926 resultados para EXTERNAL EXCITATIONS
Uncertainties in damping estimates can significantly affect the dynamic response of a given flexible structure. A common practice in linear structural dynamics is to consider a linear viscous damping model as the major energy dissipation mechanism. However, it is well known that different forms of energy dissipation can affect the structure's dynamic response. The major goal of this paper is to address the effects of the turbulent frictional damping force, also known as drag force on the dynamic behavior of a typical flexible structure composed of a slender cantilever beam carrying a lumped-mass on the tip. First, the system's analytical equation is obtained and solved by employing a perturbation technique. The solution process considers variations of the drag force coefficient and its effects on the system's response. Then, experimental results are presented to demonstrate the effects of the nonlinear quadratic damping due to the turbulent frictional force on the system's dynamic response. In particular, the effects of the quadratic damping on the frequency-response and amplitude-response curves are investigated. Numerically simulated as well as experimental results indicate that variations on the drag force coefficient significantly alter the dynamics of the structure under investigation. Copyright (c) 2008 D. G. Silva and P. S. Varoto.
This paper deals with a system involving a flexible rod subjected to magnetic forces that can bend it while simultaneously subjected to external excitations produces complex and nonlinear dynamic behavior, which may present different types of solutions for its different movement-related responses. This fact motivated us to analyze such a mechanical system based on modeling and numerical simulation involving both, integer order calculus (IOC) and fractional order calculus (FOC) approaches. The time responses, pseudo phase portraits and Fourier spectra have been presented. The results obtained can be used as a source for conduct experiments in order to obtain more realistic and more accurate results about fractional-order models when compared to the integer-order models. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.
Pós-graduação em Física - IGCE
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
El tema central de investigación en esta Tesis es el estudio del comportamientodinámico de una estructura mediante modelos que describen la distribución deenergía entre los componentes de la misma y la aplicación de estos modelos parala detección de daños incipientes.Los ensayos dinámicos son un modo de extraer información sobre las propiedadesde una estructura. Si tenemos un modelo de la estructura se podría ajustar éstepara que, con determinado grado de precisión, tenga la misma respuesta que elsistema real ensayado. Después de que se produjese un daño en la estructura,la respuesta al mismo ensayo variará en cierta medida; actualizando el modelo alas nuevas condiciones podemos detectar cambios en la configuración del modeloestructural que nos condujeran a la conclusión de que en la estructura se haproducido un daño.De este modo, la detección de un daño incipiente es posible si somos capacesde distinguir una pequeña variación en los parámetros que definen el modelo. Unrégimen muy apropiado para realizar este tipo de detección es a altas frecuencias,ya que la respuesta es muy dependiente de los pequeños detalles geométricos,dado que el tamaño característico en la estructura asociado a la respuesta esdirectamente proporcional a la velocidad de propagación de las ondas acústicas enel sólido, que para una estructura dada es inalterable, e inversamente proporcionala la frecuencia de la excitación. Al mismo tiempo, esta característica de la respuestaa altas frecuencias hace que un modelo de Elementos Finitos no sea aplicable enla práctica, debido al alto coste computacional.Un modelo ampliamente utilizado en el cálculo de la respuesta de estructurasa altas frecuencias en ingeniería es el SEA (Statistical Energy Analysis). El SEAaplica el balance energético a cada componente estructural, relacionando la energíade vibración de estos con la potencia disipada por cada uno de ellos y la potenciatransmitida entre ellos, cuya suma debe ser igual a la potencia inyectada a cadacomponente estructural. Esta relación es lineal y viene caracterizada por los factoresde pérdidas. Las magnitudes que intervienen en la respuesta se consideranpromediadas en la geometría, la frecuencia y el tiempo.Actualizar el modelo SEA a datos de ensayo es, por lo tanto, calcular losfactores de pérdidas que reproduzcan la respuesta obtenida en éste. Esta actualización,si se hace de manera directa, supone la resolución de un problema inversoque tiene la característica de estar mal condicionado. En la Tesis se propone actualizarel modelo SEA, no en término de los factores de pérdidas, sino en términos deparámetros estructurales que tienen sentido físico cuando se trata de la respuestaa altas frecuencias, como son los factores de disipación de cada componente, susdensidades modales y las rigideces características de los elementos de acoplamiento.Los factores de pérdidas se calculan como función de estos parámetros. Estaformulación es desarrollada de manera original en esta Tesis y principalmente sefunda en la hipótesis de alta densidad modal, es decir, que en la respuesta participanun gran número de modos de cada componente estructural.La teoría general del método SEA, establece que el modelo es válido bajounas hipótesis sobre la naturaleza de las excitaciones externas muy restrictivas,como que éstas deben ser de tipo ruido blanco local. Este tipo de carga es difícil dereproducir en condiciones de ensayo. En la Tesis mostramos con casos prácticos queesta restricción se puede relajar y, en particular, los resultados son suficientementebuenos cuando la estructura se somete a una carga armónica en escalón.Bajo estas aproximaciones se desarrolla un algoritmo de optimización por pasosque permite actualizar un modelo SEA a un ensayo transitorio cuando la carga esde tipo armónica en escalón. Este algoritmo actualiza el modelo no solamente parauna banda de frecuencia en particular sino para diversas bandas de frecuencia demanera simultánea, con el objetivo de plantear un problema mejor condicionado.Por último, se define un índice de daño que mide el cambio en la matriz depérdidas cuando se produce un daño estructural en una localización concreta deun componente. Se simula numéricamente la respuesta de una estructura formadapor vigas donde producimos un daño en la sección de una de ellas; como se tratade un cálculo a altas frecuencias, la simulación se hace mediante el Método delos Elementos Espectrales para lo que ha sido necesario desarrollar dentro de laTesis un elemento espectral de tipo viga dañada en una sección determinada. Losresultados obtenidos permiten localizar el componente estructural en que se haproducido el daño y la sección en que éste se encuentra con determinado grado deconfianza.AbstractThe main subject under research in this Thesis is the study of the dynamic behaviourof a structure using models that describe the energy distribution betweenthe components of the structure and the applicability of these models to incipientdamage detection.Dynamic tests are a way to extract information about the properties of astructure. If we have a model of the structure, it can be updated in order toreproduce the same response as in experimental tests, within a certain degree ofaccuracy. After damage occurs, the response will change to some extent; modelupdating to the new test conditions can help to detect changes in the structuralmodel leading to the conclusión that damage has occurred.In this way incipient damage detection is possible if we are able to detect srnallvariations in the model parameters. It turns out that the high frequency regimeis highly relevant for incipient damage detection, because the response is verysensitive to small structural geometric details. The characteristic length associatedwith the response is proportional to the propagation speed of acoustic waves insidethe solid, but inversely proportional to the excitation frequency. At the same time,this fact makes the application of a Finite Element Method impractical due to thehigh computational cost.A widely used model in engineering when dealing with the high frequencyresponse is SEA (Statistical Energy Analysis). SEA applies the energy balance toeach structural component, relating their vibrational energy with the dissipatedpower and the transmitted power between the different components; their summust be equal to the input power to each of them. This relationship is linear andcharacterized by loss factors. The magnitudes considered in the response shouldbe averaged in geometry, frequency and time.SEA model updating to test data is equivalent to calculating the loss factorsthat provide a better fit to the experimental response. This is formulated as an illconditionedinverse problem. In this Thesis a new updating algorithm is proposedfor the study of the high frequency response regime in terms of parameters withphysical meaning such as the internal dissipation factors, modal densities andcharacteristic coupling stiffness. The loss factors are then calculated from theseparameters. The approach is developed entirely in this Thesis and is mainlybased on a high modal density asumption, that is to say, a large number of modescontributes to the response.General SEA theory establishes the validity of the model under the asumptionof very restrictive external excitations. These should behave as a local white noise.This kind of excitation is difficult to reproduce in an experimental environment.In this Thesis we show that in practical cases this assumption can be relaxed, inparticular, results are good enough when the structure is excited with a harmonicstep function.Under these assumptions an optimization algorithm is developed for SEAmodel updating to a transient test when external loads are harmonic step functions.This algorithm considers the response not only in a single frequency band,but also for several of them simultaneously.A damage index is defined that measures the change in the loss factor matrixwhen a damage has occurred at a certain location in the structure. The structuresconsidered in this study are built with damaged beam elements; as we are dealingwith the high frequency response, the numerical simulation is implemented witha Spectral Element Method. It has therefore been necessary to develop a spectralbeam damaged element as well. The reported results show that damage detectionis possible with this algorithm, moreover, damage location is also possible withina certain degree of accuracy.
The study of the response of mechanical systems to external excitations, even in the simplest cases, involves solving second-order ordinary differential equations or systems thereof. Finding the natural frequencies of a system and understanding the effect of variations of the excitation frequencies on the response of the system are essential when designing mechanisms [1] and structures [2]. However, faced with the mathematical complexity of the problem, students tend to focus on the mathematical resolution rather than on the interpretation of the results. To overcome this difficulty, once the general theoretical problem and its solution through the state space [3] have been presented, Matlab®[4] and Simulink®[5] are used to simulate specific situations. Without them, the discussion of the effect of slight variations in input variables on the outcome of the model becomes burdensome due to the excessive calculation time required. Conversely, with the help of those simulation tools, students can easily reach practical conclusions and their evaluation can be based on their interpretation of results and not on their mathematical skills
The 1-D 1/2-spin XXZ model with staggered external magnetic field, when restricting to low field, can be mapped into the quantum sine-Gordon model through bosonization: this assures the presence of soliton, antisoliton and breather excitations in it. In particular, the action of the staggered field opens a gap so that these physical objects are stable against energetic fluctuations. In the present work, this model is studied both analytically and numerically. On the one hand, analytical calculations are made to solve exactly the model through Bethe ansatz: the solution for the XX + h staggered model is found first by means of Jordan-Wigner transformation and then through Bethe ansatz; after this stage, efforts are made to extend the latter approach to the XXZ + h staggered model (without finding its exact solution). On the other hand, the energies of the elementary soliton excitations are pinpointed through static DMRG (Density Matrix Renormalization Group) for different values of the parameters in the hamiltonian. Breathers are found to be in the antiferromagnetic region only, while solitons and antisolitons are present both in the ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic region. Their single-site z-magnetization expectation values are also computed to see how they appear in real space, and time-dependent DMRG is employed to realize quenches on the hamiltonian parameters to monitor their time-evolution. The results obtained reveal the quantum nature of these objects and provide some information about their features. Further studies and a better understanding of their properties could bring to the realization of a two-level state through a soliton-antisoliton pair, in order to implement a qubit.
Context. The possibility of cephalic venous hypertension with the resultant facial edema and elevated cerebrospinal fluid pressure continues to challenge head and neck surgeons who perform bilateral radical neck dissections during simultaneous or staged procedures. Case Report. The staged procedure in patients who require bilateral neck dissections allows collateral venous drainage to develop, mainly through the internal and external vertebral plexuses, thereby minimizing the risks of deleterious consequences. Nevertheless, this procedure has disadvantages, such as a delay in definitive therapy, the need for a second hospitalization and anesthesia, and the risk of cutting lymphatic vessels and spreading viable cancer cells. In this paper, we discuss the rationale and feasibility of preserving the external jugular vein. Considering the limited number of similar reports in the literature, two cases in which this procedure was accomplished are described. The relevant anatomy and technique are reviewed and the patients' outcomes are discussed. Conclusion. Preservation of the EJV during bilateral neck dissections is technically feasible, fast, and safe, with clinically and radiologically demonstrated patency.
We report a combined study of external pressure and Cu-substitution on BaFe2As2 single crystals grown by the in-flux technique. At ambient pressure, the Cu-substitution is known to suppress the spin density wave (SDW) phase in pure BaFe2As2(TSDW ≈ 140 K) and to induce a superconducting (SC) dome with a maximum transition temperature [Formula: see text]. This [Formula: see text] is much lower than the Tc ∼ 15-28 K achieved in the case of Ru, Ni and Co substitutions. Such a lower Tc is attributed to a Cu(2+) magnetic pair-breaking effect. The latter is strongly suppressed by applied pressure, as shown herein, Tc can be significantly enhanced by applying high pressures. In this work, we investigated the pressure effects on Cu(2+) magnetic pair-breaking in the BaFe2-xCuxAs2 series. Around the optimal concentration (xopd = 0.11), all samples showed a substantial increase of Tc as a function of pressure. Yet for those samples with a slightly higher doping level (over-doped regime), Tc presented a dome-like shape with maximum Tc ≃ 8 K. Remarkably interesting, the under-doped samples, e.g. x = 0.02 display a maximum pressure induced Tc ≃ 30 K which is comparable to the maximum Tc's found for the pure compound under external pressures. Furthermore, the magnetoresistance effect as a function of pressure in the normal state of the x = 0.02 sample also presented an evolution consistent with the screening of the Cu(2+) local moments. These findings demonstrate that the Cu(2+) magnetic pair-breaking effect is completely suppressed by applying pressure in the low concentration regime of Cu(2+) substituted BaFe2As2.
Daytime fatigue and lack of sleep seem to increase throughout adolescent years. Several environmental, psychological, and biological factors have been associated with the development of sleep across adolescence. The aim of the present article is to summarize these factors and to give examples of various outcomes in sleep patterns among adolescents studied in different cultural settings. It is obvious from earlier work that many adolescents have displaced circadian rhythms and lack of adaptation to school hours due to an early school start or additional burdens for work. Several interventions have aimed to help the adaptation process by supporting sleep processes and changing scheduling, in this way promoting classroom alertness. In summary, adolescents worldwide shorten their sleep due to schoolwork hours and additional work, especially by disturbing their sleep due to circadian misalignment
We examine, in the imaginary-time formalism, the high temperature behavior of n-point thermal loops in static Yang-Mills and gravitational fields. We show that in this regime, any hard thermal loop gives the same leading contribution as the one obtained by evaluating the loop integral at zero external energies and momenta.
We report results of magnetoacoustic studies in the quantum spin-chain magnet NiCl(2)-4SC(NH(2))(2) (DTN) having a field-induced ordered antiferromagnetic (AF) phase. In the vicinity of the quantum critical points (QCPs) the acoustic c(33) mode manifests a pronounced softening accompanied by energy dissipation of the sound wave. The acoustic anomalies are traced up to T > T(N), where the thermodynamic properties are determined by fermionic magnetic excitations, the ""hallmark"" of one-dimensional (1D) spin chains. On the other hand, as established in earlier studies, the AF phase in DTN is governed by bosonic magnetic excitations. Our results suggest the presence of a crossover from a 1D fermionic to a three-dimensional bosonic character of the magnetic excitations in DTN in the vicinity of the QCPs.
In a U(1)(*)-noncommutative gauge field theory we extend the Seiberg-Witten map to include the (gauge-invariance-violating) external current and formulate-to the first order in the noncommutative parameter-gauge-covariant classical field equations. We find solutions to these equations in the vacuum and in an external magnetic field, when the 4-current is a static electric charge of a finite size a, restricted from below by the elementary length. We impose extra boundary conditions, which we use to rule out all singularities, 1/r included, from the solutions. The static charge proves to be a magnetic dipole, with its magnetic moment being inversely proportional to its size a. The external magnetic field modifies the long-range Coulomb field and some electromagnetic form factors. We also analyze the ambiguity in the Seiberg-Witten map and show that at least to the order studied here it is equivalent to the ambiguity of adding a homogeneous solution to the current-conservation equation.
The elementary surface excitations are studied by spin-polarized electron energy loss spectroscopy on a prototype oxide surface [an oxygen passivated Fe(001)-p(1 x 1) surface], where the various excitations coexist. For the first time, the surface phonons and magnons are measured simultaneously and are distinguished based on their different spin nature. The dispersion relation of all excitations is probed over the entire Brillouin zone. The different phonon modes observed in our experiment are described by means of ab initio calculations.
In a quantum critical chain, the scaling regime of the energy and momentum of the ground state and low-lying excitations are described by conformal field theory (CFT). The same holds true for the von Neumann and Renyi entropies of the ground state, which display a universal logarithmic behavior depending on the central charge. In this Letter we generalize this result to those excited states of the chain that correspond to primary fields in CFT. It is shown that the nth Renyi entropy is related to a 2n-point correlator of primary fields. We verify this statement for the critical XX and XXZ chains. This result uncovers a new link between quantum information theory and CFT.