997 resultados para Downstream applications


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Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) extraction has considerably evolved since it was initially performed back in 1869. It is the first step required for many of the available downstream applications used in the field of molecular biology. Whole blood samples are one of the main sources used to obtain DNA, and there are many different protocols available to perform nucleic acid extraction on such samples. These methods vary from very basic manual protocols to more sophisticated methods included in automated DNA extraction protocols. Based on the wide range of available options, it would be ideal to determine the ones that perform best in terms of cost-effectiveness and time efficiency. We have reviewed DNA extraction history and the most commonly used methods for DNA extraction from whole blood samples, highlighting their individual advantages and disadvantages. We also searched current scientific literature to find studies comparing different nucleic acid extraction methods, to determine the best available choice. Based on our research, we have determined that there is not enough scientific evidence to support one particular DNA extraction method from whole blood samples. Choosing a suitable method is still a process that requires consideration of many different factors, and more research is needed to validate choices made at facilities around the world.


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Extracting DNA from a variety of algae is rather difficult because of high levels of polysaccharides, tannins, and phenolics as these interfere with DNA isolation and downstream applications. High-quality plastid DNA (ptDNA) purification is particularly difficult because of its small proportion in total genomic DNA. This report describes an improved protocol for ptDNA purification that efficiently produces high-quality ptDNA from sporophytes of Laminaria japonica and several other algae. This improved protocol simplifies procedures for ptDNA purification and improves yield to 150-200 mu g of ptDNA per 100 g of frozen algal tissue. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of conserved sequences has been used to verify purity of the ptDNA product.


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Integrating analysis and design models is a complex task due to differences between the models and the architectures of the toolsets used to create them. This complexity is increased with the use of many different tools for specific tasks using an analysis process. In this work various design and analysis models are linked throughout the design lifecycle, allowing them to be moved between packages in a way not currently available. Three technologies named Cellular Modeling, Virtual Topology and Equivalencing are combined to demonstrate how different finite element meshes generated on abstract analysis geometries can be linked to their original geometry. Cellular models allow interfaces between adjacent cells to be extracted and exploited to transfer analysis attributes such as mesh associativity or boundary conditions between equivalent model representations. Virtual Topology descriptions used for geometry clean-up operations are explicitly stored so they can be reused by downstream applications. Establishing the equivalence relationships between models enables analysts to utilize multiple packages for specialist tasks without worrying about compatibility issues or substantial rework.


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La gazéification est aujourd'hui l'une des stratégies les plus prometteuses pour valoriser les déchets en énergie. Cette technologie thermo-chimique permet une réduction de 95 % de la masse des intrants et génère des cendres inertes ainsi que du gaz de synthèse (syngaz). Le syngaz est un combustible gazeux composé principalement de monoxyde de carbone (CO), d'hydrogène (H2) et de dioxyde de carbone (CO2). Le syngaz peut être utilisé pour produire de la chaleur et de l'électricité. Il est également la pierre angulaire d'un grand nombre de produits à haute valeur ajoutée, allant de l'éthanol à l'ammoniac et l'hydrogène pur. Les applications en aval de la production de syngaz sont dictées par son pouvoir calorifique, lui-même dépendant de la teneur du gaz en H2. L’augmentation du contenu du syngaz en H2 est rendu possible par la conversion catalytique à la vapeur d’eau, largement répandu dans le cadre du reformage du méthane pour la production d'hydrogène. Au cours de cette réaction, le CO est converti en H2 et CO2 selon : CO + H2O → CO2 + H2. Ce processus est possible grâce à des catalyseurs métalliques mis en contact avec le CO et de la vapeur. La conversion catalytique à la vapeur d’eau a jusqu'ici été réservé pour de grandes installations industrielles car elle nécessite un capital et des charges d’exploitations très importantes. Par conséquent, les installations de plus petite échelle et traitant des intrants de faible qualité (biomasse, déchets, boues ...), n'ont pas accès à cette technologie. Ainsi, la seule utilisation de leur syngaz à faible pouvoir calorifique, est limitée à la génération de chaleur ou, tout au plus, d'électricité. Afin de permettre à ces installations une gamme d’application plus vaste de leurs syngaz, une alternative économique à base de catalyseur biologique est proposée par l’utilisation de bactéries hyperthermophiles hydrogénogènes. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'utiliser Carboxydothermus hydrogenoformans, une bactérie thermophile carboxydotrophe hydrogénogène comme catalyseur biologique pour la conversion du monoxyde de carbone en hydrogène. Pour cela, l’impact d'un phénomène de biominéralisation sur la production d’H2 a été étudié. Ensuite, la faisabilité et les limites de l’utilisation de la souche dans un bioréacteur ont été évaluées. Tout d'abord, la caractérisation de la phase inorganique prédominante lorsque C. hydrogenoformans est inoculé dans le milieu DSMZ, a révélé une biominéralisation de phosphate de calcium (CaP) cristallin en deux phases. L’analyse par diffraction des rayons X et spectrométrie infrarouge à transformée de Fourier de ce matériau biphasique indique une signature caractéristique de la Mg-whitlockite, alors que les images obtenues par microscopie électronique à transmission ont montré l'existence de nanotiges cristallines s’apparentant à de l’hydroxyapatite. Dans les deux cas, le mode de biominéralisation semble être biologiquement induit plutôt que contrôlé. L'impact du précipité de CaP endogène sur le transfert de masse du CO et la production d’H2 a ensuite été étudié. Les résultats ont été comparés aux valeurs obtenues dans un milieu où aucune précipitation n'est observée. Dans le milieu DSMZ, le KLa apparent (0.22 ± 0.005 min-1) et le rendement de production d’H2 (89.11 ± 6.69 %) étaient plus élevés que ceux obtenus avec le milieu modifié (0.19 ± 0.015 min-1 et 82.60 ± 3.62% respectivement). La présence du précipité n'a eu aucune incidence sur l'activité microbienne. En somme, le précipité de CaP offre une nouvelle stratégie pour améliorer les performances de transfert de masse du CO en utilisant les propriétés hydrophobes de gaz. En second lieu, la conversion du CO en H2 par la souche Carboxydothermus hydrogenoformans fut étudiée et optimisée dans un réacteur gazosiphon de 35 L. Parmi toutes les conditions opérationnelles, le paramètre majeur fut le ratio du débit de recirculation du gaz sur le débit d'alimentation en CO (QR:Qin). Ce ratio impacte à la fois l'activité biologique et le taux de transfert de masse gaz-liquide. En effet, au dessus d’un ratio de 40, les performances de conversion du CO en H2 sont limitées par l’activité biologique alors qu’en dessous, elles sont limitées par le transfert de masse. Cela se concrétise par une efficacité de conversion maximale de 90.4 ± 0.3 % et une activité spécifique de 2.7 ± 0.4 molCO·g–1VSS·d–1. Malgré des résultats prometteurs, les performances du bioréacteur ont été limitées par une faible densité cellulaire, typique de la croissance planctonique de C. hydrogenoformans. Cette limite est le facteur le plus contraignant pour des taux de charge de CO plus élevés. Ces performances ont été comparées à celles obtenues dans un réacteur à fibres creuses (BRFC) inoculé par la souche. En dépit d’une densité cellulaire et d’une activité volumétrique plus élevées, les performances du BRFC à tout le moins cinétiquement limitées quand elles n’étaient pas impactées par le transfert de masse, l'encrassement et le vieillissement de la membrane. Afin de parer à la dégénérescence de C. hydrogenoformans en cas de pénurie de CO, la croissance de la bactérie sur pyruvate en tant que seule source de carbone a été également caractérisée. Fait intéressant, en présence simultanée de pyruvate et de CO, C. hydrogenoformans n’a amorcé la consommation de pyruvate qu’une fois le CO épuisé. Cela a été attribué à un mécanisme d'inhibition du métabolisme du pyruvate par le CO, faisant ainsi du pyruvate le candidat idéal pour un système in situ de secours.


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The updraft biomass gasifiers currently available produce a gas with high tar content. For almost all downstream applications a substantial reduction of the tar concentration is required. The gravimetric tar concentration behavior in producer gas, obtained at a modified updraft fixed bed gasifier, was studied. The feedstock feeding system was modified respect to the traditional updraft gasification design in order to decrease the tar concentration in the producer gas; the material is feeding continuously through a conduit in the base of the reactor over the grate. The caloric power of the syngas obtained was slightly lower than the typical value for this type of reactor and the highest efficiency obtained for the woodchip gasification was 77%. The highest tar concentration obtained during the experiments was 1652.7 mg N m-3 during the first our of experiments, comparable with the smaller value reported for the updraft reactors, this value is reduced significantly after the stabilization of the gasification process in the reactor. The smaller value obtained was 21 mg N m-3. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Due to the growing attention of consumers towards their food, improvement of quality of animal products has become one of the main focus of research. To this aim, the application of modern molecular genetics approaches has been proved extremely useful and effective. This innovative drive includes all livestock species productions, including pork. The Italian pig breeding industry is unique because needs heavy pigs slaughtered at about 160 kg for the production of high quality processed products. For this reason, it requires precise meat quality and carcass characteristics. Two aspects have been considered in this thesis: the application of the transcriptome analysis in post mortem pig muscles as a possible method to evaluate meat quality parameters related to the pre mortem status of the animals, including health, nutrition, welfare, and with potential applications for product traceability (chapters 3 and 4); the study of candidate genes for obesity related traits in order to identify markers associated with fatness in pigs that could be applied to improve carcass quality (chapters 5, 6, and 7). Chapter three addresses the first issue from a methodological point of view. When we considered this issue, it was not obvious that post mortem skeletal muscle could be useful for transcriptomic analysis. Therefore we demonstrated that the quality of RNA extracted from skeletal muscle of pigs sampled at different post mortem intervals (20 minutes, 2 hours, 6 hours, and 24 hours) is good for downstream applications. Degradation occurred starting from 48 h post mortem even if at this time it is still possible to use some RNA products. In the fourth chapter, in order to demonstrate the potential use of RNA obtained up to 24 hours post mortem, we present the results of RNA analysis with the Affymetrix microarray platform that made it possible to assess the level of expression of more of 24000 mRNAs. We did not identify any significant differences between the different post mortem times suggesting that this technique could be applied to retrieve information coming from the transcriptome of skeletal muscle samples not collected just after slaughtering. This study represents the first contribution of this kind applied to pork. In the fifth chapter, we investigated as candidate for fat deposition the TBC1D1 [TBC1 (tre-2/USP6, BUB2, cdc16) gene. This gene is involved in mechanisms regulating energy homeostasis in skeletal muscle and is associated with predisposition to obesity in humans. By resequencing a fragment of the TBC1D1 gene we identified three synonymous mutations localized in exon 2 (g.40A>G, g.151C>T, and g.172T>C) and 2 polymorphisms localized in intron 2 (g.219G>A and g.252G>A). One of these polymorphisms (g.219G>A) was genotyped by high resolution melting (HRM) analysis and PCR-RFLP. Moreover, this gene sequence was mapped by radiation hybrid analysis on porcine chromosome 8. The association study was conducted in 756 performance tested pigs of Italian Large White and Italian Duroc breeds. Significant results were obtained for lean meat content, back fat thickness, visible intermuscular fat and ham weight. In chapter six, a second candidate gene (tribbles homolog 3, TRIB3) is analyzed in a study of association with carcass and meat quality traits. The TRIB3 gene is involved in energy metabolism of skeletal muscle and plays a role as suppressor of adipocyte differentiation. We identified two polymorphisms in the first coding exon of the porcine TRIB3 gene, one is a synonymous SNP (c.132T> C), a second is a missense mutation (c.146C> T, p.P49L). The two polymorphisms appear to be in complete linkage disequilibrium between and within breeds. The in silico analysis of the p.P49L substitution suggests that it might have a functional effect. The association study in about 650 pigs indicates that this marker is associated with back fat thickness in Italian Large White and Italian Duroc breeds in two different experimental designs. This polymorphisms is also associated with lactate content of muscle semimembranosus in Italian Large White pigs. Expression analysis indicated that this gene is transcribed in skeletal muscle and adipose tissue as well as in other tissues. In the seventh chapter, we reported the genotyping results for of 677 SNPs in extreme divergent groups of pigs chosen according to the extreme estimated breeding values for back fat thickness. SNPs were identified by resequencing, literature mining and in silico database mining. analysis, data reported in the literature of 60 candidates genes for obesity. Genotyping was carried out using the GoldenGate (Illumina) platform. Of the analyzed SNPs more that 300 were polymorphic in the genotyped population and had minor allele frequency (MAF) >0.05. Of these SNPs, 65 were associated (P<0.10) with back fat thickness. One of the most significant gene marker was the same TBC1D1 SNPs reported in chapter 5, confirming the role of this gene in fat deposition in pig. These results could be important to better define the pig as a model for human obesity other than for marker assisted selection to improve carcass characteristics.


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Mesenchymale Stamzellen (MSC) sind Vertreter der adulten Stammzellen. Sie bergen durch ihre große Plastizität ein immenses Potential für die klinische Nutzung in Form von Stammzelltherapien. Zellen dieses Typs kommen vornehmlich im Knochenmark der großen Röhrenknochen vor und können zu Knochen, Knorpel und Fettzellen differenzieren. MSC leisten einen wichtigen Beitrag im Rahmen regenerativer Prozesse, beispielsweise zur Heilung von Frakturen. Breite Studien demonstrieren bereits jetzt auch bei komplexeren Erkrankungen (z.B. Osteoporose) therapeutisch vielversprechende Einsatzmöglichkeiten. Oft kommen hierbei aus MSC gezielt differenzierte Folgelinien aus Zellkulturen zum Einsatz. Dies bedingt eine kontrollierte Steuerung der Differenzierungsprozesse in vitro. Der Differenzierung einer Stammzelle liegt eine komplexe Veränderung ihrer Genexpression zugrunde. Genexpressionsmuster zur Erhaltung und Proliferation der Stammzellen müssen durch solche, die der linienspezifischen Differenzierung dienen, ersetzt werden. Die mit der Differenzierung einhergehende, transkriptomische Neuausrichtung ist für das Verständnis der Prozesse grundlegend und wurde bislang nur unzureichend untersucht. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist eine transkriptomweite und vergleichende Genexpressionsanalyse Mesenchymaler Stammzellen und deren in vitro differenzierten Folgelinien mittels Plasmid - DNA Microarrays und Sequenziertechniken der nächsten Generation (RNA-Seq, Illumina Plattform). In dieser Arbeit diente das Hausrind (Bos taurus) als Modellorganismus, da es genetisch betrachtet eine hohe Ähnlichkeit zum Menschen aufweist und Knochenmark als Quelle von MSC gut verfügbar ist. Primärkulturen Mesenchymaler Stammzellen konnten aus dem Knochenmark von Rindern erfolgreich isoliert werden. Es wurden in vitro Zellkultur - Versuche durchgeführt, um die Zellen zu Osteoblasten, Chondrozyten und Adipozyten zu differenzieren. Zur Genexpressionsanalyse wurde RNA aus jungen MSC und einer MSC Langzeitkultur („alte MSC“), sowie aus den differenzierten Zelllinien isoliert und für nachfolgende Experimente wo nötig amplifiziert. Der Erfolg der Differenzierungen konnte anhand der Genexpression von spezifischen Markergenen und mittels histologischer Färbungen belegt werden. Hierbei zeigte sich die Differenzierung zu Osteoblasten und Adipozyten erfolgreich, während die Differenzierung zu Chondrozyten trotz diverser Modifikationen am Protokoll nicht erfolgreich durchgeführt werden konnte. Eine vergleichende Hybridisierung zur Bestimmung differentieller Genexpression (MSC vs. Differenzierung) mittels selbst hergestellter Plasmid - DNA Microarrays ergab für die Osteogenese mit Genen wie destrin und enpp1, für die undifferenzierten MSC mit dem Gen sema3c neue Kandidatengene, deren biologische Funktion aufzuklären in zukünftigen Experimenten vielversprechende Ergebnisse liefern sollte. Die Analyse der transkriptomweiten Genexpression mittels NGS lieferte einen noch umfangreicheren Einblick ins Differenzierungsgeschehen. Es zeigte sich eine hohe Ähnlichkeit im Expressionsprofil von jungen MSC und Adipozyten, sowie zwischen den Profilen der alten MSC (eine Langzeitkultur) und Osteoblasten. Die alten MSC wiesen deutliche Anzeichen für eine spontane Differenzierung in die osteogene Richtung auf. Durch Analyse der 100 am stärksten exprimierten Gene jeder Zelllinie ließen sich für junge MSC und Adipozyten besonders Gene der extrazellulären Matrix (z.B col1a1,6 ; fn1 uvm.) auffinden. Sowohl Osteoblasten, als auch die alten MSC exprimieren hingegen verstärkt Gene mit Bezug zur oxidativen Phosphorylierung, sowie ribosomale Proteine. Eine Betrachtung der differentiellen Genexpression (junge MSC vs. Differenzierung) mit anschließender Pathway Analyse und Genontologie Anreicherungsstatistik unterstützt diese Ergebnisse vor allem bei Osteoblasten, wo nun jedoch zusätzlich auch Gene zur Regulation der Knochenentwicklung und Mineralisierung in den Vordergrund treten. Für Adipozyten konnte mit Genen des „Jak-STAT signaling pathway“, der Fokalen Adhäsion, sowie Genen des „Cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction pathway“ sehr spannende Einsichten in die Biologie dieses Zelltyps erlangt werden, die sicher weiterer Untersuchungen bedürfen. In undifferenzierten MSC konnte durch differentielle Genexpressionsanalyse die Rolle des nicht kanonischen Teils des WNT Signalweges als für die Aufrechterhaltung des Stammzellstatus potentiell äußerst einflussreich ermittelt werden. Die hier diskutierten Ergebnisse zeigen beispielhaft, dass besonders mittels Genexpressionsanalyse im Hochdurchsatzverfahren wertvolle Einblicke in die komplexe Biologie der Stammzelldifferenzierung möglich sind. Als Grundlage für nachfolgende Arbeiten konnten interessante Gene ermittelt und Hypothesen zu deren Einfluss auf Stammzelleigenschaften und Differenzierungsprozesse aufgestellt werden. Um einen besseren Einblick in den Differenzierungsverlauf zu ermöglichen, könnten künftig NGS Analysen zu unterschiedlichen Differenzierungszeitpunkten durchgeführt werden. Zudem wären weitere Anstrengungen zur erfolgreichen Etablierung der chondrogenen Differenzierung zur vollständigen Analyse der Genexpression des trilinearen Differenzierungspotentials von MSC wünschenswert.


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In this protocol we provide a method to isolate dendritic cells (DC) and epithelial cells (TEC) from the human thymus. DC and TEC are the major antigen presenting cell (APC) types found in a normal thymus and it is well established that they play distinct roles during thymic selection. These cells are localized in distinct microenvironments in the thymus and each APC type makes up only a minor population of cells. To further understand the biology of these cell types, characterization of these cell populations is highly desirable but due to their low frequency, isolation of any of these cell types requires an efficient and reproducible procedure. This protocol details a method to obtain cells suitable for characterization of diverse cellular properties. Thymic tissue is mechanically disrupted and after different steps of enzymatic digestion, the resulting cell suspension is enriched using a Percoll density centrifugation step. For isolation of myeloid DC (CD11c(+)), cells from the low-density fraction (LDF) are immunoselected by magnetic cell sorting. Enrichment of TEC populations (mTEC, cTEC) is achieved by depletion of hematopoietic (CD45(hi)) cells from the low-density Percoll cell fraction allowing their subsequent isolation via fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) using specific cell markers. The isolated cells can be used for different downstream applications.


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The number of studies of tropical tree species that use molecular tools is increasing, most of which collect leaf tissue for genomic DNA extraction. In tropical trees the canopy is not only frequently inaccessible, but also, once reached, the leaf tissue is often heavily defended against herbivory by high concentrations of anti-predation compounds, which may inhibit downstream applications, particularly PCR. Cambium tissue, accessed directly from the tree trunk at ground level, offers a readily accessible resource that is less hampered by the presence of defensive chemicals than leaf tissue. Here we describe a simple method for obtaining tissue from the cambial zone for DNA extraction and test the applicability of the method in a range of tropical tree species. The method was used successfully to extract DNA from 11 species in nine families. A subset of the DNA extracts was tested in more detail and proved to be highly suitable for AFLP analysis.


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The presence of inhibitory substances in biological forensic samples has, and continues to affect the quality of the data generated following DNA typing processes. Although the chemistries used during the procedures have been enhanced to mitigate the effects of these deleterious compounds, some challenges remain. Inhibitors can be components of the samples, the substrate where samples were deposited or chemical(s) associated to the DNA purification step. Therefore, a thorough understanding of the extraction processes and their ability to handle the various types of inhibitory substances can help define the best analytical processing for any given sample. A series of experiments were conducted to establish the inhibition tolerance of quantification and amplification kits using common inhibitory substances in order to determine if current laboratory practices are optimal for identifying potential problems associated with inhibition. DART mass spectrometry was used to determine the amount of inhibitor carryover after sample purification, its correlation to the initial inhibitor input in the sample and the overall effect in the results. Finally, a novel alternative at gathering investigative leads from samples that would otherwise be ineffective for DNA typing due to the large amounts of inhibitory substances and/or environmental degradation was tested. This included generating data associated with microbial peak signatures to identify locations of clandestine human graves. Results demonstrate that the current methods for assessing inhibition are not necessarily accurate, as samples that appear inhibited in the quantification process can yield full DNA profiles, while those that do not indicate inhibition may suffer from lowered amplification efficiency or PCR artifacts. The extraction methods tested were able to remove >90% of the inhibitors from all samples with the exception of phenol, which was present in variable amounts whenever the organic extraction approach was utilized. Although the results attained suggested that most inhibitors produce minimal effect on downstream applications, analysts should practice caution when selecting the best extraction method for particular samples, as casework DNA samples are often present in small quantities and can contain an overwhelming amount of inhibitory substances.


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The use of styrene maleic acid (SMA) co-polymers to extract and purify transmembrane proteins, whilst retaining their native bilayer environment, overcomes many of the disadvantages associated with conventional detergent based procedures. This approach has huge potential for the future of membrane protein structural and functional studies. In this investigation we have systematically tested a range of commercially available SMA polymers, varying in both the ratio of styrene to maleic acid and in total size, for the ability to extract, purify and stabilise transmembrane proteins. Three different membrane proteins (BmrA, LeuT and ZipA) which vary in size and shape were used. Our results show that several polymers can be used to extract membrane proteins comparably to conventional detergents. A styrene:maleic acid ratio of either 2:1 or 3:1, combined with a relatively small average molecular weight (7.5-10 kDa) is optimal for membrane extraction, and this appears to be independent of the protein size, shape or expression system. A subset of polymers were taken forward for purification, functional and stability tests. Following a one-step affinity purification SMA 2000 was found to be the best choice for yield, purity and function. However the other polymers offer subtle differences in size and sensitivity to divalent cations that may be useful for a variety of downstream applications.


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Adjoint methods have proven to be an efficient way of calculating the gradient of an objective function with respect to a shape parameter for optimisation, with a computational cost nearly independent of the number of the design variables [1]. The approach in this paper links the adjoint surface sensitivities (gradient of objective function with respect to the surface movement) with the parametric design velocities (movement of the surface due to a CAD parameter perturbation) in order to compute the gradient of the objective function with respect to CAD variables.
For a successful implementation of shape optimization strategies in practical industrial cases, the choice of design variables or parameterisation scheme used for the model to be optimized plays a vital role. Where the goal is to base the optimization on a CAD model the choices are to use a NURBS geometry generated from CAD modelling software, where the position of the NURBS control points are the optimisation variables [2] or to use the feature based CAD model with all of the construction history to preserve the design intent [3]. The main advantage of using the feature based model is that the optimized model produced can be directly used for the downstream applications including manufacturing and process planning.
This paper presents an approach for optimization based on the feature based CAD model, which uses CAD parameters defining the features in the model geometry as the design variables. In order to capture the CAD surface movement with respect to the change in design variable, the “Parametric Design Velocity” is calculated, which is defined as the movement of the CAD model boundary in the normal direction due to a change in the parameter value.
The approach presented here for calculating the design velocities represents an advancement in terms of capability and robustness of that described by Robinson et al. [3]. The process can be easily integrated to most industrial optimisation workflows and is immune to the topology and labelling issues highlighted by other CAD based optimisation processes. It considers every continuous (“real value”) parameter type as an optimisation variable, and it can be adapted to work with any CAD modelling software, as long as it has an API which provides access to the values of the parameters which control the model shape and allows the model geometry to be exported. To calculate the movement of the boundary the methodology employs finite differences on the shape of the 3D CAD models before and after the parameter perturbation. The implementation procedure includes calculating the geometrical movement along a normal direction between two discrete representations of the original and perturbed geometry respectively. Parametric design velocities can then be directly linked with adjoint surface sensitivities to extract the gradients to use in a gradient-based optimization algorithm.
The optimisation of a flow optimisation problem is presented, in which the power dissipation of the flow in an automotive air duct is to be reduced by changing the parameters of the CAD geometry created in CATIA V5. The flow sensitivities are computed with the continuous adjoint method for a laminar and turbulent flow [4] and are combined with the parametric design velocities to compute the cost function gradients. A line-search algorithm is then used to update the design variables and proceed further with optimisation process.


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The paper gives an overview of the development of satellite oceanography over the past five years focusing on the most relevant issues for operational oceanography. Satellites provide key essential variables to constrain ocean models and/or serve downstream applications. New and improved satellite data sets have been developed and have directly improved the quality of operational products. The status of the satellite constellation for the last five years was, however, not optimal. Review of future missions shows clear progress and new research and development missions with a potentially large impact for operational oceanography should be demonstrated. Improvement of data assimilation techniques and developing synergetic use of high resolution satellite observations are important future priorities.


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Archived specimens are highly valuable sources of DNA for retrospective genetic/genomic analysis. However, often limited effort has been made to evaluate and optimize extraction methods, which may be crucial for downstream applications. Here, we assessed and optimized the usefulness of abundant archived skeletal material from sharks as a source of DNA for temporal genomic studies. Six different methods for DNA extraction, encompassing two different commercial kits and three different protocols, were applied to material, so-called bio-swarf, from contemporary and archived jaws and vertebrae of tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier). Protocols were compared for DNA yield and quality using a qPCR approach. For jaw swarf, all methods provided relatively high DNA yield and quality, while large differences in yield between protocols were observed for vertebrae. Similar results were obtained from samples of white shark (Carcharodon carcharias). Application of the optimized methods to 38 museum and private angler trophy specimens dating back to 1912 yielded sufficient DNA for downstream genomic analysis for 68% of the samples. No clear relationships between age of samples, DNA quality and quantity were observed, likely reflecting different preparation and storage methods for the trophies. Trial sequencing of DNA capture genomic libraries using 20 000 baits revealed that a significant proportion of captured sequences were derived from tiger sharks. This study demonstrates that archived shark jaws and vertebrae are potential high-yield sources of DNA for genomic-scale analysis. It also highlights that even for similar tissue types, a careful evaluation of extraction protocols can vastly improve DNA yield.


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The presence of inhibitory substances in biological forensic samples has, and continues to affect the quality of the data generated following DNA typing processes. Although the chemistries used during the procedures have been enhanced to mitigate the effects of these deleterious compounds, some challenges remain. Inhibitors can be components of the samples, the substrate where samples were deposited or chemical(s) associated to the DNA purification step. Therefore, a thorough understanding of the extraction processes and their ability to handle the various types of inhibitory substances can help define the best analytical processing for any given sample. A series of experiments were conducted to establish the inhibition tolerance of quantification and amplification kits using common inhibitory substances in order to determine if current laboratory practices are optimal for identifying potential problems associated with inhibition. DART mass spectrometry was used to determine the amount of inhibitor carryover after sample purification, its correlation to the initial inhibitor input in the sample and the overall effect in the results. Finally, a novel alternative at gathering investigative leads from samples that would otherwise be ineffective for DNA typing due to the large amounts of inhibitory substances and/or environmental degradation was tested. This included generating data associated with microbial peak signatures to identify locations of clandestine human graves. Results demonstrate that the current methods for assessing inhibition are not necessarily accurate, as samples that appear inhibited in the quantification process can yield full DNA profiles, while those that do not indicate inhibition may suffer from lowered amplification efficiency or PCR artifacts. The extraction methods tested were able to remove >90% of the inhibitors from all samples with the exception of phenol, which was present in variable amounts whenever the organic extraction approach was utilized. Although the results attained suggested that most inhibitors produce minimal effect on downstream applications, analysts should practice caution when selecting the best extraction method for particular samples, as casework DNA samples are often present in small quantities and can contain an overwhelming amount of inhibitory substances.^