999 resultados para ETS-10


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The electronic structure of a microporous titanosilicate framework, ETS-10 is calculated by means of a first-principles self-consistent method. It is shown that without the inclusion of the alkali atoms whose positions in the framework are unknown, ETS-10 is an electron deficient system with 32 electrons per unit cell missing at the top of an otherwise semiconductor-like band structure. The calculated density of slates are resolved into partial components. It is shown that the states of the missing electrons primarily originate from the Ti-O bond. The local density of states of the Ti-3d orbitals in the ETS-10 framework is quite different from the perovskite BaTiO3. The possibilities of ETS-10 crystal being ferroelectric or having other interesting properties are discussed.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The production of biodiesel is greatly increasing due to its enviromental benefits. However, production costs are still rather high, compared to petroleum-based diesel fuel. The introduction of a solid heterogeneous catalyst in biodiesel production could reduce its price, becoming competitive with diesel also from a financial point of view. Therefore, great research efforts have been underway recently to find the right catalysts. This paper will be concerned with reviewing acid and basic heterogeneous catalyst performances for biodiesel production, examining both scientific and patent literature.


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The structure of EST-10, a member of synthetic microporous titanosilicates, was recently determined by an ingenious combination of experimental and simulational techniques. However, the locations of the alkali atoms in the framework remain elusive and its electronic structure is totally unknown. Based on first-principles local density calculations, the possible locations of the alkali atoms are identified and its electronic structure and bonding fully elucidated. ETS-10 is a semiconductor with a direct band gap of 2.33 eV. The Na atoms are likely to locate inside the seven-member ring pore adjacent to the one-dimensional Ti-O-Ti-O- chain.


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O interesse crescente das membranas inorgânicas deve-se à potencial aplicação em novas áreas de investigação e da indústria, e em alternativa a operações mais convencionais. Em particular, as membranas de titanossilicatos oferecem vantagens importantes sobre as de zeólitos, pois podem ser sintetizadas sem agentes estruturantes orgânicos, para evitar a calcinação subsequente usualmente responsável por defeitos irreversíveis, exibem novas possibilidades de substituição isomórfica da matriz, permitindo um ajuste mais fino das propriedades catalíticas e de adsorção, e são capazes de separar misturas com base em diferenças de afinidade e tamanho molecular (efeito de peneiro). Os objectivos principais deste trabalho foram: i) a caracterização dinâmica de membranas do tipo zeolítico sintetizadas no Laboratório Associado CICECO, realizando-se experiências de permeação com gases puros e misturas; ii) o desenvolvimento e validação de novos modelos para a transferência de massa multicomponente através de membranas porosas pela abordagem de Maxwell-Stefan, tendo em conta os mecanismos específicos encontrados, particularmente a contribuição por difusão superficial; e iii) a modelação dos pontos experimentais medidos, bem como dados compilados da literatura. De forma a realizar os ensaios de permeação, desenhou-se, montou-se e testou-se uma instalação experimental. Para gases puros, os objectivos principais foram a medição de permeâncias a temperatura constante, por variação da pressão transmembranar r ( ΔP ), e de permeâncias a temperatura programada, conduzidas a ΔP constante. Seguidamente, calcularam-se as selectividades ideais. Em relação a misturas, a determinação de selectividades reais requer as fracções molares no permeado e no retido. Na globalidade, estudaram-se três suportes diferentes (aço inoxidável e α − alumina) e dezanove membranas de AM-3, ETS-10, ZSM-5 e zeólito 4A, utilizando-se H2, He, N2, CO2, e O2. A primeira avaliação exploratória da qualidade das membranas foi feita permeando azoto à temperatura ambiente. Assim, permeâncias superiores a 10−6 mol/m2s.Pa evidenciavam defeitos grosseiros, levando-nos a efectuar cristalizações adicionais sobre as primeiras camadas. Este procedimento foi implementado com oito membranas. Um trabalho experimental mais detalhado foi conduzido com cinco membranas. Membranas com curvas permeância-temperatura ( Π −T ) decrescentes indicam tipicamente transporte viscoso e de Knudsen, i.e. meso e macrodefeitos. Por exemplo, a membrana nº 3 de AM-3 exibiu este comportamento com H2, He, N2 e CO2 puros. A contribuição de Knudsen foi confirmada pela relação linear encontrada entre as permeâncias e o inverso da raiz quadrada da massa molar. O mecanismo viscoso foi também identificado, pois as permeâncias eram inversamente proporcionais à viscosidade do gás ou, atendendo a equações do tipo de Chapman-Enskog, directamente proporcionais a 2 0.5 k d M (onde k d é o diâmetro cinético e M a massa molar). Um comportamento de permeação distinto observou-se com a membrana nº 5 de AM-3. As permeâncias registadas a temperatura programada eram aproximadamente constantes para o N2, CO2 e O2, enquanto com o H2 cresciam significativamente. Conjuntamente elas evidenciam a ocorrência de macro, meso e microdefeitos intercristalinos. O transporte gasoso activado através dos microporos compensa o impacto diminuidor dos meso e macroporos. Ao contrário do N2, CO2 e O2, o pequeno diâmetro do hidrogénio torna-lhe possível permear através dos microporos intracristalinos, o que lhe adiciona um mecanismo de transferência responsável por esse crescimento. No que respeita à difusão superficial, o sistema CO2/ZSM-5 pode ser tomado como um exemplo paradigmático. Uma vez que este zeólito adsorve o CO2, as permeâncias diminuem com o crescimento de ΔP , em virtude de as concentrações no sólido aumentarem de forma não linear e tenderem para a saturação. Os resultados contrastantes obtidos com azoto realçam ainda mais o mecanismo superficial, pois o N2 não é adsorvido e as permeâncias medidas são constantes. Globalmente, as selectividades ideais calculadas ( α* ) variam de cerca de 1 a 4.2. Este parâmetro foi também utilizado para discriminar as melhores membranas, uma vez que baixos valores de α* denotam o escoamento viscoso não-selectivo típico de macrodefeitos. Por exemplo, o H2/CO2 na membrana nº 3 de AM-3 apresentou α* = 3.6 − 4.2 para 40–120ºC, enquanto que na membrana nº 5 de AM-3 originou α* = 2.6 − 3.1. Estes resultados corroboraram as observações anteriores, segundo as quais a membrana nº 5 era melhor do que a nº 3. Alguns ensaios foram realizados com membranas saturadas com água para aumentar a selectividade: as medições mostraram claramente uma melhoria inicial seguida de uma redução consistente de α* com o aumento da temperatura, devido à remoção das moléculas de água responsáveis pela obstrução de alguns poros. Em relação às selectividades reais de misturas contendo hidrogénio, devem ser realizadas mais experiências e a quantificação do hidrogénio deve ser melhorada. No que concerne à modelação, novos factores termodinâmicos de Maxwell- Stefan foram derivados para as isotérmicas mono e multicomponente de Nitta, Langmuir-Freundlich e Toth, tendo sido testadas com dados de equilíbrio e de permeação da literatura. (É importante realçar que só estão publicadas equações para Langmuir e Dual-Site Langmuir de componentes puros e misturas). O procedimento de validação adoptado foi exigente: i) as isotérmicas multicomponente foram previstas a partir das de gás puro; ii) os parâmetros de difusão dos componentes puros foram ajustados a dados de permeação de cada gás; iii) depois, as difusividades cruzadas de Maxwell- Stefan foram estimadas pela relação de Vignes; finalmente, v) as novas equações foram testadas usando-se estes parâmetros, tendo sido capazes de estimar com sucesso fluxos binários. Paralelamente ao enfoque principal do trabalho, derivou-se um novo modelo para permuta iónica em materiais microporosos baseado nas equações de Maxwell-Stefan. Este foi validado com dados experimentais de remoção de Hg2+ e Cd2+ de soluções aquosas usando ETS-4. A sua capacidade preditiva foi também avaliada, sendo possível concluir que se comporta muito bem. Com efeito, conseguiram-se boas previsões com parâmetros optimizados a partir de conjuntos de dados independentes. Este comportamento pode ser atribuído aos princípios físicos sólidos da teoria de Maxwell-Stefan.


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The local environment of Er3+ ions in microporous titanosilicate ETS-10 and in synthetic narsarsukite and glassy materials obtained by calcination of ETS-10 has been investigated by EXAFS, Raman and photoluminescence spectroscopies. Er L-III-edge EXAFS studies of Er3+-doped ETS-10 support the view that the exchanged Er3+ ions reside close to the (negatively charged) TiO6 octahedra. In ETS-10, Er3+ is partially bonded to framework oxygen atoms and hydration water molecules. The Er...Ti distance (3.3 Angstrom) is similar to the Na...Ti distances (3.15-3.20 Angstrom) reported previously for Na-ETS-10. Although the exact location of the ErO6 units within the host structure of Er3+-doped synthetic narsarsukite is still an open question, it is most likely that Er3+ substitutes Ti4+ rather than Na+ ions. EXAFS spectroscopy indicates that no significant clustering of erbium atoms occurs in the titanosilicate samples studied. Evidence for the insertion of Er3+ ions in the framework of narsarsukite has been obtained by Raman spectroscopy. This is indicated by the increasing full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of the 775 cm(-1) peak and the increasing intensity of the anatase peaks as the erbium content increases. In addition, as the narsarsukite Er3+ content increases a band at ca. 515 cm(-1) firstly broadens and subsequently a new peak appears at ca. 507 cm(-1).Er3+-doped narsarsukite exhibits a characteristic local vibrational frequency, (h) over bar omega ca. 330 cm(-1), with an electron-phonon coupling, g ca. 0.2, which constitutes additional evidence for framework Er3+ insertion. The number of lines in the infrared emission spectrum of synthetic narsarsukite indicates the presence of two optically-active erbium centres with very similar local environments and an average I-4(13/2) lifetime of 7.8 +/- 0.2 ms.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In March 2008, the Australian Government announced its intention to introduce a national Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), now expected to start in 2015. This impending development provides an ideal setting to investigate the impact an ETS in Australia will have on the market valuation of Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) firms. This is the first empirical study into the pricing effects of the ETS in Australia. Primarily, we hypothesize that firm value will be negatively related to a firm's carbon intensity profile. That is, there will be a greater impact on firm value for high carbon emitters in the period prior (2007) to the introduction of the ETS, whether for reasons relating to the existence of unbooked liabilities associated with future compliance and/or abatement costs, or for reasons relating to reduced future earnings. Using a sample of 58 Australian listed firms (constrained by the current availability of emissions data) which comprise larger, more profitable and less risky listed Australian firms, we first undertake an event study focusing on five distinct information events argued to impact the probability of the proposed ETS being enacted. Here, we find direct evidence that the capital market is indeed pricing the proposed ETS. Second, using a modified version of the Ohlson (1995) valuation model, we undertake a valuation analysis designed not only to complement the event study results, but more importantly to provide insights into the capital market's assessment of the magnitude of the economic impact of the proposed ETS as reflected in market capitalization. Here, our results show that the market assesses the most carbon intensive sample firms a market value decrement relative to other sample firms of between 7% and 10% of market capitalization. Further, based on the carbon emission profile of the sample firms we imply a ‘future carbon permit price’ of between AUD$17 per tonne and AUD$26 per tonne of carbon dioxide emitted. This study is more precise than industry reports, which set a carbon price of between AUD$15 to AUD$74 per tonne.


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We have previously observed in vitro that some stromal proteinases (MMP- 2, MT1-MMP) were expressed or activated by invasive carcinoma cell lines exhibiting mesenchymal features, presumably acquired through an epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT). To examine the potential contribution of c- ets-1 to this phenotype, we have compared here the expression of c-ets-1 with invasiveness in vitro and expression of vimentin, E-cadherin, uPA, MMP-1 and MMP-3 in a panel of human breast cancer cell lines. Our results clearly demonstrate an association between c-ets-1 expression and the invasive, EMT- derived phenotype, which is typified by the expression of vimentin and the lack of E-cadherin. While absent from the two non-invasive, vimentin-negative cell lines, c-ets-1 was abundantly expressed in all the four vimentin- positive lines. However, we could not find a clear quantitative or qualitative relationship between the expression of c-ets-1 and the three proteinases known to he regulated by c-ets-1, except that when they were expressed, it was only in the invasive c-ets-1-positive lines. UPA mRNAs were found in three of the four vimentin-positive lines, MMP-1 in two of the four, and MMP-3 could not be detected in any of the cell lines. Intriguingly, MDA- MB-435 cells, which exhibit the highest metastatic potential of these cell lines in nude mice, expressed vimentin and c-ets-1, but lacked expression of these three proteinases, at least under the culture conditions employed. Taken together, our results show that c-ets-1 expression is associated with an invasive, EMT-derived phenotype in breast cancer cells, although it is apparently not sufficient to ensure the expression of uPA, MMP-1 or MMP-3, in the vimentin-positive cells. Such proteases regulation is undoubtedly qualified by the cellular context. This study therefore advances our understanding of the molecular regulation of invasiveness in EMT-associated carcinoma progression, and suggests that c-ets-1 may contribute to the invasive phenotype in carcinoma cells.


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The final step of the transduction pathway is the activation of gene transcription, which is driven by kinase cascades leading to changes in the activity of many transcription factors. Among these latter, PEA3/E1AF, ER81/ETV1, and ERM, members of the well conserved PEA3 group from the Ets family are involved in these processes. We show here that protein kinase A (PKA) increases the transcriptional activity of human ERM and human ETV1, through a Ser residue situated at the edge of the ETS DNA-binding domain. PKA phosphorylation does not directly affect the ERM transactivation domains but does affect DNA binding activity. Unphosphorylated wild-type ERM bound DNA avidly, whereas after PKA phosphorylation it did so very weakly. Interestingly, S367A mutation significantly reduced the ERM-mediated transcription in the presence of the kinase, and the DNA binding of this mutant, although similar to that of unphosphorylated wild-type protein, was insensitive to PKA treatment. Mutations, which may mimic a phosphorylated serine, converted ERM from an efficient DNA-binding protein to a poor DNA binding one, with inefficiency of PKA phosphorylation. The present data clearly demonstrate a close correlation between the capacity of PKA to increase the transactivation of ERM and the drastic down-regulation of the binding of the ETS domain to the targeted DNA. What we thus demonstrate here is a relatively rare transcription activation mechanism through a decrease in DNA binding, probably by the shift of a non-active form of an Ets protein to a PKA-phosphorylated active one, which should be in a conformation permitting a transactivation domain to be active.


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The PEA3 group is composed of three highly conserved Ets transcription factors: Erm, Er81, and Pea3. These proteins regulate transcription of multiple genes, and their transactivating potential is affected by post-translational modifications. Among their target genes are several matrix metalloproteases (MMPs), which are enzymes degrading the extracellular matrix during normal remodelling events and cancer metastasis. In fact, PEA3-group genes are often over-expressed in different types of cancers that also over-express these MMPs and display a disseminating phenotype. Experimental regulation of the synthesis of PEA3 group members influences the metastatic process. This suggests that these factors play a key role in metastasis. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Erm, a member of the PEA3 group within the Ets family of transcription factors, is expressed in murine and human lymphocytes. Here, we show that in the human Molt4 lymphoblastic cell line, the erm gene expression is regulated by the conventional PKC (cPKC) pathway. To better characterize the molecular mechanism by which cPKC regulates Erm transcription in Molt4 cells, we tested proximal promoter deletions of the human gene, and identified a specific cPKC-regulated region between positions -420 and -115 upstream of the first exon.


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The transcription factor Ets-1 is implicated in various physiological processes and invasive pathologies. We identified a novel variant of ets-1, ets-1Delta(III-VI), resulting from the alternative splicing of exons III to VI. This variant encodes a 27 kDa isoform, named Ets-1 p27. Ets-1 p27 lacks the threonine-38 residue, the Pointed domain and the transactivation domain, all of which are required for the transactivation of Ets-1 target genes. Both inhibitory domains surrounding the DNA-binding domain are conserved, suggesting that Ets-1 p27, like the full-length Ets-1 p51 isoform, is autoinhibited for DNA binding. We showed that Ets-1 p27 binds DNA in the same way as Ets-1 p51 does and that it acts both at a transcriptional and a subcellular localization level, thereby constituting a dual-acting dominant negative of Ets-1 p51. Ets-1 p27 blocks Ets-1 p51-mediated transactivation of target genes and induces the translocation of Ets-1 p51 from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. Furthermore, Ets-1 p27 overexpression represses the tumor properties of MDA-MB-231 mammary carcinoma cells in correlation with the known implication of Ets-1 in various cellular mechanisms. Thus the dual-acting dominant-negative function of Ets-1 p27 gives to the Ets-1 p27/Ets-1 p51 ratio a determining effect on cell fate.


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The PEA3 group members PEA3, ER81 and ERM, which are highly conserved transcription factors from the Ets family, are over-expressed in metastatic mammary tumors. In the current study, we present the characterization of a transgenic mouse strain which over-expresses ER81 in the mammary gland via the long terminal repeat of the mouse mammary tumor virus (LTR-MMTV). Although six genotypically positive transgenic lines were identified, only one expressed the ectopic transcript with an exclusive expression in the lactating and late-pregnancy (18th day) mammary glands. No mammary tumor or mammary deregulation appeared after 2 years of ectopic ER81 expression following lactation. We then sought to identify ER81 target genes, and the urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) and the stromelysin-1, two enzymes involved in extracellular matrix degradation, were found to be transcriptionally upregulated in lactating mammary glands over-expressing ER81. Since these enzymes are involved in metastasis, this murine model could be further used to enhance mammary cancer metastatic process by crossing these animals with mice carrying non-metastatic mammary tumors. We thus created a transgenic mouse model permitting the over-expression of a functionally active Ets transcription factor in the mammary gland without perturbing its development.