973 resultados para Dolphin assisted therapy


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Although some research suggests that dog-assisted therapy may be beneficial for people with dementia living in residential aged care facilities, the intervention has not been adequately investigated. To address this shortcoming, we conducted a randomized controlled trial of dog-assisted therapy versus a human-therapist-only intervention for this population. Fifty-five residents with mild to moderate dementia living in three Australian residential aged care facilities completed an 11-week trial of the interventions. Allocation to the intervention was random and participants completed validated measures of mood, psychosocial functioning, and quality of life (QOL), both prior to and following the intervention. No adverse events were associated with the dog-assisted intervention, and following it participants who had worse baseline depression scores demonstrated significantly improved depression scores relative to participants in the human-therapist-only intervention. Participants in the dogassisted intervention also showed significant improvements on a measure of QOL in one facility compared with those in the human-therapist-only group (although worse in another facility that had been affected by an outbreak of gastroenteritis). This study provides some evidence that dog-assisted therapy may be beneficial for some residents of aged care facilities with dementia.


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This paper provides some additional evidence in support of the hypothesis that robot therapies are clinically beneficial in neurorehabilitation. Although only 4 subjects were included in the study, the design of the intervention and the measures were done so as to minimise bias. The results are presented as single case studies, and can only be interpreted as such due to the study size. The intensity of intervention was 16 hours and the therapy philosophy (based on Carr and Shepherd) was that coordinated movements are preferable to joint based therapies, and that coordinating distal movements (in this case grasps) helps not only to recover function in these areas, but has greater value since the results are immediately transferable to daily skills such as reach and grasp movements.


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Robot-assisted therapy has become increasingly common in neurorehabilitation. Sophisticated controllers have been developed for robots to assist and cooperate with the patient. It is difficult for the patient to judge to what extent the robot contributes to the execution of a movement. Therefore, methods to comprehensively quantify the patient's contribution and provide feedback are of key importance. We developed a method comprehensively to estimate the patient's contribution by combining kinematic measures and the motor assistance applied. Inverse dynamic models of the robot and the passive human arm calculate the required torques to move the robot and the arm and build, together with the recorded motor torque, a metric (in percentage) that represents the patient's contribution to the movement. To evaluate the developed metric, 12 nondisabled subjects and 7 patients with neurological problems simulated instructed movement contributions. The results are compared with a common performance metric. The estimation shows very satisfying results for both groups, even though the arm model used was strongly simplified. Displaying this metric to patients during therapy can potentially motivate them to actively participate in the training.


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One hundred seventy-nine occupational therapists (OTs) responded to a survey regarding their interests and attitudes toward animal assisted therapy as a treatment modality. It was found that most of the practitioners would be interested in learning more about animal assisted therapy and most felt it is a valid treatment modality to be used by occupational therapists. Furthermore, the most common answer to the question "why would you not be interested in participating in an AAT program," was "I feel I don't know enough about it". It was also found that therapists' most commonly selected patient goals for AAT were in the realm of mental health, whereas the least mentioned goals were more physically based goals. Further, a recommendation was made to educate OTs regarding the uses and benefits of AAT through more research, continuing education programs on AAT, publications in professional journals, and media awareness.


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Naloxone – an opioid antagonist that reverses the effects of opioids, including potential death from overdose – is increasingly being distributed in non-medical settings. We conducted a mixed methods study administering a survey to 100 treatment seekers and pursuing observant participation at four methadone/buprenorphine Medication Assisted Therapy (MAT) clinics in North Carolina, USA. Female participants were more likely to have gotten a kit and to carry it with them, whereas male participants were more likely to have witnessed an overdose and to have made use of naloxone. Men discussed the difficulties of carrying the naloxone kits, which are currently too large to fit in a pocket. Public health officials may be relieved to know that naloxone users intend to call emergency services.


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Un certain nombre de chercheurs (Birch, 1996; Cole, 1995, 1996; De Bergerac, 1998) fondent sur un modèle neurophysiologique leurs arguments en faveur de la delphinothérapie pour traiter divers désordres (DSM-IV) cognitifs et émotifs chez les enfants et les jeunes. Ce modèle recourt à des analogies avec les mécanismes de sonophorèse, d'écholocation et de transmission neurohormonale dans son application thérapeutique. Dans le but de démystifier les éléments pseudo-scientifiques auprès d'un lectorat non spécialisé, cet article critique les postulats et les implications relatifs à ces mécanismes et il conclut à l'absence d'un soutien pertinent et valide concernant ce modèle.


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Un certain nombre de chercheurs (Birch, 1996; Cole, 1995, 1996; De Bergerac, 1998) fondent sur un modèle neurophysiologique leurs arguments en faveur de la delphinothérapie pour traiter divers désordres (DSM-IV) cognitifs et émotifs chez les enfants et les jeunes. Ce modèle recourt à des analogies avec les mécanismes de sonophorèse, d'écholocation et de transmission neurohormonale dans son application thérapeutique. Dans le but de démystifier les éléments pseudo-scientifiques auprès d'un lectorat non spécialisé, cet article critique les postulats et les implications relatifs à ces mécanismes et il conclut à l'absence d'un soutien pertinent et valide concernant ce modèle.


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Background: Animal-Assisted Therapy using dogs have been described as having a calming effect, decrease sundowning and blood-pressure in persons with Alzheimer’s disease. The aim was to investigate how continuous and scheduled visits by a prescribed therapy dog affected daytime and night-time sleep for persons with Alzheimer’s disease. Methods: In this case study, registration of activity and sleep curves was conducted from five persons with moderate to severe Alzheimer’s disease living at a nursing home, over a period of 16 weeks using an Actiwatch. Data was analysed with descriptive statistics. Result: The study shows no clear pattern of effect on individual persons daytime activity and sleep when encounter with a therapy dog, but instead points to a great variety of possible different effects that brings an increased activity at different time points, for example during night-time sleep. Conclusions: Effects from the use of a Animal-Assisted Therapy with a dog in the care of persons with Alzheimer’s disease needs to be further investigated and analysed from a personcentred view including both daytime and nightime activities.


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BACKGROUND: Persons with Alzheimer's disease (AD) sometimes express themselves through behaviours that are difficult to manage for themselves and their caregivers, and to minimise these symptoms alternative methods are recommended. For some time now, animals have been introduced in different ways into the environment of persons with dementia. Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT) includes prescribed therapy dogs visiting the person with dementia for a specific purpose. AIM: This study aims to illuminate the meaning of the lived experience of encounters with a therapy dog for persons with Alzheimer's disease. METHOD: Video recorded sessions were conducted for each visit of the dog and its handler to a person with AD (10 times/person). The observations have a life-world approach and were transcribed and analysed using a phenomenological hermeneutical approach. RESULTS: The result shows a main theme 'Being aware of one's past and present existence', meaning to connect with one's senses and memories and to reflect upon these with the dog. The time spent with the dog shows the person recounting memories and feelings, and enables an opportunity to reach the person on a cognitive level. CONCLUSIONS: The present study may contribute to health care research and provide knowledge about the use of trained therapy dogs in the care of older persons with AD in a way that might increase quality of life and well-being in persons with dementia. IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: The study might be useful for caregivers and dog handlers in the care of older persons with dementia.


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Gaur egungo umeak naturatik urrun eta deskonektatuta bizi dira eta honek izakionganako ondorioak dakartza. Hezkuntza sistema eta mundu natural errealaren arteko lotura eza honen eraginez sortutako emozio desorekak ezagututa, natura eskola eremura gerturatzea erabaki nuen. Balooren laguntzarekin Animalien Bitartezko esku hartze batzuk bizi izan genituen eskolako bi urteko gelan. Txakurraren bitartez umeak emozioak azaleratzearen momentu preziatu bat izan zuten, non errespetua, konfiantza, ziurtasuna, maitasuna eta enpatia moduko kontzeptuak garatu zituzten. Esperientzia hau bizi izandako guztiontzat aberasgarria izan zen arren, onartu beharra dago behar bereziak dituzten umeen arteko bizipenak benetan harrigarriak izan zirela.


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The purpose ofthis study was to explore the process oftherapeutic riding as an experiential and holistic approach to learning and recovery for people with disabilities as perceived by the providers oftherapeutic riding. To enhance the connection between theory and practice and to suggest future research, the researcher endeavoured to develop a theory that contributed to the knowledge base oftherapeutic riding, animal-assisted therapy and education, experiential education, and experiential therapy in addition to contributing to connections among them. This topic was investigated because ofthe lack ofresearch about the process of therapeutic riding, particularly from learning and a recovery perspective. Few studies have addressed how therapeutic riding outcomes are achieved or how the therapeutic riding process actually works. This study was identified as grounded theory using qualitative data through interviews and narrative reflections with therapeutic riding providers, a researcher's journal, field notes, and written documents. Grounded theory analysis was used to analyze the qualitative data. This consisted ofdoing open, axial, and selective coding. This study provided detailed descriptions ofthe research approach, researcher's involvement, participant and site selection, data collection and analysis, methodological assumptions and limitations, credibility established, and ethical considerations. The findings ofthe data analysis revealed the theme ofrelationships as central to the learning and recovery process oftherapeutic riding for people with disabilities. The significance ofthe team relationships, the horse and rider relationship, and the providers and rider relationship was found. The essential components ofthe learning and recovery process were presented in a diagram in the selective coding phase. Goals oftherapeutic riding included psycho-education; behavioural and social; physical; and equestrian. Parts ofthe process ofhow outcomes were achieved included motivation; "opens new doors;" risk; task analysis; control; communication; and environmental factors. Outcomes of therapeutic riding included independence and mobility; confidence; and transfer abilities or skills. The implications ofthese findings for theory, practice, and further research were also. explored.


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Introducción: El autismo es un trastorno temprano y masivo del desarrollo en el cual se afecta la interacción social, el desarrollo del lenguaje, se presentan rituales y estereotipias. Hay evidencia que la interacción con un perro está asociada con efectos positivos en la salud del niño, lo cual se extiende al terreno terapéutico donde la compañía del perro estimula habilidades comunicativas para conectarse con el mundo exterior y romper el aislamiento que lo hace refractario a formas convencionales de tratamiento. El objetivo del estudio fue realizar una Revisión Sistemática sobre efectos de la terapia con perros en niños autistas entre dos y doce años. Metodología: Revisión sistemática de la literatura de artículos obtenidos de bases de datos, revisiones sistemáticas y Meta-buscadores que proporcionaron evidencia de la terapia con perros en niños autistas. Se describió características y resultados de estudios obtenidos. Resultados: Dos artículos cumplieron criterios de inclusión. Cuatro niños fueron evaluados en dichos estudios. La presencia del perro disminuyó la agresividad, las conductas ritualizadas y obsesivas. Potencializó los comportamientos positivos como contacto visual y comunicación social. Discusión: la terapia asistida con perros proporciona un gran potencial en la intervención del trastorno autista. Relevante tener en cuenta algunos factores como: efectos a largo plazo, el perro a utilizar y la heterogeneidad del espectro autista que pueden condicionar líneas de investigación futura. Conclusiones: Es importante la realización de estudios de mayor rigor metodológico que permitan fortalecer la evidencia sobre los resultados de la terapia con perros en niños con autismo.


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Introducción: Autismo es un trastorno del desarrollo caracterizado por compromiso en interacción social, habilidades de lenguaje, presentando rituales con estereotipias. Sin tratamientos curativos, actualmente se buscan terapias alternativas. Un incremento de la literatura científica de terapias asistidas con animales se ha evidenciado, demostrando mejoría en pacientes autistas con la equinoterapia. Objetivo: Realizar una revisión sistemática de la literatura para evaluar efectividad de la equinoterapia en habilidades sociales y de lenguaje en niños autistas. Metodología: Revisión sistemática de la literatura de artículos obtenidos en bases de datos y Meta-buscadores que proporcionaron evidencia de equinoterapia en niños autistas. Tipo de artículos consultados: revisiones sistemáticas, meta análisis y ensayos clínicos. Trabajos publicados hasta 2013. En inglés y español. Se emplearon términos MeSH y EMTREE. Resultados: Cuatro artículos cumplieron criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Se analizaron los artículos individualmente, no se logró realizar un meta análisis por diferencias metodológicas entre los estudios. En total 85 sujetos fueron evaluados en dichos estudios. La equinoterapia en niños autistas evidenció mejoría en habilidades sociales y en las habilidades de lenguaje pre verbal. Discusión: La equinoterapia es prometedora en el manejo de niños autistas, los artículos evidencian consistentemente mejorías a nivel de habilidades sociales y de lenguaje. Debe ser considerado el tipo de paciente, el régimen de equinoterapia y la sostenibilidad de las mejoras. Conclusiones: Se necesitan nuevos estudio con un mayor rigor metodológico que permitan fortalecer la evidencia sobre la equinoterapia en niños con autismo y así poder realizar recomendaciones con un adecuado nivel de evidencia.


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Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilken betydelse sällskapsdjur har för den äldre människans livskvalité och omvårdnad. Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie med femton studier med kvantitativ ansats. Datainsamlingen gjordes i databasen ELIN och PubMed och genom manuell sökning av tidsskrifter. Huvudresultat: På ett äldreboende visade en studie att kanariefågel ökade livskvalitén, den självupplevda psykiska statusen och känslan av autonomi. Sociala interaktioner ökade i samband med Animal Assisted Activity och gav andra diskussionsämnen än de egna sjukdomarna. Forskare från USA hävdar att interaktionen mellan människa och djur har en social och lugnade effekt hos människor som har diagnosen Alzheimers sjukdom. Besök av en hund på ett äldreboende visade en signifikant förbättring av tillfällig sinnesstämning i interventionsgruppen men minimala förändringar i kontrollgruppen. Studier visade att anspänning, depression, utmattning och förvirring kan minska bland populationen när ett äldreboende har en bofast hund och ge ett förbättrat hälsotillstånd. Ett akvarium på ett demensboende kan ge ett ökat intag av mat och med det en minskning av näringsdrycker och en ökad autonomi. Flera studier visade positiva beteendeförändringar på problembeteenden hos dementa med hjälp av sällskapsdjur. Slutsats: Sällskapsdjur har en positiv effekt hos äldre människor och kan påverka omvårdnaden.