886 resultados para ECUADORIAN NARRATIVE


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La reconstrucción de una entrevista realizada en 1988 permite al autor hacer un lúcido recorrido sobre el valor de la obra crítica, narrativa e histórico-biográfica de Alfredo Pareja Diezcanseco, y establecer un balance del aporte de la misma en varios momentos de la narrativa ecuatoriana del siglo XX: los años de las vanguardias, la década de 1950 y el período posterior al boom latinoamericano. El texto pone en relieve la talla humana de Pareja, y ofrece una muestra de esa extraña sintonía que los grandes narradores únicamente son capaces de establecer con el lector, provocando en éste la sensación de sentirse «tocado y transformado por el encanto de su palabra».


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Estos escritores publicaron entre 1945-1962, y avanzaron mucho más en algunos planteamientos de los narradores del 30. Habiendo asumido su extracción de clase, se preguntaron respecto de su propia identidad, de la problemática del mestizo, de su rol como escritores, del impacto de la incipiente modernidad que desestructuraba la vida cotidiana en sus pueblos y ciudades. Coinciden pues, en lo temático, con los narradores latinoamericanos del período, quienes en lo estético mantuvieron la tensión entre regionalismo y vanguardias, los ecuatorianos se reafirmaron en un realismo que dio espacio al lirismo, aunque también mirando hacia las vanguardias latinoamericanas desde diferentes ángulos. César Dávila Andrade planteó una estética del horror «suprarreal», Ángel F. Rojas manejó modernamente temas emparentados con el regionalismo, Walter Bellolio sintetizó lo mejor de la vanguardia narrativa y la tradición relatística ecuatorianas, Alfonso Cuesta y Cuesta configuró una estética de las metáforas iluminadoras, y Arturo Montesinos trabajó con la metáfora de la ruptura que trae toda modernidad, por más periférica e incipiente que pueda parecer.


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En este trabajo se plantea que acaso con mayor intensidad que en Huasipungo (1934) y El Chulla Romero y Flores (1958), es en tres obras poco estudiadas de Jorge Icaza donde puede apreciarse con claridad –tal que deslumbra– su propuesta estética: en la pieza de teatro Flagelo (1936), la novela Media vida deslumbrados (1942) y el cuento «El nuevo San Jorge» (1952). Sin apartarse de la denuncia social, Icaza cierra con Flagelo su propuesta dramática, constituyen una suerte de manifiesto literario, por las repercusiones estéticas que alcanzan a la narrativa del autor. En Media vida deslumbrados se puede apreciar un equilibrio efectivo entre las propuestas del autor y su afán de denuncia social. «El nuevo San Jorge», según el autor de este ensayo, sería la obra que alberga lo más radical, en cuanto propuesta estética, de toda la obra icaciana, destaca los elementos neo-barrocos de la misma, con insistencia en los juegos de máscaras, las intermitencias entre las luces y las sombras, y en el múltiple y a la vez unívoco rostro de quien detenta el poder –algunos de estos elementos comunes a las dos obras comentadas, y a El Chulla Romero y Flores.


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En este texto, la autora desarrolla, en primera instancia, una reflexión crítica en torno a la demanda de “extraterritorialidad” de la literatura ecuatoriana, que desde la década de los 90 del siglo pasado se ha constituido como en una especie de constante, esa ausencia ha impedido que la narrativa alcance los horizontes de universalidad, pues su fijación en lo local la ha atado, según ciertos juicios, a superar este tipo de lazo con el pasado. Ortega examina este debate a la luz de la tradición latinoamericana, en donde tiene sus antecedentes e historia, incluso pone como ejemplo la célebre discusión entre el narrador peruano J. M. Arguedas y el argentino J. Cortázar respecto a lo que significaba e implicaba lo nacional-local y el ser cosmopolita entendido como la opción de universalidad. En segunda instancia, la crítica analiza la novela Tratado del amor clandestino, de F. Proaño Arandi, para poner en contraste lo que ese debate sugiere y de alguna manera demostrar que ese “viaje hacia dentro” de la historia íntima del drama de los personajes es, a su vez, un desplazamiento a lo que califica como un viaje a “los orígenes” que, a más de que lo expliquen como sujeto, lo ubican dentro de una historia de la que participan otras voces, otras presencias, realidades, memorias y actores.


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Ponce comenta y reflexiona en torno a la quinta novela del escritor Francisco Proaño Arandi, El sabor de la condena, publicada en Quito en 2009 por Editorial El Conejo. Se establecen algunas de las claves que configuran esta historia en la que Proaño vuelve a poner en escena las obsesiones que cruzan por sus otras experiencias novelescas. Los personajes, Javier y Male, se mueven en un juego de signos y símbolos que le permiten al lector acceder al misterio que constituye sus vidas, que es un tejido de interrogantes y apariencias continuas. Como en gran parte de sus ficciones, en esta el mundo está reducido a una casa y a una ciudad enigmática y hechizante como Quito, que vuelve a convertirse en referente central. Proaño, al decir de Ponce, es fiel a su estilo y a esa concepción de lo narrativo que se bate entre lo denso y lo moroso, que en él ya es clásica.


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Esta novela corta de Salazar Arboleda pertenece al Realismo en transición hacia el Naturalismo, pero, a la vez, enlaza tanto con la novela gótica inglesa del siglo XVIII, como con el cuento fantástico prevalente en la primera mitad del siglo XIX en Francia y Alemania. El cambio de tipos narrativos dentro de la historia que se relata: novela histórica-novela psicológica- novela fantástica-novela ética muestra la forma en que las literaturas europeas eran asimiladas, adaptadas e innovadas durante el siglo XIX en la narrativa ecuatoriana, pero también la manera en que la novela era un vehículo de difusión ideológica.


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This paper is a detailed case narrative on how a Faculty of a leading Australian University conducted a rigorous process improvement project, applying fundamental Business Process Management (BPM) concepts. The key goal was to increase the efficiency of the faculty’s service desk. The decrease of available funds due to reducing student numbers and the ever increasing costs associated with service desk prompted this project. The outcomes of the project presented a set of recommendations which leads to organizational innovation having information technology as an enabler for change. The target audience includes general BPM practitioners or academics who are interested in BPM related case studies, and specific organisations who might be interested in conducting BPM within their service desk processes.


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Objective: To summarise the extent to which narrative text fields in administrative health data are used to gather information about the event resulting in presentation to a health care provider for treatment of an injury, and to highlight best practise approaches to conducting narrative text interrogation for injury surveillance purposes.----- Design: Systematic review----- Data sources: Electronic databases searched included CINAHL, Google Scholar, Medline, Proquest, PubMed and PubMed Central.. Snowballing strategies were employed by searching the bibliographies of retrieved references to identify relevant associated articles.----- Selection criteria: Papers were selected if the study used a health-related database and if the study objectives were to a) use text field to identify injury cases or use text fields to extract additional information on injury circumstances not available from coded data or b) use text fields to assess accuracy of coded data fields for injury-related cases or c) describe methods/approaches for extracting injury information from text fields.----- Methods: The papers identified through the search were independently screened by two authors for inclusion, resulting in 41 papers selected for review. Due to heterogeneity between studies metaanalysis was not performed.----- Results: The majority of papers reviewed focused on describing injury epidemiology trends using coded data and text fields to supplement coded data (28 papers), with these studies demonstrating the value of text data for providing more specific information beyond what had been coded to enable case selection or provide circumstantial information. Caveats were expressed in terms of the consistency and completeness of recording of text information resulting in underestimates when using these data. Four coding validation papers were reviewed with these studies showing the utility of text data for validating and checking the accuracy of coded data. Seven studies (9 papers) described methods for interrogating injury text fields for systematic extraction of information, with a combination of manual and semi-automated methods used to refine and develop algorithms for extraction and classification of coded data from text. Quality assurance approaches to assessing the robustness of the methods for extracting text data was only discussed in 8 of the epidemiology papers, and 1 of the coding validation papers. All of the text interrogation methodology papers described systematic approaches to ensuring the quality of the approach.----- Conclusions: Manual review and coding approaches, text search methods, and statistical tools have been utilised to extract data from narrative text and translate it into useable, detailed injury event information. These techniques can and have been applied to administrative datasets to identify specific injury types and add value to previously coded injury datasets. Only a few studies thoroughly described the methods which were used for text mining and less than half of the studies which were reviewed used/described quality assurance methods for ensuring the robustness of the approach. New techniques utilising semi-automated computerised approaches and Bayesian/clustering statistical methods offer the potential to further develop and standardise the analysis of narrative text for injury surveillance.


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Ways in which humans engage with the environment have always provided a rich source of material for writers and illustrators of Australian children's literature. Currently, readers are confronted with a multiplicity of complex, competing and/or complementing networks of ideas, theories and emotions that provide narratives about human engagement with the environment at a particular historical moment. This study, entitled Reading the Environment: Narrative Constructions of Ecological Subjectivities in Australian Children's Literature, examines how a representative sample of Australian texts (19 picture books and 4 novels for children and young adults published between 1995 and 2006) constructs fictional ecological subjects in the texts, and offers readers ecological subject positions inscribed with contemporary environmental ideologies. The conceptual framework developed in this study identifies three ideologically grounded positions that humans may assume when engaging with the environment. None of these positions clearly exists independently of any other, nor are they internally homogeneous. Nevertheless they can be categorised as: (i) human dominion over the environment with little regard for environmental degradation (unrestrained anthropocentrism); (ii) human consideration for the environment driven by understandings that humans need the environment to survive (restrained anthropocentrism); and (iii) human deference towards the environment guided by understandings that humans are no more important than the environment (ecocentrism). iv The transdisciplinary methodological approach to textual analysis used in this thesis draws on ecocriticism, narrative theories, visual semiotics, ecofeminism and postcolonialism to discuss the difficulties and contradictions in the construction of the positions offered. Each chapter of textual analysis focuses on the construction of subjectivities in relation to one of the positions identified in the conceptual framework. Chapter 5 is concerned with how texts highlight the negative consequences of human dominion over the environment, or, in the words of this study, living with ecocatastrophe. Chapter 6 examines representations of restrained anthropocentrism in its contemporary form, that is, sustainability. Chapter 7 examines representations of ecocentrism, a radical position with inherent difficulties of representation. According to the analysis undertaken, the focus texts convey the subtleties and complexities of human engagement with the environment and advocate ways of viewing and responding to contemporary unease about the environment. The study concludes that these ways of viewing and responding conform to and/or challenge dominant socio-cultural and political-economic opinions regarding the environment. This study, the first extended work of its kind, makes an original contribution to ecocritical study of Australian children's literature. By undertaking a comprehensive analysis of how texts for children represent human engagement with the environment at a time when important environmental concerns pose significant threats to human existence, I hope to contribute new knowledge to an area of children's literature research that to date has been significantly under-represented.


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This paper builds on work I presented at the PESA conference in 2007, which moved through both aesthetic and ethical theory to generate a new theory of creative integrity around the issues of autonomy, agency and authenticity. This preliminary theorizing had its origins in my undergraduate ethics classroom where I was confronted with advertising students who resisted the idea of being taught ethics, along with all the philosophical ethical theories traditionally used to do this.