30 resultados para Divisors


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Paquetes de actividades bajo Windows sobre números múltiples y divisores, descomposición en números primos y operaciones con fracciones para educación primaria y secundaria obligatoria. Permite instalar el programa o hacer una copia en disquete.


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When applying computational mathematics in practical applications, even though one may be dealing with a problem that can be solved algorithmically, and even though one has good algorithms to approach the solution, it can happen, and often it is the case, that the problem has to be reformulated and analyzed from a different computational point of view. This is the case of the development of approximate algorithms. This paper frames in the research area of approximate algebraic geometry and commutative algebra and, more precisely, on the problem of the approximate parametrization.


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International audience


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This paper discusses how fundamentals of number theory, such as unique prime factorization and greatest common divisor can be made accessible to secondary school students through spreadsheets. In addition, the three basic multiplicative functions of number theory are defined and illustrated through a spreadsheet environment. Primes are defined simply as those natural numbers with just two divisors. One focus of the paper is to show the ease with which spreadsheets can be used to introduce students to some basics of elementary number theory. Complete instructions are given to build a spreadsheet to enable the user to input a positive integer, either with a slider or manually, and see the prime decomposition. The spreadsheet environment allows students to observe patterns, gain structural insight, form and test conjectures, and solve problems in elementary number theory.


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n this paper we study the genericity of simultaneous stabilizability, simultaneous strong stabilizability, and simultaneous pole assignability, in linear multivariable systems. The main results of the paper had been previously established by Ghosh and Byrnes using state-space methods. In contrast, the proofs in the present paper are based on input-output arguments, and are much simpler to follow, especially in the case of simultaneous and simultaneous strong stabilizability. Moreover, the input-output methods used here suggest computationally reliable algorithms for solving these two types of problems. In addition to the main results, we also prove some lemmas on generic greatest common divisors which are of independent interest.


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Let Z(n) denote the ring of integers modulo n. A permutation of Z(n) is a sequence of n distinct elements of Z(n). Addition and subtraction of two permutations is defined element-wise. In this paper we consider two extremal problems on permutations of Z(n), namely, the maximum size of a collection of permutations such that the sum of any two distinct permutations in the collection is again a permutation, and the maximum size of a collection of permutations such that no sum of two distinct permutations in the collection is a permutation. Let the sizes be denoted by s (n) and t (n) respectively. The case when n is even is trivial in both the cases, with s (n) = 1 and t (n) = n!. For n odd, we prove (n phi(n))/2(k) <= s(n) <= n!.2(-)(n-1)/2/((n-1)/2)! and 2 (n-1)/2 . (n-1/2)! <= t (n) <= 2(k) . (n-1)!/phi(n), where k is the number of distinct prime divisors of n and phi is the Euler's totient function.


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This thesis considers in detail the dynamics of two oscillators with weak nonlinear coupling. There are three classes of such problems: non-resonant, where the Poincaré procedure is valid to the order considered; weakly resonant, where the Poincaré procedure breaks down because small divisors appear (but do not affect the O(1) term) and strongly resonant, where small divisors appear and lead to O(1) corrections. A perturbation method based on Cole's two-timing procedure is introduced. It avoids the small divisor problem in a straightforward manner, gives accurate answers which are valid for long times, and appears capable of handling all three types of problems with no change in the basic approach.

One example of each type is studied with the aid of this procedure: for the nonresonant case the answer is equivalent to the Poincaré result; for the weakly resonant case the analytic form of the answer is found to depend (smoothly) on the difference between the initial energies of the two oscillators; for the strongly resonant case we find that the amplitudes of the two oscillators vary slowly with time as elliptic functions of ϵ t, where ϵ is the (small) coupling parameter.

Our results suggest that, as one might expect, the dynamical behavior of such systems varies smoothly with changes in the ratio of the fundamental frequencies of the two oscillators. Thus the pathological behavior of Whittaker's adelphic integrals as the frequency ratio is varied appears to be due to the fact that Whittaker ignored the small divisor problem. The energy sharing properties of these systems appear to depend strongly on the initial conditions, so that the systems not ergodic.

The perturbation procedure appears to be applicable to a wide variety of other problems in addition to those considered here.


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The simplest multiplicative systems in which arithmetical ideas can be defined are semigroups. For such systems irreducible (prime) elements can be introduced and conditions under which the fundamental theorem of arithmetic holds have been investigated (Clifford (3)). After identifying associates, the elements of the semigroup form a partially ordered set with respect to the ordinary division relation. This suggests the possibility of an analogous arithmetical result for abstract partially ordered sets. Although nothing corresponding to product exists in a partially ordered set, there is a notion similar to g.c.d. This is the meet operation, defined as greatest lower bound. Thus irreducible elements, namely those elements not expressible as meets of proper divisors can be introduced. The assumption of the ascending chain condition then implies that each element is representable as a reduced meet of irreducibles. The central problem of this thesis is to determine conditions on the structure of the partially ordered set in order that each element have a unique such representation.

Part I contains preliminary results and introduces the principal tools of the investigation. In the second part, basic properties of the lattice of ideals and the connection between its structure and the irreducible decompositions of elements are developed. The proofs of these results are identical with the corresponding ones for the lattice case (Dilworth (2)). The last part contains those results whose proofs are peculiar to partially ordered sets and also contains the proof of the main theorem.


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We associate some graphs to a ring R and we investigate the interplay between the ring-theoretic properties of R and the graph-theoretic properties of the graphs associated to R. Let Z(R) be the set of zero-divisors of R. We define an undirected graph ᴦ(R) with nonzero zero-divisors as vertices and distinct vertices x and y are adjacent if xy=0 or yx=0. We investigate the Isomorphism Problem for zero-divisor graphs of group rings RG. Let Sk denote the sphere with k handles, where k is a non-negative integer, that is, Sk is an oriented surface of genus k. The genus of a graph is the minimal integer n such that the graph can be embedded in Sn. The annihilating-ideal graph of R is defined as the graph AG(R) with the set of ideals with nonzero annihilators as vertex such that two distinct vertices I and J are adjacent if IJ=(0). We characterize Artinian rings whose annihilating-ideal graphs have finite genus. Finally, we extend the definition of the annihilating-ideal graph to non-commutative rings.


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Let f(x) be a complex rational function. In this work, we study conditions under which f(x) cannot be written as the composition of two rational functions which are not units under the operation of function composition. In this case, we say that f(x) is prime. We give sufficient conditions for complex rational functions to be prime in terms of their degrees and their critical values, and we derive some conditions for the case of complex polynomials. We consider also the divisibility of integral polynomials, and we present a generalization of a theorem of Nieto. We show that if f(x) and g(x) are integral polynomials such that the content of g divides the content of f and g(n) divides f(n) for an integer n whose absolute value is larger than a certain bound, then g(x) divides f(x) in Z[x]. In addition, given an integral polynomial f(x), we provide a method to determine if f is irreducible over Z, and if not, find one of its divisors in Z[x].


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Le sujet principal de ce mémoire est l'étude de la distribution asymptotique de la fonction f_m qui compte le nombre de diviseurs premiers distincts parmi les nombres premiers $p_1,...,p_m$. Au premier chapitre, nous présentons les sept résultats qui seront démontrés au chapitre 4. Parmi ceux-ci figurent l'analogue du théorème d'Erdos-Kac et un résultat sur les grandes déviations. Au second chapitre, nous définissons les espaces de probabilités qui serviront à calculer les probabilités asymptotiques des événements considérés, et éventuellement à calculer les densités qui leur correspondent. Le troisième chapitre est la partie centrale du mémoire. On y définit la promenade aléatoire qui, une fois normalisée, convergera vers le mouvement brownien. De là, découleront les résultats qui formeront la base des démonstrations de ceux chapitre 1.


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Exercises and solutions in LaTex


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Exercises and solutions in LaTex


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Exercises and solutions in LaTex