942 resultados para Editor colaborativo


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Este trabalho apresenta um framework para editores distribuídos de manipulação colaborativa de documentos diagramáticos (FreDoc). FreDoc fornece um conjunto de classes que propicia um ambiente distribuído para edição colaborativa de diagramas de duas dimensões. Ele é constituído de 4 pacotes de classes: 1) de controle de acesso; 2) de controle de edição; 3) formas geométricas básicas; e 4) editor distribuído. Além disso, é apresentado um estudo sobre mecanismos para construção de editores distribuídos. Editores distribuídos são ferramentas úteis no processo de criação de documentos em um ambiente colaborativo tal como a World Wide Web. O uso de editores distribuídos torna o processo de colaboração mais rápido, pois o colaborador participa ativamente do processo de construção através da inserção de anotações que. Estas anotações podem ser aceitas ou rejeitadas total ou parcialmente pelo ou coordenador. Por fim, é descrito um protótipo, o FreDocUML, desenvolvido para testar a aplicação do framewrok FreDoc, mostrando um processo colaborativo de edição de diagrama de classes na notação UML é descrito.


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Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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Número monográfico dedicado a las I Jorandas Telspain de Proyectos de I + D en Tecnologías para el Aprendizaje en España.Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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Este trabalho apresenta a proposta de um editor de diagramas hierárquico e colaborativo. Este editor tem por objetivo permitir a especificação colaborativa de circuitos através de representações gráficas. O Blade (Block And Diagram Editor), como foi chamado, permite especificações em nível lógico, usando esquemas lógicos simples, bem como esquemas hierárquicos. Ao final da montagem do circuito, a ferramenta gera uma descrição textual do sistema num formato netlist padrão. A fim de permitir especificações em diferentes níveis de abstração, o editor deve ser estendido a outras formas de diagramas, portanto seu modelo de dados deve ter flexibilidade a fim de facilitar futuras extensões. O Blade foi implementado em Java para ser inserido no Cave, um ambiente distribuído de apoio ao projeto de circuitos integrados, através do qual a ferramenta pode ser invocada e acessada remotamente. O Cave disponibiliza um serviço de colaboração que foi incorporado na ferramenta e através do qual o editor suporta o trabalho cooperativo, permitindo que os projetistas compartilhem dados de projeto, troquem mensagens de texto e, de forma colaborativa, construam uma representação gráfica do sistema. Objetivando fundamentar a proposta da nova ferramenta, é apresentado um estudo sobre ferramentas gráficas para especificação de sistemas, mais especificamente sobre editores de esquemáticos. A partir dessa revisão, do estudo do ambiente Cave e da metodologia de colaboração a ser suportada, fez-se a especificação do editor, a partir da qual implementou-se o protótipo do Blade. Além do editor, este trabalho contribuiu para a construção de uma API, um conjunto de classes Java que será disponibilizado no Cave e poderá ser utilizado no desenvolvimento de novas ferramentas. Foram realizados estudos sobre técnicas de projeto orientado a objeto, incluindo arquiteturas de software reutilizáveis e padrões de projeto de software, que foram utilizados na modelagem e na implementação da ferramenta, a fim de garantir a flexibilidade do editor e a reusabilidade de suas classes. Este trabalho também contribui com um estudo de modelagem de primitivas de projeto de sistemas. No modelo orientado a objetos utilizado no editor, podem ser encontradas construções muito utilizadas em diferentes ferramentas de projeto de sistemas, tais como hierarquia de projeto e instanciação de componentes e que, portanto, podem ser reutilizadas para a modelagem de novas ferramentas.


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Dada la gran importancia de los contenidos para el éxito del proceso de formación es necesario desarrollar herramientas que permitan la creación de los mismos de una manera simple, eficaz y motivadora. Actualmente, su proceso de creación es largo y costoso, teniendo que llevarlo a cabo expertos cirujanos docentes en estrecha colaboración con técnicos especialistas en herramientas de edición y creación de contenidos multimedia. El presente trabajo de investigación presenta una nueva herramienta de autoría que permite la creación y edición de contenidos didácticos multimedia que son utilizados en el proceso de formación de los cirujanos. La herramienta incorpora un editor multimedia de vídeos laparoscópicos, capaz de realizar un procesamiento y agregar valor didáctico a los vídeos originales. La herramienta de autoría se incorpora en un entorno de formación web que permite crear, compartir y reutilizar contenidos didácticos basados en la edición de vídeo laparoscópico.


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Perspectiva de las novedades más destacadas en maquinaria recientes y los premios de la feria SIMA 2015 de París


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Firstly, the authors would like to thank the editor for the opportunity to respond to Dr Al-Azri’s and Dr Al-Maniri’s letter. Secondly, while the current authors also accept that deterrence-based approaches should act as only one corner-stone of a suite of interventions and public policy initiatives designed to improve road safety, deterrence-based approaches have nonetheless consistently proven to be a valuable resource to improve road safety. Dr Al-Azri and Dr Al-Maniri reinforce their assertion about the limited utility of deterrence by citing drink driving research, and the issue of drink driving is particularly relevant within the current context given that the problem of driving after drinking has historically been addressed through deterrence-based approaches. While the effectiveness of deterrence-based approaches to reduce drink driving will always be dependent upon a range of situational and contextual factors (including police enforcement practices, cultural norms, etc), the utilisation of this approach has proven particularly effective within Queensland, Australia. For example, a relatively recent comprehensive review of Random Breath Testing in Queensland demonstrated that this initiative not only had a deterrent impact upon self-reported intentions to drink and drive, but was also found to have significantly reduced alcohol-related fatalities in the state. However, the authors agree that deterrence-based approaches can be particularly transient and thus require constant “topping up” not least through sustained public reinforcement, which was clearly articulated in the seminal work by Homel.


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...the probabilistic computer simulation study by Dunham and colleagues evaluating the impact of different cervical spine management (CSM) strategies on tetraplegia and brain injury outcomes.1 Based on literature findings, expert opinion and with use of advances programming techniques the authors conclude that early collar removal without cervical spine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a preferable CSM strategy for comatose, blunt trauma patients with extremity movement and a negative cervical spine computed tomography(CT) scan. Although we do not have the required expertise to comment on the applied statistical approach, we would like to comment on one of the medical assumptions raised by the authors, namely the likelihood of tetraplegia in this specific population....


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Letter to the Editor of New England Journal of Medicine on behalf of the Cochrane Systematic Review team.


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To the Editor: Chaudhry et al. suggest that enhanced support in the use of a telephone-based interactive voice-response system for patients recently discharged after worsening heart failure does not improve outcomes. This finding is broadly consistent with previous systematic reviews of telephone support1 and contrasts with the substantial effect observed with home telemonitoring of vital signs in similar populations.1 The treatment of patients in the control group was excellent, but unrepresentative of usual clinical care and not inferior to the treatment of patients receiving enhanced support. Monitoring alone is unlikely to improve outcomes but may do so when it improves prescription of or adherence to lifesaving treatments. Given enough resources, traditional methods for delivering care may render an interactive voice-response system or a home telemonitoring system ineffective. Nonetheless, there may be more cost-efficient approaches to ensuring quality care.2 Informal post hoc addition of these data to our recent meta-analysis of telephone support1 does not substantially alter the point estimates for death from any cause or heart-failure−related hospitalizations, but it does nullify the small benefit in hospitalizations for any cause, which may not be reduced by a heart-failure−focused intervention.1 Original article: Telemonitoring in Patients with Heart Failure NEJM. December 9, 2010 | S.I. Chaudhry and Others


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It is a very rare event when a book by a senior Chinese policy adviser gets published in English. More often the accepted format is biography or auto-biography, generally published once the person has retired. This book was first published by Xinhua Press in Chinese in a longer version in 2009. Initially it was directed at the Chinese reader, more specifically the Chinese cultural academic, and for this reason some of the material is not repeated in this abridged version. Nevertheless, it is important to point out that the author represents four speaking positions, and the messages that emerge from this work need to be contextualized accordingly.


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The five articles appearing in this issue reflect the depth of project management research in terms of delineating and clarifying the different philosophical positions, advancing the concepts, and applying innovative research methods. These articles focus on the ontology of project management research (“Foundations of Project Management Research: An Explicit and Six-Facet Ontological Framework” by Gauthier and Ika), project management practices relevant to different types of projects from a practitioner’s perspective (“An Empirical Identification of Project Management Toolsets and a Comparison Among Project Types” by Besner and Hobbs), the effect of project management processes on project performance (“Project Management Knowledge and Effects on Construction Project Outcomes: An Empirical Study” by Chou and Yang), determining the success metrics at different stages of a project (“A Perspective Based Understanding of Project Success” by McLeod, Doolin, and MacDonell), and identifying project success parameters and critical success factors from the point of view of different project actors in largescale projects (“Forecasting Success on Large Projects: Developing Reliable Scales to Predict Multiple Perspectives by Multiple Stakeholders Over Multiple Time Frames” by Turner and Zolin), and understanding project success from the points of view of different project stakeholders...


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In this issue of the Journal, the articles presented to the readers cover the breadth and depth of project management research and practice by addressing the relationship between project strategy and managing projects (Patanakul and Shenhar, “What Project Strategy Really Is: The Fundamental Building Block in Strategic Project Management”), on the need to align corporate strategy with program management (Ritson, Johansen, and Osborne, “Successful Programs Wanted: Exploring the Impact of Alignment”), identifying metrics to measure program success across project contexts (Shao, Müller, and Turner, “Measuring Program Success”), managing individual projects by identifying major risks in customer relationship management (CRM) implementation projects (Papadopoulos, Ojiako, Chipulu, and Lee, “The Criticality of Risk Factors in Customer Relationship Management Projects”), application of earned value management (EVM) to aerospace projects (Kwak and Anbari, “History, Practices, and Future of Earned Value Management in Government: Perspectives From NASA”), and capturing tacit knowledge of construction project professionals to determine the optimal construction site layout (Abdul-Rahman, Wang, and Siong, “Knowledge Acquisition Using Psychotherapy Technique for Critical Factors Influencing Construction Project Layout Planning”)...