883 resultados para Diffuse Adherence
L’adhésine impliquée dans l’adhérence diffuse (AIDA-I) est une adhésine bactérienne présente chez certaines souches d’Escherichia coli qui, associée aux toxines Stx2e ou STb, contribue à l’apparition de la maladie de l’œdème ou de la diarrhée post-sevrage chez les porcelets. AIDA-I est un autotransporteur qui confère des capacités d’autoaggrégation, de formation de biofilms et d’adhésion. L’objectif principal du projet de recherche consistait en la recherche de récepteur(s) potentiel(s) d’AIDA-I. Les bactéries pathogènes adhèrent aux cellules-cibles soit en liant directement des molécules à la surface cellulaire ou en utilisant des molécules intermédiaires qui permettent de diminuer la distance séparant la bactérie de la cellule-cible. Puisque le sérum est un fluide qui contient de nombreuses molécules, celui-ci a été utilisé comme matériel de départ pour l’isolement de récepteur(s) potentiels. Nous avons isolé un récepteur potentiel à partir du sérum porcin : l’apolipoprotéine A-I. L’interaction entre l’apolipoprotéine A-I et AIDA-I a été confirmée par ELISA et microscopie à fluorescence. La capacité à envahir les cellules épithéliales offre aux pathogènes la possibilité d’établir une niche intracellulaire qui les protègent contre les attaques du milieu extérieur. La présente étude a démontré que la présence d’AIDA-I en tant que seul facteur de virulence chez une souche de laboratoire permet de conférer la capacité d’envahir les cellules sans promouvoir la survie intracellulaire. L’étude de la souche sauvage 2787, exprimant AIDA-I en association avec d’autres facteurs de virulence, a démontré une différence significative pour les phénotypes d’invasion et de survie intracellulaire face à la souche de laboratoire exprimant AIDA-I.
Escherichia fergusonii has been associated with a wide variety of intestinal and extra-intestinal infections in both humans and animals but, despite strong circumstantial evidence, the degree to which the organism is responsible for the pathologies identified remains uncertain. Thirty isolates of E fergusonii collected between 2003 and 2004 were screened using an Escherichia coli virulence gene array to test for the presence of homologous virulence genes in E. fergusonii. The iss (increased serum survival) gene was present in 13/30 (43%) of the test strains and the prfB (P-related fimbriae regulatory) and ireA (siderophore receptor IreA) genes were also detected jointly in 3/30 (10%) strains. No known virulence genes were detected in 14/30 (47%) of strains. Following confirmatory PCR and sequence analysis, the E. fergusonii prfB, iss and ireA genes shared a high degree of sequence similarity to their counterparts in E. coli, and a particular resemblance was noted with the E. coli strain APEC O1 pathogenicity island. In tissue culture adherence assays, nine E. fergusonii isolates associated with HEp-2 cells with a 'localised adherence' or 'diffuse adherence' phenotype, and they proved to be moderately invasive. The E fergusonii isolates in this study possess both some phenotypic and genotypic features linked to known pathotypes of E coli, and support existing evidence that strains of E fergusonii may act as an opportunistic pathogens, although their specific virulence factors may need to be explored. Crown Copyright (c) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Atypical enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (aEPEC) strains are diarrheal pathogens that lack bundle-forming pilus production but possess the virulence-associated locus of enterocyte effacement. aEPEC strain 1551-2 produces localized adherence (LA) on HeLa cells; however, its isogenic intimin (eae) mutant produces a diffuse-adherence (DA) pattern. In this study, we aimed to identify the DA-associated adhesin of the 1551-2 eae mutant. Electron microscopy of 1551-2 identified rigid rod-like pili composed of an 18-kDa protein, which was identified as the major pilin subunit of type 1 pilus (T1P) by mass spectrometry analysis. Deletion of fimA in 1551-2 affected biofilm formation but had no effect on adherence properties. Analysis of secreted proteins in supernatants of this strain identified a 150-kDa protein corresponding to SslE, a type 2 secreted protein that was recently reported to be involved in biofilm formation of rabbit and human EPEC strains. However, neither adherence nor biofilm formation was affected in a 1551-2 sslE mutant. We then investigated the role of the EspA filament associated with the type 3 secretion system (T3SS) in DA by generating a double eae espA mutant. This strain was no longer adherent, strongly suggesting that the T3SS translocon is the DA adhesin. In agreement with these results, specific anti-EspA antibodies blocked adherence of the 1551-2 eae mutant. Our data support a role for intimin in LA, for the T3SS translocon in DA, and for T1P in biofilm formation, all of which may act in concert to facilitate host intestinal colonization by aEPEC strains. ©2013, American Society for Microbiology.
Uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) is responsible for the majority of urinary tract infections (UTI). To cause a UTI, UPEC must adhere to the epithelial cells of the urinary tract and overcome the shear flow forces of urine. This function is mediated primarily by fimbrial adhesins, which mediate specific attachment to host cell receptors. Another group of adhesins that contributes to UPEC-mediated UTI is autotransporter (AT) proteins. AT proteins possess a range of virulence properties, such as adherence, aggregation, invasion, and biofilm formation. One recently characterized AT protein of UPEC is UpaH, a large adhesin-involved-in-diffuse-adherence (AIDA-I)-type AT protein that contributes to biofilm formation and bladder colonization. In this study we characterized a series of naturally occurring variants of UpaH. We demonstrate that extensive sequence variation exists within the passenger-encoding domain of UpaH variants from different UPEC strains. This sequence variation is associated with functional heterogeneity with respect to the ability of UpaH to mediate biofilm formation. In contrast, all of the UpaH variants examined retained a conserved ability to mediate binding to extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins. Bioinformatic analysis of the UpaH passenger domain identified a conserved region (UpaHCR) and a hydrophobic region (UpaHHR). Deletion of these domains reduced biofilm formation but not the binding to ECM proteins. Despite variation in the upaH sequence, the transcription of upaH was repressed by a conserved mechanism involving the global regulator H-NS, and mutation of the hns gene relieved this repression. Overall, our findings shed new light on the regulation and functions of the UpaH AT protein.
Corynebacterium diphtheriae pode ser isolado tanto de quadros de difteria clássica, quanto de infecções sistêmicas, como endocardite. O fibrinogênio (Fbn) e a fibronectina (Fn) são glicoproteínas presentes na matriz extracelular de tecidos conjuntivos. A influência destas proteínas na patogênese das infecções locais e invasivas causadas por C. diphtheriae é objeto de estudo devido ao fato do bacilo diftérico poder ser encontrado em lesões nas quais o Fbn e a Fn são predominantes, incluindo a pseudomembrana diftérica e vegetações cardíacas presentes na endocardite infecciosa. São crescentes as evidências de que o C. diphtheriae pode, além de aderir, ser internalizado por células em cultura. No presente estudo, investigou-se a participação de C. diphtheriae e das proteínas de superfície 67-72p na aderência à Fn e ao Fbn de plasma humano e a eritrócitos. A aderência às células HEp-2 e internalização também foram analisadas. A participação de 67-72p nos mecanismos de morte celular foi avaliada através das colorações por Azul de Tripan e 46-diamidino-2-fenil indol (DAPI), pelo ensaio de redução utilizando dimetil-tiazol-difenil tetrazólio (MTT) e por citometria de fluxo. As 67-72p foram extraídas da superfície da amostra toxigênica C. diphtheriae subsp. mitis CDC-E8392 através de processos mecânicos e precipitação com sulfato de amônio saturado. Análises por SDS-PAGE e immunoblotting detectaram a presença das bandas protéicas de 67 e 72kDa nas amostras toxinogênicas e atoxinogênicas analisadas, as quais pertenciam aos biotipos fermentador e não fermentador de sacarose. C. diphtheriae foi capazes não só de formar agregados na presença de plasma de coelho, mas também de converter Fbn em fibrina independentemente da presença do gene tox. No entanto, a amostra atoxinogênica ATCC 27010 (tox-) foi menos aderente ao Fbn do que a homóloga ATCC 27012 (tox+). A interação bacteriana com eritrócitos foi inibida somente pela Fn. Ligações entre Fn e/ou Fbn com 67-72p foram demonstradas por dot blotting, ELISA e/ou ensaios utilizando fluorescência. As 67-72p foram capazes de inibir as interações bacterianas com o Fbn, indicando que 67-72p podem participar do processo de aderência do patógeno aos tecidos do hospedeiro. Através da microscopia óptica, demonstrou-se a ligação de 67-72p adsorvidas em microesferas de látex com células HEp-2. Anticorpos de coelho do tipo IgG anti 67-72p interferiram somente com a expressão do padrão de aderência do tipo difuso, normalmente apresentado pela amostra CDC-E8392. A Microscopia Eletrônica de Transmissão (MET) e a inibição da internalização bacteriana pela IgG anti 67-72p ou por 67-72p indicaram o papel de 67-72p como invasina. Alterações do citoesqueleto de células HEp-2 com acumulação de actina polimerizada, induzida por microesferas sensibilizadas com 67-72p, foi observada pelo fluorescent actin staining (FAS) test. Foi visualizado um aumento no número de bactérias viáveis no compartimento intracelular após tratamento de células HEp-2 ou dos microrganismos com Fn. A presença de partículas de látex adsorvidas com 67-72p no interior de vacúolos frouxos em células HEp-2 sugeriu que estas proteínas podem causar efeito citotóxico. A avaliação através das colorações com Azul de Tripan, DAPI e os ensaios de redução utilizando MTT demonstraram um decréscimo na viabilidade de células tratadas com 67-72p. As mudanças morfológicas observadas 3 horas após o início do tratamento com 67-72p incluíram vacuolização, fragmentação nuclear e formação de corpúsculos apoptóticos. A citometria de fluxo revelou um decréscimo de 15,13% no volume/tamanho de células tratadas com 67-72p. Além disso, o ensaio utilizando Iodeto de Propídio (IP) e Anexina V (AV)-FITIC demonstrou que havia 66,1% de células vivas (IP-/AV-), 16,6% de células em apoptose inicial (IP-/AV+) e 13,8% de células em apoptose tardia ou necrose secundária. Em conclusão, as 67-72p estão diretamente envolvidas na interação com Fn e Fbn. As proteínas não fimbriais 67-72p são hemaglutininas implicadas na aderência a células respiratórias e na internalização. Além disso, estas proteínas podem atuar como fatores de virulência em potencial para induzir apoptose de células epiteliais nos estágios iniciais da difteria e nas infecções invasivas causadas pelo C. diphtheriae
A difteria é uma síndrome toxêmica causada pelo Corynebacterium diphtheriae. Embora programas de imunização mantenham a doença sob controle em países desenvolvidos, a difteria ainda permanece endêmica em diversas partes do mundo, especialmente em indivíduos parcialmente imunizados para toxina diftérica. Junto a isso, nos últimos 20 anos, tem-se observado a ocorrência crescente de quadros de infecções sistêmicas causados por cepas atoxinogênicas. A penicilina e eritromicina são as principais drogas de escolha no tratamento destas infecções, entretanto, a escassez de trabalhos reavaliando a terapia de escolha e a influência dos antibióticos no processo de interação bacteriana com células epiteliais humanas são escassos, logo compreendem aspectos que justificam o presente estudo. O objetivo principal deste projeto consiste na análise da influência do pré-tratamento de células epiteliais Hep-2 com os antimicrobianos penicilina e eritromicina na colonização e viabilidade intracelular de amostras de C. diphtheriae. As monocamadas foram submetidas ao tratamento prévio com doses séricas terapêuticas de penicilina (5g mL1) e eritromicina (1,92 g mL1) por 24 horas e os antibióticos foram removidos por lavagens com PBS antes da interação com a suspensão bacteriana (MOI de 107). Três horas após a infecção, o padrão de aderência foi investigado como também, realizada a análise das bactérias viáveis associadas e internalizadas nas monocamadas. O pré-tratamento com penicilina induziu a formação de perfil de aderência difuso (AD) pelas amostras estudadas. Microorganismos que normalmente apresentam padrão de aderência localizado (AL) passaram a expressar perfil (AD) após pré-tratamento das camadas com ambos antimicrobianos. A expressão do tipo agregativo (AA) não foi influenciada pela presença de eritromicina. A penicilina e a eritromicina reduziram o número de bactérias viáveis associadas às células HEp-2 na maioria das oportunidades. Entretanto, a penicilina interferiu em maior magnitude nesse processo. As três amostras invasoras de C. diphtheriae (HC01, HC04 e BR5015), apresentaram maior capacidade de sobrevivência no compartimento intracelular, independente do pré-tratamento. A expressão dos perfis de aderência assim como a capacidade de sobrevivência no compartimento intracelular frente aos antimicrobianos testados mostraram-se independentes da produção de toxina e dos percentuais de associação com as células HEp-2. Foi observada uma maior eficiência da eritromicina na eliminação de bactérias viáveis internalizadas reforçando a utilização clínica da eritromicina tanto no tratamento de pacientes quanto na erradicação do estado de portador. Novos estudos serão desenvolvidos para investigar alterações na expressão de fatores de virulência por amostras de C. diphtheriae na interação com células HEp-2 pré-tratadas com antimicrobianos e a influência sobre a evolução clínica das infecções por corinebactérias
Les autotransporteurs monomériques, appartenant au système de sécrétion de type V, correspondent à une famille importante de facteurs de virulence bactériens. Plusieurs fonctions, souvent essentielles pour le développement d’une infection ou pour le maintien et la survie des bactéries dans l’organisme hôte, ont été décrites pour cette famille de protéines. Malgré l’importance de ces protéines, notre connaissance de leur biogenèse et de leur mécanisme d’action demeure relativement limitée. L’autotransporteur AIDA-I, retrouvé chez diverses souches d’Escherichia coli, est un autotransporter multifonctionnel typique impliqué dans l’adhésion et l’invasion cellulaire ainsi que dans la formation de biofilm et d’agrégats bactériens. Les domaines extracellulaires d’autotransporteurs monomériques sont responsables de la fonctionnalité et possèdent pratiquement tous une structure caractéristique d’hélice β. Nous avons mené une étude de mutagenèse aléatoire avec AIDA-I afin de comprendre la base de la multifonctionnalité de cette protéine. Par cette approche, nous avons démontré que les domaines passagers de certains autotransporteurs possèdent une organisation modulaire, ce qui signifie qu’ils sont construits sous la forme de modules fonctionnels. Les domaines passagers d’autotransporteurs peuvent être clivés et relâchés dans le milieu extracellulaire. Toutefois, malgré la diversité des mécanismes de clivage existants, plusieurs protéines, telles qu’AIDA-I, sont clivées par un mécanisme qui demeure inconnu. En effectuant une renaturation in vitro d’AIDA-I, couplée avec une approche de mutagenèse dirigée, nous avons démontré que cette protéine se clive par un mécanisme autocatalytique qui implique deux acides aminés possédant un groupement carboxyle. Ces résultats ont permis la description d’un nouveau mécanisme de clivage pour la famille des autotransporteurs monomériques. Une des particularités d’AIDA-I est sa glycosylation par une heptosyltransférase spécifique nommée Aah. La glycosylation est un concept plutôt récent chez les bactéries et pour l’instant, très peu de protéines ont été décrites comme glycosylées chez E. coli. Nous avons démontré que Aah est le prototype pour une nouvelle famille de glycosyltransférases bactériennes retrouvées chez diverses espèces de protéobactéries. La glycosylation d’AIDA-I est une modification cytoplasmique et post-traductionnelle. De plus, Aah ne reconnaît pas une séquence primaire, mais plutôt un motif structural. Ces observations sont uniques chez les bactéries et permettent d’élargir nos connaissances sur la glycosylation chez les procaryotes. La glycosylation par Aah est essentielle pour la conformation d’AIDA-I et par conséquent pour sa capacité de permettre l’adhésion. Puisque plusieurs homologues d’Aah sont retrouvés à proximité d’autotransporteurs monomériques putatifs, cette famille de glycosyltranférases pourrait être importante, sinon essentielle, pour la biogenèse et/ou la fonction de nombreux autotransporteurs. En conclusion, les résultats présentés dans cette thèse apportent de nouvelles informations et permettent une meilleure compréhension de la biogenèse d’une des plus importantes familles de protéines sécrétées chez les bactéries Gram négatif.
AIDA-I (adhesin involved in diffuse adherence) est une importante adhésine autotransporteur exprimée par certaines souches de Escherichia. coli impliquée dans la colonisation des porcelets sevrés causant la diarrhée post-sevrage et la maladie de l’œdème. Une précédente étude de notre laboratoire a identifié l’apolipoprotéine AI (ApoAI) du sérum porcin, la protéine structurale des lipoprotéines à haute densité, comme récepteur cellulaire putatif de AIDA-I. L’interaction entre ces deux protéines doit être caractérisée. Ici, nous montrons par ELISA que AIDA-I purifiée est capable d’interagir avec l’ApoAI humaine, mais également avec les apolipoprotéines B et E2. L’ApoAI est rencontrée sous deux formes, soit libre ou associée aux lipides. Nous montrons que la forme libre n’interagit pas avec les bactéries AIDA-I+ mais s’associe spécifiquement à l’ApoAI membranaire de cellules épithéliales HEp-2. Afin d’étudier le rôle de l’ApoAI dans l’adhésion des bactéries, nous avons infecté des cellules HEp-2 en présence d’anticorps dirigés contre l’ApoAI, mais l’adhésion des bactéries AIDA I+ n’a jamais été réduite. De plus, l’induction de l’expression de l’ApoAI par fénofibrate et GW7647 chez les cellules Caco 2 polarisée et Hep G2, n’a pas permis l’augmentation de l’adhésion cellulaire des E. coli exprimant AIDA-I. Notre étude suggère davantage que l’interaction entre AIDA-I et ApoAI n’intervient pas dans les mécanismes d’adhésion cellulaire.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The ability of Neisseria meningitidis (MC) to interact with cellular barriers is essential to its pathogenesis. With epithelial cells, this process has been modeled in two steps. The initial stage of localized adherence is mediated by bacterial pili. After this phase, MC disperse and lose piliation, thus leading to a diffuse adherence. At this stage, microvilli have disappeared, and MC interact intimately with cells and are, in places, located on pedestals of actin, thus realizing attaching and effacing (AE) lesions. The bacterial attributes responsible for these latter phenotypes remain unidentified. Considering that bacteria are nonpiliated at this stage, pili cannot be directly responsible for this effect. However, the initial phase of pilus-mediated localized adherence is required for the occurrence of diffuse adherence, loss of microvilli, and intimate attachment, because nonpiliated bacteria are not capable of such a cellular interaction. In this work, we engineered a mutation in the cytoplasmic nucleotide-binding protein PilT and showed that this mutation increased piliation and abolished the dispersal phase of bacterial clumps as well as the loss of piliation. Furthermore, no intimate attachment nor AE lesions were observed. On the other hand, PilT− MC remained adherent as piliated clumps at all times. Taken together these data demonstrate that the induction of diffuse adherence, intimate attachment, and AE lesions after pilus-mediated adhesion requires the cytoplasmic PilT protein.
Diarrhea-causing Escherichia coli strains are responsible for numerous cases of gastrointestinal disease and constitute a serious health problem throughout the world. The ability to recognize and attach to host intestinal surfaces is an essential step in the pathogenesis of such strains. AIDA is a potent bacterial adhesin associated with some diarrheagenic E. coli strains. AIDA mediates bacterial attachment to a broad variety of human and other mammalian cells. It is a surface-displayed autotransporter protein and belongs to the selected group of bacterial glycoproteins; only the glycosylated form binds to mammalian cells. Here, we show that AIDA possesses self-association characteristics and can mediate autoaggregation of E. coli cells. We demonstrate that intercellular AIDA-AIDA interaction is responsible for bacterial autoaggregation. Interestingly, AIDA-expressing cells can interact with antigen 43 (Ag43) -expressing cells, which is indicative of an intercellular AIDA-Ag43 interaction. Additionally, AIDA expression dramatically enhances biofilm formation by E. coli on abiotic surfaces in How chambers.
A combination of uni- and multiplex PCR assays targeting 58 virulence genes (VGs) associated with Escherichia coli strains causing intestinal and extraintestinal disease in humans and other mammals was used to analyze the VG repertoire of 23 commensal E. coli isolates from healthy pigs and 52 clinical isolates associated with porcine neonatal diarrhea (ND) and postweaning diarrhea (PWD). The relationship between the presence and absence of VGs was interrogated using three statistical methods. According to the generalized linear model, 17 of 58 VGs were found to be significant (P < 0.05) in distinguishing between commensal and clinical isolates. Nine of the 17 genes represented by iha, hlyA, aidA, east1, aah, fimH, iroN(E).(coli), traT, and saa have not been previously identified as important VGs in clinical porcine isolates in Australia. The remaining eight VGs code for fimbriae (F4, F5, F18, and F41) and toxins (STa, STh, LT, and Stx2), normally associated with porcine enterotoxigenic E. coli. Agglomerative hierarchical algorithm analysis grouped E. coli strains into subclusters based primarily on their serogroup. Multivariate analyses of clonal relationships based on the 17 VGs were collapsed into two-dimensional space by principal coordinate analysis. PWD clones were distributed in two quadrants, separated from ND and commensal clones, which tended to cluster within one quadrant. Clonal subclusters within quadrants were highly correlated with serogroups. These methods of analysis provide different perspectives in our attempts to understand how commensal and clinical porcine enterotoxigenic E. coli strains have evolved and are engaged in the dynamic process of losing or acquiring VGs within the pig population.
Intimin, an outer membrane protein encoded by eaeA, is a key determinant for the formation of attaching and effacing (AE) lesions by enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC). To investigate the role of intimin in adherence, the eaeA gene was insertionally inactivated in three EHEC O157:H7 strains of diverse origin. The absence or presence of intimin did not correlate with the extent of adhesion of mutant or wild-type O157:H7 in tissue culture and neonatal calf gut tissue explant adherence assays. Adherence of the eaeA mutants to HEp-2 cells was diffuse with no evidence of intimate attachment whereas wild-type bacteria formed microcolonies and AE lesions. Intimin-independent adherence to neonatal calf gut explants was demonstrated by eaeA mutants and wild-type strains which adhered in the greatest numbers to colon but least well to rumen tissue. These results confirm that intimin is necessary for intimate attachment and that additional adherence factors are involved in intimin-independent adherence.
This study aims to predict adherence to diabetic treatment regimens and sustained diabetic control. During two clinic visits that were 2 months apart, 63 adult outpatients completed measures of diabetic history, current treatment, diabetic control, adherence, and self-efficacy about adherence to treatment. Results showed that self-efficacy was a significant predictor of later adherence to diabetes treatment even after past levels of adherence were taken into account. Posttest levels of adherence in turn were significantly associated with posttest %HbA1c after control for illness severity. A stepwise multiple regression to predict %HbAlc at post entered pretest measures of diabetic control, treatment type, and self-efficacy, which together predicted 50% of the variance. Results are related to self-efficacy theory and implications for practice are discussed.
A non-destructive, diffuse reflectance near infrared spectroscopy (DR-NIRS)approach is considered as a potential tool for determining the component-level structural properties of articular cartilage. To this end, DR-NIRS was applied in vitro to detect structural changes, using principal component analysis as the statistical basis for characterization. The results show that this technique, particularly with first-derivative pretreatment, can distinguish normal, intact cartilage from enzymatically digested cartilage. Further, this paper establishes that the use of DR-NIRS enables the probing of the full depth of the uncalcified cartilage matrix, potentially allowing the assessment of degenerative changes in joint tissue, independent of the site of initiation of the osteoarthritic process.