999 resultados para Dispositivo urbano


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Discusses the formation of urban apparatus that have characterized promote interaction, connection, inclusion and learning within the new paradigm of knowledge, which corresponds to the process of involvement/ knowledge propagation between space and urban space, caused by various combinations. Rescues the importance of physical space in the contemporary city before the increasing spread of cyberspace as one that many theorists seem to be the future of humanity. It also discusses the importance of knowledge in various fields such as Philosophy, Sociology, Education, and especially the Architecture and Urbanism, highlighting the need to think about the city according to this status of knowledge. Shows how the apparatus are found in urban public policy agenda. In this context, used as a model the polygonal 1 of the city of Vitória, consisting of eight communities that call themselves Território do Bem, focusing on how ownership and endogenous production of spaces contribute to the formation of urban apparatus. Also shows the performance of the city of Vitória through the Multiyear Plan 2010/2013, pointing out the actions and the programs that contribute to the formation of urban apparatus. The results show that the apparatus are tools of participatory urban management and city planning, contributing to the process of autonomy and social emancipation


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The Andalusian Public Health System (SSPA) is considering the last time an attempt urgent process management through triage consultation, both hospital and primary care environment and tables situations in which the nurse responsible for these consultations can carry out a final statement of which only she is directly responsible through their independent intervention and referral (Triage Advanced). Pose, at once and consistently to the idea of teamwork, where they can be the limits to that intervention finalist and the circuits to follow. This paper proposes a definition line of one of those situations through triage concepts universally tested, and takes full advantage of advanced practice profile offered by nurses Device Critical Care (DCCU) of the SSPA and any the emerging legal and regulatory framework in terms of standardized collaborative prescription, us know legitimate receivers. This work stems from the vision of professionals and our contribution to that line of institutional work that must be consensus.


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En el contexto de las sociedades capitalistas contemporáneas, el urbanismo se convierte en otro dispositivo a través del cual las imágenes mediatizan la experiencia directa en primera persona. Organizados sobre la base de un régimen de la mirada, los espacios de la ciudad se presentan como fragmentos enmascarados en la imagen de una universalidad ilusoria. Situados en la ciudad de Córdoba, observamos una transformación de la cartografía urbana que ha tenido lugar por las políticas de embellecimiento estratégico. La construcción de un centro en tanto imagen hegemónica de lo deseable conlleva su contrapartida: la emergencia de una periferia como producto de la sociosegregación, y la invisibilización de estas imágenes opuestas. Contextualizar este fenómeno nos lleva entonces a preguntarnos acerca de las posibilidades de abordarlo metodológicamente desde la propuesta benjaminiana del montaje. El presente artículo tiene como objetivo reflexionar acerca del proceso de construcción de aquella técnica, basándonos en el trabajo de campo realizado en el Buen Pastor, un paseo recreativo ubicado en la ciudad de Córdoba. Siguiendo este camino, proponemos un enfoque basado en el ejercicio de una mirada orientada a la captación plástica del acontecer social, para reunir aquellas imágenes recortadas de la experiencia y devolverlas a una totalidad posible.


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La evaluación de consumo y emisiones de los vehículos se puede realizar mediante medidas en ciclos estándar o por medidas en operación real. La primera opción presenta la ventaja de la repetibilidad, pero debe asegurarse que el ciclo representa correctamente las condiciones operativas. Además, algunos tipos de vehículos presentan ciclos cinemáticos muy característicos. Este es el caso de los autobuses urbanos o vehículos de recogida de residuos. En concreto, en el primer caso, existen ciclos desarrollados a partir de medidas en diferentes ciudades. Sin embargo, estos ciclos se basan únicamente en una muestra limitada de líneas y consideran que todas las líneas tienen características semejantes. Este enfoque impide, por ejemplo, probar autobuses sobre líneas de propiedades diferentes con el fin de decidir cual es la distribución óptima de la flota en cuanto a ahorro de consumo y reducción de emisiones, ya que ciertas tecnologías pueden trabajar significativamente mejor que otras con unos parámetros de conducción. Este artículo presenta una metodología para la construcción de los ciclos de conducción estándar de estos vehículos. Para ello, primero, se realiza una agrupación preliminar de las líneas en conglomerados en función de variables macroscópicas. A continuación, se realiza la medición de ciclos cinemáticos en una selección representativa de líneas a lo largo de días completos de operación mediante un dispositivo no intrusivo embarcado en los vehículos. Estos datos cinemáticos han sido analizados diferenciando microciclos y estudiando sus características, como tipología de microciclo, velocidades máximas y medias, duraciones totales, niveles de aceleración y deceleración, etc. A partir del estudio estadístico de dichas variables se han planteado algoritmos para redefinir los algoritmos que permiten la formación de conglomerados de líneas con características semejantes. Finalmente, a partir de las conclusiones del paso anterior, se han construido ciclos estándar para cada uno de los conglomerados de líneas que reproducen las propiedades fundamentales de los ciclos reales.


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La tendencia actual de las redes de telecomunicaciones conduce a pensar en un futuro basado en el concepto emergente de las Smart Cities¸ que tienen como objetivo el desarrollo urbano basado en un modelo de sostenibilidad que responda a las necesidades crecientes de las ciudades. Dentro de las Smart Cities podemos incluir el concepto de Smart Grid, el cual está referido a sistemas de administración y producción de energía eficientes, que permitan un sistema energético sostenible, y que den cabida a las fuentes de energía renovables. Sistemas de este tipo se muestran a los usuarios como un conjunto de servicios con los que interactuar sin ser tan sólo un mero cliente, sino un agente más del entorno energético. Por otro lado, los sistemas de software distribuidos son cada vez más comunes en una infraestructura de telecomunicaciones cada vez más extensa y con más capacidades. Dentro de este ámbito tecnológico, las arquitecturas orientadas a servicios han crecido exponencialmente sobre todo en el sector empresarial. Con sistemas basados en estas arquitecturas, se pueden ofrecer a empresas y usuarios sistemas software basados en el concepto de servicio. Con la progresión del hardware actual, la miniaturización de los equipos es cada vez mayor, sin renunciar por ello a la potencia que podemos encontrar en sistemas de mayor tamaño. Un ejemplo es el dispositivo Raspberry Pi, que contiene un ordenador plenamente funcional contenido en el tamaño de una cajetilla de tabaco, y con un coste muy reducido. En este proyecto se pretenden aunar los tres conceptos expuestos. De esta forma, se busca utilizar el dispositivo Raspberry Pi como elemento de despliegue integrado en una arquitectura de Smart Grid orientada a servicios. En los trabajos realizados se ha utilizado la propuesta definida por el proyecto de I+D europeo e-GOTHAM, con cuya infraestructura se ha tenido ocasión de realizar diferentes pruebas de las descritas en esta memoria. Aunque esta arquitectura está orientada a la creación de una Smart Grid, lo experimentado en este PFG podría encajar en otro tipo de aplicaciones. Dentro del estudio sobre las soluciones software actuales, se ha trabajado en la evaluación de la posibilidad de instalar un Enterprise Service Bus en el Raspberry Pi y en la optimización de la citada instalación. Una vez conseguida una instalación operativa, se ha desarrollado un controlador de un dispositivo físico (sensor/actuador), denominado Dispositivo Lógico, a modo de prueba de la viabilidad del uso del Raspberry Pi para actuar como elemento en el que instalar aplicaciones en entornos de Smart Grid o Smart Home. El éxito logrado con esta experimentación refuerza la idea de considerar al Raspberry Pi, como un importante elemento a tener en cuenta para el despliegue de servicios de Smart Cities o incluso en otros ámbitos tecnológicos. ABSTRACT. The current trend of telecommunication networks lead to think in a future based on the emerging concept of Smart Cities, whose objective is to ensure the urban development based on a sustainable model to respond the new necessities of the cities. Within the Smart cites we can include the concept of Smart Grid, which is based on management systems and efficient energy production, allowing a sustainable energy producing system, and that includes renewable energy sources. Systems of this type are shown to users as a set of services that allow users to interact with the system not only as a single customer, but also as other energy environment agent. Furthermore, distributed software systems are increasingly common in a telecommunications infrastructure more extensive and with more capabilities. Within this area of technology, service-oriented architectures have grown exponentially especially in the business sector. With systems based on these architectures, can be offered to businesses and users software systems based on the concept of service. With the progression of the actual hardware, the miniaturization of computers is increasing, without sacrificing the power of larger systems. An example is the Raspberry Pi, which contains a fully functional computer contained in the size of a pack of cigarettes, and with a very low cost. This PFG (Proyecto Fin de Grado) tries to combine the three concepts presented. Thus, it is intended to use the Raspberry Pi device as a deployment element integrated into a service oriented Smart Grid architecture. In this PFG, the one proposed in the European R&D e-GOTHAM project has been observed. In addition several tests described herein have been carried out using the infrastructure of that project. Although this architecture is oriented to the creation of a Smart Grid, the experiences reported in this document could fit into other applications. Within the study on current software solutions, it have been working on assessing the possibility of installing an Enterprise Service Bus in the Raspberry Pi and optimizing that facility. Having achieved an operating installation, it has been developed a driver for a physical device (sensor / actuator), called logical device, for testing the feasibility of using the Raspberry Pi to act as an element in which to install applications in Smart Grid and Smart Home Environments. The success of this experiment reinforces the idea of considering the Raspberry Pi as an important element to take into account in the deployment of Smart Cities services or even in other technological fields.


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Los debates contemporáneos sobre el eclipse del espacio público suelen ofrecer una visión idealizada de su pasado, impidiendo una correcta reconsideración del papel que las técnicas urbanísticas han tenido en la producción y evolución del mismo. Contribuyendo al desarrollo de una historia crítica que subsane estas lagunas, Central Park se presenta aquí como un dispositivo gubernamental ideado para sustituir el régimen de uso del espacio público habitual en las calles de Manhattan a mediados del siglo XIX, por un nuevo conjunto de prácticas espaciales definidas y monitorizadas por el Estado. Tras una descripción de las formas de apropiaciones espontáneas de la calle por parte de las clases populares, se analizan los distintos niveles proyectuales en los cuales se articulaba esta estrategia de domesticación del espacio público: del propio diseño espacial y concepción de la red de lugares del parque, a la regulación normativa del uso y comportamiento de los visitantes, al ejercicio activo de vigilancia y castigo de conductas y sujetos indeseables.


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The uncontrolled growth of most Brazilian cities is not accompanied by the development of urban infrastructure. With increasing soil sealing, runoff and decreased infiltration volume, impacts on water resources and on population of the areas affected by urban growth are inevitable. This study aims to evaluate the use and occupation of a watershed and analyze the drainage system in order to control the impact using tools to integrate urban development with the drainage of rainwater in an important watershed in the Natal City, Rio Grande do Norte State. The study involved the characterization of the basin XII.4 on the land use and occupation, for the years 2005 and 2014. With the application of SWMM model was possible to analyze the impacts caused by the urbanization process in the existing drainage system, showing the two years analyzed have their areas very close to percentage saturation of impervious areas. Although the region is still predominantly single family residential, suffers increasing verticalization of mainly commercial buildings. The drainage system is inefficient for the area's needs by the year 2005. The drainage system was also tested for four variations of land use by developing scenarios. Scenario 1 is related to the year 2014, considered current. Scenario 2 was adopted the maximum rate of 80% for land use, allowed for the Natal City. Scenario 3 gives the critical condition of land use, with the area 100% impervious. Scenario 4 is applied to the existence of LID (Low Impact Device). The scenarios analysis showed that all indicate deficiency at some point of the drainage system as a result of the high degree of occupation of the area that generate higher flows than the initial drainage system capacity. With the study it became clear that the adoption of non-structural tools are effective in reducing flooding and improving the drainage system capacity.


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The uncontrolled growth of most Brazilian cities is not accompanied by the development of urban infrastructure. With increasing soil sealing, runoff and decreased infiltration volume, impacts on water resources and on population of the areas affected by urban growth are inevitable. This study aims to evaluate the use and occupation of a watershed and analyze the drainage system in order to control the impact using tools to integrate urban development with the drainage of rainwater in an important watershed in the Natal City, Rio Grande do Norte State. The study involved the characterization of the basin XII.4 on the land use and occupation, for the years 2005 and 2014. With the application of SWMM model was possible to analyze the impacts caused by the urbanization process in the existing drainage system, showing the two years analyzed have their areas very close to percentage saturation of impervious areas. Although the region is still predominantly single family residential, suffers increasing verticalization of mainly commercial buildings. The drainage system is inefficient for the area's needs by the year 2005. The drainage system was also tested for four variations of land use by developing scenarios. Scenario 1 is related to the year 2014, considered current. Scenario 2 was adopted the maximum rate of 80% for land use, allowed for the Natal City. Scenario 3 gives the critical condition of land use, with the area 100% impervious. Scenario 4 is applied to the existence of LID (Low Impact Device). The scenarios analysis showed that all indicate deficiency at some point of the drainage system as a result of the high degree of occupation of the area that generate higher flows than the initial drainage system capacity. With the study it became clear that the adoption of non-structural tools are effective in reducing flooding and improving the drainage system capacity.


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L'oggetto della proposta è un sistema di trasporto guidato di media potenzialità destinato alle aree metropolitane, basato sulla tecnologia della levitazione magnetica. Utilizza magneti permanenti ad alta energia per la sostentazione; un motore lineare sincrono per la propulsione; un dispositivo meccanico, o elettromagnetico, per stabilizzare la guida assicurata dagli stessi magneti della sostentazione. Il contenuto innovativo dell'oggetto non si limita alla parte non convenzionale (levitazione), ma investe tutto il sistema, poiché l'offerta industriale di un sistema destinato alle aree metropolitane è vincente solo se riferita ad un sistema completo (infrastruttura, veicoli, alimentazione, sistema di sicurezza, modello di esercizio, gestione, manutenzione, …). Si descrive inoltre la particolare soluzione inedita con abitacolo sospeso al di sotto dell'involucro tecnologico (comprendente magneti di sostentamento, motore lineare, sistema di guida, sospensione secondaria).


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The research approaches recycling of urban waste compost (UWC) as an alternative fertilizer for sugarcane crop and as a social and environmental solution to the solids residuals growth in urban centers. A mathematical model was used in order to know the metal dynamics as decision support tool, aiming to establish of criteria and procedures for UWC's safe use, limited by the amount of heavy metal. A compartmental model was developed from experimental data in controlled conditions and partially checked with field data. This model described the heavy metal transference in the system soil-root-aerial portion of sugarcane plants and concluded that nickel was metal to be concern, since it takes approximately three years to be attenuated in the soil, reaching the aerial portions of the plant at high concentrations. Regarding factors such as clay content, oxide level and soil pH, it was observed that for soil with higher buffering capacity, the transfer of the majority of the metals was slower. This model may become an important tool for the attainment of laws regarding the UWC use, aiming to reduce environment contamination the waste accumulation and production costs.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física