550 resultados para Ectodomain shedding


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Zu den Liganden des Zelloberflächenrezeptors RAGE gehören AGEs, S100-Proteine, HMGB1 und Aβ. RAGE wird daher eine Rolle bei verschiedenen neurologischen Erkrankungen sowie Diabetes, Arteriosklerose und Krebs zugesprochen. Des Weiteren geht eine Verringerung der Menge an sRAGE häufig mit diesen Krankheiten einher. Aus diesen Gründen stellt die pharmakologische Stimulierung der Proteolyse von RAGE eine vielversprechende Therapieform dar. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass eine Steigerung der sRAGE-Bildung über PAC1-, V2- und OT-Rezeptoren möglich ist. Die Untersuchung der PAC1-Signalwege zeigte, dass PKCα/PKCβI, CaMKII, Ca2+-Ionen, PI3-Kinase und der MAP-Kinase-Weg wichtig für die Stimulierung sind und dass der PKA-Weg nicht beteiligt ist. Die dreimonatige Behandlung von Mäusen mit PACAP-38 weist darauf hin, dass eine Stimulierung des Ectodomain Sheddings von RAGE auch in vivo erfolgen kann. Die Untersuchung der Signalwege, ausgehend von den V2- und OT-Rezeptoren, zeigte, dass ebenfalls PKCα/PKCβI, CaMKII, Ca2+-Ionen zur Aktivierung der Proteasen führen, dagegen konnte weder ein Einfluss des PKA- noch des MAP-Kinase-Weges festgestellt werden. Außerdem wurden sowohl MMP-9 als auch ADAM-10 als RAGE-spaltende Proteasen identifiziert. Die nähere Untersuchung der RAGE-Spaltstelle erbrachte, dass keine spezifische Sequenz, sondern vielmehr die Sekundärstruktur eine Rolle bei der Erkennung durch die Proteasen spielt. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde weiterhin ein anti-RAGE Antikörper anhand einer neu entwickelten Methode zunächst gereinigt und dann erfolgreich an ein mit dem Fluoreszenzfarbstoff Rhodamin markiertes Polymer gekoppelt. Die Stimulierung der Proteolyse von Meprin β wurde auch untersucht und es konnte ebenfalls eine Beteiligung von ADAM-10 an der Spaltung nachgewiesen werden.


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The multiligand Receptor for Advanced Glycation End products (RAGE) is involved in various pathophysiological processes, including diabetic inflammatory conditions and Alzheimers disease. Full-length RAGE, a cell surface-located type I membrane protein, can proteolytically be converted by metalloproteinases ADAM10 and MMP9 into a soluble RAGE form. Moreover, administration of recombinant soluble RAGE suppresses activation of cell surface-located RAGE by trapping RAGE ligands. Therefore stimulation of RAGE shedding might have a therapeutic value regarding inflammatory diseases. We aimed to investigate whether RAGE shedding is inducible via ligand-induced activation of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). We chose three different GPCRs coupled to distinct signaling cascades: the V2 vasopressin receptor (V2R) activating adenylyl cyclase, the oxytocin receptor (OTR) linked to phospholipase Cβ, and the PACAP receptor (subtype PAC1) coupled to adenylyl cyclase, phospholipase Cβ, calcium signaling and MAP kinases. We generated HEK cell lines stably coexpressing an individual GPCR and full-length RAGE and then investigated GPCR ligand-induced activation of RAGE shedding. We found metalloproteinase-mediated RAGE shedding on the cell surface to be inducible via ligand-specific activation of all analyzed GPCRs. By using specific inhibitors we have identified Ca2+ signaling, PKCα/PKCβI, CaMKII, PI3 kinases and MAP kinases to be involved in PAC1 receptor-induced RAGE shedding. We detected an induction of calcium signaling in all our cell lines coexpressing RAGE and different GPCRs after agonist treatment. However, we did not disclose a contribution of adenylyl cyclase in RAGE shedding induction. Furthermore, by using a selective metalloproteinase inhibitor and siRNAmediated knock-down approaches, we show that ADAM10 and/or MMP9 are playing important roles in constitutive and PACAP-induced RAGE shedding. We also found that treatment of mice with PACAP increases the amount of soluble RAGE in the mouse lung. Our findings suggest that pharmacological stimulation of RAGE shedding might open alternative treatment strategies for Alzheimers disease and diabetes-induced inflammation.


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ADAM17, which is also known as TNF alpha-converting enzyme, is the major sheddase for the EGF receptor ligands and is considered to be one of the main proteases responsible for the ectodomain shedding of surface proteins. How a membrane-anchored proteinase with an extracellular catalytic domain can be activated by inside-out regulation is not completely understood. We characterized thioredoxin-1 (Trx-1) as a partner of the ADAM17 cytoplasmic domain that could be involved in the regulation of ADAM17 activity. We induced the overexpression of the ADAM17 cytoplasmic domain in HEK293 cells, and ligands able to bind this domain were identified by MS after protein immunoprecipitation. Trx-1 was also validated as a ligand of the ADAM17 cytoplasmic domain and full-length ADAM17 recombinant proteins by immunoblotting, immunolocalization, and solid phase binding assay. In addition, using nuclear magnetic resonance, it was shown in vitro that the titration of the ADAM17 cytoplasmic domain promotes changes in the conformation of Trx-1. The MS analysis of the cross-linked complexes showed cross-linking between the two proteins by lysine residues. To further evaluate the functional role of Trx-1, we used a heparin-binding EGF shedding cell model and observed that the overexpression of Trx-1 in HEK293 cells could decrease the activity of ADAM17, activated by either phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate or EGF. This study identifies Trx-1 as a novel interaction partner of the ADAM17 cytoplasmic domain and suggests that Trx-1 is a potential candidate that could be involved in ADAM17 activity regulation.


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Die im Laufe der Evolution konservierte Genfamilie des Amyloid-Vorläufer-Proteins APP beinhaltet sowohl bei der Maus als auch beim Menschen die beiden APP-ähnlichen ProteineAPLP1 und APLP2. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die proteolytische Prozessierung des APLP2 zu charakterisieren und die beteiligten Proteasen aufzuzeigen. Ausgehend von Stimulations- und Inhibitionsversuchen wurde die Metzincin-Familie der Metalloproteinasen als APLP2-Proteasen identifiziert. Durch Überexpression von ADAM10 und TACE (ADAM17) konnten zwei wichtige Prozessierungs-Enzyme des APLP2 charakterisiert werden. Damit wurde zum ersten Mal eine α-Sekretase-ähnliche Enzymaktivität analog zu der Spaltung des APP an APLP2 beschrieben. Untersuchungen an ADAM10-transgenen Mäusen bestätigten die proteolytische Prozessierung des APLP2 in vivo. Durch die Untersuchung neuronaler Differenzierung mit Retinsäure und Apoptose in Neuroblastoma-Zellen gelang der Nachweis einer funktionellen Koregulation von APLP2 und seiner Protease ADAM10, die zu einer erhöhten Freisetzung des neurotrophen löslichen APLP2 bei der Differenzierung und zu einer Reduktion bei Apoptose führt. In den Gehirnen von Alzheimer-Patienten gibt es sowohl Hinweise auf einen gestörten Vitamin A Metabolismus als auch auf verstärkte apoptotische Vorgänge, so dass hier erstmalig eine Verknüpfung der APLP2-Proteolyse mit zwei pathogenen Prozessen des Morbus Alzheimergezeigt werden konnten. Eine therapeutische Aktivierung der α-Sekretasen hätte die verstärkte Bildung von neurotrophem APPsα und APLP2s zur Folge. Es bestünde jedoch gleichzeitig die Gefahr von Nebenwirkungen durch die Spaltung weiterer Substrate wie der Notch-Rezeptoren oder des Prionenproteins. In dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass Notch-1 prinzipiell ein Substrat für ADAM10 darstellt, die Auswirkungen in vivo jedoch begrenzt und altersabhängig sind. Für das Prionenprotein ergab sich keine direkte Beeinflussung durch eine Spaltung, sondern vielmehr eine Expressionsminderung durch die Überexpression von ADAM10 in Mäusen. Die Inkubationszeit bei der Prionenerkrankung hängt von der Menge des endogenen zellulären Prionenproteins ab. Daher ergibt sich aus einer Steigerung der α-Sekretase-Aktivität eine potentielle Prävention gegenüber einer Infektion mit der pathogenen Scrapie-Form des Prionenproteins.


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RAGE mediates diverse physiological and pathological effects by binding a variety of ligands. Despite incomplete understanding of RAGE-mediated disorders soluble RAGE (sRAGE) has been identified as a potential biomarker for RAGE-related diseases and possibly represents a hopeful pharmaceutical against RAGE-mediated disorders. Nevertheless, the source of sRAGE remains poorly investigated. Currently sRAGE is thought to be derived exclusively from alternative splicing of mRNA. In this thesis it was investigated whether sRAGE can also be released as a result of ectodomain shedding of full-length RAGE. Using cells overexpressing RAGE as a model system, it was demonstrated clearly that RAGE undergoes ectodomain shedding in both constitutive and regulated manner. Several stimuli including PMA, AMPA, calcium and chelerythrine stimulated the release of sRAGE into cell culture medium. Moreover, possible mechanisms that regulate ectodomain shedding of RAGE were investigated and it was found that shedding of RAGE is likely independent from PKC and MAPK pathways. By using gain of function and loss of function approaches MMP9 but not ADAM10, ADAM17 or MT1-MMP was characterized as the metalloproteinase that mediates shedding of RAGE. Furthermore, it was shown that cytoplasmic domain of RAGE is not essential for shedding of RAGE. In addition, the potential cleavage site of RAGE by MMP9 was investigated and a lack of sequence specificity for the RAGE processing proteinase was demonstrated by mutation analysis. Finally the physiopathological significance of shedding of RAGE is discussed. In conclusion, for the first time ectodomain shedding of human RAGE and the underlying regulatory mechanisms were investigated. The data open a new field for modulation of RAGE shedding as a novel intervention approach against RAGE-mediated diseases.


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Ectodomain shedding at the cell surface is a major mechanism to regulate the extracellular and circulatory concentration or the activities of signaling proteins at the plasma membrane. Human meprin β is a 145-kDa disulfide-linked homodimeric multidomain type-I membrane metallopeptidase that sheds membrane-bound cytokines and growth factors, thereby contributing to inflammatory diseases, angiogenesis, and tumor progression. In addition, it cleaves amyloid precursor protein (APP) at the β-secretase site, giving rise to amyloidogenic peptides. We have solved the X-ray crystal structure of a major fragment of the meprin β ectoprotein, the first of a multidomain oligomeric transmembrane sheddase, and of its zymogen. The meprin β dimer displays a compact shape, whose catalytic domain undergoes major rearrangement upon activation, and reveals an exosite and a sugar-rich channel, both of which possibly engage in substrate binding. A plausible structure-derived working mechanism suggests that substrates such as APP are shed close to the plasma membrane surface following an "N-like" chain trace.


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Glycoprotein (GP) Ib-IX complex, the second most abundant receptor expressed on the platelet surface, plays critical roles in haemostasis and thrombosis by binding to its ligand, von Willebrand factor (vWF). Defect or malfunction of the complex leads to severe bleeding disorders, heart attack or stroke. Comprised of three type I transmembrane subunits—GPIbα, GPIbβ and GPIX, efficient expression of the GPIb-IX complex requires all three subunits, as evident from genetic mutations identified in the patients and reproduced in transfected Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. However, how the subunits are assembled together and how the complex function is regulated is not fully clear. By probing the interactions among the three subunits in transfected cells, we have demonstrated that the transmembrane domains of the three subunits interact with one another, facilitating formation of the two membrane-proximal disulfide bonds between GPIbα and GPIbβ. We have also identified the interface between extracellular domains of GPIbβ and GPIX, and provided evidence suggesting a direct interaction between extracellular domains of GPIbα and GPIX. All of these interactions are not only critical for correct assembly and consequently efficient expression of the GPIb-IX complex on the cell surface, but also for its function, such as the proper ligand binding, since removing the two inter-subunit disulfide bonds significantly hampers vWF binding to the complex under both static and physiological flow conditions. The two inter-subunit disulfide bonds are also critical for regulating the ectodomain shedding of GPIbα by the GPIbβ cytoplasmic domain. Mutations in the juxtamembrane region of the GPIbβ cytoplasmic domain deregulate GPIbα shedding, and such deregulation is further enhanced when the two inter-subunit disulfide bonds are removed. In summary, we have established the overall organization of the GPIb-IX complex, and the importance of proper organization on its function. ^


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Despite existing knowledge about the role of the A Disintegrin and Metalloproteinase 10 (ADAM10) as the α-secretase involved in the non-amyloidogenic processing of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) and Notch signalling we have only limited information about its regulation. In this study, we have identified ADAM10 interactors using a split ubiquitin yeast two hybrid approach. Tetraspanin 3 (Tspan3), which is highly expressed in the murine brain and elevated in brains of Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients, was identified and confirmed to bind ADAM10 by co-immunoprecipitation experiments in mammalian cells in complex with APP and the γ-secretase protease presenilin. Tspan3 expression increased the cell surface levels of its interacting partners and was mainly localized in early and late endosomes. In contrast to the previously described ADAM10-binding tetraspanins, Tspan3 did not affect the endoplasmic reticulum to plasma membrane transport of ADAM10. Heterologous Tspan3 expression significantly increased the appearance of carboxy-terminal cleavage products of ADAM10 and APP, whereas N-cadherin ectodomain shedding appeared unaffected. Inhibiting the endocytosis of Tspan3 by mutating a critical cytoplasmic tyrosine-based internalization motif led to increased surface expression of APP and ADAM10. After its downregulation in neuroblastoma cells and in brains of Tspan3-deficient mice, ADAM10 and APP levels appeared unaltered possibly due to a compensatory increase in the expression of Tspans 5 and 7, respectively. In conclusion, our data suggest that Tspan3 acts in concert with other tetraspanins as a stabilizing factor of active ADAM10, APP and the γ-secretase complex at the plasma membrane and within the endocytic pathway.


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The human mitochondrial Hsp70, also called mortalin, is of considerable importance for mitochondria biogenesis and the correct functioning of the cell machinery. In the mitochondrial matrix, mortalin acts in the importing and folding process of nucleus-encoded proteins. The in vivo deregulation of mortalin expression and/or function has been correlated with age-related diseases and certain cancers due to its interaction with the p53 protein. In spite of its critical biological roles, structural and functional studies on mortalin are limited by its insoluble recombinant production. This study provides the first report of the production of folded and soluble recombinant mortalin when co-expressed with the human Hsp70-escort protein 1, but it is still likely prone to self-association. The monomeric fraction of mortalin presented a slightly elongated shape and basal ATPase activity that is higher than that of its cytoplasmic counterpart Hsp70-1A, suggesting that it was obtained in the functional state. Through small angle X-ray scattering, we assessed the low-resolution structural model of monomeric mortalin that is characterized by an elongated shape. This model adequately accommodated high resolution structures of Hsp70 domains indicating its quality. We also observed that mortalin interacts with adenosine nucleotides with high affinity. Thermally induced unfolding experiments indicated that mortalin is formed by at least two domains and that the transition is sensitive to the presence of adenosine nucleotides and that this process is dependent on the presence of Mg2+ ions. Interestingly, the thermal-induced unfolding assays of mortalin suggested the presence of an aggregation/association event, which was not observed for human Hsp70-1A, and this finding may explain its natural tendency for in vivo aggregation. Our study may contribute to the structural understanding of mortalin as well as to contribute for its recombinant production for antitumor compound screenings.


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We try to shed some light oil the question of wily technology-intensive businesses often fail in less-developed countries and under what circumstances they are likely to be a Success from the perspective of both domestic and export markets. The answers were drawn from a set of empirical evidences from Brazilian firms applying photonics technologies. Sonic of the issues faced by them are related to the question of state versus private initiative, entering traditional versus niche market, and technology transfer versus product development management. In overall, we concluded that weakness of the institutions and inadequacy of social and organizational demography play a key role in explaining to a large extent wily countries differ in technological development and diffusion. In this context, we point out obstacles, which must be removed in order to make public policies and firm`s achievements more efficient. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We present a novel protein crystallization strategy, applied to the crystallization of human T cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) transmembrane protein gp21 lacking the fusion peptide and the transmembrane domain, as a chimera with the Escherichia coli maltose binding protein (MBP). Crystals could not be obtained with a MBP/gp21 fusion protein in which fusion partners were separated by a flexible linker, but were obtained after connecting the MBP C-terminal alpha-helix to the predicted N-terminal alpha-helical sequence of gp21 via three alanine residues. The gp21 sequences conferred a trimeric structure to the soluble fusion proteins as assessed by sedimentation equilibrium and X-ray diffraction, consistent with the trimeric structures of other retroviral transmembrane proteins. The envelope protein precursor, gp62, is likewise trimeric when expressed in mammalian cells. Our results suggest that MBP may have a general application for the crystallization of proteins containing N-terminal alpha-helical sequences.


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Retroviral entry into cells depends on envelope glycoproteins, whereby receptor binding to the surface-exposed subunit triggers membrane fusion by the transmembrane protein (TM) subunit. We determined the crystal structure at 2.5-Angstrom resolution of the ectodomain of gp21, the TM from human T cell leukemia virus type 1. The gp21 fragment was crystallized as a maltose-binding protein chimera, and the maltose-binding protein domain was used to solve the initial phases by the method of molecular replacement. The structure of gp21 comprises an N-terminal trimeric coiled coil, an adjacent disulfide-bonded loop that stabilizes a chain reversal, and a C-terminal sequence structurally distinct from HIV type 1/simian immunodeficiency virus gp41 that packs against the coil in an extended antiparallel fashion. Comparison of the gp21 structure with the structures of other retroviral TMs contrasts the conserved nature of the coiled coil-forming region and adjacent disulfide-bonded loop with the variable nature of the C-terminal ectodomain segment. The structure points to these features having evolved to enable the dual roles of retroviral TMs: conserved fusion function and an ability to anchor diverse surface-exposed subunit structures to the virion envelope and infected cell surface. The structure of gp21 implies that the N-terminal fusion peptide is in close proximity to the C-terminal transmembrane domain and likely represents a postfusion conformation.


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Objective: To determine whether coinfection with sexually transmitted diseases (STD) increases HIV shedding in genital-tract secretions, and whether STD treatment reduces this shedding. Design: Systematic review and data synthesis of cross-sectional and cohort studies meeting. predefined quality criteria. Main Outcome Measures: Proportion of patients with and without a STD who had detectable HIV in genital secretions, HIV toad in genital secretions, or change following STD treatment. Results: Of 48 identified studies, three cross-sectional and three cohort studies were included. HIV was detected significantly more frequently in participants infected with Neisseria gonorrhoeae (125 of 309 participants, 41%) than in those without N gonorrhoeae infection (311 of 988 participants, 32%; P = 0.004). HIV was not significantly more frequently detected in persons infected with Chlamydia trachomatis (28 of 67 participants, 42%) than in those without C trachomatis infection (375 of 1149 participants, 33%; P = 0.13). Median HIV load reported in only one study was greater in men with urethritis (12.4 x 10(4) versus 1.51 x 10(4) copies/ml; P = 0.04). In the only cohort study in which this could be fully assessed, treatment of women with any STD reduced the proportion of those with detectable HIV from 39% to 29% (P = 0.05), whereas this proportion remained stable among controls (15-17%), A second cohort study reported fully on HIV load; among men with urethritis, viral load fell from 12.4 to 4.12 x 10(4) copies/ml 2 weeks posttreatment, whereas viral load remained stable in those without urethritis. Conclusion: Few high-quality studies were found. HIV is detected moderately more frequently in genital secretions of men and women with a STD, and HIV load is substantially increased among men with urethritis, Successful STD treatment reduces both of these parameters, but not to control levels. More high-quality studies are needed to explore this important relationship further.


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Neospora caninum is one of the most important causes of abortion in dairy cattle worldwide. The distribution of N. caninum in tissues of adult cattle is unknown and the parasite has not been demonstrated histologically in tissues of cows. In the present study the distribution of N. caninum in different tissues of adult cattle was evaluated by bioassays in dogs. Seventeen dogs (2-3 month-old) were fed different tissues of 4 naturally exposed adult cattle (indirect fluorescent antibody test N. caninum titer >= 400): 5 were fed with masseter: 5 with heart, 3 with liver, 4 with brain, and 3 pups were used as non-infected control. Two dogs fed masseter, 2 fed heart, 1 fed liver, and 3 fed brain shed oocysts, and all dogs presented no seroconvertion to N. caninum during the observation period of 4 weeks. The oocysts were confirmed as N. caninum based on the detection of N. caninum-specific DNA by PCR and sequencing. The results indicate that dogs can be infected by N. caninum with different tissues of infected cattle. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We investigated the exposure to antibiotics in the production of antibiotic-mutant strains of Salmonella. Ten isolates of poultry origin were assayed for antibiotic susceptibilities. One strain of Salmonella Enteritidis, one of Salmonella Heidelberg, and one of Salmonella Typhimurium were selected to induce antimicrobial resistance. Each strain was exposed to high concentrations of streptomycin, rifampicin, and nalidixic acid, respectively. Parent and antibiotic-mutant strains were assayed for antibiotic susceptibilities using a commercial microdilution test and the disk susceptibility test. The strains were assessed for virulence genes and evaluated for fecal shedding, cecal colonization, organ invasion, and mean Salmonella counts after inoculation in 1-day-old chicks. The study revealed that exposure to high concentrations of streptomycin produced the antibiotic-mutant strain SE/LABOR/USP/08 and the exposure to rifampicin produced the antibiotic-mutant SH/LABOR/USP/08. These strains showed significantly reduced fecal shedding (P = 0.05) and organ invasion, persisting less than the parental strains and showing no clinical signs in inoculated chicks. High concentrations of nalidixic acid produced the antibiotic-mutant strain ST/LABOR/USP/08, which did not show any differences compared with the parent strain. Likewise, SE/LABOR/USP/08 did not show the expression of plasmid-encoded fimbriae (pefA) and plasmid virulence protein (spvC), suggesting that after exposure to streptomycin, the parent isolate lost the original gene expression, reducing fecal shedding and organ invasion in inoculated chicks.