dry sclerophyll forests and peri-urban areas on the fringe of Townsville. Macropods, possums and bandicoots were found to be common prey for dingoes in these areas. Evidence suggested that the frequency of prey remains in scats can be an unreliable indicator of predation risk to potential prey and it was found that novel and unexpected prey species appear in dingo diets as preferred prey become unavailable. The results support the generalisation that dingoes prefer medium- to large-sized native prey species when available but also highlight the capacity for dingoes to exploit populations of both large and small prey species that might not initially be considered at risk from predation based solely on data on scats.


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Ribosomal phosphoproteins of Microsporum canis labelled in vivo were characterised by two-dimensional and SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. A small subunit protein, S6, was the only phosphoprotein identified in 40S and 80S in basic-acidic two-dimensional gels. Three different forms of phosphorylated S6 were also observed in 40S subunit. On SDS gels five phosphoproteins were identified in 80S; of these three were present in 40S and two in 60S. S6 was the only basic phosphoprotein, while the other four were acidic.


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The characteristics of an in vitro polyuridylic acid dependent amino acid incorporating system prepared from germinating macroconidia of Microsporum canis are described. The incorporation of 14C-phenylalanine into polyphenylalanine is dependent on S-30 extract, adenosine triphosphate, magnesium ions and polyuridylic acid. Incorporation is slightly enhanced by yeast transfer ribonucleic acid and pyruvate kinase. The system is highly sensitive to ribonuclease, puromycin and miconazole (an antifungal agent), moderately sensitive to sodium fluoride and much less sensitive to phenethylalcohol, cycloheximide, chloramphenicol and deoxyribonuclease. Cell-free extract from ungerminated conidia has less capacity to synthesize the protein and during germination a marked increase in the protein synthetic activity is observed. The results from experiments wherein ribosomes and S-100 fraction from germinated and ungerminated spores are interchanged, revealed that the defect in the extract from the ungerminated spore is in the ribosomes.


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The characteristics of an in vitro polyuridylic acid dependent amino acid incorporating system prepared from germinating macroconidia of Microsporum canis are described. The incorporation of 14C-phenylalanine into polyphenylalanine is dependent on S-30 extract, adenosine triphosphate, magnesium ions and polyuridylic acid. Incorporation is slightly enhanced by yeast transfer ribonucleic acid and pyruvate kinase. The system is highly sensitive to ribonuclease, puromycin and miconazole (an antifungal agent), moderately sensitive to sodium fluoride and much less sensitive to phenethylalcohol, cycloheximide, chloramphenicol and deoxyribonuclease. Cell-free extract from ungerminated conidia has less capacity to synthesize the protein and during germination a marked increase in the protein synthetic activity is observed. The results from experiments wherein ribosomes and S-100 fraction from germinated and ungerminated spores are interchanged, revealed that the defect in the extract from the ungerminated spore is in the ribosomes.


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Native and derived ribosomal particles from the mycelial cells of Microsporum canis grown in the presence and absence of cycloheximide were compared by CsCl equilibrium density gradient centrifugation. Since the buoyant densities of ribonucleoprotein complexes are dependent on the protein-RNA ratio, they reflect the composition of these particles. The native monosomes from cells grown in the presence and absence of cycloheximide had a buoyant density of 1.585 g/cc. The native 60S subunits showed a density of 1.540 g/cc from cells grown in both presence and absence of cycloheximide, while the derived subunits showed a density of 1.610 g/cc. The derived 40S subunits had a density of 1.550 g/cc while the native 40S showed a major species of density 1.535 g/cc with three other minor species ranging in densities from 1.450-1.390 g/cc. The mycelia grown in the presence of cycloheximide showed an increased proportion of native 40S subunits in the density range of 1.450-1.390 g/cc, indicating that the drug enhances factor binding to native ribosomal subunits in M. canis.


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In animal populations, the constraints of energy and time can cause intraspecific variation in foraging behaviour. The proximate developmental mediators of such variation are often the mechanisms underlying perception and associative learning. Here, experience-dependent changes in foraging behaviour and their consequences were investigated in an urban population of free-ranging dogs, Canis familiaris by continually challenging them with the task of food extraction from specially crafted packets. Typically, males and pregnant/lactating (PL) females extracted food using the sophisticated `gap widening' technique, whereas non-pregnant/non-lactating (NPNL) females, the relatively underdeveloped `rip opening' technique. In contrast to most males and PL females (and a few NPNL females) that repeatedly used the gap widening technique and improved their performance in food extraction with experience, most NPNL females (and a few males and PL females) non-preferentially used the two extraction techniques and did not improve over successive trials. Furthermore, the ability of dogs to sophisticatedly extract food was positively related to their ability to improve their performance with experience. Collectively, these findings demonstrate that factors such as sex and physiological state can cause differences among individuals in the likelihood of learning new information and hence, in the rate of resource acquisition and monopolization.