990 resultados para Distribution channel


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The aim of this master’s thesis was to make a qualitative marketing research and on the basis of this to develop a distribution plan for the case company Finnish 3M Ltd.’s wound care products. The literature review includes three important parts: distribution channel planning, the buying behavior of seniors, and special characteristics of health care products’ marketing. The empirical part of this thesis comprises two different parts. The first part is a marketing research, in which the buying behavior of wound care products is studied in Espoo. The research aim was to examine, in which distribution channels the wound care patients under home care would most preferably buy wound care products during the time period, when municipalities will not yet provide the products for free. The data was collected through semi-structured phone interviews and regular interviews, and was treated qualitatively and anonymously. The study revealed that the recommendations of nurses and doctors influenced most the buying behavior of wound care customers. In the second part of the thesis a distribution channel plan for wound care products was made for the case company 3M Finland Ltd. based on the results. 3M Finland Ltd. should focus on pharmacies, online-stores and municipal health centers as their main distributors.


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The purpose of this study was to find out how a software company can successfully expand business to the Danish software market through distribution channel. The study was commissioned by a Finnish software company and it was conducted using a qualitative research method by analyzing external and internal business environment, and interviewing Danish ICT organizations and M-Files personnel. Interviews were semi-structured interviews, which were designed to collect comprehensive information on the existing ICT and software market in Denmark. The research used three external and internal analyzing frameworks; PEST analysis (market level), Porter´s Five Force analysis (industry level competition) and SWOT analysis (company level). Distribution channels theory was a base to understand why and what kind of distribution channels the case company uses, and what kind of channels target markets companies’ uses. Channel strategy and design were integrated to the industry level analysis. The empirical findings revealed that Denmark has very business friendly ICT environment. Several organizations have ranked Denmark´s information and communication technology as the best in the world. Denmark’s ICT and software market are relatively small, compared to many other countries in Europe. Danish software market is centralized. Largest software clusters are in the largest cities; Copenhagen, Aarhus, Odense and Aalborg. From these clusters, software companies can most likely find suitable resellers. The following growing trends are clearly seen in the software market: mobile and wireless applications, outsourcing, security solutions, cloud computing, social business solutions and e-business solutions. When expanding software business to the Danish market, it is important to take into account these trends. In Denmark distribution channels varies depending on the product or service. For many, a natural distribution channel is a local partner or internet. In the public sector solutions are purchased through a public procurement process. In the private sector the buying process is more straight forwarded. Danish companies are buying software from reliable suppliers. This means that they usually buy software direct from big software vendors or local partners. Some customers prefer to use professional consulting companies. These consulting companies can strongly influence on the selection of the supplier and products, and in this light, consulting companies can be important partners for software companies. Even though the competition is fierce in ECM and DMS solutions, Danish market offers opportunities for foreign companies. Penetration to the Danish market through reseller channel requires advanced solutions and objective selection criteria for channel partners. Based on the findings, Danish companies are interested in advanced and efficient software solutions. Interest towards M-Files solutions was clearly seen and the company has excellent opportunity to expand business to the Danish market through reseller channel. Since the research explored the Danish ICT and software market, the results of the study may offer valuable information also to the other software companies which are expanding their business to the Danish market.


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To be competitive in contemporary turbulent environments, firms must be capable of processing huge amounts of information, and effectively convert it into actionable knowledge. This is particularly the case in the marketing context, where problems are also usually highly complex, unstructured and ill-defined. In recent years, the development of marketing management support systems has paralleled this evolution in informational problems faced by managers, leading to a growth in the study (and use) of artificial intelligence and soft computing methodologies. Here, we present and implement a novel intelligent system that incorporates fuzzy logic and genetic algorithms to operate in an unsupervised manner. This approach allows the discovery of interesting association rules, which can be linguistically interpreted, in large scale databases (KDD or Knowledge Discovery in Databases.) We then demonstrate its application to a distribution channel problem. It is shown how the proposed system is able to return a number of novel and potentially-interesting associations among variables. Thus, it is argued that our method has significant potential to improve the analysis of marketing and business databases in practice, especially in non-programmed decisional scenarios, as well as to assist scholarly researchers in their exploratory analysis. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.


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Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena on vertailla maailmanlaajuisen sähköalan yhtiön kanavapartneriohjelmaa yhtiön kilpailijoiden vastaaviin ohjelmiin, sekä laatia yhtiön käyttöön konkreettinen työkalu kanavapartneriohjelmien vertailua varten. Tavoitteena on myös tutkimuksessa kerätyn tiedon perusteella selvittää yhtiön kanavapartneriohjelman vahvuudet ja heikkoudet. Tässä diplomityössä tutkimusongelmaa on ensin tarkasteltu kirjallisuuden valossa, keskittyen kirjallisuuteen kilpailijavertailusta sekä jakelukanavista. Kilpailijavertailu, benchmark,on kuvattu tässä yhteydessä osana laadunhallintaa, painottaen yleisesti käytössä olevaa Campin 10 askeleen kilpailijavertailuprosessia. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkasteltavat jakelukanavateoriat on jaoteltu kahteen osaan; jakelukanavan rakennetta käsitteleviin teorioihin sekä jakelukanavan hallintaa käsitteleviin teorioihin. Ensin mainitussa keskitytään lähinnä jakelukanavamalleihin ja -tyyppeihin, ja toisessa lähemmin partneri -käsitteeseen; kumppanuuteen, kanavapartnereihin ja kanavapartneriohjelmiin. Tavoitteena oli kerätä mahdollisimman tarkkaa ja ajankohtaista tietoa tutkimuksen kohteena olevien kilpailijayritysten kanavapartneriohjelmista. Tämä osoittautui varsin haastavaksi tehtäväksi. Tarpeeksi tietoa saatiin kuitenkin kerättyä sekä kirjallisuudesta että tehdyn kyselyn avulla, mikä mahdollisti alkuperäisenä tavoitteena olleen kilpailijavertailun sekä sen pohjalta tehdyt analyysit.


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This thesis is based on studying integration synergies in a merger or acquisition situation with the interest in distribution channel integration. M&As seem to be forever popular and nowadays companies often use them as a certain kind of strategy to develop their business. M&As have attracted research for decades and also distribution in M&As has been found interesting. Moreover, research often concentrates to the horizontal M&A´s potential synergies that emerge in the integration process and so is the case also in this study as the core issue is to study the integration of the distribution channels and its potential synergies. This study concentrates on a single case, an acquisition which took place in 2011. The case consists of two Finnish companies operating in the same business field. Both of the companies are very export orientated, which gives this study its export view. As the companies operate in the same field this acquisition falls into the categorization of horizontal acquisition. The objective of the thesis is to study how the export channels could be integrated after an acquisition? This research question is divided again to three sub-questions asking how the distribution channels of the acquirer and acquired company are organized, what is pursued by the post-acquisition distribution channel integration and what are the integration challenges especially from the logistics point-of-view. The framework was built from the basis of the literature used in this thesis. The framework combines M&A process and distribution channels to a one united model which presents the progress of this thesis. The study was carried out as a qualitative research and as a holistic single case study. The data used in the research includes two interviews, other material from the case companies and also material of the companies collected by the author independently from different sources. There were many motives for the acquisition as usual. From the research results one can find that the integration process is still very ongoing and the synergies have not yet been fully discovered but also they are there to be found. The concentration of the research was in the export distribution which proved to be meaningful since the exports markets of the case companies were found to be quite complementary. The research results brought up also other issues concerning the post-acquisition integration process rather than the distribution channels and export. M&As are always a risky business. The final result can never be predicted. No matter how good the merging companies look on paper the practice is not the same. The acquisition process of this case has not ended yet and there lies potential synergy benefits to be discovered if enough effort is used to go through the process right.


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With increasing complexity of today's consumer requirements, food industry decision makers should be able to respond to consumer needs much faster than ever before. The preliminary studies showed that for improving the performance and selecting suitable distribution models, decision makers in food industries should classify different types of consumers and based on the classification prepare different distributions flows. By studying the HORECA distribution channel, this paper suggest that, logistics decision makers should investigate the relationship between consumers' characteristics and urban freight distribution strategy in order to respond to the exact needs and in the follow to reduce the logistics cost.


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This paper focuses on the move from buyer dominance toward interdependence between buyers and suppliers in a distribution channel. The paper introduces a case study collected through in-depth interviews and participative observations. It examines the relationships between a timber supplier and its customers in the builders' merchants sector. We stress the relevance of considering actions intended to change the power balance, rather than focusing only on trust. The power balance in a dyadic relationship is dynamic, and power positions need to be constantly re-evaluated. An important power resource is information asymmetry, manifested in the supplier's information about: products, regional and local demand, and the usage of the products. For practitioners, we highlight the possibility of exerting a non-coercive power resource, such as information asymmetry, in order to increase the relative power. Furthermore, being open about the power position between a buyer and a seller can foster a more efficient collaboration.


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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As redes sociais estão a mudar a forma como os leitores acedem a conteúdos noticiosos e interagem com eles, não só recomendando notícias como facilitando conversas. Hoje, o Facebook é parte do quotidiano de um quinto da população mundial. Mas poderá esta rede social ser um canal de distribuição de notícias online? Esta investigação a que nos propomos tem por base o estudo de caso do Correio da Manhã, um dos jornais portugueses com maior circulação em papel e que se tornou líder no digital, em grande parte, graças à sua estratégia nas redes sociais. A análise e a aplicação de conceitos sobre o uso do Facebook, com vista ao aumento das audiências de um site noticioso, permitem tirar conclusões, quantitativas e qualitativas, sobre a problemática em questão. Como podem as publicações jornalísticas tirar melhor partido do Facebook? Deverá o jornalismo digital especializar-se na distribuição de notícias através das redes sociais? Quais as estratégias a aplicar para incrementar as audiências de um website através do Facebook como canal de distribuição? Neste contexto, pretendeu-se fazer uma análise sobre a forma como os meios de comunicação social estão a usar o Facebook para uma abordagem das melhores práticas jornalísticas nesta rede social. É nosso propósito examinar o papel das notícias no Facebook e a forma como os jornalistas se devem comportar, numa tentativa de criar regras para se tirar o melhor proveito do Facebook em função das audiências