898 resultados para Digital Art History
The desire to create unique things and give free rain to one's imagination served as a powerful impetus to the development of digital art and design software. The commoner was the use of computers the wider variety of professional software was developed. Nowadays the creators and computer designers are receiving more and more new and advanced programs that allow their ideas becoming virtual reality. This research paper looks at the history of the development of graphic editors from the simplest to the most modern and advanced. This brief survey includes the history of different graphic editors’ creation, their features and abilities. This paper highlights the two basic branches of graphic editors – these that are in free use and commercial graphic editors design software. The researcher selected the most powerful and influential graphic editors design software brands like Paint.NET and GIMP among free software and commercial Adobe Photoshop. This paper also dwells upon the way digital art transferred from the exclusively professional business into the hobby for ordinary users. This research paper bears implications for those who are interested in features and potentiality of most popular graphic editors design software.
The field was the curation of new media within large-scale exhibition practice for Chinese audiences. The context was improved understandings of the intertwining cultures and concerns of Chinese and Western contemporary practitioners. The research uncovered a range of connective and dialogical concerns around cultural displacement and re-identification, germane to the chosen group of media artists. The methodology was principally practice-led. The research brought together 31 practitioners from Asian, European and Australasian cultures within a major highly visible Chinese exhibition context. By identifying and promoting a distinct commonality within difference amongst the diverse practitioners the exhibition successfully activated a global dialogue that incorporated environmental and cultural identity agendas within a major Chinese educational and public context - thereby promulgating cross-cultural understanding, despite the often oppressive shadowing of domestic political processes. The project was developed under the international aegis of IDA Projects (established since 1999) and was substantially supported by the Fine Art Department of the Beijing Film Academy, QUT Precincts and Platform China Art Institute. It built upon IDA’s 2005 inaugural new media exhibition at the ‘Today Art’ Museum in Beijing – now recognised as one of the leading art spaces in China. Numerous peer-reviewed grants won included the Australian Embassy in China and the Australia China Council. Through subsequent invitations from external curators the work then traveled in a range of reconfigured formats to other major venues including the Block Gallery at QUT, Brisbane and ZAIM Artspace, Yokohama Japan. A major catalogue with authoritative essays was also printed.
An Interview with John Rajchman, Department of Art History, Columbia University, on Architecture, Deleuze and Foucault at his apartment, Riverside Drive, New York City, February 10, 2003.
Review of Paul Wood (2013), Western Art and the Wider World. Wiley-Blackwell : Chichester, United Kingdom.
headspace Digital Art Exhibition is a curated collection of artwork created during a youth arts project and research in which young people’s improved mental health wellbeing and mental health literacy were the focused outcomes for the project. The project aimed to improve mental health literacy, and offer greater opportunities for creative expression supporting young people facing mental health challenges. The Inside project aimed to build dialogue related to youth, arts, mental illness and recovery, through a partnership approach. The partnership approach involved artists and health workers in two separate headspace youth mental health services and aimed to provide opportunities to explore the potential of an arts and health framework. The project ran over ten weeks at both centres, incorporating themed activities such as unleashing inner selfie (sketching, photography and digital manipulation); creating dioramas (found object, three dimensional modelling); creating avatars (sculptural and digital animation); and digital narrating and poster creation (visual, written and spoken texts). Two professional artists facilitated the project, one in each location alongside headspace health workers at weekly workshops. A research component explored the appreciation of how artsbased workshops can be used alongside more traditional responses in youth specific mental health services. Both headspace centres had previously provided unstructured art activities as a way to showcase their services to young people, increase access, and to create a welcoming ‘safe’ youth friendly environment. However, these activities were generally extemporaneous and not specifically evaluated. The digital art exhibition collectively shares the artwork created by the young people and reveals the inter-relationships between risk and resilience and overcoming the odds. Inside unleashed possibilities for a sense of well-being and even happiness into the future.
This paper argues in detail for the identification of Peftjauawybast, King of Nen-nesut (fl. 728/720 BC ), with Peftjauawybast, High Priest of Ptah in Memphis (fl. c. 790–780 BC2), known from the Apis stela of year 28 of Shoshenq III. This identification ties in with a significant lowering of the accepted dates for the kings from Shoshenq III, Osorkon III and Takeloth III to Shoshenq V, and the material culture associated with them. Such a shift seems to be supported by stylistic and genealogical evidence. As a consequence, it is further suggested that the Master of Shipping at Nen-nesut, Pediese i, was perhaps related by descent and marriage to the family of the High Priests of Memphis and King Peftjauawybast.
Art History is often seen as a mandatory core course in the curricula of design programs but it is rarely tailored to the needs and goals of such programs. Instead, the traditional chronological organization of lecture topics, invariably beginning with the “Venus of Willendorf” (c. 25,000 BC) is presented in order to impart to the students a supposed holistic “big picture.” This essay outlines the re-structuring of a two-semester first-year faculty-wide introductory art history course, entitled “History of Art and Design,” in the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design at Izmir University of Economics, Izmir, Turkey. The course was re-configured from a conventional chronologically-presented (time-oriented) lecture series to a thematically presented (topic-oriented) lecture series more relevant to the students of the faculty – architecture, interior architecture, graphic design, industrial design, and fashion design students.
La pensée de Nietzsche a joué un rôle déterminant et récurrent dans les discours et les débats qui ont formé et continuent de façonner le domaine de l’histoire de l’art, mais aucune analyse systématique de cette question n’a encore vu le jour. L’influence de Nietzsche a été médiée par divers interlocuteurs, historiens de l’art et philosophes, qui ont encadré ces discussions, en utilisant les écrits du philosophe comme toile de fond de leurs propres idées. Ce mémoire souhaite démontrer que l’impact de Nietzsche dans le champ de l’histoire de l’art existe mais qu’il fut toujours immergé ou éclipsé, particulièrement dans le contexte anglo-américain, l’emphase étant placée sur les médiateurs de ses idées en n’avouant que très peu d’engagement direct avec son œuvre. En conséquence, son importance généalogique pour certains fondateurs de la discipline reste méconnue; sa présence réellement féconde se traduit plutôt comme une absence ou une présence masquée. En vue de démontrer ce propos, nous regardons donc le contexte nietzschéen qui travaille les écrits de certains historiens de l’art, comme Jacob Burckhardt et Aby Warburg, ou des philosophes et d’écrivains ayant marqué la discipline de l’histoire de l’art (plus particulièrement dans le cadre de l’influence de la « French Theory » sur l’histoire de l’art anglo-américaine depuis la fin des années 1970) : Martin Heidegger, Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida, Gilles Deleuze et Georges Bataille. Nous examinons certaines voies par lesquelles ses idées ont acquis une pertinence pour l’histoire de l’art avant de proposer les raisons potentielles de leur occlusion ultérieure. Nous étudions donc l’évolution des discours multiples de l’histoire comme domaine d’étude afin de situer la contribution du philosophe et de cerner où et comment ses réflexions ont croisé celles des historiens de l’art qui ont soit élargi ou redéfini les méthodes et les structures d’analyse de leur discipline. Ensuite nous regardons « l’art » de Nietzsche en le comparant avec « l’art de l’histoire de l’art » (Preziosi 2009) afin d’évaluer si ces deux expressions peuvent se rejoindre ou s’il y a fondamentalement une incompatibilité entre les deux, laquelle pourrait justifier ou éclairer la distance entre la pensée nietzschéenne sur l’art et la discipline de l’histoire de l’art telle qu’elle s’institutionnalise au moment où le philosophe rédige son œuvre.
Der erste Universitätskurs in Norwegen, der komplett via Internet unterrichtet wird, wird in Kunstgeschichte angeboten. Dieses Projekt wurde im März 2000 mit einem Einführungskurs in die Kunstgeschichte gestartet. Aufgrund seiner modularen Struktur, visuell ansprechender Präsentationen, fachbezogener Ansätze sowie Möglichkeiten eines zweiseitigen Kommunikationsaustausches, kann das Interesse und der Einbezug der Studenten während der zweijährigen Dauer des Kurses aufrecht erhalten werden.
New tools for editing of digital images, music and films have opened up new possibilities to enable wider circles of society to engage in ’artistic’ activities of different qualities. User-generated content has produced a plethora of new forms of artistic expression. One type of user-generated content is the mashup. Mashups are compositions that combine existing works (often) protected by copyright and transform them into new original creations. The European legislative framework has not yet reacted to the copyright problems provoked by mashups. Neither under the US fair use doctrine, nor under the strict corset of limitations and exceptions in Art 5 (2)-(3) of the Copyright Directive (2001/29/EC) have mashups found room to develop in a safe legal environment. The contribution analyzes the current European legal framework and identifies its insufficiencies with regard to enabling a legal mashup culture. By comparison with the US fair use approach, in particular the parody defense, a recent CJEU judgment serves as a comparative example. Finally, an attempt is made to suggest solutions for the European legislator, based on the policy proposals of the EU Commission’s “Digital Agenda” and more recent policy documents (e.g. “On Content in the Digital Market”, “Licenses for Europe”). In this context, a distinction is made between non-commercial mashup artists and the emerging commercial mashup scene.