903 resultados para DnaJ proteins
Untersuchungen zur Funktion multipler DnaJ-Proteine in dem Cyanobakterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803
Sowohl in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 als auch in anderen Cyanobakterien konnten multiple DnaJ-Proteine nachgewiesen werden, deren Funktion jedoch noch weitestgehend unverstanden ist. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden die Funktionen der multiplen DnaJ-Proteine von Synechocystis sp. charakterisiert. Das DnaJ-Protein, Sll0897 gehört aufgrund seiner Domänenstruktur zu den Typ I-Proteinen, Slr0093 und Sll1933 zu den Typ II-Proteinen und Sll0909, Sll1011, Sll1384 und Sll1666 zu den Typ III DnaJ-Proteinen. Durch Komplementationsstudien des E. coli ΔdnaJ-Stammes OD259 konnte eine Komplementation des Wachstumsdefekts bei höheren Temperaturen durch die Proteine Slr0093 und Sll0897 gezeigt werden. In Synechocystis war eine komplette Disruption von sll1933 nicht möglich, weshalb das Protein Sll1933 unter normalen Wachstumsbedingungen essentiell ist. Doppelte Insertionmutationen waren lediglich bei der Kombination der Gene sll0909 und sll1384 möglich. Untersuchungen des Wachstumsverhaltens der dnaJ-Disruptions-stämme unter Hitze- und Kältestressbedingungen zeigten, dass das Protein Sll0897 eine wichtige Funktion bei der Stressantwort in Synechocystis besitzt und unter Hitzestressbedingungen essentiell ist. Eine vollständige Deletion des Gens sll0897 war Synechocystis sp. bereits unter normalen Wachstumsbedingungen nicht möglich. Bei den für ein Wachstum mindestens notwendigen Domänen des Sll0897 handelt es sich um die charakteristische J-Domäne und die Glycin-Phenylalanin-reiche Domäne. Unter Hitzestressbedingungen ist das Volllängen-Protein Sll0897 für ein Wachstum essentiell. rnNeben den in vivo Wachstumsexperimenten wurde eine Methode zur heterologen Expression der sieben DnaJ-Proteine in E. coli und einer nativen Reinigung von Slr0093, Sll0897, Sll0909 und Sll1666 etabliert. Untersuchungen zur Thermostabilität der gereinigten Proteine zeigten für das Slr0093 und Sll1666 einen reversiblen Prozess, wodurch sie auch nach dem Hitzestress noch als Faltungshelfer fungieren können. Bei den Proteinen Sll0897 und Sll0909 ist der Prozess jedoch nicht reversibel, so dass sie nach Hitzestresseinwirkung neu synthetisiert oder durch Chaperoneinwirkung korrekt gefaltet werden müssen. Die Affinitäts-„Pull-Down“ Analysen lieferten keine klaren Hinweise auf die DnaK-Interaktionspartner der Proteine Slr0093, Sll0897, Sll0909 und Sll1666, weshalb weitere Untersuchungen notwendig sind. Mit Hilfe der Gelfiltrationsanalysen konnten die errechneten molaren Massen der Proteine Slr0093 und Sll1666 bestätigt und beide Proteine in einer monomeren Form nachgewiesen werden. Die DnaJ-Proteine Sll0897 und Sll0909 konnten in zwei oligomeren Zuständen detektiert werden. Analysen der ATPase-Aktivität des DnaK2-Proteins alleine und des DnaK2-Proteins zusammen mit den DnaJ-Proteinen Slr0093, Sll0897, Sll0909 und Sll1666 zeigten eine Steigerung der ATP-Hydrolyserate bei der Interaktion von DnaK und DnaJ, wobei Sll0897 die größte Steigerung der ATPase-Aktivität des DnaK2 induzierte.
Hsp70 chaperones assist protein folding by ATP-controlled cycles of substrate binding and release. ATP hydrolysis is the rate-limiting step of the ATPase cycle that causes locking in of substrates into the substrate-binding cavity of Hsp70. This key step is strongly stimulated by DnaJ cochaperones. We show for the Escherichia coli Hsp70 homolog, DnaK, that stimulation by DnaJ requires the linked ATPase and substrate-binding domains of DnaK. Functional interaction with DnaJ is affected by mutations in an exposed channel located in the ATPase domain of DnaK. It is proposed that binding to this channel, possibly involving the J-domain, allows DnaJ to couple substrate binding with ATP hydrolysis by DnaK. Evolutionary conservation of the channel and the J-domain suggests conservation of the mechanism of action of DnaJ proteins.
In Escherichia coli the heat shock response is under the positive control of the sigma 32 transcription factor. Three of the heat shock proteins, DnaK, DnaI, and GrpE, play a central role in the negative autoregulation of this response at the transcriptional level. Recently, we have shown that the DnaK and DnaJ proteins can compete with RNA polymerase for binding to the sigma 32 transcription factor in the presence of ATP, by forming a stable DnaJ-sigma 32-DnaK protein complex. Here, we report that DnaJ protein can catalytically activate DnaK's ATPase activity. In addition, DnaJ can activate DnaK to bind to sigma 32 in an ATP-dependent reaction, forming a stable sigma 32-DnaK complex. Results obtained with two DnaJ mutants, a missense and a truncated version, suggest that the N-terminal portion of DnaJ, which is conserved in all family members, is essential for this activation reaction. The activated form of DnaK binds preferentially to sigma 32 versus the bacteriophage lambda P protein substrate.
When massively expressed in bacteria, recombinant proteins often tend to misfold and accumulate as soluble and insoluble nonfunctional aggregates. A general strategy to improve the native folding of recombinant proteins is to increase the cellular concentration of viscous organic compounds, termed osmolytes, or of molecular chaperones that can prevent aggregation and can actively scavenge and convert aggregates into natively refoldable species. In this study, metal affinity purification (immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography [IMAC]), confirmed by resistance to trypsin digestion, was used to distinguish soluble aggregates from soluble nativelike proteins. Salt-induced accumulation of osmolytes during induced protein synthesis significantly improved IMAC yields of folding-recalcitrant proteins. Yet, the highest yields were obtained with cells coexpressing plasmid-encoded molecular chaperones DnaK-DnaJ-GrpE, ClpB, GroEL-GroES, and IbpA/B. Addition of the membrane fluidizer heat shock-inducer benzyl alcohol (BA) to the bacterial medium resulted in similar high yields as with plasmid-mediated chaperone coexpression. Our results suggest that simple BA-mediated induction of endogenous chaperones can substitute for the more demanding approach of chaperone coexpression. Combined strategies of osmolyte-induced native folding with heat-, BA-, or plasmid-induced chaperone coexpression can be thought to optimize yields of natively folded recombinant proteins in bacteria, for research and biotechnological purposes.
The role of bacterial Hsp40, DnaJ, is to co-chaperone the binding of misfolded or alternatively folded proteins to bacterial Hsp70, DnaK, which is an ATP-fuelled unfolding chaperone. In addition to its DnaK targeting activity, DnaJ has a weak thiol-reductase activity. In between the substrate-binding domain and the J-domain anchor to DnaK, DnaJ has a unique domain with four conserved CXXC motives that bind two Zn(2+) and partly contribute to polypeptide binding. Here, we deleted in DnaJ this Zn-binding domain, which is characteristic to type I but not of type II or III J-proteins. This caused a loss of the thiol-reductase activity and strongly reduced the ability of DnaJ to mediate the ATP- and DnaK-dependent unfolding/refolding of mildly oxidized misfolded polypeptides, an inhibition that was alleviated in the presence of thioredoxin or DTT. We suggest that in addition to their general ability to target misfolded polypeptide substrates to the Hsp70/Hsp110 chaperone machinery, Type I J-proteins carry an ancillary protein dithiol-isomerase function that can synergize the unfolding action of the chaperone, in the particular case of substrates that are further stabilized by non-native disulfide bonds. Whereas the unfoldase can remain ineffective without the transient untying of disulfide bonds by the foldase, the foldase can remain ineffective without the transient ATP-fuelled unfolding of wrong local structures by the unfoldase.
Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die funktionelle Bedeutung des Drosophila melanogaster tumor suppressor Gens lethal(2)tumorous imaginal discs (l(2)tid) durch die Identifikation von molekularen Partnern der vom Gen kodierten Proteine zu etablieren. Mit dem Screening einer Expressionsbibliothek mittels des Hefe-Di-Hybrid-Systems wurde das Protein Patched (Ptc) als ein neues Tid-bindendes Protein identifiziert. Ptc ist ein Zentralregulator der Hedhehog-Signalkette. Diese ist in der Entwicklung konserviert und in manchen humanen Krebsarten verwickelt. Die Tid/Ptc-Interaktion wurde mittels unabhängigen biochemischen Methoden wie dem GST-pulldown-Test oder der Immunopräzipitation überprüft. Außerdem ergaben funktionelle Studien in tumorosen Imaginalscheiben einen möglichen inhibitorischen Effekt von Tid über die Hh Signaltransduktion.Im letzten Teil dieser Arbeit wurde die Interaktion zwischen Tid und dem E-APC-Protein (Adenomatous polyposis coli) bewiesen. Polakis und seine Gruppe zeigten durch Studien mit dem Hefe-Di-Hybrid-System und in vitro, dass das hTid mit dem APC-Protein interagiert. Um dies auch auf Drosophila-Ebene zu überprüfen, wurden Immunopräzipitation-Studien mit den Drosophila-Gegenstücken durchgeführt. Diese Studien zeigen zum ersten Mal eine direkte Interaktion beider Proteine in vivo.
The small heat shock proteins (sHSPs) are ubiquitous stress proteins proposed to act as molecular chaperones to prevent irreversible protein denaturation. We characterized the chaperone activity of Synechocystis HSP17 and found that it has not only protein-protective activity, but also a previously unrecognized ability to stabilize lipid membranes. Like other sHSPs, recombinant Synechocystis HSP17 formed stable complexes with denatured malate dehydrogenase and served as a reservoir for the unfolded substrate, transferring it to the DnaK/DnaJ/GrpE and GroEL/ES chaperone network for subsequent refolding. Large unilamellar vesicles made of synthetic and cyanobacterial lipids were found to modulate this refolding process. Investigation of HSP17-lipid interactions revealed a preference for the liquid crystalline phase and resulted in an elevated physical order in model lipid membranes. Direct evidence for the participation of HSP17 in the control of thylakoid membrane physical state in vivo was gained by examining an hsp17− deletion mutant compared with the isogenic wild-type hsp17+ revertant Synechocystis cells. We suggest that, together with GroEL, HSP17 behaves as an amphitropic protein and plays a dual role. Depending on its membrane or cytosolic location, it may function as a “membrane stabilizing factor” as well as a member of a multichaperone protein-folding network. Membrane association of sHSPs could antagonize the heat-induced hyperfluidization of specific membrane domains and thereby serve to preserve structural and functional integrity of biomembranes.
O operon groESL de C. crescentus apresenta dupla regulação. A indução deste operon por choque térmico é dependente do fator sigma de choque térmico σ32. A temperaturas fisiológicas, a expressão de groESL apresenta regulação temporal durante o ciclo celular da bactéria e o controle envolve a proteína repressora HrcA e o elemento CIRCE (controlling inverted repeat of chaperonin expression). Para estudar a atividade da proteína repressora in vitro, produzimos e purificamos de E. coli a HrcA de C. creseentus contendo uma cauda de histidinas e a ligação especifica ao elemento CIRCE foi analisada em ensaios de migração retardada em gel de poliacrilamida (EMRGP). A quantidade de DNA retardada pela ligação a HrcA aumentou significativamente na presença de GroES/GroEL, sugerindo que estas proteínas modulam a atividade de HrcA. Corroboração desta modulação foi obtida analisando fusões de transcrição da região regulatória de groESL com o gene lacZ, em células de C. crescentus produzindo diferentes quantidades de GroES/EL. HrcA contendo as substituições Pro81 AJa e Arg87Ala, aminoácidos que se localizam no domínio putativo de ligação ao DNA da proteína, mostraram ser deficientes na ligação a CIRCE, tanto in vitro como in vivo. Em adição, HrcA Ser56Ala expressa na mesma célula juntamente com a proteína selvagem produziu um fenótipo dominante-negativo, indicando que a HrcA de C. crescentus liga-se a CIRCE como um oligômero, provavelmente um dímero. As tentativas de obtenção de mutantes nulos para os genes groESL ou dnaKJ falharam, indicando que as proteínas GroES/GroEL e DnaK/DnaJ são essenciais em C. crescentus, mesmo a temperaturas normais. Foram então construídas no laboratório as linhagens mutantes condicionais SG300 e SG400 de C. crescentus, onde a expressão de groESL e de dnaKJ, respectivamente, está sob controle de um promotor induzido por xilose (PxyIX). Estas linhagens foram caracterizadas quanto á sua morfologia em condições permissivas ou restritivas, assim como quanto à capacidade de sobrevivência frente a vários tipos de estresse. As células da linhagem SG300, exauridas de GroES/GroEL, são resistentes ao choque térmico a 42°C e são capazes de adquirir alguma termotolerância. Entretanto, estas células são sensíveis aos estresses oxidativo, salino e osmótico. As células da linhagem SG400, exauridas de DnaKlJ, são sensíveis ao choque térmico, à exposição a etanol e ao congelamento, e são incapazes de adquirir termotolerância. Além disso, tanto as células exauridas de GroES/GroEL quanto as exauridas de DnaK/DnaJ apresentam problemas na sua morfologia. As células de SG300 exauridas de GroES/GroEL formam filamentos longos que possuem constrições fundas e irregulares. As células de SG400 exauridas de DnaK/DnaJ são apenas um pouco mais alongadas que as células pré-divisionais selvagens e a maioria das células não possuem septo. Estas observações indicam bloqueio da divisão celular, que deve ocorrer em diferentes estágios em cada linhagem.
Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri (X. citri) is the causative agent of the citrus canker, a disease that affects several citrus plants in Brazil and across the world. Although many studies have demonstrated the importance of genes for infection and pathogenesis in this bacterium, there are no data related to phosphate uptake and assimilation pathways. To identify the proteins that are involved in the phosphate response, we performed a proteomic analysis of X. citri extracts after growth in three culture media with different phosphate concentrations. Using mass spectrometry and bioinformatics analysis, we showed that X. citri conserved orthologous genes from Pho regulon in Escherichia coli, including the two-component system PhoR/PhoB, ATP binding cassette (ABC transporter) Pst for phosphate uptake, and the alkaline phosphatase PhoA. Analysis performed under phosphate starvation provided evidence of the relevance of the Pst system for phosphate uptake, as well as both periplasmic binding proteins, PhoX and PstS, which were formed in high abundance. The results from this study are the first evidence of the Pho regulon activation in X. citri and bring new insights for studies related to the bacterial metabolism and physiology. Biological significance Using proteomics and bioinformatics analysis we showed for the first time that the phytopathogenic bacterium X. citri conserves a set of proteins that belong to the Pho regulon, which are induced during phosphate starvation. The most relevant in terms of conservation and up-regulation were the periplasmic-binding proteins PstS and PhoX from the ABC transporter PstSBAC for phosphate, the two-component system composed by PhoR/PhoB and the alkaline phosphatase PhoA.
Understanding the molecular mechanisms of oral carcinogenesis will yield important advances in diagnostics, prognostics, effective treatment, and outcome of oral cancer. Hence, in this study we have investigated the proteomic and peptidomic profiles by combining an orthotopic murine model of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC), mass spectrometry-based proteomics and biological network analysis. Our results indicated the up-regulation of proteins involved in actin cytoskeleton organization and cell-cell junction assembly events and their expression was validated in human OSCC tissues. In addition, the functional relevance of talin-1 in OSCC adhesion, migration and invasion was demonstrated. Taken together, this study identified specific processes deregulated in oral cancer and provided novel refined OSCC-targeting molecules.
Congenital muscular dystrophy with laminin α2 chain deficiency (MDC1A) is one of the most severe forms of muscular disease and is characterized by severe muscle weakness and delayed motor milestones. The genetic basis of MDC1A is well known, yet the secondary mechanisms ultimately leading to muscle degeneration and subsequent connective tissue infiltration are not fully understood. In order to obtain new insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying MDC1A, we performed a comparative proteomic analysis of affected muscles (diaphragm and gastrocnemius) from laminin α2 chain-deficient dy(3K)/dy(3K) mice, using multidimensional protein identification technology combined with tandem mass tags. Out of the approximately 700 identified proteins, 113 and 101 proteins, respectively, were differentially expressed in the diseased gastrocnemius and diaphragm muscles compared with normal muscles. A large portion of these proteins are involved in different metabolic processes, bind calcium, or are expressed in the extracellular matrix. Our findings suggest that metabolic alterations and calcium dysregulation could be novel mechanisms that underlie MDC1A and might be targets that should be explored for therapy. Also, detailed knowledge of the composition of fibrotic tissue, rich in extracellular matrix proteins, in laminin α2 chain-deficient muscle might help in the design of future anti-fibrotic treatments. All MS data have been deposited in the ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD000978 (http://proteomecentral.proteomexchange.org/dataset/PXD000978).
This work describes the evaluation of metals and (metallo)proteins in vitreous humor samples and their correlations with some biological aspects in different post-mortem intervals (1-7 days), taking into account both decomposing and non-decomposing bodies. After qualitative evaluation of the samples involving 26 elements, representative metal ions (Fe, Mg and Mo) are determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry after using mini-vial decomposition system for sample preparation. A significant trend for Fe is found with post-mortem time for decomposing bodies because of a significant increase of iron concentration when comparing samples from bodies presenting 3 and 7 days post-mortem interval. An important clue to elucidate the role of metals is the coupling of liquid chromatography with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for identification of metals linked to proteins, as well as mass spectrometry for the identification of those proteins involved in the post-mortem interval.
Mitochondria are involved in energy supply, signaling, cell death and cellular differentiation and have been implicated in several human diseases. Neks (NIMA-related kinases) represent a family of mammal protein kinases that play essential roles in cell-cycle progression, but other functions have recently been related. A yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) screen was performed to identify and characterize Nek5 interaction partners and the mitochondrial proteins Cox11, MTX-2 and BCLAF1 were retrieved. Apoptosis assay showed protective effects of stable hNek5 expression from Hek293-T's cell death after thapsigargin treatment (2μM). Nek5 silenced cells as well as cells expressing a kinase dead version of Nek5, displayed an increase in ROS formation after 4h of thapsigargin treatment. Mitochondrial respiratory chain activity was found decreased upon stable hNek5expression. Cells silenced for hNek5 on the other hand presented 1.7 fold increased basal rates of respiration, especially at the electrons transfer steps from TMPD to cytochrome c and at the complex II. In conclusion, our data suggest for the first time mitochondrial localization and functions for Nek5 and its participation in cell death and cell respiration regulation. Stable expression of hNek5 in Hek293T cells resulted in enhanced cell viability, decreased cell death and drug resistance, while depletion of hNek5by shRNA overcame cancer cell drug resistance and induced apoptosis in vitro. Stable expression of hNek5 also inhibits thapsigargin promoted apoptosis and the respiratory chain complex IV in HEK293T cells.
Autophagy is an important process that regulates cellular homeostasis by degrading dysfunctional proteins, organelles and lipids. In this study, the hypothesis that obesity could lead to impairment in hypothalamic autophagy in mice was evaluated by examining the hypothalamic distribution and content of autophagic proteins in animal with obesity induced by 8 or 16 weeks high fat diet to induce obesity and in response to intracerebroventricular injections of palmitic acid. The results showed that chronic exposure to a high fat diet leads to an increased expression of inflammatory markers and downregulation of autophagic proteins. In obese mice, autophagic induction leads to the downregulation of proteins, such as JNK and Bax, which are involved in the stress pathways. In neuron cell- line, palmitate has a direct effect on autophagy even without inflammatory activity. Understanding the cellular and molecular bases of overnutrition is essential for identifying new diagnostic and therapeutic targets for obesity.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the expression of SMAD proteins in human thyroid tissues since the inactivation of TGF-β/activin signaling components is reported in several types of cancer. Phosphorylated SMAD 2 and SMAD3 (pSMAD2/3) associated with the SMAD4 induce the signal transduction generated by TGF-β and activin, while SMAD7 inhibits this intracellular signaling. Although TGF-β and activin exert antiproliferative roles in thyroid follicular cells, thyroid tumors express high levels of these proteins. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The protein expression of SMADs was evaluated in multinodular goiter, follicular adenoma, papillary and follicular carcinomas by immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: The expression of pSMAD2/3, SMAD4 and SMAD7 was observed in both benign and malignant thyroid tumors. Although pSMAD2/3, SMAD4 and SMAD7 exhibited high cytoplasmic staining in carcinomas, the nuclear staining of pSMAD2/3 was not different between benign and malignant lesions. CONCLUSIONS: The finding of SMADs expression in thyroid cells and the presence of pSMAD2/3 and SMAD4 proteins in the nucleus of tumor cells indicates propagation of TGF-β/activin signaling. However, the high expression of the inhibitory SMAD7, mostly in malignant tumors, could contribute to the attenuation of the SMADs antiproliferative signaling in thyroid carcinomas.