1000 resultados para Drama translation


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For well over half a century, British TV drama production has both inherited from and aimed to appeal to nations and cultures beyond the UK, particularly the lucrative (yet notoriously tough) US TV market. However, in the context of mainstream American broadcasting, British-produced imports have never been anything more than a peripheral presence on US small screens. A currently prominent production strategy aiming to counter the mainstream US TV market's aversion to foreign-sourced drama, in an attempt to access prime-time broadcasting positions, is a process which can be labelled as UK-to-US TV dramatranslation’: the ‘recreation’ of British-based dramas within an American cultural framework. Whilst the cultural reconfiguration of game show and reality/lifestyle TV formats has received heightened critical attention in recent years, investigation into the international translation of TV drama remains less developed. This paper investigates both the internal textual operations and the external production dynamics involved in the process of UK-to-US TV drama translation, drawing on direct interview material from industry professionals. The UK and US versions of the crime drama Cracker constitute the core translation case study, utilising the close analysis of text and production context as a lens through which to examine the mechanics of UK-to-US TV drama translation.


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L'objectif de cette recherche est de fournir une analyse de la pièce de théâtre perse ''Marionettes'' de Bahrām Beyzā'ī (1963) ainsi que de sa traduction anglaise (1989) afin de comparer et de mettre en contraste les traits propres à la culture «Culture-specific items» (CSI) et des stratégies de traduction. Les formes problématiques pertinentes des différences culturelles seront étudiées et les procédés suggérés par Newmark (1988) seront examinés afin de déterminer dans quelle mesure ils sont pertinents dans la traduction des différences culturelles du perse à l'anglais. La pièce a été traduite par une équipe de traducteurs: Sujata G.Bhatt, Jacquelin Hoats, Imran A. Nyazee et Kamiar K. Oskouee. (Parvin Loloi et Glyn Pursglove 2002:66). Les oeuvres théâtrales de Beyzā'ī sont basées sur les traditions ainsi que sur le folklore iranien. L'auteur aborde la réalité sous une perspective philosophique. « (Un point de vue) enveloppé dans une cape de comparaisons complexes à tel point que nombre des personnages de son oeuvre errent entre des symboles de la mythologie et de l’histoire, ou sociaux» (M.R. Ghanoonparvar, John Green 1989, p.xxii notre traduction). La classification des éléments culturels de Newmark (1988) va comme suit: «Écologie, culture matérielle, culture sociale, organisations, coutumes / moeurs, gestes et habitudes» (Newmark 1988:95). La recherche mettra l’accent sur les procédés suggérés pour traduire les CSI ainsi que sur les stratégies de traduction selon Newmark. Ces procédés comprennent : «traduction littérale, transfert, équivalent culturel, neutralisation, équivalent fonctionnel, équivalent descriptif, synonymie, par le biais de la traduction, transposition, modulation, traduction reconnue, étiquette de traduction, compensation, analyse componentielle, réduction et expansion, paraphraser, distique, notes, additions, gloses» (Newmark 1988:81-93). L'objectif ici est de déterminer si les procédés suggérés sont applicables à la traduction des CSIs du perse à l'anglais, et quels sont les procédés les plus fréquemment utilisés par les traducteurs.


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L'objectif de cette recherche est de fournir une analyse de la pièce de théâtre perse ''Marionettes'' de Bahrām Beyzā'ī (1963) ainsi que de sa traduction anglaise (1989) afin de comparer et de mettre en contraste les traits propres à la culture «Culture-specific items» (CSI) et des stratégies de traduction. Les formes problématiques pertinentes des différences culturelles seront étudiées et les procédés suggérés par Newmark (1988) seront examinés afin de déterminer dans quelle mesure ils sont pertinents dans la traduction des différences culturelles du perse à l'anglais. La pièce a été traduite par une équipe de traducteurs: Sujata G.Bhatt, Jacquelin Hoats, Imran A. Nyazee et Kamiar K. Oskouee. (Parvin Loloi et Glyn Pursglove 2002:66). Les oeuvres théâtrales de Beyzā'ī sont basées sur les traditions ainsi que sur le folklore iranien. L'auteur aborde la réalité sous une perspective philosophique. « (Un point de vue) enveloppé dans une cape de comparaisons complexes à tel point que nombre des personnages de son oeuvre errent entre des symboles de la mythologie et de l’histoire, ou sociaux» (M.R. Ghanoonparvar, John Green 1989, p.xxii notre traduction). La classification des éléments culturels de Newmark (1988) va comme suit: «Écologie, culture matérielle, culture sociale, organisations, coutumes / moeurs, gestes et habitudes» (Newmark 1988:95). La recherche mettra l’accent sur les procédés suggérés pour traduire les CSI ainsi que sur les stratégies de traduction selon Newmark. Ces procédés comprennent : «traduction littérale, transfert, équivalent culturel, neutralisation, équivalent fonctionnel, équivalent descriptif, synonymie, par le biais de la traduction, transposition, modulation, traduction reconnue, étiquette de traduction, compensation, analyse componentielle, réduction et expansion, paraphraser, distique, notes, additions, gloses» (Newmark 1988:81-93). L'objectif ici est de déterminer si les procédés suggérés sont applicables à la traduction des CSIs du perse à l'anglais, et quels sont les procédés les plus fréquemment utilisés par les traducteurs.


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INTRODUCTION The popular Hong Kong comedy, The Greatest Lover, re-incarnates one of the most popular western musicals, My Fair Lady. OBJECTIVES 1. To find out in what major ways My Fair Lady was rewritten as the Hong Kong Cantonese movie, Gungzi Docing (The Greatest Lover). 2. To find out the socio-political, socio-linguistic, and gender ideology behind the rewriting. METHODOLOGY 1. To note the similarity of the themes for both works – a creator falling in love with his/her creation, and class prejudice and cross-class romance. 2. To note how the times of The Greatest Lover differ from that of My Fair Lady. 3. To note how the main characters in The Greatest Lover differ from My Fair Lady in terms of profession, gender, etc. 4. To note how the plot of The Greatest Lover differs from that of My Fair Lady. 5. To note how focus on language in The Greatest Lover compares with that in My Fair Lady. 6. To discuss the ideological implications of the differences noted above, e.g. women in Hong Kong today have much higher status than women in Victorian England; the conflict between local Hong Kong people and both legal and illegal immigrants from Mainland China is even more serious than that between the British upper middle class and the lower class during the Victorian period. 7. Andre Lefevere (1992) argues that translation and adaptation are rewriting informed and influenced by the rewriter’s ideology, among other things. 8. Both Aline Remael (1995) and Patrick Cattrysse (1992) think that film adaptation is a kind of translation. 9. Sirkkus Aaltonen (2000) argues that drama translation mirrors the ideologies of the target society. CONCLUSION 1. The Greatest Lover projects local cultural significance onto My Fair Lady by helping us to appreciate an important Western work of art through the Hong Kong Cantonese perspective. 2. Broader issues in translation and intercultural studies are also considered.


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Introduction: There are many important Finnish plays but, due to language barrier, Finnish drama is seldom exported, particularly to Hong Kong and China.. Objective: To find out differences in mentality between the Finnish and Chinese peoples by comparing the partially localized Chinese translation of Aleksis Kivi’s tragedy, Kullervo, with genuine Chinese martial arts literature. Methodology: 1. Chapman Chen has translated the Finnish classic, Kullervo, directly from Finnish into Chinese and published it in 2005. 2. In Chen’s Chinese translation, cultural markers are domesticated. On the other hand, values, characterization, plot, and rhythm remain unchanged. 3. According to Gideon Tory, the translator has to strike a golden mean between the norms of the source language and the target language. 4. Lau Tingci lists and explicates the essential components of martial arts drama. 5. According to Ehrnrooth’s “Mentality”, equality is the most important value in Finnish culture. Findings: i. Finland emphasizes independence while China emphasizes bilateral relationships. ii. The Finnish people loves freedom, but Gai Sizung argues that the Chinese people is slavish. iii. Finns are mature while many Chinese are, according to Sun Lung-kee (“The Deep Structure of Chinese Culture”; “The Deep Structure of Chinese Sexuality”), fixated at the oral and anal stages. iv. Finnish society highly values equality while Chinese interpersonal relationships are extremely complicated and hierachical. If Kullervo were a genuine Chinese kungfu story, the plot would be much more convoluted. Conclusion: The differences between Finnish and Chinese mentalities are so significant that partially localized or adapted Chinese translations of Finnish drama may still be able to introduce Finnish culture to the Chinese audience.


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The aim of the present study is to address contemporary drama translation by comparing two different scenarios, namely France and Italy. For each country, the following areas are described: publications of translated drama texts, their promotion and dissemination, the legal framework concerning copyright in publication and performance contracts. Moreover, the analysis highlights that the translation process of drama texts is part of a working cycle networking different professional figures, such as dramatic authors, directors, actors and publishers. Within this cycle, the translator is in a middle and central position at the same time, a sort of border zone between different contexts, i.e. the source language and culture and the target language and culture. As regards translation-related issues, on the basis of theoretical approaches that can be applied to drama translation, a number of translators’ opinions, statements, positions and practices are compared, thus highlighting an idea of drama translation wavering between translation and adaptation. Drama translators seem to follow these two orientations simultaneously, in compliance with translation ethics and the functional needs of target texts. Such ambivalence is due to the desire and difficulty of translating the specific nature of drama texts, i.e. translating textual elements that are linked, eventually, to stage performance. Indeed, the notion of text or form fidelity is replaced by the notion of fidelity to the theatrical value of a text, in terms of fidelity to its theatrical nature and rhythmical tension. The analysis reveals that drama translators work together with theatre operators, and that in many cases translators are authors, directors or actors themselves. These drama skills enable translators to apply relevant strategies when translating elements that generate rhythm, thus choosing from deleting, reproducing or recreating.


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Translation attributed to G. C. D'Aguilar in Nicoll, History of early nineteenth century drama.


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A recent production of Nicholson’s Shadowlands at the Brisbane Powerhouse could have included two advertising lines: “Outspoken American-Jewish poet meets conservative British Oxford scholar” and “Emotive American Method trained actor meets contained British trained actor.” While the fusion of acting methodologies in intercultural acting has been discussed at length, little discussion has focussed on the juxtaposition of diverse acting styles in production in mainstream theatre. This paper explores how the permutation of American Method acting and a more traditional British conservatory acting in Crossbow’s August 2010 production of Shadowlands worked to add extra layers of meaning to the performance text. This sometimes inimical relationship between two acting styles had its beginnings in the rehearsal room and continued onstage. Audience reception to the play in post-performance discussions revealed the audience’s acute awareness of the transatlantic cultural tensions on stage. On one occasion, this resulted in a heated debate on cultural expression, continuing well after the event, during which audience members became co-performers in the cultural discourses of the play.


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While the synthesis of acting methodologies in intercultural acting has been discussed at length, little discussion has focussed on the potential of diverse actor training styles to affect performance making and audience reception. This article explores a project where the abstract elements of the British and American cultures were translated in rehearsal and in production through the purposeful juxtaposition of two differing actor training styles: the British ‘traditional’ approach and the American Method. William Nicholson’s Shadowlands was produced by Crossbow Productions at the Brisbane Powerhouse in 2010. Nicholson’s play contains a discourse on the cultural cringe of British – American relations. As a research project, the production aimed to extend and augment audience experience of the socio-cultural tensions inherent in the play by juxtaposing two seemingly culturally inscribed approaches to acting. Actors were chosen who had been trained under a traditional conservatoire approach and the American Method. A brief overview of these acting approaches is followed by a discussion centred on the project. This article analyses how from the casting room to the rehearsal room to the mise en scene and into the audience discussions, cultural issues were articulated, translated and debated through the language of acting.


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This article explores the historical neglect of translation as a consideration in the study and practice of theatre in the United States and Europe. While the study of literature is fairly strictly divided between English-language and Comparative Literature departments, theatre and drama have shown little concern about language as a barrier to reception of the dramatic text. Arguably, this discrepancy may be traced to a fundamental gap between the perceived status of the novel as a completed work of art and the playtext as work of art in progress, waiting to find its completion in performance.


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