954 resultados para ECHO ENVELOPE-MODULATION
It has recently been stated that the parametrization of the time variables in the one-dimensional (I-D) mixing-frequency electron spin-echo envelope modulation (MIF-ESEEM) experiment is incorrect and hence the wrong frequencies for correlated nuclear transitions are predicted. This paper is a direct response to such a claim, its purpose being to show that the parametrization in land 2-D MIF-ESEEM experiments possesses the same form as that used in other 4-pulse incrementation schemes and predicts the same correlation frequencies. We show that the parametrization represents a shearing transformation of the 2-D time-domain and relate the resulting frequency domain spectrum to the HYSCORE spectrum in terms of a skew-projection. It is emphasized that the parametrization of the time-domain variables may be chosen arbitrarily and affects neither the computation of the correct nuclear frequencies nor the resulting resolution. The usefulness or otherwise of the MIF parameters \gamma\ > 1 is addressed, together with the validity of the original claims of the authors with respect to resolution enhancement in cases of purely homogeneous and inhomogeneous broadening. Numerical simulations are provided to illustrate the main points.
Power amplifier supplied with constant supply voltage has very low efficiency in the transmitter. A DC-DC converter in series with a linear regulator can be used to obtain voltage modulation. Since this converter should be able to change the output voltage very fast, a multiphase buck converter with a minimum time control strategy is proposed. To modulate supply voltage of the envelope amplifier, the multiphase converter works with some particular duty cycle (i/n, i=1, 2 ... n, n is the number of phase) to generate discrete output voltages, and in these duty cycles the output current ripple can be completely cancelled. The transition times for the minimum time are pre-calculated and inserted in a look-up table. The theoretical background, the system model that is necessary in order to calculate the transition times and the experimental results obtained with a 4-phase buck prototype are given
The structure of laser glasses in the system (Y(2)O(3))(0.2){(Al(2)O(3))(x))(B(2)O(3))(0.8-x)} (0.15 <= x <= 0.40) has been investigated by means of (11)B, (27)Al, and (89)Y solid state NMR as well as electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) of Yb-doped samples. The latter technique has been applied for the first time to an aluminoborate glass system. (11)B magic-angle spinning (MAS)-NMR spectra reveal that, while the majority of the boron atoms are three-coordinated over the entire composition region, the fraction of three-coordinated boron atoms increases significantly with increasing x. Charge balance considerations as well as (11)B NMR lineshape analyses suggest that the dominant borate species are predominantly singly charged metaborate (BO(2/2)O(-)), doubly charged pyroborate (BO(1/2)(O(-))(2)), and (at x = 0.40) triply charged orthoborate groups. As x increases along this series, the average anionic charge per trigonal borate group increases from 1.38 to 2.91. (27)Al MAS-NMR spectra show that the alumina species are present in the coordination states four, five and six, and the fraction of four-coordinated Al increases markedly with increasing x. All of the Al coordination states are in intimate contact with both the three-and the four-coordinate boron species and vice versa, as indicated by (11)B/(27)Al rotational echo double resonance (REDOR) data. These results are consistent with the formation of a homogeneous, non-segregated glass structure. (89)Y solid state NMR spectra show a significant chemical shift trend, reflecting that the second coordination sphere becomes increasingly ""aluminate-like'' with increasing x. This conclusion is supported by electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) data of Yb-doped glasses, which indicate that both borate and aluminate species participate in the medium range structure of the rare-earth ions, consistent with a random spatial distribution of the glass components.
Field-swept pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra of a ZBLAN fluoride glass doped with a low concentration of Cr3+ are obtained using echo-detected EPR and hole-burning free induction decay detection. We review the utility of the pulsed EPR technique in generating field-swept EPR spectra, as well as some of the distorting effects that are peculiar to the pulsed detection method. The application of this technique to Cr3+-doped ZBLAN reveals that much of the broad resonance extending from g(eff) = 5.1 to g(eff) = 1.97, characteristic of X-band continuous wave EPR of Cr3+ in glasses, is absent. We attribute this largely to the variation in nutation frequencies across the spectrum that result from sites possessing large fine structure interactions. The description of the spin dynamics of such sites is complicated and we discuss some possible approaches to the simulation of the pulsed EPR spectra.
This work report results from proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), continuous-wave (CW-EPR) and pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (P-EPR) and complex impedance spectroscopy of gelatin-based polymer gel electrolytes containing acetic acid. cross-linked with formaldehyde and plasticized with glycerol. Ionic conductivity of 2 x 10(-5) S/cm was obtained at room temperature for samples prepared with 33 wt% of acetic acid. Proton ((1)H) line shapes and spin-lattice relaxation times were measured as a function of temperature. The NMR results show that the proton mobility is dependent on acetic acid content in the plasticized polymer gel electrolytes. The CW-EPR spectra, which were carried out in samples doped with copper perchlorate, indicate the presence of the paramagnetic Cu(2+) ions in axially distorted sites. The P-EPR technique, known as electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM), was employed to show the involvement of both, hydrogen and nitrogen atoms, in the copper complexation of the gel electrolyte. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this work we report results from continuous-wave (CW) and pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) studies of the vanadium pentoxide xerogel V2O5:nH(2)O (n approximate to 1.6). The low temperature CW-EPR spectrum shows hyperfine structure due to coupling of unpaired V4+ electron with the vanadium nucleus. The analysis of the spin Hamiltonian parameters suggests that the V4+ ions are located in tetragonally distorted octahedral sites. The transition temperature from the rigid-lattice low-temperature regime to the high temperature liquid-like regime was determined from the analysis of the temperature dependence of the hyperfine splitting and the V4+ motional correlation time. The Electron Spin Echo Envelope Modulation (ESEEM) data shows the signals resulting from the interaction of H-1 nuclei with V4+ ions. The modulation effect was observed only for field values in the center of the EPR absorption spectrum corresponding to the single crystals orientated perpendicular to the magnetic field direction. At least three protons are identified in the xerogel by our magnetic resonance experiments: (I) the OH groups in the equatorial plane, (ii) the bound water molecules in the axial V=O bond and (iii) the free mobile water molecules between the oxide layers. Proton NMR lineshapes and spin-lattice relaxation times were measured in the temperature range between 150 K and 323 K. Our analysis indicates that only a fraction of the xerogel protons contribute to the measured conductivity.
Zusammenfassung Nanokomposite aus Polymeren und Schichtsilikaten werden zumeist auf der Basis natürlicher Tone wie Montmorillonit hergestellt. Für NMR- und EPR-Untersuchungen der Tensidschicht, die das Silikat mit dem Polymer kompatibilisiert, ist der Eisengehalt natürlicher Tone jedoch abträglich, weil er zu einer Verkürzung der Relaxationszeiten und zu einer Linienverbreiterung in den Spektren führt. Dieses Problem konnte überwunden werden, indem als Silikatkomponente eisenfreies, strukturell wohldefiniertes Magadiit hydrothermal synthetisiert und für die Kompositbildung eingesetzt wurde. Die Morphologie des Magadiits wurde durch Rasterelektronenmikroskopie charakterisiert und der Interkalationsgrad von schmelzinterkalierten Polymer-Nanokompositen wurde durch Weitwinkelröntgenstreuung bestimmt. Polymere mit Carbonylgruppen scheinen leichter zu interkalieren als solche ohne Carbonylgruppen. Polycaprolacton interkalierte sowohl in Oragnomagadiite auf der Basis von Ammoniumtensiden als auch in solche auf der Basis von Phosphoniumtensiden. Die Dynamik auf einer Nanosekundenzeitskala und die Struktur der Tensidschicht wurden mittels ortsspezifisch spinmarkierter Tensidsonden unter Nutzung von Dauerstrich- (CW) und Puls-Methoden der elektronenparamagnetischen Resonanzspektroskopie (EPR) untersucht. Zusätzlich wurde die statische 2H-Kernmagnetresonanz (NMR) an spezifisch deuterierten Tensiden angewendet, um die Tensiddynamik auf einer komplementären Zeitskala zwischen Mikrosekunden und Millisekunden zu erfassen. Sowohl die CW-EPR- als auch die 2H-NMR-Ergebnisse zeigen eine Beschleunigung der Tensiddynamik durch Interkalation von Polycaprolacton auf, während sich in den nichtinterkalierten Mikrokompositen mit Polystyrol die Tensiddynamik verlangsamt. Die Rotationskorrelationszeiten und Aktivierungsenergien offenbaren verschiedene Regime der Tensiddynamik. In Polystyrol-Mikrokompositen entspricht die Übergangstemperatur zwischen den Regimen der Glasübergangstemperatur von Polystyrol, während sie in Polycaprolacton-Nanokompositen bei der Schmelztemperatur von Polycaprolacton liegt. Durch die erhebliche Verlängerung der Elektronenspin-Relaxationszeiten bei Verwendung von eisenfreiem Magadiit können Messdaten hoher Qualität mit Puls-EPR-Experimenten erhalten werden. Insebsondere wurden die Vier-Puls-Elektron-Elektron-Doppelresonanz (DEER), die Elektronenspinechoenveloppenmodulation (ESEEM) und die Elektronen-Kern-Doppelresonanz (ENDOR) an spinmarkierten sowie spezifisch deuterierten Tensiden angewandt. Die ENDOR-Ergebnisse legen ein Model der Tensidschicht nahe, in dem zusätzlich zu den Oberflächenlagen auf dem Silikat eine wohldefinierte mittlere Lage existiert. Dieses Modell erklärt auch Verdünnungseffekte durch das Polymer in Kompositen mit Polycaprolacton und Polystyrol. Die umfangreiche Information aus den Magnetresonanztechniken ergänzt die Information aus konventionellen Charakterisierungstechniken wie Röntgendiffraktion und Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie und führt so zu einem detaillierteren Bild der Struktur und Dynamik der Tensidschicht in Nanokompositen aus Polymeren und Schichtsilikaten.
Structure and folding of membrane proteins are important issues in molecular and cell biology. In this work new approaches are developed to characterize the structure of folded, unfolded and partially folded membrane proteins. These approaches combine site-directed spin labeling and pulse EPR techniques. The major plant light harvesting complex LHCIIb was used as a model system. Measurements of longitudinal and transversal relaxation times of electron spins and of hyperfine couplings to neighboring nuclei by electron spin echo envelope modulation(ESEEM) provide complementary information about the local environment of a single spin label. By double electron electron resonance (DEER) distances in the nanometer range between two spin labels can be determined. The results are analyzed in terms of relative water accessibilities of different sites in LHCIIb and its geometry. They reveal conformational changes as a function of micelle composition. This arsenal of methods is used to study protein folding during the LHCIIb self assembly and a spatially and temporally resolved folding model is proposed. The approaches developed here are potentially applicable for studying structure and folding of any protein or other self-assembling structure if site-directed spin labeling is feasible and the time scale of folding is accessible to freeze-quench techniques.
Der Haupt-Lichtsammelkomplex (LHCII) des Photosyntheseapparates höherer Pflanzen gehört zu den häufigsten Membranproteinen der Erde. Seine Kristallstruktur ist bekannt. Das Apoprotein kann rekombinant in Escherichia coli überexprimiert und somit molekularbiologisch vielfältig verändert werden. In Detergenzlösung besitzt das denaturierte Protein die erstaunliche Fähigkeit, sich spontan zu funktionalen Protein-Pigment-Komplexen zu organisieren, welche strukturell nahezu identisch sind mit nativem LHCII. Der Faltungsprozess findet in vitro im Zeitbereich von Sekunden bis Minuten statt und ist abhängig von der Bindung der Cofaktoren Chlorophyll a und b sowie verschiedenen Carotinoiden.rn Diese Eigenschaften machen LHCII besonders geeignet für Strukturuntersuchungen mittels der elektronenparamagnetischen Resonanz (EPR)-Spektrokopie. Diese setzt eine punktspezifische Spinmarkierung des LHCII voraus, die in dieser Arbeit zunächst optimiert wurde. Einschließlich der Beiträge Anderer stand eine breite Auswahl von über 40 spinmarkierten Mutanten des LHCII bereit, einen N-terminalen „Cys walk“ eingeschlossen. Weder der hierfür notwendige Austausch einzelner Aminosäuren noch die Anknüpfung des Spinmarkers beeinträchtigten die Funktion des LHCII. Zudem konnte ein Protokoll zur Präparation heterogen spinmarkierter LHCII-Trimere entwickelt werden, also von Trimeren, die jeweils nur ein Monomer mit einer Spinmarkierung enthalten.rn Spinmarkierte Proben des Detergenz-solubilisierten LHCII wurden unter Verwendung verschiedener EPR-Techniken strukturell analysiert. Als besonders aussagekräftig erwies sich die Messung der Wasserzugänglichkeit einzelner Aminosäurepositionen anhand der Electron Spin Echo Envelope Modulation (ESEEM). In Kombination mit der etablierten Double Electron-Electron Resonance (DEER)-Technik zur Detektion von Abständen zwischen zwei Spinmarkern wurde der membranständige Kernbereich des LHCII in Lösung eingehend untersucht und strukturell der Kristallstruktur für sehr ähnlich befunden. Die Vermessung kristallographisch nicht erfasster Bereiche nahe dem N-Terminus offenbarte die schon früher detektierte Strukturdynamik der Domäne in Abhängigkeit des Oligomerisierungsgrades. Der neue, noch zu vervollständigende Datensatz aus Abstandsverteilungen und ESEEM-Wasserzugänglichkeiten monomerer wie trimerer Proben sollte in naher Zukunft die sehr genaue Modellierung der N-terminalen Domäne des LHCII ermöglichen.rn In einem weiteren Abschnitt der Arbeit wurde die Faltung des LHCII-Apoproteins bei der LHCII-Assemblierung in vitro untersucht. Vorausgegangene fluoreszenzspektroskopi-sche Arbeiten hatten gezeigt, dass die Bindung von Chlorophyll a und b in aufeinanderfolgenden Schritten im Zeitbereich von weniger als einer Minute bzw. mehreren Minuten erfolgten. Sowohl die Wasserzugänglichkeit einzelner Aminosäurepositionen als auch Spin-Spin-Abstände änderten sich in ähnlichen Zeitbereichen. Die Daten deuten darauf hin, dass die Ausbildung der mittleren Transmembran-Helix mit der schnelleren Chlorophyll-a-Bindung einhergeht, während sich die Superhelix aus den beiden anderen Transmembranhelices erst im langsameren Schritt, zusammen mit der Chlorophyll-b-Bindung, ausbildet.rn
In this paper, an interleaved multiphase buck converter with minimum time control strategy for envelope amplifiers in high efficiency RF power amplifiers is proposed. The solution for the envelope amplifier is to combine the proposed converter with a linear regulator in series. High efficiency of envelope amplifier can be obtained through modulating the supply voltage of the linear regulator. Instead of tracking the envelope, the buck converter has discrete output voltage that corresponding to particular duty cycles which achieve total ripple cancellation. The transient model for minimum time control is explained, and the calculation of transient times that are pre-calculated and inserted into a lookup table is presented. The filter design trade-off that limits capability of envelope modulation is also discussed. The experimental results verify the fast voltage transient obtained with a 4-phase buck prototype.
Dans le contexte de la caractérisation des tissus mammaires, on peut se demander ce que l’examen d’un attribut en échographie quantitative (« quantitative ultrasound » - QUS) d’un milieu diffusant (tel un tissu biologique mou) pendant la propagation d’une onde de cisaillement ajoute à son pouvoir discriminant. Ce travail présente une étude du comportement variable temporel de trois paramètres statistiques (l’intensité moyenne, le paramètre de structure et le paramètre de regroupement des diffuseurs) d’un modèle général pour l’enveloppe écho de l’onde ultrasonore rétrodiffusée (c.-à-d., la K-distribution homodyne) sous la propagation des ondes de cisaillement. Des ondes de cisaillement transitoires ont été générés en utilisant la mèthode d’ imagerie de cisaillement supersonique ( «supersonic shear imaging » - SSI) dans trois fantômes in-vitro macroscopiquement homogènes imitant le sein avec des propriétés mécaniques différentes, et deux fantômes ex-vivo hétérogénes avec tumeurs de souris incluses dans un milieu environnant d’agargélatine. Une comparaison de l’étendue des trois paramètres de la K-distribution homodyne avec et sans propagation d’ondes de cisaillement a montré que les paramètres étaient significativement (p < 0,001) affectès par la propagation d’ondes de cisaillement dans les expériences in-vitro et ex-vivo. Les résultats ont également démontré que la plage dynamique des paramétres statistiques au cours de la propagation des ondes de cisaillement peut aider à discriminer (avec p < 0,001) les trois fantômes homogènes in-vitro les uns des autres, ainsi que les tumeurs de souris de leur milieu environnant dans les fantômes hétérogénes ex-vivo. De plus, un modéle de régression linéaire a été appliqué pour corréler la plage de l’intensité moyenne sous la propagation des ondes de cisaillement avec l’amplitude maximale de déplacement du « speckle » ultrasonore. La régression linéaire obtenue a été significative : fantômes in vitro : R2 = 0.98, p < 0,001 ; tumeurs ex-vivo : R2 = 0,56, p = 0,013 ; milieu environnant ex-vivo : R2 = 0,59, p = 0,009. En revanche, la régression linéaire n’a pas été aussi significative entre l’intensité moyenne sans propagation d’ondes de cisaillement et les propriétés mécaniques du milieu : fantômes in vitro : R2 = 0,07, p = 0,328, tumeurs ex-vivo : R2 = 0,55, p = 0,022 ; milieu environnant ex-vivo : R2 = 0,45, p = 0,047. Cette nouvelle approche peut fournir des informations supplémentaires à l’échographie quantitative statistique traditionnellement réalisée dans un cadre statique (c.-à-d., sans propagation d’ondes de cisaillement), par exemple, dans le contexte de l’imagerie ultrasonore en vue de la classification du cancer du sein.
This paper proposes an interleaved multiphase buck converter with minimum time control strategy for envelope amplifiers in high efficiency RF power amplifiers. The solution of the envelope amplifier is to combine the proposed converter with a linear regulator in series. High system efficiency can be obtained through modulating the supply voltage of the envelope amplifier with the fast output voltage variation of the converter working with several particular duty cycles that achieve total ripple cancellation. The transient model for minimum time control is explained, and the calculation of transient times that are pre-calculated and inserted into a look-up table is presented. The filter design trade-off that limits capability of envelope modulation is also discussed. The experimental results verify the fast voltage transient obtained with a 4-phase buck prototype.
Nowadays, wireless communications systems demand for greater mobility and higher data rates. Moreover, the need for spectral efficiency requires the use of non-constant envelope modulation schemes. Hence, power amplifier designers have to build highly efficient, broadband and linear amplifiers. In order to fulfil these strict requirements, the practical Doherty amplifier seems to be the most promising technique. However, due to its complex operation, its nonlinear distortion generation mechanisms are not yet fully understood. Currently, only heuristic interpretations are being used to justify the observed phenomena. Therefore, the main objective of this work is to provide a model capable of describing the Doherty power amplifier nonlinear distortion generation mechanisms, allowing the optimization of its design according to linearity and efficiency criteria. Besides that, this approach will allow a bridge between two different worlds: power amplifier design and digital pre-distortion since the knowledge gathered from the Doherty operation will serve to select the most suitable pre-distortion models.
Recombinant expression systems differ in the type of glycosylation they impart on expressed antigens such as the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) envelope glycoproteins, potentially affecting their biological properties. We performed head-to-head antigenic, immunogenic and molecular profiling of two distantly related Env surface (gp120) antigens produced in different systems: (a) mammalian (293 FreeStyle cells; 293F) cells in the presence of kifunensine, which impart only high-mannose glycans; (b) insect cells (Spodoptera frugiperda, Sf9), which confer mainly paucimannosidic glycans; (c) Sf9 cells recombinant for mammalian glycosylation enzymes (Sf9 Mimic), which impart high-mannose, hybrid and complex glycans without sialic acid; and (d) 293F cells, which impart high-mannose, hybrid and complex glycans with sialic acid. Molecular models revealed a significant difference in gp120 glycan coverage between the Sf9-derived and wild-type mammalian-cell-derived material that is predicted to affect ligand binding sites proximal to glycans. Modeling of solvent-exposed surface electrostatic potentials showed that sialic acid imparts a significant negative surface charge that may influence gp120 antigenicity and immunogenicity. Gp120 expressed in systems that do not incorporate sialic acid displayed increased ligand binding to the CD4 binding and CD4-induced sites compared to those expressed in the system that do, and imparted other more subtle differences in antigenicity in a gp120 subtype-specific manner. Non-sialic-acid-containing gp120 was significantly more immunogenic than the sialylated version when administered in two different adjuvants, and induced higher titers of antibodies competing for CD4 binding site ligand-gp120 interaction. These findings suggest that non-sialic-acid-imparting systems yield gp120 immunogens with modified antigenic and immunogenic properties, considerations that should be considered when selecting expression systems for glycosylated antigens to be used for structure-function studies and for vaccine use.
An electrically tunable system for the control of optical pulse sequences is proposed and demonstrated. It is based on the use of an electrooptic modulator for periodic phase modulation followed by a dispersive device to obtain the temporal Talbot effect. The proposed configuration allows for repetition rate multiplication with different multiplication factors and with the simultaneous control of the pulse train envelope by simply changing the electrical signal driving the modulator. Simulated and experimental results for an input optical pulse train of 10 GHz are shown for different multiplication factors and envelope shapes.