975 resultados para Dopamina. Sono. Memória. Plasticidade sináptica


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Dopamine (DA) is known to regulate both sleep and memory formations, while sleep plays a critical role in the consolidation of different types of memories. We believe that pharmacological manipulation of dopaminergic pathways might disrupt the sleep-wake cycle, leading to mnemonic deficits, which can be observed in both behavioral and molecular levels. Therefore, here we investigated how systemic injections of haloperidol (0.3 mg/kg), immediately after training in dark and light periods, affects learning assessed in the novel object preference test (NOPT) in mice. We also investigated the hippocampal levels of the plasticity-related proteins Zif-268, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and phosphorylated Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinases II (CaMKII-P) in non-exposed (naïve), vehicle-injected controls and haloperidol-treated mice at 3, 6 and 12 hours after training in the light period. Haloperidol administration during the light period led to a subsequent impairment in the NOPT. In contrast, preference was not observed during the dark period neither in mice injected with haloperidol, nor in vehicle-injected animals. A partial increase of CaMKII-P in the hippocampal field CA3 of vehicle-injected mice was detected at 3h. Haloperidol-treated mice showed a significant decrease in the dentate gyrus of CaMKII-P levels at 3, 6 and 12h; of Zif-268 levels at 6h, and of BDNF levels at 12h after training. Since the mnemonic effects of haloperidol were only observed in the light period when animals tend to sleep, we suggest that these effects are related to REM sleep disruption after haloperidol injection


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Dopamine (DA) is known to regulate both sleep and memory formations, while sleep plays a critical role in the consolidation of different types of memories. We believe that pharmacological manipulation of dopaminergic pathways might disrupt the sleep-wake cycle, leading to mnemonic deficits, which can be observed in both behavioral and molecular levels. Therefore, here we investigated how systemic injections of haloperidol (0.3 mg/kg), immediately after training in dark and light periods, affects learning assessed in the novel object preference test (NOPT) in mice. We also investigated the hippocampal levels of the plasticity-related proteins Zif-268, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and phosphorylated Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinases II (CaMKII-P) in non-exposed (naïve), vehicle-injected controls and haloperidol-treated mice at 3, 6 and 12 hours after training in the light period. Haloperidol administration during the light period led to a subsequent impairment in the NOPT. In contrast, preference was not observed during the dark period neither in mice injected with haloperidol, nor in vehicle-injected animals. A partial increase of CaMKII-P in the hippocampal field CA3 of vehicle-injected mice was detected at 3h. Haloperidol-treated mice showed a significant decrease in the dentate gyrus of CaMKII-P levels at 3, 6 and 12h; of Zif-268 levels at 6h, and of BDNF levels at 12h after training. Since the mnemonic effects of haloperidol were only observed in the light period when animals tend to sleep, we suggest that these effects are related to REM sleep disruption after haloperidol injection


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Several research lines show that sleep favors memory consolidation and learning. It has been proposed that the cognitive role of sleep is derived from a global scaling of synaptic weights, able to homeostatically restore the ability to learn new things, erasing memories overnight. This phenomenon is typical of slow-wave sleep (SWS) and characterized by non-Hebbian mechanisms, i.e., mechanisms independent of synchronous neuronal activity. Another view holds that sleep also triggers the specific enhancement of synaptic connections, carrying out the embossing of certain mnemonic traces within a lattice of synaptic weights rescaled each night. Such an embossing is understood as the combination of Hebbian and non-Hebbian mechanisms, capable of increasing and decreasing respectively the synaptic weights in complementary circuits, leading to selective memory improvement and a restructuring of synaptic configuration (SC) that can be crucial for the generation of new behaviors ( insights ). The empirical findings indicate that initiation of Hebbian plasticity during sleep occurs in the transition of the SWS to the stage of rapid eye movement (REM), possibly due to the significant differences between the firing rates regimes of the stages and the up-regulation of factors involved in longterm synaptic plasticity. In this study the theories of homeostasis and embossing were compared using an artificial neural network (ANN) fed with action potentials recorded in the hippocampus of rats during the sleep-wake cycle. In the simulation in which the ANN did not apply the long-term plasticity mechanisms during sleep (SWS-transition REM), the synaptic weights distribution was re-scaled inexorably, for its mean value proportional to the input firing rate, erasing the synaptic weights pattern that had been established initially. In contrast, when the long-term plasticity is modeled during the transition SWSREM, an increase of synaptic weights were observed in the range of initial/low values, redistributing effectively the weights in a way to reinforce a subset of synapses over time. The results suggest that a positive regulation coming from the long-term plasticity can completely change the role of sleep: its absence leads to forgetting; its presence leads to a positive mnemonic change


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Introdução: Estudos actuais sugerem que o sono possui um papel importante na melhoria do desempenho motor em adultos. Porém, em crianças saudáveis os resultados são contraditórios, indicando que apenas a passagem do tempo pode produzir um ganho ilusório. Objetivo: Identificar e sumarizar a evidência acerca do impacto do sono no desempenho de tarefas de memória procedimental em crianças saudáveis. Métodos: Foi conduzida uma pesquisa bibliográfica nas principais bases de dados electrónicas, Medline, ISI Web of Science e Scopus. Esta foi realizada até 17 de Maio de 2015 e de acordo com o equação de pesquisa. Após a selecção dos artigos, segundo os critérios de inclusão e exclusão, avaliou-se a qualidade metodológica com recurso ao instrumento designado QATSDD (Quality Assessment Tool and Scoring Guidance Notes) e outro instrumento para estudos de intervenção beforeafter, sem grupo de controlo, desenvolvido por profissionais de sáude pertencentes ao National Institutes of Health. A meta-análise foi realizada com a medida do tempo de reacção, usando a diferença das médias padronizadas. O método estatístico utilizado foi Mantel-Haenszel para efeitos aleatórios. Resultados: Conduziu-se a revisão sistemática com quatorze artigos publicados entre 2007 e 2014, três estudos usados na meta-análise. Apenas quatro estudos denotaram melhorias, estatisticamente significativas, no que diz respeito ao efeito de um período de sono no desempenho de uma tarefa motora em crianças. Pelo contrário, a maioria dos estudos é a favor de que um período de sono prejudica o desempenho. Na meta-análise mostra-se que a vigília favorece os valores do tempo de reacção. Conclusões: A presente evidência não suporta o facto de que um período de sono optimiza o desempenho de tarefas de memória procedimental em crianças. Dadas as limitações apresentadas, nomeadamente a heterogeneidade das intervenções e reduzida qualidade metodológica dos estudos incluídos, sem grupo de controlo, sugere-se a realização de estudos futuros com maior nível de evidência.


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In the behavioral paradigm of discriminative avoidance task, both short and long-term memories have been extensively investigated with behavioral and pharmacological approaches. The aim of the present study was to evaluate, using the abovementioned model, the hippocampal expression of zif-268 - a calcium-dependent immediate early gene involved with synaptic plasticity process - throughout several steps of memory formation, such as acquisition, evocation and extiction. The behavioral apparatus consisted of a modified elevaated plus-maze, with their enclosed arms disposed in "L". A pre-exposure to the maze was made with the animal using all arms enclosed, for 30 minutes, followed by training and test, during 10 minutes each. The between sections interval was 24h. During training, aversive stimuli (bright light and loud noise) were actived whenever the animals entered one of the enclosed armas (aversive arm). Memory acquisiton, retention and extinction were evaluated by the percentage of the total time spent exploring the aversive arm. The parameters evaluated (time spent in the arms and total distance traveled) were estimated with an animal tracking software (Anymaze, Stoelting, USA). Learning during training was estimated by the decrease of the time spent exploring the aversive arm. One hour after the beginning of each section, animals were anaesthetized with sodium-thiopental (i.p.) and perfused with 0.9% heparinized saline solution followed by 4% paraformaldehyde. Brains were cryoprotected with 20% sucrose, separeted in three blocks and frozen. The middle block, containing the hippocampus, was sectioned at 20 micro meters in the coronal plane and the resutant sections were submitted to zif-268 immunohistochemistry. Our results show an increased expression of zif-268 in the dentate gyrus (DG) during the evocation and extinction stages. There is a distinct participation of the DG during the memory evocation, but not during its acquisition. Inaddition, all hippocampal regions (CA1, CA3 and DG) presented an increased zif-268 expression during the process of extinction.


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A hipóxia isquemia (HI) pré-natal é uma das principais causas de mortalidade e doenças neurológicas crônicas em neonatos, que podem apresentar déficits remanentes como: retardamento, paralisia cerebral, dificuldade de aprendizado ou epilepsia. Estes prejuízos, provavelmente, estão relacionados com o atraso no desenvolvimento neural, astrogliose e com a perda de neurônios e oligodendrócitos. Déficits funcionais e cognitivos estão associados à degeneração de vias dopaminérgicas e de estruturas hipocampais. A enzima tirosina hidroxilase (TH) é a enzima limitante na síntese de dopamina e seus níveis são alterados em eventos de HI. O óxido nítrico (NO) é um gás difusível que atua modulando diferentes sistemas, participando de eventos como plasticidade sináptica e neuromodulação no sistema nervoso central e é produzido em grandes quantidades em eventos de injúria e inflamação, como é o caso da HI. O presente estudo teve por objetivos avaliar, utilizando o modelo criado por Robinson e colaboradores em 2005, os efeitos da HI sobre o comportamento motor e avaliar o desenvolvimento de estruturas encefálicas relacionadas a este comportamento como a substância negra (SN) e o complexo hipocampal. A HI foi induzida a partir do clampeamento das artérias uterinas da rata grávida, por 45 minutos no décimo oitavo dia de gestação (grupo HI). Em um grupo de fêmeas a cirurgia foi realizada, mas não houve clampeamento das artérias (grupo SHAM). A avaliação do comportamento motor foi realizada com os testes ROTAROD e de campo aberto em animais de 45 dias. Os encéfalos foram processados histologicamente nas idades de P9, P16, P23 e P90, sendo então realizada imunohistoquímica para TH e histoquímica para NADPH diaforase (NADPH-d), para avaliação do NO. Nossos resultados demonstraram redução da imunorreatividade para a TH em corpos celulares na SN aos 16 dias no grupo HI e aumento na imunorreatividade das fibras na parte reticulada aos 23 dias, com a presença de corpos celulares imunorreativos nesta região no grupo HI. Demonstramos também aumento do número de células marcadas para NADPH-d no giro dentado nos animais HI, nas idades analisadas, assim como aumento na intensidade de reação no corno de Ammon (CA1 e CA3) aos 9 dias no grupo HI, e posterior redução nesta marcação aos 23 e 90dias neste mesmo grupo. Nos testes comportamentais, observamos diminuição da atividade motora no grupo HI com uma melhora do desempenho ao longo dos testes no ROTAROD, sem entretanto atingir o mesmo nível do grupo SHAM. Os animais HI não apresentaram maior nível de ansiedade em relação ao grupo SHAM, descartando a hipótese das alterações observadas nos testes de motricidade estarem relacionadas a fatores ansiogênicos. O modelo de clampeamento das artérias uterinas da fêmea se mostrou uma ferramenta importante no estudo das alterações decorrentes do evento de HI pré-natal, por produzir diversos resultados que são similares aos ocorridos em neonatos que passam por este evento.


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Communication and cooperation between billions of neurons underlie the power of the brain. How do complex functions of the brain arise from its cellular constituents? How do groups of neurons self-organize into patterns of activity? These are crucial questions in neuroscience. In order to answer them, it is necessary to have solid theoretical understanding of how single neurons communicate at the microscopic level, and how cooperative activity emerges. In this thesis we aim to understand how complex collective phenomena can arise in a simple model of neuronal networks. We use a model with balanced excitation and inhibition and complex network architecture, and we develop analytical and numerical methods for describing its neuronal dynamics. We study how interaction between neurons generates various collective phenomena, such as spontaneous appearance of network oscillations and seizures, and early warnings of these transitions in neuronal networks. Within our model, we show that phase transitions separate various dynamical regimes, and we investigate the corresponding bifurcations and critical phenomena. It permits us to suggest a qualitative explanation of the Berger effect, and to investigate phenomena such as avalanches, band-pass filter, and stochastic resonance. The role of modular structure in the detection of weak signals is also discussed. Moreover, we find nonlinear excitations that can describe paroxysmal spikes observed in electroencephalograms from epileptic brains. It allows us to propose a method to predict epileptic seizures. Memory and learning are key functions of the brain. There are evidences that these processes result from dynamical changes in the structure of the brain. At the microscopic level, synaptic connections are plastic and are modified according to the dynamics of neurons. Thus, we generalize our cortical model to take into account synaptic plasticity and we show that the repertoire of dynamical regimes becomes richer. In particular, we find mixed-mode oscillations and a chaotic regime in neuronal network dynamics.


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Biomédicas (Neurociências), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2014


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Tese de mestrado, Neurociências, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2016


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The locomotion is one of the most important capabilities developed by the animals, whose improvement is dependent on several neural centers, including the spinal cord. This activity promotes a lot of spinal modifications that enable it to adapt and improve their connections. This study aimed to observe the morphological changes occurring in the spinal cord after locomotor training in intact rats. For that we used male Wistar rats, which were submitted to locomotor training in wheel activity in protocols 1, 3 and 7 days (30min/day), and the results were compared to a control group not subjected to exercise. Coronal sections of 40 μm of the lumbosacral spinal cord were subjected to immunohistochemical techniques anti-Egr1, anti-NMDA and anti-SP, to characterize the spinal plasticity related to these substances. Egr1-immunoreactive cells were increased in all laminas, essentially in those more intensely activated by locomotion, laminas IV-X levels L4-S3. All observed sections expressed NMDA-immunoreactivity. Analysis of SP in the spinal dorsal horn resulted no significant variations of this neuropeptide related to locomotion. The results suggest that locomotor training provides synaptic plasticity similar to LTP in all laminas of the lumbosacral spinal cord, in different intensities. However, the SP appears do not participate of this process in the spinal dorsal horn. This work will contribute for consolidating and characterization of synaptic plasticity in the spinal cord


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The ability to predict future rewards or threats is crucial for survival. Recent studies have addressed future event prediction by the hippocampus. Hippocampal neurons exhibit robust selectivity for spatial location. Thus, the activity of hippocampal neurons represents a cognitive map of space during navigation as well as during planning and recall. Spatial selectivity allows the hippocampus to be involved in the formation of spatial and episodic memories, including the sequential ordering of events. On the other hand, the discovery of reverberatory activity in multiple forebrain areas during slow wave and REM sleep underscored the role of sleep on the consolidation of recently acquired memory traces. To this date, there are no studies addressing whether neuronal activity in the hippocampus during sleep can predict regular environmental shifts. The aim of the present study was to investigate the activity of neuronal populations in the hippocampus during sleep sessions intercalated by spatial exploration periods, in which the location of reward changed in a predictable way. To this end, we performed the chronic implantation of 32-channel multielectrode arrays in the CA1 regions of the hippocampus in three male rats of the Wistar strain. In order to activate different neuronal subgroups at each cycle of the task, we exposed the animals to four spatial exploration sessions in a 4-arm elevated maze in which reward was delivered in a single arm per session. Reward location changed regularly at every session in a clockwise manner, traversing all the arms at the end of the daily recordings. Animals were recorded from 2-12 consecutive days. During spatial exploration of the 4-arm elevated maze, 67,5% of the recorded neurons showed firing rate differences across the maze arms. Furthermore, an average of 42% of the neurons showed increased correlation (R>0.3) between neuronal pairs in each arm. This allowed us to sort representative neuronal subgroups for each maze arm, and to analyze the activity of these subgroups across sleep sessions. We found that neuronal subgroups sorted by firing rate differences during spatial exploration sustained these differences across sleep sessions. This was not the case with neuronal subgroups sorted according to synchrony (correlation). In addition, the correlation levels between sleep sessions and waking patterns sampled in each arm were larger for the entire population of neurons than for the rate or synchrony subgroups. Neuronal activity during sleep of the entire neuronal population or subgroups did not show different correlations among the four arm mazes. On the other hand, we verified that neuronal activity during pre-exploration sleep sessions was significantly more similar to the activity patterns of the target arm than neuronal activity during pre-exploration sleep sessions. In other words, neuronal activity during sleep that precedes the task reflects more strongly the location of reward than neuronal activity during sleep that follows the task. Our results suggest that neuronal activity during sleep can predict regular environmental changes


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There is a known positive effect of nocturnal sleep for brain plasticity and the consolidation of declarative and procedural memories, as well as for the facilitation of insight in problem solving. However, a possible pro-mnemonic effect of daytime naps after learning is yet to be properly characterized. The goal of this project was to evaluate the influence of daytime naps on learning among elementary and middleschool students, measuring the one-day (acute), and semester-long (chronic) effects of post-learning naps on performance. In the Acute Day-Nap condition, the elementary students were exposed to a class and then randomly divided into three groups: Nap (N), Game-based English Class (GBEC) and Traditional English Class (TEC). There were 2 multiple-choice follow-up tests to evaluate students performance in the short and long runs. In the short run, the N group outperformed the other two groups; and such tendency was maintained in the long run. In the chronic condition, the middle-school students were randomly separated into two groups: Nap (N) and Class (C) and were observed during one academic term. The N group had increased school performance in relation to the C group. In the statistical analyses, independent t-tests were applied considering the scores significant when p<0,05, expressed in terms of average ± average standard error. Results can be interpreted as an indication that a single daytime nap opportunity is not enough to ensure learning benefits. Therefore, more research is needed in order to advocate in favor of a daytime nap as a pedagogical means of promoting enhanced school performance


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O acidente vascular cerebral (AVC) é a maior causa de mortes e incapacidades neurológicas no Brasil, e mais de 80% deles são decorrentes de evento isquêmico. Os sobreviventes de AVC apresentam uma variedade de déficits motores, cognitivos e sensoriais, que prejudicam suas atividades de vida diária, limitando assim sua independência. Portanto, torna-se cada vez mais necessário elaborar estratégias terapêuticas que promovam a recuperação funcional de pacientes acometidos por AVC. Após isquemia do tecido nervoso, ocorre no meio extracelular a super expressão de moléculas inibitórias a regeneração neuronal e à plasticidade sináptica, como os proteoglicanos de sulfato de condroitina (PGSCs), o principal componente das redes perineuronais (RPNs). A remoção destas moléculas com a ação da enzima condroitinase ABC (ChABC) tem sido usada como estratégia para induzir a plasticidade neuronal. Outro fator que tem sido utilizado para estimular a neuroplasticidade é o exercício físico específico para o membro afetado após AVC. O exercício físico está relacionado à liberação de neurotrofinas, importantes para a regeneração do sistema nervoso. Portanto, a remoção dos PGSCs junto com o exercício físico pode potencializar a indução da plasticidade cerebral e recuperação funcional após lesão isquêmica experimental na área sensório-motora de ratos. Para testar nossa hipótese, utilizamos n=16 ratos (Ratus norvergicus) da linhagem Wistar, divididos nos seguintes grupos experimentais (todos com sobrevida de 21 dias após AVC isquêmico): Grupo Controle ou BSA (Isquemia experimental, implante de Elvax saturado com BSA); Grupo Exercício (Isquemia experimental, implante de Elvax saturado com BSA + exercício físico específico); Grupo ChABC (Isquemia experimental, implante de Elvax saturado com ChABC); e Grupo ChABC + Exercício (Isquemia experimental, implante de Elvax saturado com ChABC + exercício físico específico). A lesão isquêmica foi induzida através de microinjeções do vasoconstritor Endotelina-1 (ET-1) no córtex sensório-motor, na representação da pata anterior. Logo em seguida foi implantado uma microfatia de polímero de Etileno vinil acetato saturado com ChABC (grupos ChABC e ChABC + Exercício) ou BSA (grupos Controle e Exercício). Foram avaliadas a área de lesão e a degradação dos PGSCs, além da recuperação funcional da pata afetada através do teste da exploração vertical e do teste da escada horizontal. Avaliamos a área de lesão (mm2) com auxílio do programa ImageJ (NIH, USA), delimitando a área com palor celular e também marcada com azul de colanil que estava presente na solução de injeção do peptídeo vasoconstritor ET-1 e verificamos que não houve diferença significativa no tamanho da área de lesão entre os grupos Controle (0,48±0,12), Exercício (0,46±0,05), ChABC (0,50±0,18) e ChABC + Exercício (0,55±0,05) (ANOVA, pós-teste de Tukey, ***p<0,001; **<0,01; *p<0,5). Animais que foram submetidos à remoção enzimática dos PGSCs apresentaram imunomarcação para o anticorpo anti-condroitin-4-sulfato (C4S) na área de lesão ao final da sobrevida, não havendo evidencias de degradação de PGSCs nos grupos Controle e Exercício. Verificamos ainda no teste do cilindro que a indução da lesão isquêmica não provocou perda funcional ampla, não alterando o comportamento exploratório, nem a frequência de uso da pata anterior afetada dos animais após a lesão (grupo Controle: pré-lesão ou baseline (0,33±0,10), 3 (0,29±0,17), 7 (0,30±0,10), 14 (0,29±0,16) e 21 (0,27±0,13) dias após a lesão; grupo Exercício: pré-lesão ou baseline (0,30±0,12), 3 (0,32±0,24), 7 (0,19±0,37), 14 (0,31±0,10) e 21 (0,32±0,09) dias após a lesão; grupo ChABC: pré-lesão ou baseline (0,34±0,07), 3 (0,20±0,11), 7 (0,23±0,07), 14 (0,33±0,14) e 21 (0,39±0,16) dias após a lesão; grupo ChABC + Exercício: pré-lesão ou baseline (0,34±0,04), 3 (0,20±0,09), 7 (0,26±0,04), 14 (0,18±0,08) e 21 (0,27±0,04) dias após a lesão) (ANOVA, pós-teste de Tukey, ***p<0,001; **<0,01; *p<0,5). O grupo que teve apenas a remoção dos PGSCs apresentou um melhor desempenho motor no teste da escada horizontal, mantendo sua frequência de acertos quando comparado aos demais grupos, sendo que ao final da sobrevida de 21 dias, os grupos Controle e ChABC + Exercício alcançaram uma recuperação espontânea (equivalente ao teste pré-lesão), se aproximando do grupo ChABC. Apenas o grupo tratado somente com Exercício não alcançou a recuperação espontânea, apresentando um desempenho motor significativamente inferior aos demais grupos em todos os momentos de reavaliação (grupo Controle: pré-lesão ou baseline (7,70±0,54), 3 (5,30±0,71), 7 (5,4±1,14), 14 (5,20±0,37) e 21 (6,70±0,48) dias após a lesão; grupo Exercício: pré-lesão ou baseline (8,40±0,28), 3 (4,30±0,48), 7 (4,75±0,50), 14 (5,35±0,41) e 21 (5,05±0,67) dias após a lesão; grupo ChABC: pré-lesão ou baseline (7,65±0,97), 3 (6,90±0,65), 7 (7,80±0,37), 14 (7,15±0,87) e 21 (7,45±0,32) dias após a lesão; e grupo ChABC + Exercício: pré-lesão ou baseline (8,10±0,22), 3 (3,65±1,48), 7 (4,95±1,06), 14 (7,35±0,37) e 21 (6,70±0,48) dias após a lesão (ANOVA, pós-teste de Tukey, ***p<0,001; **<0,01; *p<0,5). Portanto, a remoção dos PGSCs, o exercício físico forçado precoce e sua associação não influenciaram no tamanho da área de lesão após isquemia focal no córtex sensório-motor. Porém, apenas a remoção dos PGSCs das redes perineuronais melhorou precocemente o desempenho motor do membro afetado após isquemia focal no córtex sensório-motor. Enquanto que a remoção dos PGSCs associada ao exercício físico melhorou o desempenho motor do membro afetado após a lesão, porém essa melhora foi tardia. E o exercício físico aplicado precocemente após isquemia focal no córtex sensório-motor prejudicou o desempenho motor do membro afetado.


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Caffeine is the most consumed psychostimulant, with effects on attention, memory, and arousal. But when this substance is ingested near to bedtime there is a decrease on sleep, interfering on mnemonic processes. So, our ain was to investigate how the caffeine ingested near to sleep onset acts on sleep and memory in marmosets. We used 16 adult marmosets, single housed, in a 12:12h light-dark cycle. For registering locomotor activity were used two kinds of sensors. The gyroscope sensor registers activity each 30 sec and detects motion with good accuracy. Because of this we used this sensor for detecting nocturnal activity. The second sensor was based on infrared and accumulates activity each 5 min and it’s not able to detect nocturnal activity, just diurnal activity. We also used camera for registering Rest phase of one marmoset. For the cognitive task, the animals needed to learn a rewarded context (CR) when compared to a non-rewarded context CNR). This experiment comprises 5 phases: 1) Two days of habituation to apparatus; 2)Training for 8 days; 3) oral administration of caffeine (10 mg/kg) or placebo administration ±1h before sleep onset, for 8 days, with marmosets receiving placebo or caffeine; 4) retraining to apparatus and after that, placebo administration (placebo group-GP), or caffeine administration (with continuous group-GC and acute groupGA); 5) Test, for evaluating learning to CR. The sessions were filmed and each one had 8 min of duration. At 7 am started the habituation, training and test sessions, and at 3:15 pm started retraining. The results for gyroscope sensor showed that there was coincidence of 68,57% with nocturnal register of the cameras. Then, the gyroscope sensors detected nocturnal activity for all experimental groups Moreover, when compared sensor gyroscope with sensor based on infrared, was observed that both sensor presented similarity on patterns of activity curve. When we observed the effects of caffeine on Activity-Rest Cycle in GP, GA and GC, is possible to see that that gyroscope sensors and based on infrared presented only intra group differences. As behavioral results, the marmosets learned to discriminate CR when compared to CNR. Moreover, GP presented deficits on memory recall during the test, and GA increased the memory recall, when both were compared to GP. We concluded that the marmosets were able to learning the cognitive task and that the caffeine ingested near to sleep onset acts modulating memory in these animals. Moreover the gyroscope sensor can be used as alternative tool for investigating nocturnal activity. Then, the utilization of this non-invasive device allows marmosets exhibit their behavior within the laboratory conditions as natural as possible.