962 resultados para EXCITONIC TRANSITIONS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The thermal oxidation process of the indium nitride (InN) nanorods (NRs) was studied. The SEM studies reveal that the cracked and burst mechanism for the formation of indium oxide (In2O3) nanostructures by oxidizing the InN NRs at higher temperatures. XRD results confirm the bcc crystal structure of the as prepared In2O3 nanostructures. Strong and broad photoluminescence spectrum located at the green to red region with maximum intensity at 566 nm along with a weak ultraviolet emission at 338 nm were observed due to oxygen vacancy levels and free excitonic transitions, respectively. The valence band onset energy of 2.1 eV was observed from the XPS valence band spectrum, clearly justifies the alignment of Fermi level to the donor level created due to the presence of oxygen vacancies which were observed in the PL spectrum. The elemental ratio In:O in as prepared In2O3 was found to be 42:58 which is in close agreement with the stoichiometric value of 40:60. A downward shift was observed in the Raman peak positions due to a possible phonon confinement effect in the nanoparticles formed in bursting mechanism. Such single junction devices exhibit promising photovoltaic performance with fill factor and conversion efficiency of 21% and 0.2%, respectively, under concentrated AM1.5 illumination.


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Magnetophotoluminescence properties of Zn0.88Mn0.12Se thin films grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition on GaAs substrates are investigated in fields up to 10 T. The linewidth of the excitonic luminescence peaks decreases with the increasing magnetic field (< 1 T), but the peak energy is almost unchanged. There is a crossover of the photoluminescence intensities between interband and bound excitonic transitions as the magnetic field is increased to about 1 T. These behaviors are interpreted by the strong tuning of the local alloy disorder potential by the applied magnetic field. In addition, the magnetic field-induced suppression of the energy transfers from excitons to Mn2+ ions is also observed.


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The in-plane optical anisotropies of a series of GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs single-quantum-well structures have been observed at room temperature by reflectance difference spectroscopy. The measured degree of polarization of the excitonic transitions is inversely proportional to the well width. Numerical calculations based on the envelope function approximation incorporating the effect of C-2v-interface symmetry have been performed to analyze the origin of the optical anisotropy. Good agreement with the experimental data is obtained when the optical anisotropy is attributed to anisotropic-interface structures. The fitted interface potential parameters are consistent with predicted values.


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The ground and excited state excitonic transitions of stacked InAs self-organized quantum dots (QDs) in a laser diode structure are studied. The interband absorption transitions of QDs are investigated by non-destructive PV spectra, indicating that the strongest absorption is related to the excited states with a high density and coincides with the photon energy of lasing emission. The temperature and excitation (electric injection) intensity dependences of photoluminescence and electroluminescence indicate the influence of state filling effect on the luminescence of threefold stacked QDs. The results indicate that different coupling channels exist between electronic states in both vertical and lateral directions.


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We present a detailed study of the interband excitonic transitions of InAs/GaAs self-organized quantum dots (QDs) based on photovoltage (PV) photoreflectance (PR) and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. At room temperature, the interband absorption transitions of QDs have been observed by using PV spectrum, which clearly exhibits four well-resolved excitonic absorption peaks. The absorption line shape is Gaussian-like. Furthermore, the corresponding excitonic transitions are also observed in PR experiment at 77 K. The first derivative of a Gaussian profile can fit the experimental data well. (C) 1998 American Institute of Physics. [S0003-6951(98)00743-8]


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We present distinct evidence of anticrossing behavior for excitonic transitions due to resonant coupling of heavy-hole ground levels in a biased GaAs/Al0.35Ga0.65As/GaAs (50/40/100 angstrom) asymmetric coupled-double-quantum-wells p-i-n structure by using photoluminescence spectra. The minimum level splitting is about 2.5 meV.


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Clear observations of photoreflectance (PR) spectra due to excitonic transitions in semi-insulating GaAs bulk materials are reported. The modulation mechanism is attributed to the electromodulation induced by the Dember effect. This study indicates that the PR spectroscopy provides an important method for characterizing the crystal quality of high-resistivity GaAs.


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The ground and excited state excitonic transitions of stacked InAs self-organized quantum dots (QDs) in a laser diode structure are studied. The interband absorption transitions of QDs are investigated by non-destructive PV spectra, indicating that the strongest absorption is related to the excited states with a high density and coincides with the photon energy of lasing emission. The temperature and excitation (electric injection) intensity dependences of photoluminescence and electroluminescence indicate the influence of state filling effect on the luminescence of threefold stacked QDs. The results indicate that different coupling channels exist between electronic states in both vertical and lateral directions.


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Photoluminescence measurements at different temperatures have been performed to investigate the effects of confinement on the electron-phonon interaction in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells (QWs). A series of samples with different well widths in the range from 150 up to 750 A was analyzed. Using a fitting procedure based on the Passler-p model to describe the temperature dependence of the exciton recombination energy, we determined a fit parameter which is related to the strength of the electron-phonon interaction. On the basis of the behavior of this fit parameter as a function of the well width thickness of the samples investigated, we verified that effects of confinement on the exciton recombination energy are still present in QWs with well widths as large as 450 angstrom. Our findings also show that the electron-phonon interaction is three times stronger in GaAs bulk material than in Al(0.18)Ga(0.82)As/GaAs QWs.


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GaAsSbN/GaAs strained-layer single quantum wells grown on a GaAs substrate by molecular-beam epitaxy with different N concentrations were studied using the photoluminescence (PL) technique in the temperature range from 9 to 296 K. A strong redshift in optical transition energies induced by a small increase in N concentration has been observed in the PL spectra. This effect can be explained by the interaction between a narrow resonant band formed by the N-localized states and the conduction band of the host semiconductor. Excitonic transitions in the quantum wells show a successive red/blue/redshift with increasing temperature in the 2-100 K range. The activation energies of nonradiative channels responsible for a strong thermal quenching are deduced from an Arrhenius plot of the integrated PL intensity. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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La presente tesis fue ideada con el objetivo principal de fabricar y caracterizar fotodiodos Schottky en capas de ZnMgO y en estructuras de pozo cuántico ZnMgO/ZnO para la detección de luz UV. La elección de este material semiconductor vino motivada por la posibilidad que ofrece de detectar y procesar señales simultáneamente, en un amplio margen de longitudes de onda, al igual que su más directo competidor el GaN. En esta memoria se da en primer lugar una visión general de las propiedades estructurales y ópticas del ZnO, prestando especial atención a su ternario ZnMgO y a las estructuras de pozo cuántico ZnMgO/ZnO. Además, se han desarrollado los conocimientos teóricos necesarios para una mejor compresión y discusión de los resultados alcanzados. En lo que respecta a los resultados de esta memoria, en esencia, estos se dividen en dos bloques. Fotodiodos desarrollados sobre capas delgadas de ZnMgO no-polar, y sobre estructuras de pozo cuántico de ZnMgO/ZnO no-polares y semipolares Fotodiodos de capas delgadas de ZnMgO. Es bien conocido que la adición de Mg a la estructura cristalina del ZnO desplaza el borde de absorción hacia energías mayores en el UV. Se ha aprovechado esto para fabricar fotodiodos Schottky sobre capas de ZnMgO crecidas por MOCVD y MBE, los cuales detecten en un ventana de energías comprendida entre 3.3 a 4.6 eV. Sobre las capas de ZnMgO, con diferentes contenidos de Mg(5.6-18.0 %), crecidas por MOCVD se han fabricado fotodiodos Schottky. Se han estudiado en detalle las curvas corrientevoltaje (I-V). Seguidamente, se ha realizado un análisis de la respuesta espectral bajo polarización inversa. Tanto los valores de responsividad obtenidos como el contraste UV/VIS están claramente aumentados por la presencia de ganancia. Paralelamente, se han realizado medidas de espectroscopia de niveles profundos (DLOS), identificándose la presencia de dos niveles profundos de carácter aceptor. El papel desempeñado por estos en la ganancia ha sido analizado meticulosamente. Se ha demostrado que cuando estos son fotoionizados son responsables directos del gran aumento de la corriente túnel que se produce a través de la barrera Schottky, dando lugar a la presencia de la ganancia observada, que además resulta ser función del flujo de fotones incidente. Para extender el rango detección hasta 4.6 eV se fabricaron fotodiodos sobre capas de ZnMgO de altísima calidad cristalina crecidas por MBE. Sobre estos se ha realizado un riguroso análisis de las curvas I-V y de las curvas capacidad-voltaje (CV), para posteriormente identificar los niveles profundos presentes en el material, mediante la técnica de DLOS. Así mismo se ha medido la respuesta espectral de los fotodetectores, la cual muestra un corte abrupto y un altísimo contraste UV/VIS. Además, se ha demostrado como estos son perfectos candidatos para la detección de luz en la región ciega al Sol. Por otra parte, se han fabricado fotodiodos MSM sobre estas mismas capas. Se han estudiado las principales figuras de mérito de estos, observándose unas corrientes bajas de oscuridad, un contraste UV/VIS de 103, y la presencia de fotocorriente persistente. Fotodiodos Schottky de pozos cuánticos de ZnO/ZnMgO. En el segundo bloque de esta memoria, con el objeto final de clarificar el impacto que tiene el tratamiento del H2O2 sobre las características optoelectrónicas de los dispositivos, se ha realizado un estudio detallado, en el que se han analizado por separado fotodiodos tratados y no tratados con H2O2, fabricados sobre pozos cuánticos de ZnMgO/ZnO. Se ha estudiado la respuesta espectral en ambos casos, observándose la presencia de ganancia en los dos. A través de un análisis meticuloso de las características electrónicas y optoeletrónicas de los fotodiodos, se han identificado dos mecanismos de ganancia internos diferentes en función de que la muestra sea tratada o no-tratada. Se han estudiado fotodetectores sensibles a la polarización de la luz (PSPDs) usando estructuras de pozo cuántico no-polares y semipolares sobre sustratos de zafiro y sustratos de ZnO. En lo que respecta a los PSPDs sobre zafiro, en los cuales el pozo presenta una tensión acumulada en el plano, se ha visto que el borde de absorción se desplaza _E _21 meV con respecto a luz linealmente polarizada perpendicular y paralela al eje-c, midiéndose un contraste (RE || c /RE c)max _ 6. Con respecto a los PSPDs crecidos sobre ZnO, los cuales tienen el pozo relajado, se ha obtenido un 4E _30-40, y 21 meV para las heteroestructuras no-polar y semipolar, respectivamente. Además el máximo contraste de responsividad fue de (RE || c /RE c)max _ 6 . Esta sensibilidad a la polarización de la luz ha sido explicada en términos de las transiciones excitónicas entre la banda de conducción y las tres bandas de valencia. ABSTRACT The main goal of the present thesis is the fabrication and characterization of Schottky photodiodes based on ZnMgO layers and ZnMgO / ZnO quantum wells (QWs) for the UV detection. The decision of choosing this semiconductor was mainly motivated by the possibility it offers of detecting and processing signals simultaneously in a wide range of wavelengths like its main competitor GaN. A general overview about the structural and optical properties of ZnO, ZnMgO layers and ZnMgO/ZnO QWs is given in the first part of this thesis. Besides, it is shown the necessary theoretical knowledge for a better understanding of the discussion presented here. The results of this thesis may be divided in two parts. On the one hand, the first part is based on studying non-polar ZnMgO photodiodes. On the other hand, the second part is focused on the characterization of non-polar and semipolar ZnMgO / ZnO QWs Schottky photodiodes. ZnMgO photodiodes. It is well known that the addition of Mg in the crystal structure of ZnO results in a strong blue-shift of the ZnO band-gap. Taking into account this fact Schottky photodiodes were fabricated on ZnMgO layers grown by MOCVD and MBE. Concerning ZnMgO layers grown by MOCVD, a series of Schottky photodiodes were fabricated, by varying the Mg content from 5.6% to 18 %. Firstly, it has been studied in detail the current-voltage curves. Subsequently, spectral response was analyzed at reverse bias voltage. Both the rejection ratio and the responsivity are shown to be largely enhanced by the presence of an internal gain mechanism. Simultaneously, measurements of deep level optical spectroscopy were carried out, identifying the presence of two acceptor-like deep levels. The role played for these in the gain observed was studied in detail. It has been demonstrated that when these are photoionized cause a large increase in the tunnel current through the Schottky barrier, yielding internal gains that are a function of the incident photon flux. In order to extend the detection range up to 4.6 eV, photodiodes ZnMgO grown by MBE were fabricated. An exhaustive analysis of the both I-V and CV characteristics was performed. Once again, deep levels were identified by using the technique DLOS. Furthermore, the spectral response was measured, observing sharp absorption edges and high UV/VIS rejections ratio. The results obtained have confirmed these photodiodes are excellent candidates for the light detection in the solar-blind region. In addition, MSM photodiodes have also been fabricated on the same layers. The main figures of merit have been studied, showing low dark currents, a large UV/VIS rejection ratio and persistent photocurrent. ZnMgO/ZnO QWs photodiodes. The second part was focused on ZnMgO/ ZnO QWs. In order to clarify the impact of the H2O2 treatment on the performance of the Schottky diodes, a comparative study using treated and untreated ZnMgO/ZnO photodiodes has been carried out. The spectral response in both cases has shown the presence of gain, under reverse bias. Finally, by means of the analysis of electronic and optoelectronic characteristics, two different internal gain mechanisms have been indentified in treated and non-treated material. Light polarization-sensitive UV photodetectors (PSPDs) using non-polar and semipolar ZnMgO/ZnO multiple quantum wells grown both on sapphire and ZnO substrates have been demonstrated. For the PSPDs grown on sapphire with anisotropic biaxial in-plain strain, the responsivity absorption edge shifts by _E _21 meV between light polarized perpendicular and parallel to the c-axis, and the maximum responsivity contrast is (RE || c /RE c)max _ 6 . For the PSPDs grown on ZnO, with strain-free quantum wells, 4E _30-40, and 21 meV for non-polar and semipolar heterostructures, and maximum (R /R||)max _10. for non-polar heterostructure was achieved. These light polarization sensitivities have been explained in terms of the excitonic transitions between the conduction and the three valence bands.


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Quantum-confined systems are one of the most promising ways to enable us to control a material's interactions with light. Nanorods in particular offer the right dimensions for exploring and manipulating the terahertz region of the spectrum. In this thesis, we model excitons confined inside a nanorod using the envelope function approximation. A region-matching transfer matrix method allows us to simulate excitonic states inside arbitrary heterostructures grown along the length of the rod. We apply the method to colloidal CdSe rods 70 nm in length and under 10 nm in diameter, capped with ligands of DDPA and pyridine. We extend past studies on these types of rods by taking into account their dielectric permittivity mismatch. Compared to previous calculations and experimentally measured terahertz absorption, we predict a higher energy main 1S$z$ to 2P$z$ transition peak. This indicates that the rods are likely larger in diameter than previously thought. We also investigate a nanorod with GaAs/Al$_{0.3}$Ga$_{0.7}$As coupled double dots. The excitonic transitions were found to be manipulable by varying the strength of an applied electric field. We employ quasi-static state population distributions to simulate the effects of exciton relaxation from optically active states to dim ground states. A critical value of the applied field, corresponding to the exciton binding energy of ~18 meV, was found to dramatically alter the terahertz absorption due to state mixing. Above this critical field, more nuanced shifts in transition energies were observed, and gain from radiative relaxation to the ground state is predicted.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Homoepitaxial ZnO/(Zn,Mg)O multiple quantum wells (MQWs) grown with m- and r-plane orientations are used to demonstrate Schottky photodiodes sensitive to the polarization state of light. In both orientations, the spectral photoresponse of the MQW photodiodes shows a sharp excitonic absorption edge at 3.48 eV with a very low Urbach tail, allowing the observation of the absorption from the A, B and C excitonic transitions. The absorption edge energy is shifted by ∼30 and ∼15 meV for the m- and r-plane MQW photodiodes, respectively, in full agreement with the calculated polarization of the A, B, and C excitonic transitions. The best figures of merit are obtained for the m-plane photodiodes, which present a quantum efficiency of ∼11%, and a specific detectivity D* of ∼6.4 × 1010 cm Hz1/2/W. In these photodiodes, the absorption polarization sensitivity contrast between the two orthogonal in-plane axes yields a maximum value of (R⊥/R||)max ∼ 9.9 with a narrow bandwidth of ∼33 meV.