865 resultados para Dual Diffusion
Five kinetic models for adsorption of hydrocarbons on activated carbon are compared and investigated in this study. These models assume different mass transfer mechanisms within the porous carbon particle. They are: (a) dual pore and surface diffusion (MSD), (b) macropore, surface, and micropore diffusion (MSMD), (c) macropore, surface and finite mass exchange (FK), (d) finite mass exchange (LK), and (e) macropore, micropore diffusion (BM) models. These models are discriminated using the single component kinetic data of ethane and propane as well as the multicomponent kinetics data of their binary mixtures measured on two commercial activated carbon samples (Ajax and Norit) under various conditions. The adsorption energetic heterogeneity is considered for all models to account for the system. It is found that, in general, the models assuming diffusion flux of adsorbed phase along the particle scale give better description of the kinetic data.
In this work, a working model is proposed of molecular sieve silica (MSS) multistage membrane systems for CO cleanup at high temperatures (up to 500 degrees C) in a simulated fuel cell fuel processing system. Gases are described as having little interactions with each other relative to the pore walls due to low isosteric heat of adsorption on silica surfaces and high temperatures. The Arrhenius function for activated transport of pure gases was used to predict mixture concentration in the permeate and retentate streams. Simulation predicted CO could be reduced to levels below the required 50 ppmv for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell anodes at a stage H-2/CO selectivity of higher than 40 in 4 series membrane units. Experimental validation showed predicting mixture concentrations required only pure gas permeation data. This model has significant application for setting industrial stretch targets and as a robust basis for complex membrane model configurations. (c) 2006 American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
The main terminal processes of organic matter mineralization in anoxic Black Sea sediments underlying the sulfidic water column are sulfate reduction in the upper 2-4 m and methanogenesis below the sulfate zone. The modern marine deposits comprise a ca. 1-m-deep layer of coccolith ooze and underlying sapropel, below which sea water ions penetrate deep down into the limnic Pleistocene deposits from >9000 years BP. Sulfate reduction rates have a subsurface maximum at the SO4[2-]-CH4 transition where H2S reaches maximum concentration. Because of an excess of reactive iron in the deep limnic deposits, most of the methane-derived H2S is drawn downward to a sulfidization front where it reacts with Fe(III) and with Fe2+ diffusing up from below. The H2S-Fe2+ transition is marked by a black band of amorphous iron sulfide above which distinct horizons of greigite and pyrite formation occur. The pore water gradients respond dynamically to environmental changes in the Black Sea with relatively short time constants of ca. 500 yr for SO4[2-] and 10 yr for H2S, whereas the FeS in the black band has taken ca. 3000 yr to accumulate. The dual diffusion interfaces of SO4[2-]-CH4 and H2S-Fe2+ cause the trapping of isotopically heavy iron sulfide with delta34S = +15 to +33 per mil at the sulfidization front. A diffusion model for sulfur isotopes shows that the SO4[2-] diffusing downward into the SO4[2-]-CH4 transition has an isotopic composition of +19 per mil, close to the +23 per mil of H2S diffusing upward. These isotopic compositions are, however, very different from the porewater SO4[2-] (+43 per mil) and H2S (-15 per mil) at the same depth. The model explains how methane-driven sulfate reduction combined with a deep H2S sink leads to isotopically heavy pyrite in a sediment open to diffusion. These results have general implications for the marine sulfur cycle and for the interpretation of sulfur isotopic data in modern sediments and in sedimentary rocks throughout earth's history.
Results are presented and discussed of an experimental investigation on acetylene turbulent dual jet diffusion flames. The study includes parameters of flames in parallel, divergent and convergent configurations. Tests with two parallel jets with addition of helium in the fuel stream were also performed and analysed. The variation of overall flame length and of other name physical characteristics, such as width, volume and conditions for lifting, are presented as functions of burner tip Reynolds number, jet distance from each other and inclination angle. The effects of diluent concentration in the fuel gas stream are presented for single and two parallel jets. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. Ltd.
We recorded miniature endplate currents (mEPCs) using simultaneous voltage clamp and extracellular methods, allowing correction for time course measurement errors. We obtained a 20-80% rise time (tr) of approximately 80 micros at 22 degrees C, shorter than any previously reported values, and tr variability (SD) with an upper limit of 25-30 micros. Extracellular electrode pressure can increase tr and its variability by 2- to 3-fold. Using Monte Carlo simulations, we modeled passive acetylcholine diffusion through a vesicle fusion pore expanding radially at 25 nm x ms(-1) (rapid, from endplate omega figure appearance) or 0.275 nm x ms(-1) (slow, from mast cell exocytosis). Simulated mEPCs obtained with rapid expansion reproduced tr and the overall shape of our experimental mEPCs, and were similar to simulated mEPCs obtained with instant acetylcholine release. We conclude that passive transmitter diffusion, coupled with rapid expansion of the fusion pore, is sufficient to explain the time course of experimentally measured synaptic currents with trs of less than 100 micros.
The water diffusion attributable to concentration gradients is among the main mechanisms of water transport into the asphalt mixture. The transport of small molecules through polymeric materials is a very complex process, and no single model provides a complete explanation because of the small molecule`s complex internal structure. The objective of this study was to experimentally determine the diffusion of water in different fine aggregate mixtures (FAM) using simple gravimetric sorption measurements. For the purposes of measuring the diffusivity of water, FAMs were regarded as a representative homogenous volume of the hot-mix asphalt (HMA). Fick`s second law is generally used to model diffusion driven by concentration gradients in different materials. The concept of the dual mode diffusion was investigated for FAM cylindrical samples. Although FAM samples have three components (asphalt binder, aggregates, and air voids), the dual mode was an attempt to represent the diffusion process by only two stages that occur simultaneously: (1) the water molecules are completely mobile, and (2) the water molecules are partially mobile. The combination of three asphalt binders and two aggregates selected from the Strategic Highway Research Program`s (SHRP) Materials Reference Library (MRL) were evaluated at room temperature [23.9 degrees C (75 degrees F)] and at 37.8 degrees C (100 degrees F). The results show that moisture uptake and diffusivity of water through FAM is dependent on the type of aggregate and asphalt binder. At room temperature, the rank order of diffusivity and moisture uptake for the three binders was the same regardless of the type of aggregate. However, this rank order changed at higher temperatures, suggesting that at elevated temperatures different binders may be undergoing a different level of change in the free volume. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0000190. (C) 2011 American Society of Civil Engineers.
We study the transport of a subcritical Lennard-Jones fluid in a cylindrical nanopore, using a combination of equilibrium and nonequilibrium as well as dual control volume grand canonical molecular dynamics methods. We show that all three techniques yield the same value of the transport coefficient for diffusely reflecting pore walls, even in the presence of viscous transport. We also demonstrate that the classical Knudsen mechanism is not manifested, and that a combination of viscous flow and momentum exchange at the pore wall governs the transport over a wide range of densities.
BACKGROUND: Despite major advances in care of premature infants, survivors exhibit mild cognitive deficits in around 40%. Beside severe intraventricular haemorrhages (IVH) and cystic periventricular leucomalacia (PVL), more subtle patterns such as grade I and II IVH, punctuate WM lesions and diffuse PVL might be linked to the cognitive deficits. Grey matter disease is also recognized to contribute to long-term cognitive impairment.¦OBJECTIVE: We intend to use novel MR techniques to study more precisely the different injury patterns. In particular MP2RAGE (magnetization prepared dual rapid echo gradient) produces high-resolution quantitative T1 relaxation maps. This contrast is known to reflect tissue anomalies such as white matter injury in general and dysmyelination in particular. We also used diffusion tensor imaging, a quantitative technique known to reflect white matter maturation and disease.¦DESIGN/METHODS: All preterm infants born under 30 weeks of GA were included. Serial 3T MR-imaging using a neonatal head-coil at DOL 3, 10 and at term equivalent age (TEA), using DTI and MP2RAGE sequences was performed. MP2RAGE generates a T1 map and allows calculating the relaxation time T1. Multiple measurements were performed for each exam in 12 defined white and grey matter ROIs.¦RESULTS: 16 patients were recruited: mean GA 27 2/7 w (191,2d SD±10,8), mean BW 999g (SD±265). 39 MRIs were realized (12 early: mean 4,83d±1,75, 13 late: mean 18,77d±8,05 and 14 at TEA: 88,91d±8,96). Measures of relaxation time T1 show a gradual and significant decrease over time (for ROI PLIC mean±SD in ms: 2100.53±102,75, 2116,5±41,55 and 1726,42±51,31 and for ROI central WM: 2302,25±79,02, 2315,02±115,02 and 1992,7±96,37 for early, late and TEA MR respectively). These trends are also observed in grey matter area, especially in thalamus. Measurements of ADC values show similar monotonous decrease over time.¦CONCLUSIONS: From these preliminary results, we conclude that quantitative MR imaging in very preterm infants is feasible. On the successive MP2RAGE and DTI sequences, we observe a gradual decrease over time in the described ROIs, representing the progressive maturation of the WM micro-structure and interestingly the same evolution is observed in the grey matter. We speculate that our study will provide normative values for T1map and ADC and might be a predictive factor for favourable or less favourable outcome.
Este trabalho de investigação assenta num estudo comparativo da realidade das Bibliotecas Escolares e das Bibliotecas Públicas, procurando quer os pontos de contacto, quer as divergências entre ambas. No âmbito da nova filosofia de edificação das bibliotecas construídas pela empresa pública Parque Escolar, EPE, prevê-se a implantação das mesmas junto à entrada das escolas, de forma a servir não só a população escolar, sua principal razão de ser, mas também facilitar a abertura à comunidade. Tendo em conta este duplo papel das bibliotecas, foram analisadas as implicações ao nível da Selecção, do Tratamento e da Difusão da Informação nas mesmas, bem como as políticas de funcionamento e os recursos humanos que a situação exige. O estudo desta nova realidade faz-se a partir da análise dos dois casos concretos de Bibliotecas Escolares duais, em funcionamento efectivo, em Portugal. Complementarmente, são também objecto de análise as directrizes nacionais e internacionais que sustentam o funcionamento das Bibliotecas Escolares e das Bibliotecas Públicas, procedendo-se ainda à investigação da existência deste tipo de realidade a nível internacional, como ponto de partida para comparativamente analisar a situação portuguesa, face à realidade internacional. A identificação de pontos fortes e de pontos fracos a nível nacional e internacional, permite perceber as implicações que esta política organizacional pressupõe, quer para os seus utilizadores, quer para os professores bibliotecários, quer para o eficaz funcionamento destas bibliotecas, que procuram cumprir um duplo papel de Biblioteca Escolar e de Biblioteca Pública.
A particle filter method is presented for the discrete-time filtering problem with nonlinear ItA ` stochastic ordinary differential equations (SODE) with additive noise supposed to be analytically integrable as a function of the underlying vector-Wiener process and time. The Diffusion Kernel Filter is arrived at by a parametrization of small noise-driven state fluctuations within branches of prediction and a local use of this parametrization in the Bootstrap Filter. The method applies for small noise and short prediction steps. With explicit numerical integrators, the operations count in the Diffusion Kernel Filter is shown to be smaller than in the Bootstrap Filter whenever the initial state for the prediction step has sufficiently few moments. The established parametrization is a dual-formula for the analysis of sensitivity to gaussian-initial perturbations and the analysis of sensitivity to noise-perturbations, in deterministic models, showing in particular how the stability of a deterministic dynamics is modeled by noise on short times and how the diffusion matrix of an SODE should be modeled (i.e. defined) for a gaussian-initial deterministic problem to be cast into an SODE problem. From it, a novel definition of prediction may be proposed that coincides with the deterministic path within the branch of prediction whose information entropy at the end of the prediction step is closest to the average information entropy over all branches. Tests are made with the Lorenz-63 equations, showing good results both for the filter and the definition of prediction.
Dual phase steels, characterised by good formability and excellent surface finish, are suitable for applications where processing involves cold deformation. In this context an investigation has been conducted into the cold deformation aging susceptibility of carbon steel API-5L-B and microalloyed steel API-5L-X52, both with dual phase microstructures. Changes in mechanical properties such as phase microhardness, ultimate tensile strength, and yield strength in both types of steel were observed at aging temperatures of 25, 80, and 150°C. This aging is associated with dislocation structures formed on ferrite grains in the vicinity of ferrite/martensite interfaces during intercritical treatments, which become preferential sites for solute atom diffusion. © 1999 IoM Communications Ltd.
Over 1.2 million Americans are currently living with a traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI). Despite the need for effective therapies, there are currently no proven effective treatments that can improve recovery of function in SCI patients. Many therapeutic compounds have shown promise in preclinical models of SCI, but all of these have fallen short in clinical trials. P-glycoprotein (Pgp) is an active transporter expressed on capillary endothelial cell membranes at the blood-spinal cord barrier (BSCB). Pgp limits passive diffusion of blood-borne drugs into the CNS, by actively extruding drugs from the endothelial cell membrane. Pgp can become pathologically up-regulated, thus greatly impeding therapeutic drug delivery (‘multidrug resistance’). Importantly, many drugs that have been evaluated for the treatment of SCI are Pgp substrates. We hypothesized that Pgp-mediated drug resistance diminishes the delivery and efficacy of neuroprotective drugs following SCI. We observed a progressive, spatial spread of Pgp overexpression within the injured spinal cord. To assess Pgp function, we examined spinal cord uptake of systemically-delivered riluzole, a drug that is currently being evaluated in clinical trials as an SCI intervention. Blood-to-spinal cord riluzole penetration was reduced following SCI in wild-type but not Pgp-null rats, highlighting a critical role for Pgp in mediating spinal cord drug resistance after injury. Others have shown that pro-inflammatory signaling drives Pgp up-regulation in cancer and epilepsy. We have detected inflammation in both acutely- and chronically-injured spinal cord tissue. We therefore evaluated the ability of the dual COX-/5-LOX inhibitor licofelone to attenuate Pgp-mediated drug resistance following SCI. Licofelone treatment both reduced spinal cord Pgp levels and enhanced spinal cord riluzole bioavailability following SCI. Thus, we propose that licofelone may offer a new combinatorial treatment strategy to enhance spinal cord drug delivery following SCI. Additionally, we assessed the ability of licofelone, riluzole, or both to enhance recovery of locomotor function following SCI. We found that licofelone treatment conferred a significant improvement in hindlimb function that was sustained through the end of the study. In contrast, riluzole did not improve functional outcome. We therefore conclude that licofelone holds promise as a potential neuroprotective intervention for SCI.
Dual-junction solar cells formed by a GaAsP or GaInP top cell and a silicon bottom cell seem to be attractive candidates to materialize the long sought-for integration of III?V materials on silicon for photovoltaic applications. When manufacturing a multi-junction solar cell on silicon, one of the first processes to be addressed is the development of the bottom subcell and, in particular, the formation of its emitter. In this study, we analyze, both experimentally and by simulations, the formation of the emitter as a result of phosphorus diffusion that takes place during the first stages of the epitaxial growth of the solar cell. Different conditions for the Metal-Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy (MOVPE) process have been evaluated to understand the impact of each parameter, namely, temperature, phosphine partial pressure, time exposure and memory effects in the final diffusion profiles obtained. A model based on SSupremIV process simulator has been developed and validated against experimental profiles measured by ECV and SIMS to calculate P diffusion profiles in silicon formed in a MOVPE environment taking in consideration all these factors.
Through a case study of the diffusion of the celebrated West Gennan "dual system" of vocational training to the territory of the fonner German Democratic Republic, we develop the argument that local sociopolitical relations matter crucially for the successful transfer and implementation of institutional arrangements. Notwithstanding massive levels of government funding, the presence of complementary supports, and the concerted efforts of Germany's social partners, the dual system is experiencing significant difficulties in the new federal states of the East. These difficulties are not due simply to the particular politics of unification (the wholesale transfer of West German institutions whether or not they were appropriate to Eastern Germany) nor even simply to the paucity of dynamic private firms capable of and willing to train new apprentices. The difficulties stem also from the under lying weaknesses of the East German sociopolitical infrastructure on which the entire dual system rests. This. hy pothesis is elaborated and substantiated through a range of data on training in the East and especially through the use of detailed case studies of Leipzig and Chemrutz.
Cette thèse présente les étapes de fabrication et les résultats de la caractérisation des modèles de tissu biologique fabriqués en utilisant des cristaux liquides et des polymères qui permettent de contrôler la diffusion et la transmission de la lumière par un champ électrique. Ce champ électrique entraîne un changement d’orientation des molécules de cristaux liquides, ce qui induit des variations locales de l’indice de réfraction dans ces matériaux. Nous avons utilisé ce contrôle de l’indice de réfraction pour contrôler le niveau de diffusion et de transmission dans différents types d’échantillons. Les échantillons utilisés sont faits a) de cristaux liquides purs, b) de sphères de polymère dans un environnement de cristaux liquides, c) de cristaux liquides ou de gouttelettes de cristaux liquides dans un environnement de polymère. Les travaux réalisés nous ont permis de proposer une méthode électro-optique pour simuler, à l’aide de cristaux liquides, des milieux diffusants tels que les tissus biologiques. Dans la recherche de modèles, nous avons montré qu’il est possible de contrôler, par la fréquence du champ électrique, des gouttelettes de cristaux liquides dispersées dans une matrice de polymère contenant des ions lithium. Une sensibilité sélective à la fréquence de la tension électrique appliquée en fonction de la taille des gouttelettes est observée. Par la suite, nous avons démontré l’effet de « quenching » interférentiel de la diffusion pour une sonde optique cohérente en étudiant des modèles non alignés (clustérisés) de cristaux liquides. Nous avons aussi démontré des applications potentielles de ce phénomène tel le filtrage en longueur d’onde par l’ajustement d’un champ électrique. Nous avons ensuite démontré que l’utilisation des cristaux liquides - dits « dual-frequency » - permet une modulation rapide des états ou des structures du matériau ainsi que de la transmission et de la diffusion de lumière de ce dernier. Enfin, nous avons aussi découvert que ces modèles peuvent être contrôlés pour retrouver le degré de polarisation de la lumière diffusée.