910 resultados para Digital rights management
The protection of privacy has gained considerable attention recently. In response to this, new privacy protection systems are being introduced. SITDRM is one such system that protects private data through the enforcement of licenses provided by consumers. Prior to supplying data, data owners are expected to construct a detailed license for the potential data users. A license specifies whom, under what conditions, may have what type of access to the protected data. The specification of a license by a data owner binds the enterprise data handling to the consumer’s privacy preferences. However, licenses are very detailed, may reveal the internal structure of the enterprise and need to be kept synchronous with the enterprise privacy policy. To deal with this, we employ the Platform for Privacy Preferences Language (P3P) to communicate enterprise privacy policies to consumers and enable them to easily construct data licenses. A P3P policy is more abstract than a license, allows data owners to specify the purposes for which data are being collected and directly reflects the privacy policy of an enterprise.
Digital rights management allows information owners to control the use and dissemination of electronic documents via a machine-readable licence. This paper describes the design and implementation of a system for creating and enforcing licences containing location constraints that can be used to restrict access to sensitive documents to a defined area. Documents can be loaded onto a portable device and used in the approved areas, but cannot be used if the device moves to another area. Our contribution includes a taxonomy for access control in the presence of requests to perform non-instantaneous controlled actions.
Digital rights management allows information owners to control the use and dissemination of electronic documents via a machine-readable licence. Documents are distributed in a protected form such that they may only be used with trusted environments, and only in accordance with terms and conditions stated in the licence. Digital rights management has found uses in protecting copyrighted audio-visual productions, private personal information, and companies' trade secrets and intellectual property. This chapter describes a general model of digital rights management together with the technologies used to implement each component of a digital rights management system, and desribes how digital rights management can be applied to secure the distribution of electronic information in a variety of contexts.
We propose a digital rights management approach for sharing electronic health records in a health research facility and argue advantages of the approach. We also give an outline of the system under development and our implementation of the security features and discuss challenges that we faced and future directions.
This resource contains an interactive tutorial slide, a set of multiple choice questions and a poster that Group 11 composed for INFO2009 Assignment 2. The topic area for the resource is Digital Rights Management.
Os livros digitais facilitam o acesso aos livros, por meio de fatores como a diminuição de barreiras geográficas e financeiras, constituindo um importante instrumento para a promoção do acesso ao conhecimento no século XXI. Como forma de combater a pirataria na rede, os ebooks são protegidos por digital rights management (DRM), uma trava tecnológica que permite que os titulares de direitos autorais protejam seus direitos por meio do controle do que os usuários conseguem fazer com os arquivos digitais. O DRM pode determinar variáveis como em quais circunstâncias, quantas vezes, por quanto tempo e em quais plataformas o um arquivo pode ser acessado. Essa trava, por sua vez, é protegida por leis anticircunvenção que proíbem que os usuários a alterem ou a removam. Em regra, essas leis não exigem que a arquitetura dos sistemas de DRM observe os mesmos limites e exceções impostos ao direito autoral. Por conta disso, é possível que os sistemas de DRM estabeleçam novas regras para o uso de trabalhos artísticos, que ultrapassam a proteção conferida pelas leis de propriedade intelectual. No mercado de livros digitais, tais regras têm um impacto particular na concorrência. Uma vez que as livrarias usam diferentes sistemas proprietários de DRM em seus livros digitais, compatíveis com um número limitado de dispositivos de leitura, o leitor enfrenta problemas de interoperabilidade para adquirir e-books em uma loja diferente daquela em que seu dispositivo de leitura foi comprado. Essa baixa interoperabilidade vincula os leitores a um determinado ecossistema e aumenta os efeitos de rede, custos de mudança e barreiras à entrada nesse mercado, propiciando a concentração. Como resultado, as livrarias são capazes de exercer um grande poder sobre o fluxo de informações nesse mercado, minando o potencial dos e-books para difundir o conhecimento e promover a leitura. Assim, esta pesquisa examina como os sistemas de DRM e as normas anticircunvenção afetam a concorrência no mercado de livros digitais e como essa dinâmica concorrencial, por sua vez, impacta no acesso aos livros. A análise inicia-se com a descrição do mercado de livros digitais e avança à discussão teórica, consistente na revisão da literatura especializada sobre direito autoral, direito da concorrência e acesso ao conhecimento. Sob uma perspectiva de desenvolvimento como liberdade, conclui-se que a revisão das leis anticircunvenção é essencial para fomentar a concorrência nesse mercado, garantir a autonomia dos indivíduos e concretizar o potencial dos e-books para a expansão do acesso ao conhecimento.
Digital Rights Management Systems (DRMS) are seen by content providers as the appropriate tool to, on the one hand, fight piracy and, on the other hand, monetize their assets. Although these systems claim to be very powerful and include multiple protection technologies, there is a lack of understanding about how such systems are currently being implemented and used by content providers. The aim of this paper is twofold. First, it provides a theoretical basis through which we present shortly the seven core protection technologies of a DRMS. Second, this paper provides empirical evidence that the seven protection technologies outlined in the first section of this paper are the most commonly used technologies. It further evaluates to what extent these technologies are being used within the music and print industry. It concludes that the three main Technologies are encryption, password, and payment systems. However, there are some industry differences: the number of protection technologies used, the requirements for a DRMS, the required investment, or the perceived success of DRMS in fighting piracy.
Technology advances in hardware, software and IP-networks such as the Internet or peer-to-peer file sharing systems are threatening the music business. The result has been an increasing amount of illegal copies available on-line as well as off-line. With the emergence of digital rights management systems (DRMS), the music industry seems to have found the appropriate tool to simultaneously fight piracy and to monetize their assets. Although these systems are very powerful and include multiple technologies to prevent piracy, it is as of yet unknown to what extent such systems are currently being used by content providers. We provide empirical analyses, results, and conclusions related to digital rights management systems and the protection of digital content in the music industry. It shows that most content providers are protecting their digital content through a variety of technologies such as passwords or encryption. However, each protection technology has its own specific goal, and not all prevent piracy. The majority of the respondents are satisfied with their current protection but want to reinforce it for the future, due to fear of increasing piracy. Surprisingly, although encryption is seen as the core DRM technology, only few companies are currently using it. Finally, half of the respondents do not believe in the success of DRMS and their ability to reduce piracy.
The main requirements to DRM platforms implementing effective user experience and strong security measures to prevent unauthorized use of content are discussed. Comparison of hardware-based and software- based platforms is made showing the general inherent advantages of hardware DRM solutions. Analysis and evaluation of the main flaws of hardware platforms are conducted, pointing out the possibilities to overcome them. The overview of the existing concepts for practical realization of hardware DRM protection reveals their advantages and disadvantages and the increasing demand for creation of multi-core architecture, which could assure an effective DRM protection without decreasing the user’s freedom and importing risks for end system security.
Tämän kandidaatintutkimuksen tarkoituksena on löytää vastaus siihen, miten vahva voi olla DRM-systeemi, ennen kuin kuluttajat eivät enää hyväksy sitä. DRM-systeemejä on monen tasoisia, mutta ne eivät ole soveltuvia sellaisenaan kaikille eri alustoille. Peliteollisuuden digitaalisten käyttöoikeuksien hallintajärjestelmillä on omanlaisensa lainalaisuudet kuin esimerkiksi musiikkiteollisuudella. Lisäksi on olemassa tietty tämän hetkinen hyväksytty DRM:n taso, josta voi olla vaarallista poiketa. Tutkimus on luonteeltaan laadullinen tutkimus. Työssä on sovellettu sekä diskurssi- että sisällönanalyysin oppeja. Tutkimuksen aineistona on erilaisten viestiketjujen tekstit, joiden pohjalta pyritään löytämään vastaus tutkimuskysymykseen. Ketjut on jaettu eri vahvuisiksi sen perusteella, miten vahva on DRM:ää koskeva uutinen, jonka pohjalta viestiketju on syntynyt. Koska aineisto on puhuttua kieltä ja sillä on aina oma merkityksensä kontekstissaan, ovat valitut menetelmät soveltuvia analysoimaan aineistoa. Eri ketjujen analyysien tuloksien pohjalta voidaan sanoa, että DRM ei voi olla sitä tasoa suurempi kuin mikä on sen hetkinen vallitseva taso. Jos tästä tasosta poiketaan pikkaisenkin, voi se aiheuttaa suurta närästystä kuluttajien keskuudessa, jopa siihen saakka, että yritys menettää tuloja. Sen hetkiseen tasoon on päästy erinäisten kokeilujen kautta, joista kuluttajat ovat kärsineet, joten he eivät suosiolla hyväksy yhtään sen suurempaa tasoa kuin mikä vallitsee sillä hetkellä. Jos yritys näkee, että tasoa on pakko tiukentaa, täytyy tiukennus tehdä pikkuhiljaa ja naamioida se lisäominaisuuksilla. Kuluttajat ovat tietoisia omista oikeuksistaan, eivätkä he helpolla halua luopua niistä yhtään sen enempää kuin on tarpeellista.
SITDRM 1 is a privacy protection system that protects private data through the enforcement of MPEG REL licenses provided by consumers. Direct issuing of licenses by consumers has several usability problems that will be mentioned in this paper. Further, we will describe how SITDRM incorporates P3P language to provide a consumer-centered privacy protection system.
As network capacity has increased over the past decade, individuals and organisations have found it increasingly appealing to make use of remote services in the form of service-oriented architectures and cloud computing services. Data processed by remote services, however, is no longer under the direct control of the individual or organisation that provided the data, leaving data owners at risk of data theft or misuse. This paper describes a model by which data owners can control the distribution and use of their data throughout a dynamic coalition of service providers using digital rights management technology. Our model allows a data owner to establish the trustworthiness of every member of a coalition employed to process data, and to communicate a machine-enforceable usage policy to every such member.
We propose a digital rights management approach for sharing electronic health records for research purposes and argue advantages of the approach. We give an outline of our implementation, discuss challenges that we faced and future directions.