947 resultados para Double Layer Potential


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Exact, closed-form analytical expressions are presented for evaluating the potential energy of electrical double layer (EDL) interactions between a sphere and an infinite flat plate for three different types of interactions: constant potential, constant charge, and an intermediate case as given by the linear superposition approximation (LSA). By taking advantage of the simpler sphere-plate geometry, simplifying assumptions used in the original Derjaguin approximation (DA) for sphere-sphere interaction are avoided, yielding expressions that are more accurate and applicable over the full range of κa. These analytical expressions are significant improvements over the existing equations in the literature that are valid only for large κa because the new equations facilitate the modeling of EDL interactions between nanoscale particles and surfaces over a wide range of ionic strength.


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Use of engineered landfills for the disposal of industrial wastes is currently a common practice. Bentonite is attracting a greater attention not only as capping and lining materials in landfills but also as buffer and backfill materials for repositories of high-level nuclear waste around the world. In the design of buffer and backfill materials, it is important to know the swelling pressures of compacted bentonite with different electrolyte solutions. The theoretical studies on swell pressure behaviour are all based on Diffuse Double Layer (DDL) theory. To establish a relation between the swell pressure and void ratio of the soil, it is necessary to calculate the mid-plane potential in the diffuse part of the interacting ionic double layers. The difficulty in these calculations is the elliptic integral involved in the relation between half space distance and mid plane potential. Several investigators circumvented this problem using indirect methods or by using cumbersome numerical techniques. In this work, a novel approach is proposed for theoretical estimations of swell pressures of fine-grained soil from the DDL theory. The proposed approach circumvents the complex computations in establishing the relationship between mid-plane potential and diffused plates’ distances in other words, between swell pressure and void ratio.


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Although numerous theoretical efforts have been put forth, a systematic, unified and predictive theoretical framework that is able to capture all the essential physics of the interfacial behaviors of ions, such as the Hofmeister series effect, Jones-Ray effect and the salt effect on the bubble coalescence remain an outstanding challenge. The most common approach to treating electrostatic interactions in the presence of salt ions is the Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) theory. However, there are many systems for which the PB theory fails to offer even a qualitative explanation of the behavior, especially for ions distributed in the vicinity of an interface with dielectric contrast between the two media (like the water-vapor/oil interface). A key factor missing in the PB theory is the self energy of the ion.

In this thesis, we develop a self-consistent theory that treats the electrostatic self energy (including both the short-range Born solvation energy and the long-range image charge interactions), the nonelectrostatic contribution of the self energy, the ion-ion correlation and the screening effect systematically in a single framework. By assuming a finite charge spread of the ion instead of using the point-charge model, the self energy obtained by our theory is free of the divergence problems and gives a continuous self energy across the interface. This continuous feature allows ions on the water side and the vapor/oil side of the interface to be treated in a unified framework. The theory involves a minimum set of parameters of the ion, such as the valency, radius, polarizability of the ions, and the dielectric constants of the medium, that are both intrinsic and readily available. The general theory is first applied to study the thermodynamic property of the bulk electrolyte solution, which shows good agreement with the experiment result for predicting the activity coefficient and osmotic coefficient.

Next, we address the effect of local Born solvation energy on the bulk thermodynamics and interfacial properties of electrolyte solution mixtures. We show that difference in the solvation energy between the cations and anions naturally gives rise to local charge separation near the interface, and a finite Galvani potential between two coexisting solutions. The miscibility of the mixture can either increases or decreases depending on the competition between the solvation energy and translation entropy of the ions. The interfacial tension shows a non-monotonic dependence on the salt concentration: it increases linearly with the salt concentration at higher concentrations, and decreases approximately as the square root of the salt concentration for dilute solutions, which is in agreement with the Jones-Ray effect observed in experiment.

Next, we investigate the image effects on the double layer structure and interfacial properties near a single charged plate. We show that the image charge repulsion creates a depletion boundary layer that cannot be captured by a regular perturbation approach. The correct weak-coupling theory must include the self-energy of the ion due to the image charge interaction. The image force qualitatively alters the double layer structure and properties, and gives rise to many non-PB effects, such as nonmonotonic dependence of the surface energy on concentration and charge inversion. The image charge effect is then studied for electrolyte solutions between two plates. For two neutral plates, we show that depletion of the salt ions by the image charge repulsion results in short-range attractive and long-range repulsive forces. If cations and anions are of different valency, the asymmetric depletion leads to the formation of an induced electrical double layer. For two charged plates, the competition between the surface charge and the image charge effect can give rise to like- charge attraction.

Then, we study the inhomogeneous screening effect near the dielectric interface due to the anisotropic and nonuniform ion distribution. We show that the double layer structure and interfacial properties is drastically affected by the inhomogeneous screening if the bulk Debye screening length is comparable or smaller than the Bjerrum length. The width of the depletion layer is characterized by the Bjerrum length, independent of the salt concentration. We predict that the negative adsorption of ions at the interface increases linearly with the salt concentration, which cannot be captured by either the bulk screening approximation or the WKB approximation. For asymmetric salt, the inhomogeneous screening enhances the charge separation in the induced double layer and significantly increases the value of the surface potential.

Finally, to account for the ion specificity, we study the self energy of a single ion across the dielectric interface. The ion is considered to be polarizable: its charge distribution can be self-adjusted to the local dielectric environment to minimize the self energy. Using intrinsic parameters of the ions, such as the valency, radius, and polarizability, we predict the specific ion effect on the interfacial affinity of halogen anions at the water/air interface, and the strong adsorption of hydrophobic ions at the water/oil interface, in agreement with experiments and atomistic simulations.

The theory developed in this work represents the most systematic theoretical technique for weak-coupling electrolytes. We expect the theory to be more useful for studying a wide range of structural and dynamic properties in physicochemical, colloidal, soft-matter and biophysical systems.


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The double layer structure of two ionic liquids (ILs), 1-butyl-1- methylpyrrolidinium tris(pentafluoroethyl)trifluorophosphate ([Py 1,4]FAP) and 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium tris(pentafluoroethyl) trifluorophosphate ([EMIm]FAP) at the polarized Au(111) electrode interface is probed using Atomic Force Microscopy force measurements. The force-separation profiles suggest a multilayered morphology is present at the electrified Au(111)-IL interface, with more near surface layers detected at higher potentials. At the (slightly negative) open circuit potential, multiple ion layers are present, and the innermost layer, in contact with the Au(111) surface, is enriched in the cation due to electrostatic adsorption. Upon applying negative electrode potentials (-1.0 V, -2.0 V), stronger IL near surface structure is detected: both the number of ion layers and the force required to rupture these layers increases. Positive electrode potentials (+1.0 V, +2.0 V) also enhance IL near surface structure, but not as much as negative potentials, because surface-adsorbed anions are less effective at templating structure in subsequent layers than cations. This interfacial structure is not consistent with a double layer in the Stern-Gouy-Chapman sense, as there is no diffuse layer. The structure is consistent with a capicitative double-layer model, with a very small separation distance between the planes of charge.


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The plausibility of the entropic repulsion of electrical double layers acting to stabilize an equilibrium thickness of intergranular glass films in polycrystalline ceramics is explored. Estimates of the screening length, surface potential, and surface charge required to provide a repulsive force sufficiently large to balance the attractive van der Waals and capillary forces for observable thicknesses of intergranular film are calculated and do not appear to be beyond possibility. However, it has yet to be established whether crystalline particles in a liquid-phase sintering medium possess an electrical double layer at high temperatures. If they do, such a surface charge layer may well have important consequences not only for liquid-phase sintering but also for high-frequency electrical properties and microwave sintering of ceramics containing a liquid phase.


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The relations for the inner layer potential &fference (E) in the presence of adsorbed orgamc molecules are derived for three hterarchlcal models, m terms of molecular constants like permanent &pole moments, polarlzablhtles, etc It is shown how the experimentally observed patterns of the E vs 0 plots (hnear m all ranges of $\sigma^M$, non-linear in one or both regions of o M, etc ) can be understood in a serm-quantltatlve manner from the simplest model in our hierarchy, viz the two-state site panty version Two-state multi-site and three-state (sxte panty) models are also analysed and the slope (3E/80),,M tabulated for these also The results for the Esm-Markov effect are denved for all the models and compared with the earlier result of Parsons. A comparison with the GSL phenomenologlcal equation is presented and its molecular basis, as well as the hmltatlons, is analysed. In partxcular, two-state multa-slte and three-state (site panty) models yield E-o M relations that are more general than the "umfied" GSL equation The posslblhty of vaewlng the compact layer as a "composite medium" with an "effective dlelectnc constant" and obtaimng novel phenomenological descnptions IS also indicated.


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Time-resolved electric field induced second harmonic generation technique was used to probe the carrier transients within double-layer pentacene-based MIM devices. Polyterpenol thin films fabricated from non-synthetic environmentally sustainable source were used as a blocking layer to assist in visualisation of single-species carrier transportation during charging and discharging under different bias conditions. Results demonstrated that carrier transients were comprised of charging on electrodes, followed by carrier injection and charging of the interface. Polyterpenol was demonstrated to be a sound blocking material and can therefore be effectively used for probing of double-layer devices using EFISHG.


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Bentonite clays are proven to be attractive as buffer and backfill material in high-level nuclear waste repositories around the world. A quick estimation of swelling pressures of the compacted bentonites for different clay-water-electrolyte interactions is essential in the design of buffer and backfill materials. The theoretical studies on the swelling behavior of bentonites are based on diffuse double layer (DDL) theory. To establish theoretical relationship between void ratio and swelling pressure (e versus P), evaluation of elliptic integral and inverse analysis are unavoidable. In this paper, a novel procedure is presented to establish theoretical relationship of e versus P based on the Gouy-Chapman method. The proposed procedure establishes a unique relationship between electric potentials of interacting and non-interacting diffuse clay-water-electrolyte systems. A procedure is, thus, proposed to deduce the relation between swelling pressures and void ratio from the established relation between electric potentials. This approach is simple and alleviates the need for elliptic integral evaluation and also the inverse analysis. Further, application of the proposed approach to estimate swelling pressures of four compacted bentonites, for example, MX 80, Febex, Montigel and Kunigel V1, at different dry densities, shows that the method is very simple and predicts solutions with very good accuracy. Moreover, the proposed procedure provides continuous distributions of e versus P and thus it is computationally efficient when compared with the existing techniques.


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Using the two-component random phase approximation, we report the collective mode spectrum of a quasi-one-dimensional spatially separated electron-hole double-layer system characterized by rolled-up type-II band aligned quantum wells. We find two intra-subband collective excitations, which can be classified into optic and acoustic plasmon branches, and several inter-subband plasmon modes. At the long wavelength limit and up to a given wave vector, our model predicts and admits an undamped acoustic branch, which always lies in the gap between the intra-subband electron and hole continua, and an undamped optic branch residing within the gap between the inter-subband electron and hole continua, for all values of the electron-hole charge separations. This theoretical investigation suggests that the low-energy and Landau-undamped plasmon modes might exist based on quasi-one-dimensional, two-component spatially separated electron-hole plasmas, and their possibility could be experimentally examined. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Porous activated-carbons with a large surface-area have been the most common materials for electrical-double-layer capacitors (EDLCs). These carbons having a wide pore distribution ranges from micropores to macropores in conjunction with a random pore connection that facilitates the high specific-capacitance values. Pore distribution plays a central role in controlling the capacitance value of EDLCs, since electrolyte distribution inside the active material mainly depends on the pore distribution. This has a direct influence on the distribution of resistance and capacitance values within the electrode. As a result, preparation of electrodes remains a vital issue in realising high-performance EDLCs. Generally, carbon materials along with some binders are dispersed into a solvent and coated onto the current collectors. This study examines the role of binder solvents used for the carbon-ink preparation on the microstructure of the electrodes and the consequent performance of the EDLCs. It is observed that the physical properties of the binder solvent namely its dielectric constant, viscosity and boiling point have important role in determining the pore-size distribution as well as the microstructure of electrodes which influence their specific capacitance values.


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Current methods for molecular simulations of Electric Double Layer Capacitors (EDLC) have both the electrodes and the electrolyte region in a single simulation box. This necessitates simulation of the electrode-electrolyte region interface. Typical capacitors have macroscopic dimensions where the fraction of the molecules at the electrode-electrolyte region interface is very low. Hence, large systems sizes are needed to minimize the electrode-electrolyte region interfacial effects. To overcome these problems, a new technique based on the Gibbs Ensemble is proposed for simulation of an EDLC. In the proposed technique, each electrode is simulated in a separate simulation box. Application of periodic boundary conditions eliminates the interfacial effects. This in addition to the use of constant voltage ensemble allows for a more convenient comparison of simulation results with experimental measurements on typical EDLCs. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Carbonization of milk-free coconut kernel pulp is carried out at low temperatures. The carbon samples are activated using KOH, and electrical double-layer capacitor (EDLC) properties are studied. Among the several samples prepared, activated carbon prepared at 600 A degrees C has a large surface area (1,200 m(2) g(-1)). There is a decrease in surface area with increasing temperature of preparation. Cyclic voltammetry and galvanostatic charge-discharge studies suggest that activated carbons derived from coconut kernel pulp are appropriate materials for EDLC studies in acidic, alkaline, and non-aqueous electrolytes. Specific capacitance of 173 F g(-1) is obtained in 1 M H2SO4 electrolyte for the activated carbon prepared at 600 A degrees C. The supercapacitor properties of activated carbon sample prepared at 600 A degrees C are superior to the samples prepared at higher temperatures.


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In this paper, GdFeCo/DyFeCo exchange-coupled double-layer films used for center aperture type magnetically induced super resolution were investigated through experiments and theoretical calculation. The samples were prepared by magnetron sputtering method. The polar Kerr effect was measured to prove the spin reorientation of the readout layer. Theoretical study of magnetization profiles was performed on the basis of the mean-field theory and the continuum model. The theoretical results showed that the magnetization orientation of the readout layer changed gradually from in-plane to out-of-plane with the rise of the temperature. Theoretical analysis explained the experimental results successfully. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.