987 resultados para Domestic labor


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The emerging U.S. approach linking free trade to domestic labor protections is a practical framework on which to base substantive and procedural rights. Nevertheless, much more can be done in future agreements to improve these safeguards for workers in a way that will maximize the gains from trade and reduce the most harmful effects of development. In order to improve future agreements, the U.S. should expand access to consultations within the dispute resolution mechanism, focus complaints on core rights such as organization and bargaining, encourage the development of small independent unions in corporatist cultures, and incorporate the ILO into the dispute settlement process. Finally, the civil law systems of Central America and the Anglo-American common law system may have fundamentally different understandings of the rule of law. This difference in understanding may pose a significant disadvantage for developing or civil law systems entering treaties with the U.S., and should be better understood by both sides in order to maintain the credibility of the law and the effectiveness of the treaty.


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This paper evaluates the long-run effects of economic instability. In particular, we study the impact of idiosyncratic shocks to father’s income on children’s human capital accumulation variables such as school drop-outs, repetition rates and domestic and non-domestic labor. Although, the problem of child labor in Brazil has declined greatly during the last decade, the number of children working is still substantial. The low levels of educational attainment in Brazil are also a main cause for concern. The large rotating panel data set used allows for the estimation of the impacts of changes in occupational and income status of fathers on changes in his child’s time allocation circumstances. The empirical analysis is restricted to families with fathers, mothers and at least one child between 10 and 15 years of age in the main Brazilian metropolitan areas during the 1982-1999 period. We perform logistic regressions controlling for child characteristics (gender, age, if he/she is behind in school for age), parents characteristics (grade attainment and income) and time and location variables. The main variables analyzed are dynamic proxies of impulses and responses, namely: shocks to household head’s income and unemployment status, on the one hand and child’s probability of dropping out of school, of repeating a grade and of start working, on the other. The findings suggest that father’s income has a significant positive correlation with child’s dropping out of school and of repeating a grade. The findings do not suggest a significant relationship between a father’s becoming unemployed and a child entering the non-domestic labor market. However, the results demonstrate a significant positive relationship between a father becoming unemployed and a child beginning to work in domestic labor. There was also a positive correlation between father becoming unemployed and a child dropping out and repeating a grade. Both gender and age were highly significant with boys and older children being more likely to work, drop-out and repeat grades.


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An increasing number of bilateral or plurilateral trade agreements (or regional trade agreements: RTAs) include "labor clauses" that require or urge the signatory countries to commit to maintaining a certain level of labor standards. This paper performs an empirical analysis of the impacts of such labor clauses provided in RTAs on working conditions that laborers in the RTA signatory countries actually face, using macro-level data for a wide variety of countries. The paper first examines the texts of labor provisions in more than 220 effective RTAs and (re-)classifies "RTAs with labor clauses" according to two criteria: (i) the agreement urges or expects the signatory countries to harmonize their domestic labor standards with internationally recognized standards, and (ii) the agreement stipulates the procedures for consultations and/or dispute settlement on labor-condition issues between the signatory countries. Based on this labor-clause RTA classification, the paper estimates the impacts of RTA labor clauses on working conditions in countries with two empirical specifications using the sample covering 136 countries or economies and years from 1995 through 2011. The estimation is extended to takes into account possible lags in the labor-condition effects of labor clauses as well as to consider potential difference in the impacts for countries in different income levels. The empirical results for the four measures of labor conditions (mean monthly real earnings, mean weekly work hours per employee, fatal occupational injury rate, and the number of the ILO's Core Conventions ratified) find no evidence for possible pro-labor-condition effects of RTA labor clauses overall, which should be consistent with the view of economics literature that questions the relevance of linking trade policy with issues in the domestic labor standards.


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O objetivo desta tese é analisar experiências de adoecimento e seus desdobramentos na vida cotidiana, a partir do relato de mulheres que tiveram câncer de mama e realizaram tratamento médico. A maior parte da pesquisa de observação participante foi realizada numa associação de apoio durante os anos de 2005/2006. Neste período acompanhei as atividades propostas por um grupo de profissionais de saúde voluntários interessados em resgatar a auto-estima destas mulheres. Analiso o diálogo estabelecido entre tais profissionais e as freqüentadoras da associação, em sua quase totalidade constituída por mulheres de classes populares, a fim de perceber valores que norteiam comportamentos e discursos sobre a doença. Além do registro de uma relação hierarquizada entre profissionais e leigos, analiso o diálogo (mais igualitário) das mulheres entre si e suas reflexões a respeito de suas vidas, formulando concepções etiológicas acerca da doença que as atingiu, assim como sobre o momento em que suas vidas se encontravam quando da descoberta do câncer. Uma vez finalizado o percurso terapêutico, de volta para casa, as estratégias adotadas consistem em retomar sua vida como era ?antes?. As formas cotidianas da gestão das marcas do câncer no corpo são analisadas do ponto de vista de minhas informantes e tratam de temas relativos à conjugalidade e ao trabalho doméstico. Enfim, trato do sofrimento instituinte de certo tipo de feminilidade.


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El objetivo principal del presente trabajo es explicar de qué forma el Fondo para el Logro de los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio (F-ODM) contribuyó al establecimiento de políticas de género en Marruecos. Como consecuencia de las dinámicas de interdependencia de los años 70, se hizo evidente que algunos estados no tenían la capacidad para proteger los Derechos Humanos, especialmente los derechos de las mujeres, por ésta razón las organizaciones supranacionales iniciaron lazos de cooperación con los estados para contribuir a la difusión y cumplimiento de los DD.HH. Tal es el caso de Marruecos, donde, entre el año 2008 y 2012, el F-ODM implementó un programa para promover el establecimiento de políticas de género a partir del empoderamiento de las mujeres, lo cual, contribuyó al proceso iniciado por el gobierno marroquí para fortalecer el marco normativo y mejorar la situación de las mujeres y niñas en el país.


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Con la llegada al poder del Primer Ministro del Reino Unido Tony Blair en 1997, se implementaron una serie de cambios en la política de migración, orientados a atraer migrantes laborales. En éste trabajo de investigación se analizó la nueva política de migración de RU y el impacto de ésta sobre la fuerza laboral nacional. Usando los preceptos del paradigma liberal de las Relaciones Internacionales, se realizó un balance sobre las consecuencias positivas y negativas que tuvo la implementación de una política de migración orientada a recibir inmigrantes a larga escala, sobre la población trabajadora del país británico en ámbitos sociales, culturales, demográficos y económicos. A manera de conclusión el balance arroja resultados que indican que éste giro en la política migratoria no implicó beneficios significativos para la población nativa, especialmente en temas económicos y sociales.


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This work demonstrates important aspects of domestic work performed by adolescents between 16 and 18 years in residential spaces. This is to highlight the process of naturalization of invisibility, their source of insecurity and social exclusion, in view of the strong personal relationship of domination. Pointing out the relations of pseudo-affection that can obscure the exploitation of domestic labor. Highlight a preliminary discussion on the composition of social relations embedded in the context of domestic work, with emphasis on reflection on the condition of subordination of young domestic workers as a result of a process of socialization consists of relations of domination - gender and social class, resulting in formation of social identity-forming negative stigma. This paper results from a survey of the work of young maids, held in the city of Aracaju, whose main objective was to understand how they operated the differences and inequalities in the relations of domestic based, including information on adolescents' own. Fieldwork was conducted from August 2009 to January 2010 and data collection techniques were used oral history / life history, questionnaires and use of semi-structured interviews, as well as secondary data from PNAD / IBGE which formed the basis of comparative national situation and local context. It emphasizes the links of domestic work involving teenagers question the lifestyles of working class who are confronted by the various "systems" for each home, which leads to the development of adaptation strategies that make possible the coexistence of a stranger the house at the other. It focuses on how the work goes into their lives in terms of socialization offered by working families to their children's, and as this class habitus is adequate for the job market in domestic employment through a socialization process that sometimes opposes and now reinforces the practices and values seized in family socialization


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC


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Previously classed L 34.9: and L 7.51/3: