608 resultados para Droplet-vitrification
The objective of this work was to evaluate the phytotoxicity of a plant vitrification solution (PVS2), and the survival of shoot tips of the sugarcane variety SP716949, after cryopreservation by droplet-vitrification. Shoot tips were precultured for 24 hours in MS medium containing 0.3 mol L-1 sucrose, and exposed to PVS2 for 0, 20 or 30 min. Shoot tips were then immersed in liquid nitrogen. Thawing was fast in concentrated sucrose solution (1.2 mol L-1). PVS2 is a nontoxic to shoot tips, which in turn are sensitive to liquid nitrogen. The best results occurred when shoot tips were maintained for up to 20 min in PVS2 solution, before freezing, with 20% survival.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Genética e Melhoramento de Plantas) - FCAV
Dendrobium is a large genus in the family Orchidaceae that exhibits vast diversity in floral characteristics, which is of considerable importance to orchid breeders, biotechnologists and collectors. Native species have high value as a result of their medicinal properties, while their hybrids are important as ornamental commodities, either as cut flowers or potted plants and are thus veritable industrial crops. Thus, preservation of Dendrobium germplasm is valuable for species conservation, breeding programs and the floriculture industry. Cryopreservation represents the only safe, efficient and cost-effective long-term storage option to facilitate the conservation of genetic resources of plant species. This review highlights 16 years of literature related to the preservation of Dendrobium germplasm and comprises the most comprehensive assessment of thorough studies performed to date, which shows reliable and reproducible results. Air-drying, encapsulation-dehydration, encapsulation-vitrification, vitrification and droplet-vitrification are the current cryopreservation methodologies that have been used to cryopreserve Dendrobium germplasm. Mature seeds, pollen, protoplasts, shoot primordia, protocorms and somatic embryos or protocorm-like bodies (PLBs) have been cryopreserved with different levels of success. Encapsulation-vitrification and encapsulation-dehydration are the most used protocol, while PLBs represent the main explant explored.
Vitrification refers to the physical process by which a liquid supercools to very low tem- peratures and finally solidifies into a metastable glass, without undergoing crystallization at a practical cooling rate. Thus, vitrification is an effective freeze-avoidance mechanism and living tissue cryopreservation is, in most cases, relying on it. As a glass is exceedingly vis- cous and stops all chemical reactions that require molecular diffusion, its formation leads to metabolic inactivity and stability over time. To investigate glassy state in cryopreserved plant material, mint shoot tips were submitted to the different stages of a frequently used cryopreservation protocol (droplet-vitrification) and evaluated for water content reduction and sucrose content, as determined by ion chromatography, frozen water fraction and glass transitions occurrence by differential scanning calorimetry, and investigated by low-tempera- ture scanning electron microscopy, as a way to ascertain if their cellular content was vitri- fied. Results show how tissues at intermediate treatment steps develop ice crystals during liquid nitrogen cooling, while specimens whose treatment was completed become vitrified, with no evidence of ice formation. The agreement between calorimetric and microscopic observations was perfect. Besides finding a higher sucrose concentration in tissues at the more advanced protocol steps, this level was also higher in plants precultured at 25/21?C than in plants cultivated at 25?C.
La crioconservación se ha descrito como una técnica de conservación ex situ a largo plazo que ha sido aplicada con éxito a numerosas especies, y resulta especialmente importante en aquellas con propagación vegetativa, infértiles o amenazadas, en las que sistemas de conservación ex situ más sencillos, como los bancos de semillas, no son posibles. También presenta ventajas frente a la conservación in vitro, ya que logra disminuir o eliminar problemas como la excesiva manipulación del material, evitando los subcultivos periódicos y disminuyendo así el riesgo de contaminaciones y de aparición de variación somaclonal. Sin embargo, someter al material vegetal a los procedimientos que implica la crioconservación provoca distintos estreses. Entre ellos, el estrés oxidativo puede potencialmente producir daños en membranas, proteínas, carbohidratos y en el ADN. En este trabajo se han evaluado diversos sistemas de crioconservación en ápices de Mentha × piperita L., híbrido estéril entre Mentha aquatica L. y Mentha spicata L. Se han utilizado ápices de dos genotipos (‘MEN 186’y ‘MEN 198’) en los cuales se compararon dos técnicas de crioconservación, encapsulación-deshidratación y vitrificación-droplet. El análisis de la supervivencia y capacidad de regeneración del material sometido a los tratamientos de crioconservación, junto con el análisis de la estabilidad genética de dicho material mediante marcadores moleculares (RAPD y AFLP) han permitido comparar los distintos protocolos y tratamientos establecidos. El estudio sobre el tipo de protocolo empleado reveló una mayor variabilidad genética en la técnica de encapsulación-deshidratación, especialmente en el genotipo ‘MEN 186’, ya que ‘MEN 198’ resultó ser más estable en todos los análisis. La inestabilidad encontrada en esta técnica no fue exclusiva de aquellos explantos crioconservados, sino que los pasos previos a la inmersión en nitrógeno líquido (NL) también provocaron variaciones en el ADN. Según el tipo de muestra analizada se encontraron diferencias en la estabilidad: muestras provenientes de callos presentaron una mayor inestabilidad que aquellas de hojas (brotes). Se utilizaron tres medios para la recuperación de los ápices tras la crioconservación con el uso de diferentes combinaciones de reguladores de crecimiento: “Reed” (0,5 mgL-1 6-bencilaminopurina, BAP), “Senula” (0,5 mgL-1 6-dimetilalilamino-purina, 2-iP + 0,1 mgL-1 ácido α-naftalen-acético, ANA) y “Nudos” (0,5 mgL-1 BAP + 0,1 mgL-1ANA). El medio “Reed” produjo un aumento en la supervivencia y recuperación de los ápices en ambos genotipos y técnicas, y disminuyó la formación de callo. Sin embargo, no tuvo un efecto significativo en la estabilidad genética. El medio “Senula” provocó una mayor estabilidad genética en el genotipo más inestable, ‘MEN 186’. Para reducir el daño oxidativo producido durante la encapsulación-deshidratación, e incrementar la recuperación de los ápices manteniendo su estabilidad genética, se comparó el efecto de añadir sustancias antioxidantes en el precultivo de los ápices (ácido ascórbico, vitamina E y glutatión). No se obtuvo la respuesta esperada y estos tratamientos no presentaron efectos significativos tanto en la estabilidad como en la recuperación. Para entender mejor qué sucede durante todo el proceso de encapsulación-deshidratación, se evaluó cada paso del protocolo por separado y su efecto en la estabilidad y la recuperación. Además, se determinó el estado de oxidación en cada etapa mediante la cuantificación de malondialdehído y la detección de la formación de radicales libres (mediante el ensayo del ácido tiobarbitúrico, y sondas fluorescentes específicas, respectivamente). Se determinó que a partir de los primeros pasos se genera estrés oxidativo, el cual aumenta a medida que se avanza por el protocolo hasta la inmersión en nitrógeno líquido. Esto se ve reflejado en la disminución progresiva tanto de la recuperación como de la estabilidad genética. Con el uso de antioxidantes en el precultivo (ácido ascórbico y vitamina E) no se obtuvo un efecto positivo en el mantenimiento de la estabilidad genética, y tan sólo con el uso de vitamina E se observó una recuperación mayor en uno de los pasos estudiados (después de la desecación). Sin embargo, cuando se utilizó ácido ascórbico durante el precultivo o la deshidratación osmótica se consiguió disminuir de forma significativa la formación de MDA y la acumulación del radical superóxido (O2•-) en la mayoría los pasos analizados, aunque esta reducción no parece tener un efecto directo en la estabilidad genética del material recuperado. ABSTRACT Cryopreservation has been described as an effective technique for the long term of ex situ conservation that has been successfully applied to numerous species, and is of especial relevance for those with vegetative propagation, infertile or endangered, in which simpler systems of ex situ conservation, such as seed banking, are not feasible. It also has advantages over in vitro conservation, as it reduces or eliminates excessive material handling, avoids periodic subcultures and thus limits the risk of contamination and the appearance of somaclonal variation. However, plant material is subjected to different treatments involved in the cryopreservation procedures, which impose several stresses. Among them, oxidative stress can potentially cause damage to membranes, proteins, carbohydrates and DNA. In this work, two cryopreservation techniques have been evaluated in Mentha × piperita L. shoot tips, sterile hybrid between Mentha aquatica L. and Mentha spicata L. Two genotypes ('MEN 186' and 'MEN 198') were used to compare two techniques: encapsulation-dehydration and droplet-vitrification. The analysis of survival and recovery capacity of the material after the cryopreservation treatments, and the analysis of the genetic stability by molecular markers (RAPD and AFLP) have enabled the comparison between protocols and treatments. The study of the two cryopreservation procedures revealed a higher genetic variability in the encapsulation-dehydration technique, especially in genotype 'MEN 186', as 'MEN 198' was more stable in all analyses. The instability generated in this technique was not exclusive of cryopreserved explants, pretreatments prior to immersion in NL also caused DNA variations. The type of sampled plant material revealed also differences in the stability: callus samples showed greater instability than shoots. Three different culture media were used for the recovery of shoot tips after cryopreservation, using different combinations of growth regulators: "Reed" (0.5 mgL-1 6-benzylaminopurine, BAP), "Senula" (0.5 mgL-1 6-dimetilalilamino-purine, 2-iP + 0.1 mgL-1 α-naphthalene acetic acid, ANA) and "Nodes" (0.5 mgL-1 BAP + 0.1 mgL-1 ANA). "Reed" medium increased survival and recovery of shoot tips in both genotypes and techniques and decreased callus formation. However, it didn`t have a significant effect on genetic stability. "Senula" medium caused a higher genetic stability in the most unstable genotype, 'MEN 186'. To reduce oxidative damage during encapsulation-dehydration, and increase shoot tip recovery and maintain genetic stability, the effect of added antioxidants (ascorbic acid, vitamin E and glutathione) in the shoot tip preculture medium was studied. These treatments had no significant effect on both stability and recovery. To better understand the events during the encapsulation-dehydration process, the effect of each step of the protocol on stability and recovery was evaluated separately. Moreover, the oxidation level was determined by quantifying malondialdehyde (MDA) formation and detecting free radical accumulation (using the thiobarbituric acid assay, and specific fluorescent probes, respectively). The oxidative stress was detected from the first steps and increased throughout the protocol until the immersion in liquid nitrogen. This was also reflected in the gradual decline of recovery and genetic stability. The use of antioxidants (ascorbic acid and vitamin E) in the shoot tip preculture medium had no effect in maintaining genetic stability; only vitamin E increased recovery in one of the steps studied (after desiccation). However, when ascorbic acid was used during the preculture or during the osmotic dehydration, a significantly decrease was observed in MDA formation and superoxide radical accumulation in most of the steps analyzed, although this reduction did not seem to have a direct effect on the genetic stability of recovered material.
Presently avocado germplasm is conserved ex situ in the form of field repositories across the globe including Australia. The maintenance of germplasm in the field is costly, labour and land intensive, exposed to natural disasters and always at the risk of abiotic and biotic stresses. The aim of this study was to overcome these problems using cryopreservation to store avocado (Persea americana Mill.) somatic embryos (SE). Two vitrification-based methods of cryopreservation were optimised (cryovial and droplet-vitrification) using four avocado cultivars (‘A10′, ‘Reed’, ‘Velvick’ and ‘Duke-7′). SE of the four cultivars were stored for short-term (one hour) in liquid nitrogen using the cryovial-vitrification method and showed a viability of 91%, 73%, 86% and 80% respectively. While when using the droplet vitrification method viabilities of 100%, 85% and 93% were recorded for ‘A10′, ‘Reed’ and ‘Velvick’. For long-term storage, SE of cultivars ‘A10′, ‘Reed’ and ‘Velvick’ were successfully recovered with viability of 65–100% after 3 months of LN storage. For cultivar ‘Reed’ and ‘Velvick’ SE were recovered after 12 months of LN storage with viability of 67% and 59%, respectively. The outcome of this work contributes towards the establishment of a cryopreservation protocol that is applicable across multiple avocado cultivars.
En la actualidad, las técnicas de crioconservación poseen una importancia creciente para el almacenamiento a largo plazo de germoplasma vegetal. En las dos últimas décadas, estos métodos experimentaron un gran desarrollo y se han elaborado protocolos adecuados a diferentes sistemas vegetales, utilizando diversas estrategias como la vitrificación, la encapsulación-desecación con cuentas de alginato y el método de “droplet”-vitrificación. La presente tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo aumentar el conocimiento sobre los procesos implicados en los distintos pasos de un protocolo de crioconservación, en relación con el estado del agua presente en los tejidos y sus cambios, abordado mediante diversas técnicas biofísicas, principalmente calorimetría diferencial de barrido (DSC) y microscopía electrónica de barrido a baja temperatura (crio-SEM). En un primer estudio sobre estos métodos de crioconservación, se describen las fases de enfriamiento hasta la temperatura del nitrógeno líquido y de calentamiento hasta temperatura ambiente, al final del periodo de almacenamiento, que son críticas para la supervivencia del material crioconservado. Tanto enfriamiento como calentamiento deben ser realizados lo más rápidamente posible pues, aunque los bajos contenidos en agua logrados en etapas previas de los protocolos reducen significativamente las probabilidades de formación de hielo, éstas no son del todo nulas. En ese contexto, se analiza también la influencia de las velocidades de enfriamiento y calentamiento de las soluciones de crioconservación de plantas en sus parámetros termofísicos referente a la vitrificación, en relación su composición y concentración de compuestos. Estas soluciones son empleadas en la mayor parte de los protocolos actualmente utilizados para la crioconservación de material vegetal. Además, se estudia la influencia de otros factores que pueden determinar la estabilidad del material vitrificado, tales como en envejecimiento del vidrio. Se ha llevado a cabo una investigación experimental en el empleo del crio-SEM como una herramienta para visualizar el estado vítreo de las células y tejidos sometidos a los procesos de crioconservación. Se ha comparado con la más conocida técnica de calorimetría diferencial de barrido, obteniéndose resultados muy concordantes y complementarios. Se exploró también por estas técnicas el efecto sobre tejidos vegetales de la adaptación a bajas temperaturas y de la deshidratación inducida por los diferentes tratamientos utilizados en los protocolos. Este estudio permite observar la evolución biofísica de los sistemas en el proceso de crioconservación. Por último, se estudió la aplicación de películas de quitosano en las cuentas de alginato utilizadas en el protocolo de encapsulación. No se observaron cambios significativos en su comportamiento frente a la deshidratación, en sus parámetros calorimétricos y en la superficie de las cuentas. Su aplicación puede conferir propiedades adicionales prometedoras. ABSTRACT Currently, cryopreservation techniques have a growing importance for long term plant germplasm storage. These methods have undergone great progress during the last two decades, and adequate protocols for different plant systems have been developed, making use of diverse strategies, such as vitrification, encapsulation-dehydration with alginate beads and the dropletvitrification method. This PhD thesis has the goal of increasing the knowledge on the processes underlying the different steps of cryopreservation protocols, in relation with the state of water on tissues and its changes, approached through diverse biophysical techniques, especially differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and low-temperature scanning electron microscopy (cryo-SEM). The processes of cooling to liquid nitrogen temperature and warming to room temperature, at the end of the storage period, critical for the survival of the cryopreserved material, are described in a first study on these cryopreservation methods. Both cooling and warming must be carried out as quickly as possible because, although the low water content achieved during previous protocol steps significantly reduces ice formation probability, it does not completely disappear. Within this context, the influence of plant vitrification solutions cooling and warming rate on their vitrification related thermophysical parameters is also analyzed, in relation to its composition and component concentration. These solutions are used in most of the currently employed plant material cryopreservation protocols. Additionally, the influence of other factors determining the stability of vitrified material is studied, such as glass aging. An experimental research work has been carried out on the use of cryo-SEM as a tool for visualizing the glassy state in cells and tissues, submitted to cryopreservation processes. It has been compared with the better known differential scanning calorimetry technique, and results in good agreement and complementary have been obtained. The effect on plant tissues of adaptation to low temperature and of the dehydration induced by the different treatments used in the protocols was explored also by these techniques. This study allows observation of the system biophysical evolution in the cryopreservation process. Lastly, the potential use of an additional chitosan film over the alginate beads used in encapsulation protocols was examined. No significant changes could be observed in its dehydration and calorimetric behavior, as well as in its surface aspect; its application for conferring additional properties to gel beads is promising.
Cloud-aerosol interaction is a key issue in the climate system, affecting the water cycle, the weather, and the total energy balance including the spatial and temporal distribution of latent heat release. Information on the vertical distribution of cloud droplet microphysics and thermodynamic phase as a function of temperature or height, can be correlated with details of the aerosol field to provide insight on how these particles are affecting cloud properties and their consequences to cloud lifetime, precipitation, water cycle, and general energy balance. Unfortunately, today's experimental methods still lack the observational tools that can characterize the true evolution of the cloud microphysical, spatial and temporal structure in the cloud droplet scale, and then link these characteristics to environmental factors and properties of the cloud condensation nuclei. Here we propose and demonstrate a new experimental approach (the cloud scanner instrument) that provides the microphysical information missed in current experiments and remote sensing options. Cloud scanner measurements can be performed from aircraft, ground, or satellite by scanning the side of the clouds from the base to the top, providing us with the unique opportunity of obtaining snapshots of the cloud droplet microphysical and thermodynamic states as a function of height and brightness temperature in clouds at several development stages. The brightness temperature profile of the cloud side can be directly associated with the thermodynamic phase of the droplets to provide information on the glaciation temperature as a function of different ambient conditions, aerosol concentration, and type. An aircraft prototype of the cloud scanner was built and flew in a field campaign in Brazil. The CLAIM-3D (3-Dimensional Cloud Aerosol Interaction Mission) satellite concept proposed here combines several techniques to simultaneously measure the vertical profile of cloud microphysics, thermodynamic phase, brightness temperature, and aerosol amount and type in the neighborhood of the clouds. The wide wavelength range, and the use of multi-angle polarization measurements proposed for this mission allow us to estimate the availability and characteristics of aerosol particles acting as cloud condensation nuclei, and their effects on the cloud microphysical structure. These results can provide unprecedented details on the response of cloud droplet microphysics to natural and anthropogenic aerosols in the size scale where the interaction really happens.
Field trials and laboratory bioassays were undertaken to compare the performance and efficacy (mortality of diamondback moth larvae) of insecticides applied to cabbages with three high volume hydraulic knapsack sprayers (NS-16, PB-20 and Selecta 12V) and a controlled droplet application (CDA) sprayer. In field experiments, the high volume knapsack sprayers (application rate 500-600 L ha(-1)) provided better spray coverage on the upper and lower surfaces of inner leaves, the upper surfaces of middle and outer leaves, and greater biological efficacy than the CDA sprayer (application rate 20similar to40 L ha(-1)). The PB-20 provided better spray coverage on the upper surface of middle leaves and both surfaces of outer leaves when compared with the Selecta 12V. However, its biological efficacy in the field was not significantly different from that of the other high volume sprayers. Increasing the application rate from 20 to 40 L ha(-1) for the CDA sprayer significantly increased droplet density but had no impact on test insect mortality. Laboratory evaluations of biological efficacy yielded higher estimates than field evaluations and there was no significant difference between the performance of the PB-20 and the CDA sprayer. Significant positive relationships were detected between insect mortality and droplet density deposited for both the PB-20 and the CDA sprayers.
Objective: To evaluate influences of vitrification and warming of metaphase II (MII) mouse oocytes on survival, spindle dynamics. spindle morphology, and chromatin alignment on metaphase plates. Design: Experimental animal Study. Setting: University animal laboratory. Animal(s): Eight-week-old B6D2F1 mice. Intervention(s): Denuded MII oocytes were used fresh (control), exposed to vitrification/warming solutions (Sol Expos), or vitrified and warmed (Vitr). Main Outcome Measure(s): Oocyte recovery and survival after warming and the influence of solution exposure and cryopreservation on spindle dynamics and chromatin alignment. Result(s): Cryopreservation of two or 10 oocytes per straw resulted in recovery (100% +/- 0% and 95% +/- 4%, respectively; mean SE) and survival (95% 2% and 98% 2%, respectively). Immediately after warming (Vitr), significantly fewer oocytes assessed with immunocytochemistry contained spindles, compared with control and Sol Expos. When oocytes were placed into a 3 degrees 7C environment for 2 hours after exposure or warming, the ability to recognize spindles by immunocytochemistry was not significantly different between groups. Using live-cell time-lapse imaging with LC-Polscope, similar time-dependent spindle formation dynamics were observed. At 2 hours after collection or treatment, spindle morphology and length were not significantly different between the groups, nor was the incidence of aberrant alignment of chromatin on metaphase plates. Conclusion(s): Immediately after warming of vitrified MII oocytes, beta-tubulin is depolymerized and chromatin remains condensed on the metaphase plate. Within a 2-hour period, beta-tubulin repolymerizes, forming morphologically normal metaphase spindles with properly aligned chromatin.
Objective: To compare cryopreservation of mature human oocytes with slow-rate freezing and vitrification and determine which is most efficient at establishing a pregnancy. Design: Prospective randomized. Setting: Academically affiliated, private fertility center. Patient(s): Consenting patients with concerns about embryo cryopreservation and more than nine mature oocytes at retrieval were randomized to slow-rate freezing or vitrification of supernumerary (more than nine) oocytes. Intervention(s): Oocytes were frozen or vitrified, and upon request oocytes were thawed or warmed, respectively. Main Outcome Measure(s): Oocyte survival, fertilization, embryo development, and clinical pregnancy. Result(s): Patient use has resulted in 30 thaws and 48 warmings. Women`s age at time of cryopreservation was similar. Oocyte survival was significantly higher following vitrification/warming (81%) compared with freezing/thawing (67%). Fertilization was more successful in oocytes vitrified/warmed compared with frozen/thawed. Fertilized oocytes from vitrification/warming had significantly better cleavage rates (84%) compared with freezing/thawing (71%) and resulted in embryos with significantly better morphology. Although similar numbers of embryos were transferred, embryos resulting from vitrified oocytes had significantly enhanced clinical (38%) pregnancy rates compared with embryos resulting from frozen oocyte (13%). Miscarriage and/or spontaneous abortion rates were similar. Conclusion(s): Our results suggest that vitrification/warming is currently the most efficient means of oocyte cryopreservation in relation to subsequent success in establishing pregnancy. (Fertil Steril (R) 2010; 94: 2088-95. (C) 2010 by American Society for Reproductive Medicine.)